ハンターが命令のいかなる部分にも従わない場合、彼は直ちに逮捕される可能性がある ハンターは必須事項:
1) 銃器を所持してはいけない
2) 規定がない限り、規制物質 (マリファナを含む) を使用または所持してはいけない
3) 連邦政府の完全な監督を受ける
4) アルコールを一切使用しない
5) 積極的な雇用を求める
6) 検査を受ける禁止薬物の使用
7) 薬物乱用療法への参加
: 1) 逮捕状の即時発行
2) 釈放の取り消し
3) 保釈金の没収
4) 法廷侮辱罪での起訴
🚨 #BREAKING: The new "Conditions of Release" for Hunter Biden have just hit the docket, signed by Judge Maryellen Noreika, who shelved Hunter's plea deal today
If Hunter does NOT comply with any part of the order, he could be immediately arrested
1)… pic.twitter.com/oY0xx2ZXk7
— CBKNEWS (@CBKNEWS121) July 26, 2023 " title="">
🚨 #BREAKING: The new "Conditions of Release" for Hunter Biden have just hit the docket, signed by Judge Maryellen Noreika, who shelved Hunter's plea deal today
— CBKNEWS (@CBKNEWS121) July 26, 2023
If Hunter does NOT comply with any part of the order, he could be immediately arrested
1)… pic.twitter.com/oY0xx2ZXk7
速報レポート: #ハンターバイデン、税金と銃の容疑で無罪を主張、当初の「恋人」契約が決裂後、中国とウクライナでの取引でさらなる起訴に直面する可能性がある フォロー
速報: 裁判所命令の「釈放条件」に基づき、#ハンターバイデンは「住居の変更」を裁判所に通知しなければならず、また「釈放中は連邦法、州法、または地方法に違反してはならない」
TRUMP : WHERE'S HUNTER?#HunterBiden #Hunter
TRUMP : WHERE'S HUNTER?#HunterBiden #Hunter
— CBKNEWS (@CBKNEWS121) July 26, 2023
The judge has officially REJECTED Hunter Biden’s plea agreement, calling it a “rubber stamp” Hunter has now entered pleas of NOT GUILTY for all charges, and this case will continue on."
Follow @CBKNEWS121 FOR MORE UPDATES #hunterbiden #MaryellenNoreika#pleadeal #notguilty pic.twitter.com/8TKDxLosU6
速報:ノレイカ判事は、被告(ハンター)が銃器重罪の公判前転用(つまり却下)に関連した司法取引の前例はないと主張したThe judge has officially REJECTED Hunter Biden’s plea agreement, calling it a “rubber stamp” Hunter has now entered pleas of NOT GUILTY for all charges, and this case will continue on."
— CBKNEWS (@CBKNEWS121) July 26, 2023
Follow @CBKNEWS121 FOR MORE UPDATES #hunterbiden #MaryellenNoreika#pleadeal #notguilty pic.twitter.com/8TKDxLosU6
BREAKING: #CNN is freaking out after #HunterBiden’s sweetheart plea deal appears to have fallen apart after federal prosecutors told the judge that Hunter is still under investigation.#BidenCrimeFamilly pic.twitter.com/itstO1TXzr
— CBKNEWS (@CBKNEWS121) July 26, 2023 " title="">BREAKING: #CNN is freaking out after #HunterBiden’s sweetheart plea deal appears to have fallen apart after federal prosecutors told the judge that Hunter is still under investigation.#BidenCrimeFamilly pic.twitter.com/itstO1TXzr
— CBKNEWS (@CBKNEWS121) July 26, 2023