

怪人二十面相 112

2023-02-19 23:36:43 | 怪人二十面相


Arrestment of the thief


"Still, Mr. Akechi."
The chief of Metropolitan Police asked as if he could hardly wait for him finish the explanation.


"You can detail everything how this larceny has been executed as you are the Twnty Faces himiself. Is it your imagination, or dose it have any basis?"


"Of course it's not my imagination. I heard all of the secrets from his subordinate. I just heard it."

「え、え、なんだって? きみは二十面相の部下に会ったのか。いったい、どこで? どうして?」

"What? Have you met Twenty Faces' subordinate? But when? Why?"
Even the chief of the M.P was petrified by this sudden revelation.


"I met him in Twenty Faces' den. Chief, you know I had been abducted by Twenty Faces. My family and all people thought so, the newspaper gave that report. But the truth is that it's just my plan. I wasn't abducted. I had became one of them and helped to abduct someone.


Last year, I received a strange visitor who wanted to become my apprentice. I was so surprised to see him. I even wondered a mirror stood in front of me.


Because this applicant resembled me. The physique, height, visage, even curled hair, evety part of him was similar to mine. He said he wanted me to hire him as my double.


I hired him secretly and let him live in some place. And it served this occasion.


On that day, I went to his secret house, exchanged our clothe, sent him in my figure to my office. After a while I became a street person, Torazou Akai, went to Akechi's office to get a fight with my doble to show off.


One of his subordiates complitely trusted me seeing it. And he advised me to become Twenty Faces' follower. Like this I fell in the place to help abducting my double and then finally I could get into the thief's den.


But Twety Face was very wary. From that day he just used me for his mundane works, not letting me out. Naturally, he didn't spill any scheme of stealing the museum art.


And the day came at last. I got some decision and just waited for the afternoon. Then at around two o'clock, the door of his basement opened and many of his surbordinates in wrecker's clothe came in holding the precious art works. Of course they were stolen goods.





怪人二十面相 111

2023-02-19 18:40:01 | 怪人二十面相


”For that he got a very audacious preparation. The three people on night duty on last night might have gone home this morning. Now, please make sure if they have come back home."


Akechi started saying an odd thing. None of the three men didn't have the phone so one of the museum staffs called the retailers in their neighbors to find out the all three of them hadn't gone home yet. Their families weren't concerned about it guessing they got to stay at the museum for this incident.


"Isn't it weird that they have left this museum eight or nine hours ago and yet they are not at home? There is no way they are hanging around after they got exhausted by staying up all night. Do you understand what does it mean, they didn't go home?"


Akechi looked around everyone again, and continued.
"It's no other than that the three of them have been abducted by Twenty Faces."

「え、誘かいされた? それはいつのことです。」

"What? Abducted? When is it?"
The curator cried out.

「え、え、きのうの夕方ですって? じゃあ、ゆうべここにいた三人は……。」

"Last evening, when they left their homes for the night duty."
"What? Last evening? Then the three of them in here last night..."


"They were Twenty Faces' subordinates. They played the staffs on night duty with the genuine persons incarcerated in their den. How easy is that. WIth the gang themselves guarding here, it was easy enough for the too replace them with the counterfeits.


Everyone, this is the way of Twenty Faces. He can do things that no human can do with his little idea.


The detective Akechi said as if he was praising Twenty Faces smartness and grasp the list of the old doctor Kitaouji hard enough to make him feel pain.

「ウーン、あれが賊の手下だったのか。うかつじゃった。わしがうかつじゃった。」 老博士は白髯をふるわせて、さもくやしそうにうめきました。両眼がつりあがって、顔がまっさおになって、見るも恐ろしい憤怒ふんぬ形相ぎょうそうです。

"Uh, they were his subordinates. How sloppy of me. I was careless."
The old doctor moaned in vexation with his beard trembling. With his eyebrows raised, face in red he looked terribly furious.


Still, why the old doctor couldn't find they were the impostors. They weren't Twenty Faces, it's unthinkable they could deceive the director by their disguise. The doctor Kitaouji, of all men was decieved so easily, isn't it a little strange?
