

LED電球に未来はない~ジェイク ダイソンインタビューJake Dyson Light

2015年06月23日 12時05分33秒 | 日本語

LED電球に未来はない~ジェイク ダイソンインタビュー

 “吸引力の変わらない、ただ1つの掃除機”というキャッチフレーズのCMでもお馴染みのダイソン。日本国内の掃除機市場トップシェアを誇るなど、ますます成長を続けている。そのダイソンに最近、ある会社が参入した。LEDライトの開発を行なう「ジェイク ダイソン ライト」という会社だ。(Impress Watch)


三連休3resting days since yesterday.

2015年06月21日 10時15分19秒 | hot topics recent

三連休3resting days since yesterday. 

2015-06-20(yesterday), its the 1st day of the resting day. And itʻs the public holiday of dragon boat festival. When I embarked to an island, I had saw 2 dragon boat being trailed to dragon boat race water, or they had just finished the race practise play. Dragon boat race will be hold next week. Itʻs a mixed sports, tourism spread, folk, praying for prosperous,peaceful & health in the coming year festival holiday.

Luckily in this year, 21st(today), itʻs the day of fatherʻs day from USA. Recently, a lot of us accepting of it. Because of we could borrow it to show our thanks for father who bring us to the world(including Motherʻs day), another it could give us a chance to get together, eating or playing.

22th(tomorrow), itʻs the day of summer solstice. I like this day. Because during this period, the daytime will be the longest, dark night will be the shortest. We can work more longer than before.It seems that we had earned the time to live. And, at the same time, we could join the hot temperature. I like hot weather, it make me can enjoy more sun shine day, more swim day, more sports day, more enjoy beautiful girlsʻ cool wearing day... I swear, when sweat rush out from your pores, you could feel the comfortable never before.