

Our baby's record(0023)-Stepping in the 5th months, baby's smell system is developing.

2011年05月30日 21時40分41秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

Yesterday, we went to visit one of our friend. She has a boy, too. And the boy is elder than ours 3 months. That baby could sit and just sleep while he is sitting in a baby car and shaking that car back and forth. Our baby is different, he likes to be hug, listen to songs that we sing quietly and walk and walk. (I ever hugged him and walked about 55minutes).

Stepping in the 5th months, baby's smell system will need to help to development. Parents should give baby more chances to smell many flavors. This may me thinking about something, that is yesterday, when we were taken the bus, a very strong odour spreading out from our nearby passenger. When we got off and discuss about, we thought that this is the cause why our baby crying in the bus.

00006-Discussions about laws.

2011年05月29日 22時05分09秒 | hot topics recent

Recently, our area happened several explosions. Whatever you say, life is unlimited. I donot want to say when, where, what, who about these explosions, but I want to discuss why.

Some unfortunate accidents appeared because of the lost of reasonable. Some people's reasonable requirement are ignored, hurt, treaded...

In our area, there are a lot of laws. You know, actually, laws should be respected, followed, obeyed... shouldnot be contorted by someone, be changed according to one's wishes, be a tool to attacked those that you donot like... laws couldnot be just locked in the bookshelf to show, laws couldnot just be a clothing to swank, laws couldnot be a task to be completed...If one's reasonable requirements are all refused, if one's reasonable requirements are all prevented, If one's reasonable requirements are all blocked, ... When these are happening, then, when this one could easily find some TNT, who knows who would be the next victims, who would be the next innocents...

Although almost all explosions focused their local managers, I am scaring my future.

Our baby's record(0022)-Creep is a very important movement.

2011年05月24日 21時21分42秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

Recently, I talked with a doctor. She said, "A lot of kids who live in citys lacking a very important step, that is creep. A lot of them directly move to sit and walk. This is very bad. My kid lacked this step, too. At the past, this was not paid attention to. Now, it is paid attention to at those early education training centre. "

In our area, some parents pursue -- "Donot let the kids lose at the 1st start."(Certainly, I donot think so.) They give them a lot of good conditions, they require them to learn a lot of skills and knowledge since they are in the kindergarten, even if they are 3. But they ignore these primary knowledge. They like to pull up the seedings to help them grow up(拔苗助长). Many parents evaluate that their kids could sit and walk is better than creep-sit-walk. This is worth to show off in front of others. This is obviously wrong. Everything has its own orbit.

At the last, I want to repeat the words said by doctor that is "Creep is a very important movement for the kids. Kids who could creep are usually more intelligent than those who couldnot."

00005-Discussions about reforms in 7 fields of our local.

2011年05月23日 20時58分32秒 | hot topics recent

Recently, 1 document was uncovered that our local area managers has decide to form 7 big local group company, they are in the field of water authority, dispose of rubbish, tube, traffic, gas, Asia Games-city construction, city axis construction etc. 7 areas.

This makes people get a conclusion that local managers are using their administration power to sell or build the biggest local-area monopoly enterprise in order to earn the super high profits. The uncovered of this document cames from a series of recent affairs: to throw into a lot to reopen some small river in the city and spend a lot of money to keep its clean(0.1 billion RMB, about 15 billion yan円 per day), but a lot of low areas in the local couldnot escape when they face the middle heavy rains; to build the waste incineration plant against all odds(sell 25 years waste-incineration-plant right just 1.8 billion RMB, about 3 billion yan円); to use a lot of money(0.06 billion RMB, about 0.1 billion yan円) to redecorate tube's platforms; to sell public traffic right to get a lot of money and cause to increase the public costing of the public; to strongly change the low price gas to a high price gas for resident; to buy as low price land for building Asia Games-city then sell as high real estate house after the completion of Asia Games; to circle the public locating city-axis area as a comercial earning place of someone enterprise...

Certainly, they had denied all the suspects. Our local managers announced that these are active explores.

Actually, no local could prevent them, but also no local would believe them.

Our baby's record(0021)-He could begin to move with the hands, legs......

2011年05月22日 21時00分34秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

Today(22th, May, 2011) our baby could begin to move forward by him self. He could has moved a very little(about 10cm) since 2 days ago. And now he could move quite long, almost 40cm. Although he use the legs, the hands, the waist, the bum, even the head, the mouth, with some stupid, he could enter into the new next mission, this really make us very exciting.

Our baby's record(0020)-As a bumper car on the bed!

2011年05月19日 21時37分46秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

Today(19th, May, 2011), our baby(facing up) could bend the legs a little in order to straight and kick backward to make him move forward a little.

At 17th, May, 2011, he(facing forward) could begin to turn some angle by the abdomen as a support point. And when he lied facing up, he could use the legs to kick backward then move quickly as a bumper car on the bed. Riko said, "How smart he is!" (I told her, "Everyone who looks his(her) baby would say the same words. ")

00004-Discussions about what make human nature disappear.

2011年05月18日 20時49分44秒 | hot topics recent

Recently, our area made a law revision , "Drunk driving driver must be punished by the Crimal-Law since the 1st, May, 2011."

Just in the 1st week, our area happened a very sorrowing accident. At one night about 2am, 1 high-speed cabrio(http://www.cibeicn.com/a/201105/20110508175451.html) crashed 2 persons(1boy and 1girl), then made them roll in the sky and crash hardly on a kiosk(girl was dead, and boy was very serious till now). Next, he was assisted by a girl-passenger, and went out to walk to a cross, then took away by a Taxi. They have never done any help for those victims. Some witnesses wanted to take a picture by cell-phone, but they were stop by someone who were unknown. It is said that they had obvious drunk's sign by some witnesses' pointing. Many medias were enraged. (After he had disappeared about 40 hours later, after policemen had found his tracks then with the advice of policemen, someone who was said that is the driver went out to confess his crime at next day 10pm. After that, he just said appologize to the hurt, but not for the dead. He refused that he ever drunk and policemen even said that he has confessed his crime.)

(Would someone who drunk to drive follow this: after crashing, then leaving, then after alcohol disappearing, they went out to confess someone's crime?)I donot know.

I donot want to discuss whether the driver is him or not, or other details. I just want to show my sorrow.

1. Facing 1 dead and 1 serious hurt, whatever you know it or not at that time, you should not escape the 1stly.

2. Whatever you will be faced any punishment, the only way to decrease your sin is saving lives.

3. Why did his female companion and that Taxi driver not stand out and point something.

4. Certainly, those who drive cabrio are background person. Everyone knows that, but policemen shouldnot.

Ever fresh and living lives vanished.

I really donot want to see the disappear of social justice. I really donot want to see the lost of human nature...But, ...

What made our human nature to disappear slowly? Human's selfishness is expanded and encouraged in a economic society? The strict rule(law)? Insensitivity to death? ...

I think, everyone should have his(her) social responsibllity.

Our baby's record(0019)-Our baby could turn over(face-down) completely today!

2011年05月16日 22時03分19秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

Today our baby could turn over completely on the full-flat bed. Firstly, from left, he felt very difficultly. But at the last, the breakthrough point just from left.

Would you think that this is strange?

After he completely his the 1st on the bed, he likes to turn over again and again. This made us applaud for him again and again...But today I made a big mistake, it is a very dangerous thing. I want to answer a phone call then help him to turn over, then I left the living room. Because he couldnot support himself by his weak hands too long. He collapsed and cried. But all of us couldnot hear of this. After several minutes later, Riko entered and saw his face closing on the bed, tears on the eyes, nasal mucus on the face and saliva on the bed...

Riko blame me, "If I step in a little late, he would be asphyxia." At that time, I argue with her. But after calming down, I know this is very very dangerous. At here, I just show all who have to care with babys. Donot do it again as what I do. "Every moment, you couldnot leave your baby over 10 seconds."

And here, I would like to say apologize for them 2, too.

00003-Discussions about the moment of the primary school and kindergarten enrollment.

2011年05月15日 20時40分40秒 | hot topics recent

Rain is continuing. It has been lasting over 2 weeks. Air is fresh and clean, and not hot. This gives people a comfortable feeling.

But human's world goes its own way, peace wouldnot show.

In our local area, primary school is enrolling new students of the 1st Class. (At about 8:30am yesterday morning, I could see over 30 in a queue in front of the gate of a Class 4(District Class) primary school. -Class 1: State Class; Class 2: Province Class; Class 3: City Class; Class 4: District Class.) This surprise me.

After I check some data, I really couldnot understand how to express it. In our area, total education input brief as below:

年year 百分比GDP%
1991 3.40%
1992 3.20%
1993 3.00%
1994 3.10%
1995 3.10%
1996 3.20%
1997 3.20%
1998 3.50%
1999 3.70%
2000 3.90%
2001 4.20%
2002 4.60%
2003 4.60%
2004 4.50%
2005 4.60%
2006 4.60%
2007 4.70%
2008 4.80%

Source: China statistical yearbook 2009. (page 37 & 818)http://hnshkx.cn/source/201011384244244.pdf

This percent rate is lower than the average level 7% in the world. In our local area, during recent years, local managers is closing many small, not top schools in order to save money. This drives that  those students were forced to push to the less and less top schools. In order to control those who want to step into those several school,  managers set a lot of strange rules.

For example: draw a circle for those who are living in; test kids, but no only kids, including interview kids' parents, and the parents score will as 20% in the total of the kids' test; the owner of the living house is just only father or mother, is not including father or mother + grandpa, grandma, or other relationships; ...; the most power unique skill(ひっさつわざ必殺技)is that to ask parents write down how many money would you like to Donate to education, in this year the lowest line of the amount of donate for Class 3 schools has been to 60,000 rmb, (about 1 million yen円), it is said that the highest has been to 160,000 rmb(about 2.5 million yen円), the unspoken word is if you could donate much, the chance that you could enter is bigger. The donate amount is about 0.7 billion rmb(about 11 billion yen円( Although the great amount about over 70% would be throw into education of all area school, the lasting would be throwed into that school who collected these donation. I think this would encourage the unfair spreading.  ); there are only stable quota in every school, and if you queue outside that number, sorry, you have to donate or wait for being arranged to other school...

So, parents are all be heat up. Some queue in the evening, some are befor 14 hours, even some are before 3 days! My God!

Even the war is fighted in the kindergarten, some order donate 60 thousands rmb as primary school... To queue several days ago is seriouser than school, too.

I couldnot make any evaluation, I amnot an expert. But I think if citizens couldnot get fair and good education, that it would tie people's intelligence and break the social's peace...

00002-Discussions about using complex emotion to consider this birth policy.

2011年05月12日 21時36分49秒 | hot topics recent

I was looking forward to get some good news about our area's Birth Policy after National People's Congress (NPC) on March this year, but hope become hopeless again.

Our area are followed the "1 child policy". It has begun and done over 30 years. This policy is very suitable under that situation-rocketing birthrate(at my mother's generation, they were encouraged to birth, she has 8 brothers and sisters). Quota is very huge. Our land certainly couldnot bear.

But after running dozens years' control policy later, with reduction of population, economy gets increase, some problems are getting increase, too.

1. Population is rocketing to step in senior society. The whole society is going to face short resource to serve for the senior.

2. Population is rocketing to step in senior society. It directly cause the short of suitable working group. Then very cheap and working ability labours' group is vanishing.

3. Population is rocketing to step in senior society. Consume would be decreasing. Economic contraction would happen.

4. Population is rocketing to step in senior society. Society would become more and more unfair. If someone violate "1 child policy", there are 3 choices: (a)If you have money, you can pay fine(about 3-5 times of local income per capita at the year before your child born.) for every child. (b)If you havenot money, you could escape your living place to the place where you couldnot be captured, and your child would become a no household register citizen - an invisible person in one country forever. (c)If you havenot money, and you donot want to leave your hometown, before your child's birth, you could be forced to abortion.

5.  Population is rocketing to step in senior society. It would increase burdens of the retirement insurance and social welfare burden.

6. With population control policy, Traditional supporting seniors mode has been collapsed. In the past, most parents would live with their children and their grandchildren... Now, only a few seniors could live with few ability children. Because maybe a couple should support each parents(2x2)+their children(1)+maybe grandparent(?)=5+?. How heavy!

7. With population control policy, Traditional relationship was destroy. Sister, brother, uncle, aunt...etc. are all disappear. The tie of blood are loosed.

8. With population control policy, character and personality...etc. of a child was force to become strange, they wouldnot know share, care, compromise,...etc. a lot, a lot...

9. With population control policy, it would destroy the stabel of a society. If the only 1 child of a family happen an accident, how stronge the strike to a family is. For example, 12th May in 2008's wenchuan sichuan China's earthquake(2008年5月12日の中国四川汶川地震) broke how many father, mother, grandfather, grandmother's mind. These are showed as just as yesterday...

I want to born some children, for myself, I wouldnot be lonely when I will be old; for myself, I would be cared when I will be old; for my self, I wouldnot easily be bullied...

But I donot know whether this would come true before our fertilities disappear!

00001-Discussions about TUBE platform's redecorations.

2011年05月11日 21時29分29秒 | hot topics recent

Recently, our local area are hitting by our local TUBE platform's redocrations.

According to the announcement and plan, they are going to redecorate No.1 line's all 16 station's platforms. Total cost is about 60 million yuan rmb (about 1 billion yen, 10億円).

At first, no one focus on it.

In May day ( International Labour Day ) holiday, because of a middle school student's movement, it went into publice's eyes. Because of this student, using this holidays, handing a paper-board that is written-please sign your name to support TUBE to keep the tradition of  " 1 station 1 sight " ("1 station 1 sight" is the whole TUBE's original decoration style, means every station's platform has its special style. ), please sign your name to support TUBE to dump such enormous redecoration's plan.

Then, with a lot of media's following reports, and few duty to the NPC and CPPCC members begin to shout, and public begin to concern about this.

Iceberg under the water was slowly leak out.

1.The student has object on his blog, but it gets less attention. Now, the TUBE company has broken 3 stations' platform and began the redecoration.

The whole area of our here, is like a big toy shop. People like to decorate their houses often. A lot of construction-rubbishes were thrown into enviroment. Our living area is becoming more and more unsuitable to live. 1 billion yen could procuce how much, no one knows.

2. The reason of redecoration is not enough to be believable: they declaimed that a lot of materials couldnot be bought at now. But a TV's news woman could found some main materials in 2 Decoration Materials Market of local easily, just by pictures of materials that she took by camera. These ceramic tiles are unexpensive as about 20 yuan rmb ( about 300 yen 300円) per square metre. But now TUBE company is using grantie, price is about 200-300 yuan rmb ( about 3000-4500 yen 3000-4500円) per square metre.

Maybe, the lier forget a reality of our local. Because  there are still quite a lot of houses were built many many years ago and the rich and the unrich people's great developing make the high-class materials and low-class materials occupy each big part of the market. So, even some materials that are over 30 years could still be found and bought in the market.

3. Tube company said that some places' wall and some lights have shown some breaks and some losses since 5 years.

This TUBE is the 1st tube of our local and was opened to use just June, 1997. It is not as long as 14 years now. A famous and important construction would be so easily to show some problems? Who should be responsible for this? Even facing some broken area, they should repair them just those parts. Why clean them all?

Why donot they repair?

4. " 1 station 1 sight " show local's style and artists' hard working. It is becoming a namecard of our TUBE.

5. Our local TUBE company is not a true enterprise. It is invested by government. It is a nation owning  company(theory's meaning: owning by the whole public who are the citizens of this nation) and geting financial subsidies from local government every year. Public have the rights to know, to understand, and to vote this plan. And, the more important is TUBE company still an enterprise running in red, why it couldnot save in its ordinary running.

After several fighting with public and media, TUBE company has changed some plan, but I think development of  this crisis would be certainly going to its first decision-no one could stop these kinds of companies' decision.

And other, why just few duty to the NPC and CPPCC members to shout, where are the great numbers of others? And why they shout and are angry after a middle school student?

Live Broadcast Radio-Websites(23): 100.2MHZ広東江門台

2011年05月10日 21時21分23秒 | ラジオ生放送Live-Radio Web
Warmly welcome everyone to listen!(聞く誰でも歓迎してください!)
(Since 2011.4から)

午前(Peking Time 北京時間):
(1. 12:00pm-12:30pm 100.2MHZ 広東江門台 -《朱元璋演義》-播講者:林兆明
2. 6:30pm-7:00pm )

《朱元璋演義》 -播講者:林兆明^^^100.2MHZ 広東江門台^^^


The gift that I made for Riko's and my mother's Mother Day's.

2011年05月09日 21時35分29秒 | グルメ

Yesterday is American Mother Day. But we celebrated it as others' festivals as usual. As my plan, I was going to cook cakes for Riko and my mother. But I forgot to buy sugar...

I have to make it today.

I used 1 hour to stir those eggs and sugar, then steamed it about 20 minutes every.

Completed! Cakes that I made!

Delicious!(But they prefer that I could add more eggs.)


1. Materials: 0.5 kilogram flour, 7 flash eggs, 0.3 kilogram sugar.

2. Mix sugar and eggs together, then stir them 1 hour(Certainly this includ the resting time. ) by hand or about 1 minutes by machine.

3. Then you would get some liquid with rich small air bubbles.

4. Stir flour and bubbles-liquid completely.

5. Put in some container, then steam it about 15 minutes(The time rely on the strong or weak of your cooking power. ) till it is O.K.(Checking way: use 1 chopstick to plug in then take out to see whether there is some wet material still sticking on. If there is not , that is O.K.)

Till it is cool, you could begin to taste.

Our baby's record(0017)-Congratulations to her and her baby!

2011年05月05日 20時56分08秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

After 5 days' rain, the sky of local resumes to gray today. From this, maybe I could peep the air pollution in local.

Son of  mother's a friend born a preemie yesterday afternoon. Congratulation! To her and her baby!

The baby is just 32 weeks, and 1.6 kilogram. So tiny. Maybe is just as big as a little dog. A doctor said, this baby is not the small, some are even 1 kilogram, and she even heard that some baby is 1 kilogram not enough-just as small as could be held in 2 hands.

In our local, a baby who is not over 2.5 kilogram would be forced to the baby-incubator. This would cost them about 1,600 rmb(about 23,000円) per day and over about 3,000rmb checking fee(about 43,000円). Then, maybe the mother couldnot breast-feed by mother's milk. These wouldnot be a good news for their family...

Last evening, our local network doesnot work smoothly. I wanted to write, but I couldnot link easily, it was often be broken. So, I do it this evening.