

場所 瀬戸内市福谷 生きていく

2025年01月20日 | Weblog
    You can't live off your parents your whole life.一生親に頼って生活することはできない。I can  live off my savings now. 「live off」は、「〜に頼って生活する」「〜を糧に生計を立てる」という意味です。経済的な支えや収入源として何かに依存している状況を表します。
    subsist on(〜で生計を立てる、〜を糧とする
    I will be able to subsist on a pension.
    rely on(〜を当てにする)
    I rely on my savings to get by. 
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人物臼田あさみ 英語表現 そんな人に見えない

2025年01月20日 | Weblog

You don't strike me as the type of person that wants to get married anyway.

You don't strike me as the type of person who gives up easily when faced with challenges. 

You never strike me as someone who holds 

grudges. Your forgiving nature and ability to 

move on from past conflicts show great emotional maturity and strength.

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場所韓国 大統領と混迷する韓国

2025年01月20日 | Weblog
The President of South Korea holds excessively strong powers, making it easy for their relatives to become involved in corruption. As a result, there have been numerous cases of former presidents being detained or arrested after leaving office.   

Furthermore, the approval rating of the Democratic Party of Korea, which has been repeatedly critical, has recently dropped significantly. 

Additionally, the party leader of the Democratic Party is also facing multiple allegations of criminal charges.  

Lee Jae-myung, 李在明(イ・ジェミョン) a South Korean politician and former lawyer, has served as the mayor of Seongnam and the governor of Gyeonggi 京畿道 Province. Currently serving as the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, he was convicted of violating the Public Official Election Act for repeatedly making false statements regarding an urban development project during the presidential campaign, which was deemed to have distorted public opinion. He was sentenced to one year in prison with a two-year suspension.
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韓国 王宮見学 韓国人とは 

2025年01月20日 | 英語学習
景福宮(キョンボックン) 朝鮮時代(1392~1910)の正宮
I went to Old Korean Royal Palace in winter. The small pond in the garden was frozen solid.
李 方子(り まさこ:1901年〈明治34年〉生1989年4月30日没)日本の元皇族。梨本宮家に生まれ、旧大韓帝国の元皇太子で日本の王公族となった李垠の妃。朝鮮王朝最後の皇太子妃。
And the reconstruction of an old palace was under construction by the Korean largest zaibatsu, financial combine, Hyundai. I though if GHQ had abolished the Emperor system of Japan, Japanese would have held hold a grudge against America forever. So they left it. And they founded Government Appropriation for Relief in Occupied Areas Fund. I thought this must be one aspect of truth.

The building of Governor-General of Korea, which was the symbol of Korean rule was destroyed in 1995. Korean hated its presence.

青瓦台(せいがだい、チョンワデ)大統領官邸 ブルーハウス
I saw the President House. It has the same blue tiled roof as the old Palace. Actually the dynasty was destroyed by Japan. By I thought Korean people consign their pride and tradition and history to thier President.

Korean driver's honk a horn so often. It seems to be quite natural behavior. In Japan honking a horn highly offend others. I saw taxi driver complain to the police. They never back their car to make way for other's cars. I used the exemplary taxi. Oh I must explain there are two kinds of taxi in Korea one is exemplary taxi and the other is general taxi. Exemplary taxis have a yellow lamp, and general taxis have blue lamp on the roof of the car. The starting fare of the exemplary taxi is 5000 won, and the general taxi is 3000 won. I heard the driver of exemplary driver can speak Japanese. So I tried it. Actually he can speak Japanese but he eagerly recommended me the place of prostitution. I wondered why they were exemplary? They were also eager to get a commission.
Cars were always trying to cut in. Even bus drivers tried to cut in and honk a horn. But the bus driver I got on was kind, at first I showed the place I wanted to go to. He kindly made a stop near that and let me go from the bus. And he has a good look. After I looked around the castle and gate. I caught a taxi. As I expected, he drove roughly. All the cars never made way for other cars. And they seemed to go even at a red light if there are no pedestrian walking. And they say the manner of taxi drivers are improving which was a surprise! After arriving the station I went to back to Seoul downtown I used the subway. I saw a beggar who is blind in the car. In Japan we can hardly see beggar now. I saw many beggars in Cambodia and Thailand. I was a little surprised. I got off the subway to see the Korean assembly hall and 63 Building, which is the highest bulding in Korea.

I got a good scolding from the Korean police for a jaywalk. I was crossing four or five lane road. Broad roads are quite common in Souel. He even called the police car. I don't know what he tried to do to me. After he knew I was foreigner, he told me calmly not to do that again and let me go.

And when I was in a subway car, the train stopped and people rushed into the car, a young woman sat so close to me. In Japan that's quite impossible. Japanese women may be more reserved. Actually I was a little upset when Korean child push me away to get in a subway car. But from a different point of view thought Korean are openhearted, and friendly. And I also think Korean have less wariness to others than Japanese. So I can say they are openhearted fellows. When I was in a taxi, young two women tried to share the taxi. In Japan there is no custom to share a taxi with stranger. Or a woman walking lonley roads doesn't much care about my walking close to her. In Korea, people rarely say anything if they bump you. It is normal behaviour in Korea to push your way through a crowd.

The salesclerks are often rude, to be sure, they often pull my hand to invite me into their shop, and they show me their goods one after another to make me buy them. It made me too tired to buy anything. In Japan salesclerk don't do that. They know the atomosphere of shop influence the sale.

We can roughly comunicate with Chinese by means of writing, using Chinese letters. But Korean Emperor invented the Hankul alphabet; the Korean alphabet long time ago, and brought to an end of using Chinese letters. So most Korean can't read Chinese and we can't read Hankul. Korean people are proud of their Hankul alphabet. I wish Korean would have kept the Chinese letters. But we can still find Chinese letters in some signboard or something. And some of those have the similar sound to Japanese. It make me easier to understand Korean. I found the fact that Korean is the best learner of Japanese. Some people can speak perfect Japanese. This is not possible for Westerners. So I thought if I practiced Korean hard, I could speak Korean sooner than other language. But I am not making any efforts to study Korean now.

I stayed Seoul Hilton which stands near Seoul station. Seoul station is small-sized. But somehow it looks like Tokyo station. I heard because the same architect designed it. Seoul station was made first. And it was successfully made. So Tokyo station was built after that. I thought undoubtedly Japan and Korea have deep relationship on the scenes of history.

I saw people sell antler which I knew afterward is used as love drugs or pickups. Korean sell things everywhere. On the whole necessities of life are kept cheap in Korea. People can keep the living expenses low.

Korean are coarse in manner. People blew their nose with their fingers. Korean don't hold their rice bowls while eating. In Korea if we hold the bowl, they say it's like we are begging. In Japan if you don't hold the bowl, that's how an animal eats. This is interesting difference. Table manners vary from one country to another.

I went aboard a jet foil going to Korea. Jet foils move by force operated water jet machine driven with gas-fired combustion turbine and they come to the surface by lift generated with hydrofoil.
In brief jot foil can be said a sea plane which gets lift from water instead of air. I heard there is 36 jot foil in the world and 21 out of them are made by Boeing's air plane factory in Seattle. It was about three hour's trip to Korea from Japan.
ボーイング929 (Boeing 929) は、米国ボーイング社によって開発された水中翼船。旅客用はジェットフォイル (Jetfoil)
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場所岡山市駅前 噴水がない 3番街の思い出

2025年01月07日 | Weblog
The Sanyō Shinkansen began operation between Shin-Osaka and Okayama in 1972, marking a key milestone in Japan's high-speed rail network. 

In 1974, Okayama Ichibangai, the largest shopping area in the Chugoku-Shikoku region, opened, enhancing the city’s commercial appeal

By 1975, the Peacock Fountain became a notable landmark in Okayama, adding charm to the area. These developments evoke a nostalgic appreciation for Okayama's transformation during this era. その岡山三番街があった。きんつば屋さんやあまぐり屋の甘く香ばしい香りがした。喫茶店、中華、いつも立ち読みする本屋があり、本もよく買っていた。くだもの屋もあり、フルーツの盛り合わせも売っていた。

The spray from the fountain used to hit my face and it felt refreshing. The recollection evoked a sense of cozy nostalgia. In that moment. I felt an overwhelming gratitude for the simple pleasures.   

Fountains historically served as a "clog checker" for water systems. In ancient Rome, fountains were placed at the end of water pipes. If a fountain's flow weakened, it indicated a clog in the pipes, allowing for timely maintenance and cleaning. This practical function gradually evolved, and fountains became more decorative over time. 
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