

163. 鳥取見聞録 いつもでも、どこからでも久松山(3)

2017年03月13日 | Weblog
Jinpukaku Manshion stands out against Kyushozan Mountain. It is a French Renaissance style mansion built to accommodate Emperor Taisho, then still Crown Prince, during his visit to the Sanin Region.


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155. 別れの大切さ

2017年03月10日 | 英語学習
"Parting is such sweet sorrow" is from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. But parting is also a wonderful moment in life. Beautiful parting will bring us the joy of meeting again. 

Let's agree to disagree and part friends.
It's cheerio from me.

バンスキー 西岸良平
They say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.



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場所東京大泉学園 忘れ得ぬ老婆の怒号

2017年03月10日 | Weblog

東京に住んでいた頃、西武池袋線の大泉学園駅から帰る途中、小さい子供が2人、駅の近くの線路のあたりをふらふらしていた。なんだろう?あの子達は、危ないなぁ。親はどこだろう、と心の中で思いながら見ていた。すると駅のホームから地獄の底から響き渡るような 「こら!あんたらなにしてるの!線路から出て行け!」という小柄なお祖母さんの怒号がホームに響きわたった、子供達は一目散に線路から出て行った。ホッとすると同時に自分を恥じた・・・なんであの時あのお祖母さんのように、しかも大の男の大人が彼らを速攻に叱れなかったのか。30年以上たった今も、あの小さなお婆さんの怒号がどこからか聞こえてくる。「機をみて叱れ」と呼びかけくるようだ。私の心の中は隙間だらけだった。

I saw two children trespassing on the railway of Seibu Ikebukuro Line. I was just wondering what they were doing. Then I heard a roar of an old woman, which said "Get out of there!" They immediately got of of there and disappeared. I should have told the children not to trespass on the railway. I should be quick to seize an opportunity without worrying about decency and appearance to the public. I shouldn't be an onlooker. I am still ashamed of myself of the day.


While living in Tokyo, on my way home from Oizumigakuen Station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line, I noticed two small children wandering near the tracks close to the station. I thought to myself, "What are those kids doing? That's dangerous. Where are their parents?" Just then, a small elderly woman's voice thundered from the platform, echoing as if from the depths of hell: "Hey! What are you doing? Get away from the tracks!" The children immediately scrambled away from the tracks. I felt relieved but also ashamed of myself—why hadn’t I, as a grown man, scolded them right away like that grandmother did? Even now, over 30 years later, I can still hear her angry shout resonating somewhere. It feels like a call to "scold when the moment arises." My heart was full of gaps.

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場所岡山の建築物 燃やして作る家

2017年03月06日 | Weblog


Yakisugi is a traditional Japanese method of charring(burning) the surface of cedar wood to preserve it. The burnt surface of wood will become more resistant to weather and insects.

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147. 英語学習 動物の詩 コウモリの詩 不気味に幸せをもたらすもの

2017年03月05日 | Weblog
The poem of bats 
We are the bats. We will be active after sunset in an irregular way of flight. Some hates us as limbs of the vampire. But once we settle down in the barn, you are lucky. Mosquitoes are my favorite. We eat them much.


Bat Man is so called a friend of justice. Yes, he's protecting the world from evil. In China, bats represent good luck, prosperity and bring happiness or peace.
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