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Today's tweets 20th March 2011 Let’s enjoy countryside in Hyogo in Japan

2011年03月20日 | 日記
Hello, this is Maria Sakurai. Did you have a nice weekend??
We came back home this evening from short trip to Tanba Sasayama in Hyogo prefecture.

It took about 1and a half hour from Osaka by car.
Although quite near , the scenery was totally different. I mean it was rural area.
We stayed a log-house. For me it was too cold to stay there.(Am I old??)
But our children were excited to sleep in that house.
Air in the moutain was definitely fresh ! Taking a forest bath was such a wonderful effect.

By the way, in Tanba City, we had special steamed buns in which there were wild boar meat.
I'm sorry to say such thing they didn't look nice at all, but contrary to my expectation, they were yammy !
I've heared that so many wild boar live around there. Mmmm...country side.(haha)


We could experience valuable things !

Well...that's for now. Thank you for reading
See you later. Bye.


2011年03月20日 | 日記
21:37 from Keitai Web
Good evening!We are in Tanba sasayama in Hyogoprefecture now.Here is famous for discovery of brachyosaurour Tanba.
21:45 from Keitai Web
We enjoyed excavationing fossil. I found frog legs.How exciting!
22:50 from Keitai Web
We spent fantastic time with my sister in law and her family.She is very lovely woman.
23:00 from Keitai Web
Usually my hubby has work and busy. So it was special time for us to made a short trip with family.
23:06 from Keitai Web
But we never forget the victims of disaster on any moment.
23:12 from Keitai Web
l hope everyting works out!
23:13 from Keitai Web
Ok,good night!
by comadam on Twitter