


2020年11月24日 | 高校生のための英英辞典入門
  大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。
 以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。


①error【érər】(Ex:There are several spelling *errors in your essay.)(049)
②condition【kəndíʃən】(Ex:How do you know if a used car is in good *condition?)(050)
③memory【méməri】(Ex:Children who have a good *memory are better at telling lies, say child psychology researchers.)(051)
④audience【ɔ'ːdiəns】(Ex:A soccer game was shown on a big screen in front of a large *audience.)(052)
(A)a group of people who gather and listen to a show, concert, movie, or speech
(B)the state in which someone or something is
(C)a mistake made unintentionally
(D)the ability to remember things

①drugstore【drʌ'gstɔ`ːr】(Ex:Would you buy a toothbrush for me at the *drugstore?)(053)
②community【kəmjúːnəti】(Ex:Volunteers give their time to support their *communities.)(054)
③election【ilékʃən】(Ex:How often does the United States hold an *election for president?)(055)
④stress【strés】(Ex:Exercise is one of the most effective ways to deal with *stress.)(056)
(A)a shop where you can buy medicines, beauty products, and other goods
(B)an occasion when people vote to choose someone for an official position
(C)the people who live in an area, or the area in which they live
(D)continuous feelings of worry caused by your social or personal problems



①subway【sʌ'bwèi】(Ex:The best way to get around Tokyo is by train and *subway.)
②medicine【médəsin】(Ex:Buying *medicines online can be dangerous.)
③miracle【mírəkl】(Ex:Do you believe in *miracles ?)
④suburb【sʌ'bəːrb】(Ex:How can I live without a car in the *suburbs ?)
(A)a substance that you take in order to cure an illness
(B)a railroad that runs under the ground
(C)a residential area that is outside the central part of a city
(D)an unusual and mysterious event that cannot be explained according to the laws of nature

①access【ǽkses】(Ex:A bridge gives access to the island.)
②graduation【græ`dʒuéiʃən】(Ex:What are you going to do after graduation?)
③station:【stéiʃən】(Ex:Where is the railway station?)
④ceremony:【sérəmòuni】(Ex:The ceremony will be postponed to the fall due to the current conditions.)
(A)a building where trains or buses regularly stop so that passengers can get on and off
(B)the act of completing your education at a school, such as a high school or college
(C)a formal public or religious event
(D)the way of getting to a place



(049)There are several spelling err------- in your essay.
【a mistake made unintentionally】

(050)How do you know if a used car is in good con-------?
【the state in which someone or something is】

(051)Children who have a good mem------- are better at telling lies, say child psychology researchers.
【the ability to remember things】

(052)A soccer game was shown on a big screen in front of a large aud------- .
【a group of people who gather and listen to a show, concert, movie, or speech】

(053)Would you buy a toothbrush for me at the dru------- ?
【a shop where you can buy medicines, beauty products, and other goods】

(054)Volunteers give their time to support their com------- .
【the people who live in an area, or the area in which they live】

(055)How often does the United States hold an ele------- for president?
【an occasion when people vote to choose someone for an official position】

(056)Exercise is one of the most effective ways to deal with str------- .
【continuous feelings of worry caused by your social or personal problems】

(049)errors (050)condition (051)memory (052)audience
(053)drugstore (054)communities (055)election (056)stress

(057)The best way to get around Tokyo is by train and sub------- .
【a railroad that runs under the ground】

(058)Buying med------- online can be dangerous.
【a substance that you take in order to cure an illness】

(059)Do you believe in mir------- ?
【an unusual and mysterious event that cannot be explained according to the laws of nature】

(060)How can I live without a car in the sub------- ?
【a residential area that is outside the central part of a city】

(061)A bridge gives acc------- to the island.
【the way of getting to a place】

(062)What are you going to do after gra------- ?
【the act of completing your education at a school, such as a high school or college】

(063)Where is the railway sta------- ?
【a building where trains or buses regularly stop so that passengers can get on and off】

(064)The cer------- will be postponed to the fall due to the current conditions.
【a formal public or religious event】

(057)subway(058)medicines (059)miracles (060)suburbs
(061)access (062)graduation (063)station (064)ceremony
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