


2022年04月12日 | 高校生のための英英辞典入門
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。
 以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。


①institution【ìnstətjúːʃən】(Ex:Many businesses borrow money from financial *institutions.)(193)
②opponent【əpóunənt】(Ex:*Opponents of gun control argue that it would not reduce crime.)(194)
③budget【bʌ'dʒit】(Ex:How can we travel the world on a low *budget?)(195)
④manager【mǽnidʒər】(Ex:My uncle is the *manager of this bank.)(196)
(A)the money that is available to a person or an organization
(B)large important organization such as a university or bank
(C)someone who controls an organization
(D)a person who disagrees with something

①customer【kʌ'stəmər】(Ex:*Customer satisfaction is our top priority.)(197)
②instructor【instrʌ'ktər】(Ex:He wants to be a swimming *instructor.)(198)
③volunteer【vɑ`ləntíər】(Ex:What do *volunteers do in a hospital?)(199)
④crowd【kráud】(Ex:There was a large *crowd in the station.)(200)
(A)someone whose job is to teach a practical skill or sport
(B)someone who offers to do something without payment
(C)a person who purchases goods or services
(D)a large group of people in the same place

①enemy【énəmi】(Ex:We defeated the *enemy.)(201)
②consumer【kənsúːmər】(Ex:Fake *consumer reviews are a common problem.)(202)
③expert【ékspəːrt】(Ex:He is an *expert on foreign relations.)(203)
④nurse【nə'ːrs】(Ex:The demand for male *nurses is on the rise.)(204)
(A)someone whose job is to take care of sick or injured people in a hospital
(B)someone who has a high level of knowledge or skill in a particular subject
(C)someone who hates you and tries to harm you
(D)a person who buys goods or uses services




①victim【víktim】(Ex:Families who experience domestic violence are often also *victims of poverty.)(205)
②character【kǽriktər】(Ex:She has a quiet *character.)(206)
③client【kláiənt】(Ex:The law farm has a lot of wealthy *clients.)(207)
④foreigner【fɔ'ːrənər】(Ex:How many *foreigners are there in Japan?)(208)
(A)a person who belongs to a country other than your own
(B)a person, company, etc. that takes advice from a professional person, company, etc.
(C)the qualities that makes a person different from others
(D)someone who suffers from a crime, accident, disaster, etc.

①trade【tréid】(Ex:*Trade between the two countries has been growing. )(209)
②view【vjúː】(Ex:The hotel offers a great *view of Mt Fuji.) (210)
③courage【kə'ːridʒ】(Ex:It took a great deal of *courage for the early explorers to set sail for distant places.)(211)
④pastime【pǽstàim】(Ex:My favorite *pastime is playing the piano.)(212)
(A)something you can see from a particular place
(B)the activity of buying and selling goods, usually between countries
(C)the quality to do something dangerous or difficult without showing fear
(D)something that you do for pleasure in your free time

①security【sikjúərəti】(Ex:*Security was tightened at the airport.)(213)
②signal【sígnəl】(Ex:The policeman gave me the *signal to stop.)(214)
③responsibility【rispɑ`nsəbíləti】(Ex:Dog owners have a *responsibility to manage their pets' behavior.)(215)
④compromise【kɑ'mprəmàiz】(Ex:There seems to be no possibility of *compromise.)(216)
(A)a settlement of a dispute in which each side gives up some of its demand
(B)a movement or sound that sends a particular message
(C)measures taken to keep a person, country, etc. safe from danger
(D)something that you must do, especially a job or task




(193)Many businesses borrow money from financial ins------- .
【large important organization such as a university or bank】

(194)Opp------- of gun control argue that it would not reduce crime.
【a person who disagrees with something】

(195)How can we travel the world on a low bud-------?
【the money that is available to a person or an organization】

(196)My uncle is the man------- of this bank.
【someone who controls an organization】

(197)Cus------- satisfaction is our top priority.
【a person who purchases goods or services】

(198)He wants to be a swimming ins------- .
【someone whose job is to teach a practical skill or sport】

(199)What do vol------- do in a hospital?
【someone who offers to do something without payment】

(200)There was a large cro------- in the station.
【a large group of people in the same place】

(201)We defeated the ene------- .
【someone who hates you and tries to harm you】

(202)Fake con------- reviews are a common problem.
【a person who buys goods or uses services】

(203)He is an exp------- on foreign relations.
【someone who has a high level of knowledge or skill in a particular subject】

(204)The demand for male nur------- is on the rise.
【someone whose job is to take care of sick or injured people in a hospital】

(193)institution (194)Opponents (195)budget (196)manager (197)Customer (198)instructor (199)volunteers (200)crowd (201)enemy (202)consumer (203)expert (204)nurses

(205)Families who experience domestic violence are often also vic------- of poverty.
【someone who suffers from a crime, accident, disaster, etc.】

(206)She has a quiet cha------- .
【the qualities that makes a person different from others】

(207)The law farm has a lot of wealthy cli------- .
【a person, company, etc. that takes advice from a professional person, company, etc.】

(208)How many for------- are there in Japan?
【a person who belongs to a country other than your own】

(209)Tra------- between the two countries has been growing.
【the activity of buying and selling goods, usually between countries】

(210)The hotel offers a great vie------- of Mt Fuji.
【something you can see from a particular place】

(211)It took a great deal of cou------ for the early explorers to set sail for distant places.
【the quality to do something dangerous or difficult without showing fear】

(212)My favorite pas------- is playing the piano.
【something that you do for pleasure in your free time】

(213) Sec------- was tightened at the airport.
【measures taken to keep a person, country, etc. safe from danger】

(214)The policeman gave me the sig------- to stop.
【a movement or sound that sends a particular message】

(215)Dog owners have a res------- to manage their pets' behavior.
【something that you must do, especially a job or task】

(216)There seems to be no possibility of com------- .
【a settlement of a dispute in which each side gives up some of its demand】

(205)victims (206)character (207)clients (208)foreigners(209)Trade (210)view (211)courage (212)pastime(213)Security (214)signal (215)responsibility (216)compromise


 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(1)~(16)

(1)to (      )受けるsomething that is (     )提示された=(      )受け入れる

In *(        ) a (     )正式の(     )招待,
it is important to (     ) 応じるappropriately.

(2)to (    )something to someone or (     ) it (        )利用できるto them
=(          )提供する

Our (         )会社 *(        ) our customers (      ) clothing
at (         )手頃なprices

(3)to (    ) 置くsomething in a (         )特定のplace (    ) people can see it easily
=(       )展示する

He is an artist (       ) paintings are *(        ) in a (       )美術館 in Paris.

(4)to (     )形作る a picture of something (   ) your (     )
=(        )想像する

In an (     )ますます(      )つながったworld, many people can't *(      ) life (       ) the Internet.

(5)to (       )提供するsomething that is (       )=(     )満足させる

We cannot *(       ) consumer (      )需要without (     )輸入する(     )商品 and services.

(6)to have a (      ) of great (     )尊敬for someone=(     )称賛する

Helen Keller, *(       ) for her work (   )(    )(   ) …のための people (      ) disabilities, visited Japan three times.

(7)to (      )増やす the (    )量or (       ) of something=(      )上げる

Dad, if my grades (       )良くなるby the end of the (        )学期,
would you (    ) *(       ) my allowance?

(8)to (    )なる(    )気づいている of someone or something=(     )気づく

Have you ever *(      ) the different (   )やり方
people use to (    )(    )対処するproblems?

(9)a large mass of land (       )囲まれた(    )(    )=(        )大陸
In the 1930s, flights (     ) the *(         ) were not (      )一般的な.

(10)the (      )(      ) someone is going to=(        )目的地

(      )(     )…のおかげでthe good (        )天気,
we arrived at our *(        ) an hour (        )(   )(        )予定より早く.

(11)the (         )一般的な(        )印象that you have in a particular place
=(       )雰囲気

Many cafes try to (       )作る a (       )くつろげる*(      )
(    )(      )~のように customers can enjoy their tea break.

(12)the (      )過程(   ) making or (      )育てる something for sale
(   ) large (        )量=(       )生産

(       )(      )…のためseasonable *(       ) patterns,
the (     )大部分 of Mexico's oranges arrive in the US market (     ) December (    )June.

(13)an (       )手配 to meet with someone at a particular time
=(         )予約

Did you (     ) the dentist and make an *(      )
for the (          )治療?

(14)someone who has a (      )特定の(      )能力 or who knows a lot about something=(       )専門家

In the past, the old (   ) to be (   )(    )( ) …とみなす*(      )
in (      )解決する(     )さまざまなproblems in life.

(15)a person who (    )(    ) you=(        )近所の人

I saw a cat sneaking into my *(        ) yard.

(16)the (     )過程of building something (      )(   ) …のようなhouses, bridges, roads etc.=(         )建設

The *(      )(    ) the new building is (       )(     )進行中の.

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(17)~(32)

(17) (     )感じる(    ) 喜んだand (    ) 満足したabout something that you have done=(    )誇らしい

Graduating from university is a (    )巨大な(      )達成 and you should be *(     ) of yourself.

(18)(    )費用がかかるa lot of money=(          )高価な

Making (    )エネルギー-saving changes in the home can be *(          ),
but it will (    )節約する your money in the (    )(    )長期的には.

(19)not (     )存在する at a (    )通常の or (    ) 予想されるplace
=(     )欠席の

In my school, when a (       ) 正規のteacher is *(     ), another teacher teaches the class (     )代わりに.

(20) (    ) the (     )能力to do something=(    )できる

(    )(   ) …によればthe newspaper, even a teenager is *(     )(   )sailing a yacht around the world (   )ひとりで.

(21)to (    )許すsomeone to (   ) something=(    )許可する

Children (  ) six and under are not *(     ) to use the swimming pool
(    )~でなければ they are with an adult.

(22)to (    )(    )(  )参加するsomething=(    )参加する

The most important thing in the Olympics is ( ) to win ( ) to *(      ).

(23)to be (     ) or (      )(    ) someone=(       )魅力を持つ

Benjamin Day is remembered as a revolutionary (         )人物
who showed that newspapers could *(     ) to a mass (      )大衆.

(24)to (   ) something quickly=(      )振る

We nod our heads up-and-down for “yes” and *(     ) them left-and-right for “no”.

(25)to (    )( ) to someone or something=(     )近づく

There were two (     )車両on the road *(      ) the signal.

(26)to (    )調べる(     ) things or people are (   )類似したor different
=(    )比較する

*(      )(    ) the same (    )期間last year,
(    )工業の(    )生産(    )上がる by one percent this year.

(27)to ( ) someone about something in a (    )あり方that (    ) them understand it better=(     )説明する

The engineer *(     ) how to (   )操作するthe sophisticated system.

(28)to (    )(    )扱うsomeone or something in a particular way=(   )扱う

I am extremely (    ) of animals, and I can't (    ) 我慢するanyone
*( ) them with ( )残酷さ.

(29)the ( )感覚( ) good things will happen in the future
=(     )期待

It's quite hard for new companies to (    )(   )(   )応える customers' *(     ).

(30)a (   )原因or an (    )説明for why something happens or why someone does something=(     )理由

The *(    )I (   )(   )(   )(   ) …とうまくやっていく
my best friend is that we have many things (   )(      )共通の.

(31)difficult situations that ( ) you ( )(      )不安な
=(   )圧力

We've been working ( ) so much *( ) lately in our office that we all need a holiday.

(32)the (    )地域 of a town that (     )囲む your home
=(    )近所

The leaves in my *(     )have recently (    ) yellow.

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