


2018年10月29日 | センター英語の四か所整序問題(和訳ヒントつき)

(1)Before you rent an apartment, find out as much about it (in order that / as possible / no / there will be) misunderstanding.(1993)アパートを賃借する前に、誤解が起きないようアパートについてできるだけ多くのことを知っておきなさい。

(2)There is no good reason for (less than men / paying women / the same / if they do) job.(1993)同じ仕事をしているのなら、女性に男性より少なく賃金を払う正当な理由はない。

(3)In recent years, people have become more health-conscious and consequently (fat / have reduced / the amount of / they) eat.近年、人々は健康を意識するようになり、その結果脂肪の摂取量が減った。

(4)When learners of a foreign language first visit the country where it is spoken,(surprised to find / they are very often / they hear / how little they understand the language).(1994)外国語の学習者が初めてその言語が話されている国を訪れると、聞こえてくる言語がいかに理解できないかわかって驚くことが非常にしばしばある。

(5)When I'm in Madrid, I would (advantage of / like / the opportunity to visit / to take) the famous Prado Museum.(1994)マドリードにいる間、その機会を利用して有名なプラド美術館を訪れたい。

(6)When hunting, a snake is very careful (so as not to attract / of movement / with a minimum / to advance) the attention of its victim.(1994)獲物を狩るとき、蛇は獲物の注意を引かないよう、最小限の動きで非常に注意深く前進する。

(7)Children (how / human relationships / language influences / learn) while they are playing with other children.(1995)子どもは、他の子供たちと遊んでいる間に、言葉がどのように人間関係に影響するかを学ぶ。

(8)Science would make (to exchange / without the computer networks / much less progress / used by many scientists) ideas.(1995)多くの科学者が意見交換に用いるコンピュータネットワークがなければ、科学の進歩はずっと遅れるだろう。

(9)It was the control of fire and (allowed humans / that / the use of clothing / to settle) in the cold northern areas.(1996)火の制御と衣服の使用が、人類を寒冷な北部地域に定住することを可能にした。

(10)Speech, as a means of communication, is (culture is shared / because it is the chief way / of major importance / through which) and passed on.(1996)意思疎通の手段としての言語は、文化を共有し継承していく主要な方法であるがゆえに大変重要である。

(11)Biotechnology could offer great advantage to the whole world. If this new technology works, (will be / and food production / population increase / the gap between) narrowed.(1996)バイオテクノロジーは世界中に莫大な利益をもたらし得る。この新しいテクノロジーがうまく機能すれば、人口増加と食糧生産の間のギャップは縮まるだろう。

(1)Before you rent an apartment, find out as much about it (as possible in order that there will be no) misunderstanding.

(2)There is no good reason for (paying women less than men if they do the same ) job.

(3)In recent years, people have become more health-conscious and consequently (have reduced the amount of fat they) eat.

(4)When learners of a foreign language first visit the country where it is spoken,(they are very often surprised to find how little they understand the language they hear).

(5)When I'm in Madrid, I would (like to take advantage of the opportunity to visit) the famous Prado Museum.

(6)When hunting, a snake is very careful (to advance with a minimum of movement so as not to attract) the attention of its victim.

(7)Children (learn how language influences human relationships) while they are playing with other children.

(8)Science would make (much less progress without the computer networks used by many scientists to exchange) ideas.

(9)It was the control of fire and (the use of clothing that allowed humans to settle) in the cold northern areas.

(10)Speech, as a means of communication, is (of major importance because it is the chief way through which culture is shared) and passed on.

(11)Biotechnology could offer great advantage to the whole world. If this new technology works, (the gap between population increase and food production will be) narrowed.
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