Mohamed Nasheed
But by the end of this century, according to various scientific projections, the low-lying Maldives may slip below the waters entirely.(×しかし今世紀の終わりまでに、さまざまな科学的計画によれば、海抜の低いモルジブは完全に水没してしまうかもしれない)
Since coming to power last year in an election that ended a three-decade-long dictatorship, Nasheed, 42, has championed the fight against climate change.(×昨年、三十年にわたる独裁を終わらせた選挙で権力の座について以来、Nasheed、42歳は気候変動との闘いで勝利してきた)
Obama’s Big Gamble
Obama's outreach to the world is an experiment, and not just to see if the world will respond.He wants to demonstrate at home that engagement does not make America weak.(×彼は自国でも約束事がアメリカを弱くはしないと示したがっている)
But by the end of this century, according to various scientific projections, the low-lying Maldives may slip below the waters entirely.(×しかし今世紀の終わりまでに、さまざまな科学的計画によれば、海抜の低いモルジブは完全に水没してしまうかもしれない)
Since coming to power last year in an election that ended a three-decade-long dictatorship, Nasheed, 42, has championed the fight against climate change.(×昨年、三十年にわたる独裁を終わらせた選挙で権力の座について以来、Nasheed、42歳は気候変動との闘いで勝利してきた)
Obama’s Big Gamble
Obama's outreach to the world is an experiment, and not just to see if the world will respond.He wants to demonstrate at home that engagement does not make America weak.(×彼は自国でも約束事がアメリカを弱くはしないと示したがっている)