Today, I went to a bank to save some US dollars. I saved them as certificates of deposit. After I signed my name and finished all the thing and prepared to leave the count, I had some doubt in the heart. "I remember my mother have told me that US dollars' saving interest rate is very low. But why did the form show me several percent rate. "
This made me puzzle. So before I left, I cannot help asking the bank clerk, "Which rate would you use when you mark the rate?" I was pointing the current interest rate announcement board on the wall. Actually, he is a intern. He made a mistake that was - marking US dollar's rate as local money's interest rate. US dollar's rate is 1 percent not enough. His face fulled was of nervous. Then he asked his head to cancle that form and that record on the bankbook, give me a new one...
This spent me more time. In this event, I could understand him. Every job is not easy to get under this economy situation. But I really wished he could say more any sorry to a cutomer who he has brought to any trouble.