The color didn't turn out right. Cheesy and flashy. Seen from a distance, it looks like a love hotel. Many love hotels' appearances are rather different from normal hotels'. They are easily recognizable. Love hotels are hotels that offer private time for couples to engage in sexual activity. Recently the once bad image of love hotels has faded. Their overall quality has increased so much. This mam-and-pop restaurant has very nice interior. I was fooled by its 'love hotel' facade.
幹線道路沿いに、びっしりと車が駐車された、異形の喫茶店が見えてくる。倉敷市水島、広江にある ニューリンデン。温厚そうなご夫婦が、一生懸命に、広いフロアのたくさんのお客さんに対応している。