Recently, our local area are hitting by our local TUBE platform's redocrations.
According to the announcement and plan, they are going to redecorate No.1 line's all 16 station's platforms. Total cost is about 60 million yuan rmb (about 1 billion yen, 10億円).
At first, no one focus on it.
In May day ( International Labour Day ) holiday, because of a middle school student's movement, it went into publice's eyes. Because of this student, using this holidays, handing a paper-board that is written-please sign your name to support TUBE to keep the tradition of " 1 station 1 sight " ("1 station 1 sight" is the whole TUBE's original decoration style, means every station's platform has its special style. ), please sign your name to support TUBE to dump such enormous redecoration's plan.
Then, with a lot of media's following reports, and few duty to the NPC and CPPCC members begin to shout, and public begin to concern about this.
Iceberg under the water was slowly leak out.
1.The student has object on his blog, but it gets less attention. Now, the TUBE company has broken 3 stations' platform and began the redecoration.
The whole area of our here, is like a big toy shop. People like to decorate their houses often. A lot of construction-rubbishes were thrown into enviroment. Our living area is becoming more and more unsuitable to live. 1 billion yen could procuce how much, no one knows.
2. The reason of redecoration is not enough to be believable: they declaimed that a lot of materials couldnot be bought at now. But a TV's news woman could found some main materials in 2 Decoration Materials Market of local easily, just by pictures of materials that she took by camera. These ceramic tiles are unexpensive as about 20 yuan rmb ( about 300 yen 300円) per square metre. But now TUBE company is using grantie, price is about 200-300 yuan rmb ( about 3000-4500 yen 3000-4500円) per square metre.
Maybe, the lier forget a reality of our local. Because there are still quite a lot of houses were built many many years ago and the rich and the unrich people's great developing make the high-class materials and low-class materials occupy each big part of the market. So, even some materials that are over 30 years could still be found and bought in the market.
3. Tube company said that some places' wall and some lights have shown some breaks and some losses since 5 years.
This TUBE is the 1st tube of our local and was opened to use just June, 1997. It is not as long as 14 years now. A famous and important construction would be so easily to show some problems? Who should be responsible for this? Even facing some broken area, they should repair them just those parts. Why clean them all?
Why donot they repair?
4. " 1 station 1 sight " show local's style and artists' hard working. It is becoming a namecard of our TUBE.
5. Our local TUBE company is not a true enterprise. It is invested by government. It is a nation owning company(theory's meaning: owning by the whole public who are the citizens of this nation) and geting financial subsidies from local government every year. Public have the rights to know, to understand, and to vote this plan. And, the more important is TUBE company still an enterprise running in red, why it couldnot save in its ordinary running.
After several fighting with public and media, TUBE company has changed some plan, but I think development of this crisis would be certainly going to its first decision-no one could stop these kinds of companies' decision.
And other, why just few duty to the NPC and CPPCC members to shout, where are the great numbers of others? And why they shout and are angry after a middle school student?