


2022年04月09日 | センター英語の四か所整序問題(和訳ヒントつき)
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube画像を公開しています。全英語音声とキーワードの和訳が字幕表示できるため、字幕を見ながらのシャドウイングで面白いほど重要語彙が覚えられます。

①cruel【krúːəl】(Ex:It is *cruel to *hunt animals for sport.)(257)
②bare【béər】(Ex:Gloves are a great *solution for *avoiding *bare hand *contact, but they can be *inconvenient.)(258)
③rural【rúərəl】(Ex:When you travel to *rural Japan, the *impacts of *population *decline become *apparent.)(259)
④intelligent【intélədʒənt】(Ex:*Human *skulls *contain *brains around three times as large as those of even the most *intelligent *apes.)(260)
(A)not covered by clothes
(B)far away from large cities
(C)*causing pain and *suffering to people or animals on purpose
(D)having the *ability to think, understand, and learn things quickly and well


(257)It is cru------ to hunt animals for sport.
【causing pain and suffering to people or animals on purpose】

(258)Gloves are a great solution for avoiding bar------ hand contact, but they can be inconvenient.
【not covered by clothes】

(259)When you travel to rur------ Japan, the impacts of population decline become apparent.
【far away from large cities】

(260)Human skulls contain brains around three times as large as those of even the most
int------ apes.
【having the ability to think, understand, and learn things quickly and well】

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(257)~(272)

(257) (       )起こす pain and (        )苦しみ
to people or animals (   )(       )わざと=(      )残酷な
It is *(      ) to (    )狩る animals for sport.

(258)not (   )(   ) clothes=(   )むき出しの
Gloves are a great (      )解決策 for (      )避ける*(   ) hand contact, but they can be (      )不便な.

(259) (  )(   ) from large cities=(      )田舎の
When you travel to *(      ) Japan,
the (      )影響 of population (    )減少 become (      )明らかな.

(260) (   ) the (      )能力 to think, understand, and learn things quickly and well
=(         )頭のいい
Human skulls (      )内蔵する(      )脳 around three times as large as those of even the most *(          ) apes.

(261)to (     ) something (   ) good condition=(        )保存する
Before refrigerators became (      )一般的な, vinegar was (       )きわめて important
in *(        ) food in the form of pickles.

(262)to (   )(   ) because of old age=(      )引退する
Employees are (      ) to *(      ) at the age of sixty in our company.

(263)to ( ) that something is not (       )満足できる=(       )苦情を言う
So far as I am (      ), I have nothing to *(       ) about.

(264)to (      ) to (   ) in spite of difficult (          )状況
=(         )生き残る
Human beings have *(       ) so far but could now be (      ) their future.

(265)to (   ) hello to someone or to (      ) them=(      )挨拶する
Manners of *(      )(     )さまざまである from country to country.

(266)to (   ) something (      )わずかに to (   ) it (   ) better
=(      )調節する
(      )(     ) all the steps to *(      ) the brightness of my computer screen is a real nuisance.

(267)to (   ) an (           )組織 or company
in such a way that it is likely to (      )長続きする for a long time=(      )設立する
Japan (       )貢献する greatly toward *(      ) the International Year of the Volunteer.

(268)to (      )認める that you have done something (   ) or (      )違法な
=(      )自白する
When the police questioned him, he broke down and *(     ).

(269)a (      )薄い paper (      )容器 used for sending letters=(      )封筒
Postcards are usually (     ) without an *(       ).

(270)the (      )額 of money that you (     )稼ぐ(   ) the work that you do
=(    )賃金
In Japan, the (        )最低*(    )
(      ) on the (   )産業 and the (     )地域.

(271)a large (   ) of rock with a very (     )急な side=(      )崖
Mr. Brown looked over the *(   ) and found he was standing at the edge of a (      )垂直の drop.

(272)the (      )安定した and (       )継続した movement of goods, people, or information from one place to another=(      )流れ
Europe has long been a popular (      ) 目的地in global (      )移住 *(    ).

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(273)~(288)

(273)the line ( )(   )(      )遠くに where the sky (      ) to (      ) the earth or the sea=(       )地[水]平線
Why does the Sun (      )見える larger on the *(     ) than overhead?

(274)the (      )研究 and (        )実践 of designing buildings
=(         )建築
He graduated at the top of his class with (      )学位 in *(      ) and city planning.

(275)the (      )規則的な(   ) and (   ) in the level of the sea on the (      )
=(      )潮流
Understanding *(      ) and (      ) 海流will help you stay safe if you like to go swimming in the sea.

(276)a great (      )成功, (        )達成 or victory=(      )大勝利
Let me (         )祝福する you ( ) your *(       ) in the tournament.

(277)(   )基づくonly on (   ) and not (      )影響される by feelings or opinions
=(         )客観的な
Do you think *(         ) journalism (      )存在する?

(278)(     ) damaged or broken=(       )繊細な
Ecosystems must (        )維持する a *(        ) balance in order to stay (      ).

(279)to a (   ) country=(       )外国に
Bill had to (     ) his family (     ) when he went *(       ) to work.

(280) (      )(     ) importance or (     )価値=(      )些細な
There are so many reasons why people fight (   )…をめぐって*(      ) things.

(281)to (     ) something (       )一時的に=(        )中断する
The game on the main court was *(         ) by a brief shower.

(282)to (     )(    )送信する radio or television programmes=(       )放送する
The (       )演説 will be *(      )(    )生で on ABC.

(283)to (   )(     ) about someone or something on an (        )公式の list
=(       )登録する
All vehicles, new and used, must be *(      ) before (        ) them.

(284)to (    )(         )集まる to form something=(       )構成する
A water (      )分子 is *(         ) of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

(285)to (   ) food or (      )液体(     ) a spoon or something (       )類似した
=(     )かき混ぜる
She *(      ) the (         )混合物 until it got to the boiling point.

(286)to (   )(     ) something=(       )由来する
Most of the English words *(      ) from Latin and Greek roots.

(287)to (   ) air (   ) your lungs and (   ) it (   ) again=(      )呼吸する
Certain individuals, (   ) children or adults,
have a (        )傾向 to *(   ) through the mouth instead of the nose.

(288)to (       )消える(   ) the (     )表面of water=(     )沈む
(    ) a hundred years ago, the Titanic *(       ) to the (     )底 of the Atlantic Ocean in less than three hours.
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