ダンス以前 》》》

■__/dance izen.

【KYOTO】2018/06/10 『Attune』dance performance 13:30~@Soto school Temple_真福寺       

2018-06-09 | ATTUNE project




Can we change our state of minds and reorganize a field of discovery in dance,

recreate tools of Attuning the Self?


曹洞宗 真福寺



”竹ノ便り” 小林三悠  野中久美子

"あおのなぐさめ” 小林三悠  野中久美子

”Tsuru no Ongaeshi”   Human Landscape Dance

"Fan dance” Heidi S. Durning, Malcom Shute

“Improvosation” Workshop participants

"Moss"  Human Landscape Dance


We will explore our state of mind and the possibilities of shifting our spontaneous reactions by doubting, reformulating and choosing.

How can we relate environment around us into ourselves, others, audience will be our item.





  ベス・グリフィン, オリビア・セリル、アレキサンダー・ショート、マルコム・シュート

・ デニース・シールズ (ビデオグラファー)

・  ハイディー・ダーニング(ダンサー)

・  野中久美子(能管演奏者)

・  小林三悠 (ダンス活動家)


Welcoming Performance 

•門前畦道にて at  Rice field in front of the temple


■竹ノ便リ 小林三悠+野中久美子













庭園にて at the Garden


■あおのなぐさめ 小林三悠+野中久美子







Dance piece showing  at the temple Hall

•本堂にて 作品奉納 

■“Tsuru no Ongaeshi” (ツルノオンガエシ)Olivia Serrill, Alexander short



“Tsuru no Ongaeshi” retells the myth about a crane, freed from a trap by a hunter, who becomes a woman in order to live with him. This duet emphasizes the experience of transformation: our dancers hover in the space between bird and human, walking on legs and unfurling wings. They similarly hover between two and one: two people moving as one, individuals who are nevertheless connected. They create a third being, neither male nor female.


■“Fan Dance” (扇舞)Heidi Durning,Malcolm Shute



Nihon Buyoh expert Heidi S Durning and contact improviser Malcolm Shute will perform an improvised “Fan Dance” during the Attune performance. Each of these skilled performers brings a different approach to their collaboration. Durning makes the fan an extension of her body, drawing circles and lines with its taut edges; Shute makes his body into a fan, folding and unfolding, matching Durning’s timing. Shute becomes a phantom limb, a ghost that marks Durning’s phrases, extending her reach even further.


■  “Improvisation with workshop participants” (即興ダンス)ワークショップ参加者 

本日、10時から行なわれましたマルコムさんとのワークショッップに参加されたメンバーの方々とダンスします。Silkworms, an improvised glimpse into the life of a silkworm as it cocoons itself with a single thread. Performed by community members of Kameoka City.


■“Moss” (苔)Beth griffin, Olivia Serrill, Alexander short, Malcolm Shute.



“Moss” is a meditation on the passage of time. It depicts a field of grass being gradually overgrown by moss, green blades tightly interwoven with moss stems, until they cannot be told apart. “Moss” was inspired by the Murin-An garden in Kyoto Japan. While touring this garden, I was struck by the long-term vision of the gardener, who had planted grass in the knowledge that it would be overrun by moss after his death. I was intrigued by this frank acknowledgement of mortality, and moved by this living legacy. My friend, Meyou Kobayashi, pointed out that the sky was considered part of the garden because of its reflection in the pond. Thus, the garden combines many seemingly disparate elements—earth, air, water—into a resonant whole. In this dance, I wanted to emphasize unity and harmony in movement, as well as the light tread of humans upon the Earth’s vastness.




Human Landscape Dance   (ヒューマン•ランドスケープ•ダンス)

ヒューマンランドスケープ・ダンスは、ワシントン DC に本拠を構えるコンテンポラリー・ダンス・カンパニーです。米国および世界中の企業とのパフォーマンス・パートナーシップを組み活動する。環境と体を融合することをテーマとするダンスカンパニーである。



Heidi S. Durning (ハイディー•ダーニング)




野中 久美子(のなか くみこ) 能管奏者

能管を松田弘之(能楽笛方森田流)に師事。独奏のほかに、世界の様々な楽器や舞、朗読との共演も行う。能管の直截的な音や力感を生かす作品を発表している。富士山五合目小富士、屋久島縄文杉、下鴨神社糺の森などの野外での演奏や神社寺院での奉納演奏も数多い。1998年から2017年まで京都市の大徳寺大慈院で多様なジャンルの表現者をゲストに迎えたコンサート「風響の会」を主催。2005年からは奈良市の今西家書院(重要文化財・室町時代)で企画公演を続けている。海外でも現地アーティストと創作共演を度々行っている。風迢舎を主宰。                        http://fuu-chou-sha.jp


小林三悠 (こばやし みゆき)ダンス活動家




 •__/ダンス以前 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/bwlkyoto/


▶Denaise seals videographer


Humanlandscape Dance Companyの映像を5年間手掛けている。