北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2011年03月02日 | 日記
00:00 from web
It could be.
We can get married to only one man ( or woman).
So there's no dought that someone wants to be free from his marriage life .
23:48 from web
It was rainy day.
I went to a clinic to get medical check.
After that, I popped to coffee shop alone.
I love coffee !
23:49 from web
I felt cozy.
Spending times alone was not so bad.
23:51 from web
After I enjoyed my coffee break , I went for shopping to a departmentstore.
Because I wanted to find something nice dress.
23:55 from web
Lucky me !
I could see my favorite saleswoman.
She was very very kind and helped me to find gourgeous dress.
23:57 from web
It took about 3hours to do it !
Amazing !
Finally I could choose beautyful black dress.
I was greateful for her helping !
23:57 from web
It was busy , but good day.
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter