

Tonight, I have a little bit tiredness.

2010年07月19日 21時32分04秒 | 僕の会社に生活
This evening, no one except me is in the office. The goodness is the air-conditioner is still cool.

This afternoon, my neighber told me he couldnot share the netline with me, because his daughter is in summer holiday and want to watch movie on net. But his speed is 6M, ??? I pay him???

When I asked another, she refused too.


I asked one more, but I didnot get the answer, she said she must wait till her husband came back. Why so difficult?

It made me upset.

When I came back, I saw a man who was with crimping feet and was difficully moving(by the hands), he is just about 60cm high and foot couldnot be used to move. Before this, sometimes I could see another guy who had the same situation would wait in the bus stop, because he is too short, in order to seen the NO. of bus, he must wait in a place where no one is in front of him and shade him, when he could see his bus come, he must move quickly(by the hands and almost no-useful feet), and difficultly take in the bus.

I donot where is our government, what have they done?

And at the same time, I thank God, I am healthy and physically well developed. Whenever I think this, my upset and unsatisified to life completely gone with the wind. Why do I complain and why I am not happy and why I have too much trouble? I am very luckier than a lot.

Thanks God very much!

I could see 5 stars in the sky!

2010年07月08日 00時53分03秒 | 僕の会社に生活
This evening, when I was walking on the street, I am surprised by the sky, because I could see the blue sky with white cloud and, and 1 star. I havenot seen stars long time(maybe 4-5, or 6 monthes, even 8 monthes long) .

I wasnot satisfied just 1. I am walking and searching. When I come home, I have searched more 4 stars, total is 5(4 are brightness and 1 is lightness.) I am very joyful. The security of our building ask me why? After I told him, he said that he could saw many stars at his village. But, this is a big city, I think.~~

How serious about the pollution of city is!


2010年06月11日 11時13分19秒 | 僕の会社に生活
Today is the 1st day of high school enrolled test in our city.It will last 3 days.

I begin to rest till next Thursday. Haha!


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Education is a system to help, teach but not for..

2010年06月10日 00時43分03秒 | 僕の会社に生活
Last night, it began to rain till this morning about at 9am. It begins to rain again since about 9pm this evening, with sometimes' thunder and lightening. Weather reporter said it will continue till Saturday, and rain will turn a little bit small since Sunday, but it is going to rain till next Wednesday.

Reality, I like rain very much, if it donot make a pool and donot give me a way to go. It brings fresh air, cool feeling, and clean atmosphere...

From newspaper, I know that the university enrolled test has finished at yesterday afternoon(because the English listeningcomprehension test has set at yesterday afternoon). And it was called that it was the shortest university enrolled test in the history(for usually it will last 2.5 days long).

From newspaper, I know some stories. For example a student delayed the test because he(she) fighted for the crime to help the others on the coming way, some students who had sudden illness(above students were all allowed to test for another backup room), some students carried by motorcycle of traffic policemen because of traffice jam(According the rules, if students has time needed, they could ask the help for policeman.) But 1 makes me exciting, that is a student lost the chance to test for English listeningcomprehension yesterday, because he(she) went to the test-gate before 14 minutes(According the rule, test-gate will be closed and refuse student before the test begin 15 minutes). Just 1 minutes, it destroy someone's a lot in our country. (Maybe he(she) should go back to school work hard 1 year again or find a job. But high school diploma, which kind of job you could fink? )

I think this is wrong.Rule could be change and be suitable for person at present society, if it donot hurt a lot or disturb others a lot. This rule ordering by Education Bureau is not good. At the past, we could not enter test-room after 30 minutes and donot allow to leave the test-room before 30 minutes(in order to avoid person to cheat). I think this is good and suitable, then some years later the time limited shorten to 15 minutes. Now several years ago, awfully, it becomes ban to enter before 15 minutes, this is totally wrong. Disturb others? No, I think. You could order those delayed students could enter quitely, I think this could be done quite better and quite easier, and could be better than easily breaking others many years efforts.

I think use Obama's words"It is time to change."

Education is a system to help, teach someone but not for punishment. I insist.


日記@BlogRanking <-好ければ、投票してください。一人一日一回、もうしません。

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Today the university enrolled test has finished.

2010年06月08日 22時27分38秒 | 僕の会社に生活
Today the university enrolled test has finished. Only the language major tester need to have one more test-English listening comperhation test. Before the TV camera, some show joyful, some student's parents even bring flowers for child, some brought soup, wonderful lunch and booked a good room for noon-resting for their lovely child, soem traffic-policemen have helped to controlled the road(preventing the automobiles entering, or press the horn) etc. But I think, they are over.

They(the students) donot walk out school till next, they need to restudy in university. Even completed study in university, there is a long way to go, just the first step in life. How could be happy? This test is just one in one's life, many are waiting in front of them. Why are they so serious? In our area, after graduated, if you could find a good job, it would be a true joyful time, I think.

Today, 村田さん said that she have to back to office at 7am tomorrow, for she will visit customer and prepare for the documents. Now she is very tire and donot think anything more. And this evening she has have dinner, she said that she feel very hungry last night. I told her, "Keeping a healthy body is a promise of earning."(身体)

This evening it rains a very little.

City's pollution is quite serious.

2010年06月07日 22時36分37秒 | 僕の会社に生活
Our city's pollution is becoming more and more serious. Today it is a quite strong wind, so I could see the sight very clear when I am walking on the street. If it was the normal in summer here, looking our city likes as through a duty glasses. I donot like this.

Who could save our life? I donot know. I wish God could. In our time, many persons lose the belief, that it is very dangerous, I think.

Today it is the 1st day of the university enrolled test, but there are 728 persons absent this test. Why? I donot know. Maybe their preparation is not enough, then they darenot to come.

This evening, I saw 2 groups of people who seems to ask the help to show the road, 1 group is young natives, another is foreigners. Young natives are 3 boys, they are standing in fronts of a big lighting-map box, searching and then seems to call their friends and ask for help. The other group are 2 men, standing in front of a telephone box and seems to ask the help for a couple of owner, then 1 of them using the cell-phone.

I wanted to go forward to do something. But I stopped it at last. Because there are many cheater in our city, the city is becoming a place to untrusting living group. We donot believe others, others donot believe us, too... If I suddenly give them my hands, they would refuse me. That is our city, this is our heart.

I wish someday, the peace life would come again. I remember my childhood life, no money but have heart and warm...

This evening I could see 村田さん again, She said she is hungry and still not have dinner. As a newer, she must pay more hard at it. 頑張れますよ。

The store area is being decorated now.

2010年06月06日 22時22分22秒 | 僕の会社に生活
The building of our office located, shopping area(at the 2nd floor) are being decorated since 1st, June.

Maybe this is the rule of managing a store, it needs rearrange the stores after runing some time.

Today, it is quite calm a day. At my free time, I like to clean my house and arrange something a new place. Maybe it seems to be familiar as the way of runing a shopping area. On saturday, I planed to get up morning and go out to take some pictures on Sunday morning, but sleeped over and forgot. I have to wait till next week.

Our OLs often get rid of the ink-box when ink-jet's no-ink light lights on. I usually pick them up and could be used some days after reinstall them again. This time I saved a blue-box again and long its life 2 days till now. I like this and think it is funny, and I think this could protect the earth some.(If you shake in box, it could be moved 1 day more at the last.)

Today it is clear and a little bit hot. Tomorrow our high school students will begin their university-registing test at the next coming 2 days. University's entering rate is very high these years. So I donot think they need too serious at it. But the TV and Newspaper, etc. media donot...


2010年06月02日 23時25分28秒 | 僕の会社に生活




This evening I saw 村田さん first time.

2010年06月01日 22時34分58秒 | 僕の会社に生活
This evening, I saw newer, 村田さん first time. She is a quite good girl, too. Beautiful, cute and with nice talking.

I like people with nice talking. I think most people should do. Communciation is a very important part in human's life, specially in an office. If collegues lack talking with each other, so this company would be a place of lacking life, I think.

It doesnot mean that I just like to talk with young and beautiful, or cute girls. I means all colleagues, whoever boys and girls.

村田さん says that living in Taiwan(she just come from Taiwan company.) is different with at here. She should spent some time to understand here. And she complains that there are a lot of insents at the room where she live. I tell her to buy a insant屋 at supermarket and it could slove this problem after about 2 weeks. She delights and says this is a good way to kill and protect her not to touch the poison. I answer her it was told by my friend.

She just bought Macdonald's burger and says that many japanese often work late, too, not just her. It makes some social problems, in Japan, "Some fathers donot recoginze their kids. " After a moment, I understand, that means"Parents lack of communciation with their children, so they seldom donot know each other." Yes, in this way, it proves that, "Communciation is more important in our lives."

She says, she hasnot some friends now. But she think because she could speak Chinese, so "Tomorrow is another day"soon. I think so.

Today's is rainy, cool and windy. It likes the weather in typhoon-day a little bit.

When you will be a parent, how will you face?

2010年05月26日 23時20分03秒 | 僕の会社に生活
These days, it donot rain. Then, the hot come again. I seldom donot like to go out under the strong sunshine. When the dawn come, it winds with some breeze, it makes people feel a little bit cool. Then, you maybe could let you feel some satisify.

Saturday, newer--村田さん came. She will instead 田中さんの position, but I still couldnot see her till now. She is very busy to suit this city, her customers and her job, even the food, I think.

2 weeks ago, riko said she has pragenet. She has a child 5 weeks. (Now, this week is the 7th weeks.) At the 5th week, it could be check by . The 7th week, the small life could be listen the heart's pumping voice. How gay I am! I donot know I could be another one's parent at this time. Maybe it surprises me! Maybe I was shook too. I have to prepare to name my child, to notise my action, preparing a lot of things too. But really, it is a good news!

Good evening everyone!

This afternoon the heavy rain is coming again.

2010年05月19日 23時34分46秒 | 僕の会社に生活
About 4pm this afternoon, suddenly, the heavy rain is coming again. The sounds of drops hitting the walls and windows, shaking my head. Luckly, it lasted not too long. Just about 30 minutes.

But the challenges will be coming at the next coming days. The weather report said that there were some heavy rains coming at the next days. Beware!

On my way the office, I could see the flowers at the roadsides smiling for the wonderful rain! Very nice!

I donot know what are they doing!

2010年05月18日 23時32分37秒 | 僕の会社に生活
This evening, when I come back to office, I saw something that I donot want to touch. That is, all the slim-bamboos planted at a part of the roadside of huanshi lu, are cleaning by some workers. I like these bamboo very much. I like their elegants. I often want to take a photo for them under the sunshine. But they are totally destroying now.

I never take a picture for them. I think this is a wonderful seldom sightseeing in southern China. Now we couldnot see these beautiful bamboo again.

I donot know what are they doing. Are they just the man who are just to waste the money? Or they really donot understand what is beautiful?

Today it rains some.

Today I will work lately again.

2010年05月17日 00時50分57秒 | 僕の会社に生活
Our company's next door neighbour has moved out and a new one will be in. The workers are decrating now. They release a smelty atmosphere and use the air-pump to clean out the smilty air. Unfortunally, the window is by our room. So, the ugly air are all rushed by the pump focusing to our door. We almost couldnot stand. How could we do? This evening, when the whole floor is only our company, I turn the air pump to the other side and in order to reduce the air polution. It works! I could feel a little bit better now.

Today about 14:00, 田中さん has left here and gone back to Japan. Good trip! Working together is a fate, I think.

According to news, our here happen a simillar water flood during in just a week. Midnight 7th, May-9th, May, 15th, May, three days had fallen 3 heavy big rains. It didnot happen in our history since our city has the climate record in 1908. These 3 rains' totally amout falling water are over 440 mm in our area(somewhere in our country are drought, critical weather problem, I think). They made a lot of people lost their house and property being damaged, and even if someone lost their lives. These made us know our cities has a lot of shortcomings. There are a lot of fields needing us to improving. (And I think, this time, our government should have been to understand - super big city is not perfect, sometime it is maybe a doom. )

Ha, ha, one hour later, I could go, for 吉澤さん has finished his editing...


2010年05月11日 22時24分33秒 | 僕の会社に生活




2010年05月10日 23時18分34秒 | 僕の会社に生活




