現在の中国と19世紀のアメリカ合衆国の類似性について論じたHow China Is like 19th Century AmericaというTIME誌の記事中第2段落に以下のようなくだりがあります。
While we're too aware of how regularly — and speedily — bold forecasts about China are proved wrong to offer one of our own, our research into 19th century America and contemporary China, respectively, leads us to flag a third possibility: China could stumble but keep climbing upward, much like the U.S. did about a century and a half ago.
leads us to flagという部分におけるflagの意味がおわかりでしょうか? 記事全体が面白く20分位かけて味読する価値があります。解説は次回。
While we're too aware of how regularly — and speedily — bold forecasts about China are proved wrong to offer one of our own, our research into 19th century America and contemporary China, respectively, leads us to flag a third possibility: China could stumble but keep climbing upward, much like the U.S. did about a century and a half ago.
leads us to flagという部分におけるflagの意味がおわかりでしょうか? 記事全体が面白く20分位かけて味読する価値があります。解説は次回。