ストレス耐性の化学を検証したLessons In Survivalという NEWSWEEKの記事に、メトロノームのような規則正しい心拍があるとストレスには強いものの心臓病や突然死との関連性があるという指摘があり、結論部分は以下のようになっています。
Unfortunately, this metronomic effect is usually associated with early heart disease and even sudden death. Morgan wonders whether the same thing that makes you really good at surviving under high stress may not translate into excellent heart health when you're 50. Without it, though, these elite forces might never even make it that far.
最後の一文、Without it, though, these elite forces might never even make it that far.は、
Unfortunately, this metronomic effect is usually associated with early heart disease and even sudden death. Morgan wonders whether the same thing that makes you really good at surviving under high stress may not translate into excellent heart health when you're 50. Without it, though, these elite forces might never even make it that far.
最後の一文、Without it, though, these elite forces might never even make it that far.は、