


2020年11月25日 | 高校生のための英英辞典入門
  大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。
 以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。


①institution【ìnstətjúːʃən】(Ex:Many businesses borrow money from financial *institutions.)(065)
②opponent【əpóunənt】(Ex:*Opponents of gun control argue that it would not reduce crime.)(066)
③budget【bʌ'dʒit】(Ex:How can we travel the world on a low *budget?)(067)
④manager【mǽnidʒər】(Ex:My uncle is the *manager of this bank.)(068)
(A)the money that is available to a person or an organization
(B)large important organization such as a university or bank
(C)someone who controls an organization
(D)a person who disagrees with something

①customer【kʌ'stəmər】(Ex:Attracting *customers is one of the most important tasks of the sales department.)(069)
②instructor【instrʌ'ktər】(Ex:He wants to be a swimming *instructor.)(070)
③volunteer【vɑ`ləntíər】(Ex:What do *volunteers do in a hospital?)(071)
④crowd【kráud】(Ex:There was a large *crowd in the station.)(072)
(A)someone whose job is to teach a practical skill or sport
(B)someone who offers to do something without payment
(C)a person who purchases goods or services
(D)a large group of people in the same place



①enemy【énəmi】(Ex:“Never interfere with your *enemy when he is making a mistake.” – Napoleon Bonaparte)(073)
②consumer【kənsúːmər】(Ex:No matter which industry you're in, you're going to deal with *customer complaints. )(074)
③expert【ékspəːrt】(Ex:Although he knows nothing about the economy, he speaks as if he were an *expert.)(075)
④nurse【nə'ːrs】(Ex:The demand for male *nurses is on the rise.)(076)
(A)someone whose job is to take care of sick or injured people in a hospital
(B)someone who has a high level of knowledge or skill in a particular subject
(C)someone who hates you and tries to harm you
(D)a person who buys goods or uses services

①victim【víktim】(Ex:Families who experience domestic violence are often also *victims of poverty.)(077)
②character【kǽriktər】(Ex:She has a quiet *character.)(078)
③client【kláiənt】(Ex:The law farm has a lot of wealthy *clients.)(079)
④foreigner【fɔ'ːrənər】(Ex:How many *foreigners are there in Japan?)(080)
(A)a person who belongs to a country other than your own
(B)a person, company, etc. that takes advice from a professional person, company, etc.
(C)the qualities that makes a person different from others
(D)someone who suffers from a crime, accident, disaster, etc.

①enemy:敵(Ex:“敵が間違いをしているときにはけっして邪魔するな。” – ナポレオン・ボナパルト)


(065)Many businesses borrow money from financial ins------- .
【large important organization such as a university or bank】

(066)Opp------- of gun control argue that it would not reduce crime.
【a person who disagrees with something】

(067)How can we travel the world on a low bud-------?
【the money that is available to a person or an organization】

(068)My uncle is the man------- of this bank.
【someone who controls an organization】

(069)Attracting cus------- is one of the most important tasks of the sales department.
【a person who purchases goods or services】

(070)He wants to be a swimming ins------- .
【someone whose job is to teach a practical skill or sport】

(071)What do vol------- do in a hospital?
【someone who offers to do something without payment】

(072)There was a large cro------- in the station.
【a large group of people in the same place】

(065)institution (066)Opponents (067)budget (068)manager
(069)customers (070)instructor (071)volunteers (072)crowd

(073)Never interfere with your ene------- when he is making a mistake.
【someone who hates you and tries to harm you】

(074)No matter which industry you're in, you're going to deal with cus------- complaints.
【a person who buys goods or uses services】

(075)Although he knows nothing about the economy, he speaks as if he were an exp------- .
【someone who has a high level of knowledge or skill in a particular subject】

(076)The demand for male nur------- is on the rise.
【someone whose job is to take care of sick or injured people in a hospital】

(077)Families who experience domestic violence are often also vic------- of poverty.
【someone who suffers from a crime, accident, disaster, etc.】

(078)She has a quiet cha------- .
【the qualities that makes a person different from others】

(079)The law farm has a lot of wealthy cli------- .
【a person, company, etc. that takes advice from a professional person, company, etc.】

(080)How many for------- are there in Japan?
【a person who belongs to a country other than your own】

(073)enemy (074)customer (075)expert (076)nurses
(077)victims (078)character (079)clients (080)foreigners
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