

Our baby's record(0016)-After we had a hair cut, ...

2011年05月04日 21時56分35秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

Our baby had a hair cut(bare) at 28th,April. I had a hair cut(bare, too) at 29th, April. After that, my baby showed a completely difference face in front of us, he, he seems as another people.

Our baby seems couldnot recognize me, too.

Before that, we could understand each other as well. Now, his eyes just show some smiles (Maybe the correct is courtesy-smile), as for a friend. And, not as before as a very friendly friend. With passing 5 days, now he is better than before, but I still couldnot get back the feeling as before.

Very funny!


Our baby's record(0015)-After completed a target, he would feel fully joyful.

2011年05月03日 20時58分10秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

Our baby has stepped in the 4th month after the 1st day of May. One day last week, I got to know, some baby has begun to learn to turn over(180 degree). This made me astonish, because I just think he would turn over when he grow up till that day in my mind... Then, the doctor told and show me how to help my baby turn over. With doctor's help, he really could turn over(180 degree)!

Since May Day, we followed doctor's instruction and practised some times, his action was being better and better. (but he still couldnot turn over180 just by himself.) Since that, he likes to repeat and conquer this action very much...He likes to do his best to turn over. Certainly, he couldnot complete it, but he would repeat it again and again. When we helped him to turn over, and helped him to support the head by his hands, even he was tire enough, he would persist to do it, and smiles appeared the face. Even we resumed him to normal situation, he showed strongly dissatisfaction...

Harvest of this exercise: he could quite easily to complete turn-over90 degree and hold at that situation. Before that, he couldnot complete it smoothly and hold it.

Doctor said, "When baby completed a target, he would feel fully joyful, very very joyful."

I think, if we, adults could stick to do something as babies, a lot of problems wouldnot be the problems. If we, adults could satisfy so easy as babies, a lot of puzzles wouldnot be the puzzles.

We could have the long lives.

Today, I come back to work again after the break of May day.

2011年05月02日 21時18分37秒 | 僕の会社に生活

Today, I come back to work after the holiday of the International Labour Day. Since Thursday night last week, here began to rain. About 16:00 today, the observatory of local even warn there is going to be a heavy rain coming soon this evening. But we couldnot see the big rain. Just, just small...

According my observation, usually if the observatory could get 50% accuracy rate, that it could be worth to celebrating.

As the following news, USA announced that Osama Bin laden was shot to dead by US Navy Seals today. The action was got the help of the pilotless plane. He hid in a conspicuous villa near the capital of Pakistan, and it is not as always sound in the poor mountain area. DNA checking is going.

But, is this news true or false? I donot know. Maybe I wouldnot get to know forever. Maybe it would be as some guesses as the dead of hitler in world war 2.

Murada(村田さん) has moved to shanghai since the 21st, April. A new one has come.

Changing, changing, changing...