

The story seems not to have the ending, but it seems to have had its ending.(2)

2011年11月30日 22時32分33秒 | hot topics recent

According to the observatory, today's temperature is high as about 28degree. Although in the dusk, people would still feel some wind, as flying yellow fallen leaves, we just need a short T-shirt again. But maybe tomorrow it will benot different, it is said that it will be down about 18-20degree, till 8 or 10degree. It make someone feel some scare.

Recently, a lot of local news deprive people's mind.

For example, a small bus(9 people limited-loading ) was squeezed(hardly trapped in) 62pupils+1driver+1teacher. After the accident(happened day: 2011-11-17), 20died(including 1 teacher and 1 driver) and 44injured. When someone are angrying and suspecting wether this was ture or not, a video was uploaded - That is, a small bus(8 people limited-loading) was squeezed 64pupils+1driver+1teacher, the luck of it is no one was death and injured this time(happen day: 2011-09-09).

A land where there is always magic. 

No one could feel happy, after watching this, I guess.


I donot know what the management should do?

I donot know what the management must do?

I donot know what the management ought to bear?

参考: (video) http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Rr5ncGNDSuI/



The story seems not to have the ending, but it seems to have had its ending.(1)

2011年11月29日 22時52分21秒 | 僕の考え

According to the observatory, today's temperature is high as about 27.7degree. Although in the morning and the dusk, people would still feel a lightly cool, as someone blow some air, we just need a short T-shirt that is good enough.

Recently, our area has a lot of thing that could make eveyone has enough shook.

Firstly, I want to recall something that happened before. That is a morning on the 12th, Nov. When I was passing the gate of 1 of our local Tv station at about 9am, facing the strong raised sun, I suddenly saw 3 people curling in some shadow of the gate that is still not covered by sunshine, with some paper in their hands. According to my judgement, they are Pe????????s. In our area, someone who gets the unfair, they almost couldnot get enough help from local management, they almost couldnot get enough help from local judical system... The lasting hope is that they wish they could go to the higher management system and get the help of them to support their rights.

Would this work? Almost they couldnot get their answer.

1. Higher system couldnot solve those problem, because they couldnot break the managerment's rule of this for just someone.

2. Higher system donot want to show those negative news in front of the public.

3. Higher system would be even for their good and clean image, then let lower management system to drive off, to capture, ... those claiming and applying their rights from where they came from.

4. Higher system hold a traditional mind - money I need, job I neednot.

5. Higher system could use a lot of ways, moved the reception room to a far and no one could notice place, send state apparatus to patrol in front of their locating gate...

Then, those applying persons had to find a new place, they throw their hopes in the media. They wish journalist could give them a hand. But they maybe donot understand, under these situation, what could those journalist do?

Back to the story, I understood that those 3people just wished to see and hand their data in their hand to those influential journalists whom they usually watch Tv and see. I donot want to mention how many these kinds of facts happened in our land everyday, I just want to point out - would they have power to uncover?

The story seems not to have the ending, but it seems to have had its ending.




What is misfortune?

2011年11月22日 22時18分00秒 | 僕の考え

Today, at somewhere of our local, when traffic light is showing red, a license plate was 広  20014(army license) civilian vehicle(car) stopped over the line about 1metre away, and was occupying some of a gap beside the zebra crossing(this gap usually was used to pass those bikes and trolley but not official).

I was crossing at the zone of zebra. Suddenly, I hear light sound of "Peng" and then heard several senior women walking together said, "Ai, he is misfortune." I looked beside that way, a middle age with some humpbacked man was pushing a trolley for carring rubbish (trolley is written on: rubbish compression station)and hit a little of the car's front corner by the trolley's corner.

That car's driver(no wearing any uniform) caught and pestered that man and asking for compensate. They blocked at there. Luckly, no sooner than a traffic police came. After he took a picture in the front of the car and at the back of the car, he lead 2 sides' drive car and trolley to a no blocking roadside.

I am waiting for the Just. Humpbacked man certainly claimed his opinion: while red light, using the normal gap to pass, and at the same time, that car has rush out the line and is occupy some gap zone. Car driver still loudly stressed his car was hit. Police just insisted that the trolley wasnot using the zebra zone and you had really hit others' car. After he talked with that driver, and told with the man several times, the man had accepted. 100yuan(rmb, about 1,500円). (Normally, a sanitation worker's salary is about 1,500yuan(22,500円) a month).

Now, those crowding slowly left away. I am just a witness of there. 

Maybe the army license plate car's driver think - I have done my concession. Maybe the policeman think - I have done my best to lead the best result. Maybe the worker man think - Why I was so unfortunately!

Our baby's record(0054)-Clumsy walking!(with shoes)

2011年11月21日 22時56分36秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

About several weeks ago, after our baby could walk, we try to let him wear shoes. But after that, he seems couldnot know how to walk. Today(2011-11-21), I tryed to give him shoes, and stayed away 2meters, then shook hands with him. He could begin to walk, but he seemed as someone who are walking in the mug, foot was lift quite high.

I will record his bungle tomorrow.

Our baby's record(0053)-Becoming an mustang!

2011年11月16日 22時57分37秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

3 days ago(2011-11-13), our baby sound a new sound-DA, DA(だ、だ). Since, he began to sound a new sound-BUDA, BUDA(ぶだ). But he still didnot say any significant word or sentence. Since 2011-11-11, I had found him could really understand to say Good-bye to others. When we say, "Say byebye to **" , then he could shake all his hands to that one(maybe this is a funnist way to say goodbye).

Recently, changing clothing and diaper is a really difficult thing. He would use all his ways to get rid of your controll.

Our baby's record(0052)-Tomorrow is another day!

2011年11月13日 22時53分57秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

Tomorrow is another day.

Tomorrow(2011-11-14), Riko will go back her working place. After her borning, she has leaven her working place about 10.5 months long. Her working place allows women who born baby could enjoy 1year long's breasting baby holiday. But in this year, after every women have a rest over those formal resting-days that are forced by government and the over-part are no longer than 6months, their every month's income would be cut about 30%. And if their unformal resting days are over 6months, they would lose the double-prize in the end of a year. And every worker who are absent over 15days whatever reasons are would be cut 30% income of this month.

After thinking, so we decide to rest before the deadline of 6months(out of formal-days) and just let us lose every month's 30%. The last caculation result is tomorrow is the best.

After leaving so long, Riko said that she didont know whether she could work or not. I smiled and said that this was a anxious show as we went back to school after a long vocation

With Riko's going, our baby have to face a new problem, that is he couldnot see her mother some hours in a day(although Riko said she would come home in the noon, in order to breast him and make him feel more comfortable). But this is still a big problem that is put in front of everyone who stays in home. I really wish our baby could be over this new mountain in front of him.

Go, go, our brave baby!

Rain is lasting about 36 hours.

2011年11月09日 22時45分03秒 | グルメ

Since 6am yesterday morning, till 6pm this evening, it is raining. The good news is that we donot need to face flowing, last time(the 14th, Oct), the water is over my knees.

Yesterday, I wanted to write something. But the bad net, according to the bad weather, our local area's net service would become very bad.

Go with the weather! Not only we couldnot link on google.co.jp , use yahoo's messager etc., and we had to understand the bad ISP(Internet service providers).

Our baby's record(0051)-Our baby's thinking ability is improving today.

2011年11月07日 22時05分15秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

Today, Our baby's thinking ability is improving.

This afternoon, I took him to my massage's teacher's house. When he saw the dog(about 1metre long, 4-years-old), he has seen that dog the 4th time. But he still cried(crying with tears) again, but his fearlessness time came earlier and his curiosity for it has become more thicker than before.

He like to push some plastic chair on the ground recently since we took him to Riko's mother's house on the 4th last month(October, 2011). Today, when he pushed the chair to a block in front of  a door, he could stop and go to the otherside, turn around and push that chair to escape the block on the converse side... Haha...

The other thing makes me be unhappy.

That is last midnight, our grandfather feel not good in the nurse room and my aunt dialed a call to us. This morning, my mother rushed to hometown again. This morning, they have a decision, donot take him to the hospital, let him peacefully enjoy maybe his last happy life. I feel very unhappy!!

Our baby's record(0050)-Our baby's walking ability is improving very quickly.

2011年11月06日 22時30分14秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

Recently, our baby's walking ability is improving very quickly. He can almost walk quite smoothlly, no object by relying on. Several days ago(about 7days,Oct-31-2011), he even want to walked more quickly by short frequency steps.

About 2days ago(Nov-4-2011), he seems to understand to shake his small hands to say "Good-bye" to those who say "Goodbye" and shake hands with him as them.

Since yesterday(Nov-5-2011), I found him could understand befote I take off the bus and say"Let's take off the bus". When I told this to Riko, she said, “He has understood more early, just you donot keep an eye on him.”

Today is my grandfather's birthday, we celebrated it with him in the noon. Because of illness' torment, he is weaker and slimer a lot than the 1st, May. I didnot like to mark down this scene, so I gave up my original decision. He sit on a wheelchair and cut the cake in the restaurant with us.

Long life! I wish, I really wish.

In this evening, our cousin came back to see his mother who is in the hospital now. He invite to have dinner. He told us, according to his birthday, he will retire at 68years and 10months that time, and the deadline is as same as women. We couldnot close our open mouths. How serious the rule is!

Now, in our area, men are 60; normal women are 50, those who have some powers could be order at 55. At this field, I think we are lucky.

Live Broadcast Radio-Websites(33): fm100.6広東花都台

2011年11月02日 22時48分55秒 | ラジオ生放送Live-Radio Web
Warmly welcome everyone to listen!(聞く誰でも歓迎してください!)
(Since 2011年09月 から)

午前(Peking Time 北京時間):
(1. 1:00pm-1:30pm 100.5MHZ 広東ラジオ放送局 - ■広东 花都電台 

2.   )

《楊家将》 - (播講者:張悦楷) ^^^FM100.5MHZ  広東ラジオ放送局 - ■広东 花都電台^^^


Our baby's record(0049)-Today, our baby has been 10months-old.

2011年11月01日 22時57分08秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

Today, our baby begins to step in the 10th months. Before 10months ago, riko brought him to the world. From a just crying baby, to now he has become a baby who has some ability and intelligence baby. He could understand a few sentences and words sounded by us; he could walk...; he could express some requests; ...

The future's road is certainly tough and couldnot be sensed. We wish we could lead him a good way and let him walk better. This is our future's biggest target and aim till the last of our life, I think.

Although I am very busy, I have to write something this evening. And thanks for riko, because of her great sacrifice, our baby could be healthy and come to the world, then bring us a lot of happiness and hope. "Thank you very much! Best wishes for you."

And as this for all mothers in this world! "Thank you very much! Best wishes for you all."