

場所奈良 近鉄奈良駅 行基様・中村哲 聖武天皇の願い

2021年03月08日 | Weblog
You see a statue of Gyoki in front of Kintetsu Nara Station. It's Nara! Gyoki's influence can be found throughout Japan. Emperor Shomu also relied on Gyoki's strength to construct the Great Buddha. The Great Buddha of Todai-ji was created with the hope of warding off smallpox for Emperor Shomu, and national temples were built across the country. The wishes of Emperor Shomu have been fulfilled by the Japanese people over the span of 1,200 years. In Afghanistan, I am reminded of Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, a physician who, despite being a doctor, recognized that people first need water; without clean water, there can be no life or health. He struggled with civil engineering projects. The memories of philanthropists cleanse my heart and provide me with peace.
 「ward off」危険や問題を遠ざける「fend off」「stave off」「keep at bay
The Great Buddha Statue was made on the wishes of Emperor Shomu who wanted to end the devastating outbreak of smallpox.  The last known natural case was in Somalia in 1977. In 1980 WHO declared smallpox eradicated – the only infectious disease to achieve this distinction.



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