


2009年03月28日 | 大学受験英語
 アメリカの小学校4~6年生向けのTIMEFORKIDS のカバーストーリーにはたくさんの大学入試頻出単語が掲載されていることを前回紹介しました。

That's All She Wrote
☆入試頻出単語 struggle, evil, conclusion, entertain, compel, definition, invent, term, heritage, realize, encounter, devoted, translate, fame, fortune, profound, produce, religious, object, protest, describe, prolong, tolerance, transform, political

Can India Save its Working Kids

☆入試頻出単語 barely, employer, extend, prohibit, hazardous, include, ban, figure, force, withdraw, suggest, survive, offer, optimistic, rescue, poverty, thrive, industry, democracy, resource, prosperity, insist, improve, conduct, survey, determine, aim, eliminate, rural, combination, investment

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5 コメント

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Unknown (osarisan)
2009-04-09 12:15:29
Unknown (鈴木康)
2009-04-09 07:39:52
 これは原文が省略されてないのでそのまま理解した方がいいでしょう。when I was in a weak momentだとちょっとニュアンスが変わるような気がします。
また質問です (osarisan)
2009-04-08 20:20:01
"There have been times since finishing, weak moments,"

"There have been times since finishing, when I was in a weak moment"
Unknown (鈴木康)
2009-04-08 15:45:29
1 With a wave of her penは「ペンを一振りすると」くらいでしょう。魔法話ですから。

2 rhymes with bowlingは、「bowlingと韻を踏む」の意味です。

3 wild popularity は、「高い人気」よりも「とてつもない人気」くらいに考えるとwildの語感が生きます。

4."There have been times since finishing, weak moments," she told TIME, "when I've said, 'Yeah, all right,' to the eighth novel."
は難しいですね。weak momentsは弱気な時期でしょう。それを乗り越えたということだと思います。

5 ここでのlineは品物という意味です。
The company's new line of shoes is very popular.(ランダムハウス)

6 points to は、「提示する」と考えていいと思います。

7 ここでのadoptは「管理責任を負う」という意味だと思います。

8a rich feast of possibilitiesは文字通り「豊かな可能性のごちそう」で、もちろんこれは比喩的表現です。文頭に人がごちそうを食べているそばで働かされるシーンがありました。そことつながってると思います。
質問です (osarisan)
2009-04-08 12:36:24
That's All She Wrote に関する質問

1.With a wave of her pen, she conjured up Harry Potter.

With a wave of her pen は、「ペンを走らせると」という訳でよろしいでしょうか?

2.As her devoted fans know, Rowling (rhymes with bowling) spent a lot of time in coffee shops finishing the first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, as a single mom in Scotland.

rhymes with bowling の withは、どういう意味ですか?

3."It happened very, very quickly," Rowling said of her fame and fortune, brought about by the first book's wild popularity.

wild popularity は、「高い人気」という訳でよろしいでしょうか?

4."There have been times since finishing, weak moments," she told TIME, "when I've said, 'Yeah, all right,' to the eighth novel."


Can India Save its Working Kids に関する質問

Last October, the Gap clothing chain was forced to withdraw a line of embroidered blouses because of reports that the garments were stitched by kids.

5.a line は、「商売」という訳でよろしいでしょうか?

6.She points to plans to conduct a survey to determine the number of working children and to expand projects aimed at eventually eliminating child labor.

points to は、「提示する」という訳でよろしいでしょうか?

7.Infosys, a giant technology company, has set up 10,000 libraries in rural areas across the country. Wipro, another tech firm, is adopting 7,500 schools.

adopting は、どういう意味ですか?

8.But a combination of political action and business investment could bring them, and all of India's children, a rich feast of possibilities.

a rich feast of possibilities は、どういう意味ですか?


