00:55 from goo
エレママ 震災に思う 自分が無力であることの辛さ #goo_chau_0725 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chau_0725/e/d6a265ac7f3ce9604a33e9f48b75d001
23:25 from web
It was balmy.
I felt like spring.
I can't believe why I have such peaceful day.
23:27 from web
On the other hand , hundreds of thousands of people are huddled together in evacuation center.
23:35 from web
I cannot help feeling a sense of guilt.
We don't have any inconvenience.
I never forget the people of affected area.
23:43 from web
Rescue teams from US,UK, south Korea and Singapore arrived in Japan.
We are deeply greateful for their rescue !
by comadam on Twitter
エレママ 震災に思う 自分が無力であることの辛さ #goo_chau_0725 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chau_0725/e/d6a265ac7f3ce9604a33e9f48b75d001
23:25 from web
It was balmy.
I felt like spring.
I can't believe why I have such peaceful day.
23:27 from web
On the other hand , hundreds of thousands of people are huddled together in evacuation center.
23:35 from web
I cannot help feeling a sense of guilt.
We don't have any inconvenience.
I never forget the people of affected area.
23:43 from web
Rescue teams from US,UK, south Korea and Singapore arrived in Japan.
We are deeply greateful for their rescue !
by comadam on Twitter