スポーツ選手が身につけるお守りのようなブレスレットの流行についての伝えたWrist WatchというTIME誌10月4日号に掲載された記事に、二段落にわたって以下のようなくだりがあります。
"Is there a scientific reason for why that's happening, or is it psychosomatic?" asks Bruno Thiercelin, 50, a surfer from Anglet, France. "I'm betting it's the latter. But if wearing the thing makes you think you feel or perform better, who cares?"
That logic is a big reason that Power Balance and other players in the athletic- and health-enhancement sector are enjoying booming business despite the lack of scientific evidence that their products actually do anything.
"Is there a scientific reason for why that's happening, or is it psychosomatic?" asks Bruno Thiercelin, 50, a surfer from Anglet, France. "I'm betting it's the latter. But if wearing the thing makes you think you feel or perform better, who cares?"
That logic is a big reason that Power Balance and other players in the athletic- and health-enhancement sector are enjoying booming business despite the lack of scientific evidence that their products actually do anything.