

英国essay代写-Homosexuality and the Bible

2017-11-01 16:45:36 | 日記
本篇英国essay代写-Homosexuality and the Bible讲了同性恋是一个长期存在的有争议的问题,捕捉到不同的评论,无论是中立的,支持性的还是拒绝的,对于对这个辩论的话题讲的很少的圣经,变得更加模糊不清。同性恋正确的种子是人类群众呼吁人权和平等的强大支持。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Homosexuality, a long-lasting controversial issue that captures diverse comments, be it neutral, supportive or rejective, turns even more obscure in terms of the Bible that tells little about this debated topic. The seed of rectitude of homosexuality has been sown by the stronger backing such as the call for human right and equality among human groups. When it comes to the Bible, whose attitude toward homosexual activities remains invariable, the jury is still out, in technical terms, on whether homosexual behavior is justified, despite there indeed exist some stories in this religious classic alluding to the amorality of homosexuality. It seems that even the Bible, the best seller over the world, has not drawn a clear conclusion on homosexuality.
This essay is to center around the issue of homosexuality with a biblical perspective, and bring relevant discussions in. It will bat around the assumptions on which arguments about homosexuality and the Bible are based, conceptions of sex, gender, and sexuality that are taken as given or called into question, the impact of the context where the Bible was written, and whether an ancient text can come into handy as a backing-up for a modern argument. The aim of this essay is to settle a biblical view on homosexuality, having referring to both the Bible and other works related to this topic, since homosexual behavior in biblical angle has long been disputed.
In these days, waves of homosexuals are defending themselves in an attempt to put a moral label on themselves, with human rights, people orientation and equality as their shield. Sexual orientation, a word that can be barely found in ancient times, tends to gain popularity around the world. The public is also showing increasing tolerance for homosexuals who used to be discriminated or even persecuted before. This can be smelt from a list of countries who allow gays and lesbians to get married and even draw up exclusive laws to protect their legitimate rights and interests, treating homosexuals and heterosexuals as equals.
In this connection, a culture of homosexuality seems to be emerging as some sort of fashion, as more and more stars or celebrities come out of the closet as a thundercap from a blue sky. For example, Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, is blunt about his homosexuality as his pride in Tim Cook Speaks Up (Businessweek, 2014). Such disputable tendency, once held punishable, has borne on social culture, values and even public opinion. People, both heterosexual and homosexual, are viewing homosexual behavior or affection in a more tolerant way.
In this social context, a host of Christian homosexuals are coming along, challenging the doctrine of Christianity. As Hays notes in The Moral Vision of The New Testament, those homosexual believers make an endeavor to create such a concept that homosexual behavior is allowed in biblical respect. This makes the Church and Christians are becoming more tolerant for homosexuality, as a nudge for the tendency that allows for the existence of homosexual phenomenon. Hays, in his work, takes his friend Gary as an example to illustrate a rational gay considers biblical attitude toward homosexuality from an objective perspective.
However, it seems never to cross their mind that their call for legitimacy of homosexuality is prone to be untenable. This is not groundless in that the Bible by and large holds an opposing view toward homosexuality, even in the words that are not so clear-cut as unexceptionally forcible evidence. This is what you can speculate from the context instead of just garbling it.
When coming up against the issue of biblical legitimacy of homosexuality, protesters are inclined to take the notorious story of Sodom and Gomorrah as evidence (Hays, 1996). When the two angels come to the two infamous cities in a bid to save the cities so long as ten men of integrity are found. The “men of Sodom” however, come to Lot’ s door, and intend to rape the angels. This stands as a mark of wickedness of the city. In this sense, it is indicated that sexual behavior between homosexual men is convicted as sin. This argument is based on the assumption that the scenario itself functions as a strong symbol of sin of homosexuality. However, many supporters hold the view that the writing shows no evidence that implies the amorality of homosexuality, as the sin of Sodom boils down to pride, excess of food, prosperous ease but no aid to the poor. There is no unambiguous settlement for illegitimacy of same-sex intercourse. And such argument is based on the assumption that only clear or definitive words lay foundation for settling the question of Christian ethics.
I dare say, homosexual sex is also alluded to in this story. Citizens in Sodom are passionate about sexual enjoyment without taking ethics or morality into account. The criticism on their indulgence and recklessness can be embodied through this story. It is fair to say that the extreme pursuit of sexual joy has been distorted into homosexual sex, as those men in Sodom crave for lust regardless of sexuality. In this sense, homosexual sex mentioned in this story serves as some sort of distorted, excessive or abnormal longing for sensual happiness. Those who accord too much importance to words hold a rigid and partial view. The story itself can serve as a visible mark of the biblical opposition to homogeneity.
What triggers debate over biblical attitude toward homosexuality includes not only the story about Sodom but also a section of intercourse in Leviticus, which takes an unambiguous view toward this stuff: “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” (Hays, 1996). Besides, it is recorded that “‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable” (Hays, 1996). It goes beyond any doubt that homosexual sex is definitely and unremittingly forbidden, as the Bible records. On top of that, this amoral act is also included in a series of sexual offenses alongside with adultery, incest and bestiality (Hays, 1996). In this sense, male same-sex is prohibited as evidenced by such records. There are still a minority of people, who strictly focus on verbal meaning, with the view that this intercourse stresses gays alone, leaving out lesbians. As such, it is not impartial to say that homosexuality is entirely frowned upon in the Bible for only male homosexuals are addressed while female homosexuals are seemingly forgiven. Therefore, homosexuality, in technical terms, is not completely prohibited or rejected in the Bible, as those people understand. In my point of view, however, “lying with a male as with a woman is not allowed” stands as a metaphor that implies “lying with a female as with a man is not allowed”. In this dialogue in Leviticus, the talker with God is Morse whose sexuality is male so the Lord tailors his words with the consideration of his identity as a man. If the talker is a female, it is safe to indicate that the original words will turn into that “You shall not lie with a female as with a man; it is an abomination”. Both female and male homosexuality are negated in the Bible.
There are pileups of erroneous opinions on the legitimacy of homosexuality, as Ratzinger (1994) notes, which include the claim that Sacred Scripture says nothing on the subject of homosexuality, or that it tacitly approves of it, or that all prohibitions in the scripture are no longer applicable to the modern world right now. Some of researchers tend to owe those improper opinions to translation or written forms in different epochs. In other words, the meaning and modern understanding have been distorted and fail to reflect what the Bible meant originally. In Corinthians 6, Paul raises a question to those who think the old moral rules are obsolete and of no use for them: “Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God ?”. And then he gives his answer: “fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, malakoi, arsenokoitai, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers”. The words of malakoi and arsenokoitai remain disputable in a technical term (Hays, 1996). The word of malakoi does not mean “homosexual” (neither in Greek nor in Hebrew). It usually comes as a pejorative slang that alludes to homosexual activities among young boys. The other word arsenokoitai was new word then that had never been found before. While some researchers remain divided on the meaning of this word, there indeed exists a certain argument about it: Robin Scroggs mentioned that this word was translated from Hebrew mishkav zakur and stood for “lying with a male” (Hays, 1996). In this sense, the word arsenokoitai represents the amoral and abominable act of homosexuality. Translation can not be regarded as a reason for biblical permit of homosexual behavior. It is fair to say that those, who take translation or difference between old and new writing patterns as causes for ambiguity of biblical judgement on homosexual behavior, are highly likely to have not made sense of what those “ambiguous” words really mean. In a word, the so-called tacit consent to homosexuals is no more than an illusion. And biblical judgement on same-sex behavior is not elusive at all.
In the New Testament, Romans is the most crucial text that brings out the condemnation of homosexual behavior in an explicit fashion (Hays, 1996). The following quoted section in Romans can best explain why the biblical judgement on homosexual behavior is negative:
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. (New International Version, Romans. 1. 26-27)
This intercourse includes homosexual behavior among both women and men, criticizing them for their violence against human natures. Homosexual people are chasing after lust regardless of sexuality and born natures, which embodies their reckless pursuit of sensual enjoyment without taking ethical rules into account. The quoted paragraph above reflects how God gives indulgent homosexuals up to their lust and unseemly choice of sexual partners. And female homosexuals deserve to be condemned as their male counterparts do.
However, there are still some protesters with the argument that all of condemnations noted above indeed brim over with the criticism on homosexual behavior or lust, rather than homosexual love mentally. And homosexual acts should be differentiated from platonic love that is well-known around the world. Those protesters may use the following thinking as their argument’ s backing: the Bible puts adequate condemnations on homosexual acts but little criticism on platonic love among homosexuals. In this sense, what the Bible virtually bombards is the indulgence in lust regardless of sexuality. And what Paul actually categorized into sins is homosexual acts out of passion about sensual enjoyment, not homosexual platonic love. Nevertheless, such argument itself is disputable. Same-sex love, even in a platonic style, is a reckless and wayward attitude toward sex in itself. Once same-sex love emerges, it can be implied that homosexuals have already wallowed in sensual euphoria in that their consideration about biological sexuality has been cast aside. In other words, homosexuals are so immersed in lust that they are inclined to put physical enjoyment before consideration on sexuality. They are less rational than heterosexuals.
Despite that, there goes such an interpretation that homosexual acts can be judged as guilty only among heterosexuals. Those who are naturally homosexual shall not be counted among sinful people. It is because only natural heterosexuals deserve to be convicted who are too greedy about lust to consider biological sexuality before having a sex with another person. This defence for for natural homosexuals, however, is not tenable. In no case had Paul and any other writer mentioned the concept of “sexual orientation” (Hays, 1996), who think homosexuals ought to be separated from God the Creator. And this means both natural homosexuals and heterosexuals who choose to have homosexual acts deserve to be criticized in biblical terms.
From my perspective, historical causes or factors need to be taken into consideration. It is because the Bible was written in ancient times where social environment was not so open-minded as the modern society is, and the public had relatively lower tolerance for homosexual acts. Coupled with that, homosexual phenomenon was not as wide was it is today. As such, it can be indicated that homosexuality did not caught so much attention at that time and thus Paul and other recorders did not put much emphasis on it. And this stands as a reason for inadequate condemnation against homosexual behavior in the Bible. In ancient society where population was not so large as it is today, giving birth to children was more significant than it is in today’ s world. The complementarity of the sexes, as it is recorded in Genesis that tells us God shapes mankind, male and female, according to his own image and likeness, represents the inherent unity of the Creator (Ratzinger, 1994). Homosexual acts run pole apart from God’ s will when he is creating mankind because homosexuals cannot give birth to babies and breed them. Homosexual behavior is not a complementary act that is able to transmit life and thus it “thwarts the call to a life of that form of self-giving”, which violates the essence of Christian living (Ratzinger, 1994).
In this connection, a reason can be drawn for the louder voice claiming that homosexual behavior is allowed by the Bible: as the number of homosexuals is growing and with the higher level of tolerance for homosexuality, more and more gays and lesbians are expected to be justified in a biblical term as a comfort to their sense of guilt. And the Church is inclined to show an ambiguous attitude toward their desire (Ratzinger, 1994). As such, it is not proper to have a look at the Bible, which was written thousands of years ago, with a modern view. Rather, we need to take a historical perspective toward this religious classic and put it in the environment where it was created. This is because a modern, new view might add subjectivity to biblical judgement on homosexual activity.
In conclusion, as far as I’ m concerned, the biblical judgement on homosexuality is negative, though my answer comes frustrating to homosexuals. Some who take an extremely rigid view on words might call the negative judgement into question. But words can by no means be regarded as the sole reference. Meanings at the deeper level are the more significant and deserve more attention. And homosexual acts among both females and males are prohibited. In these days, gays and lesbians are in an effort to pressure the Church into acknowledging the legitimacy of homosexuality in a biblical respect. However, such expectation, though growing stronger and stronger, cannot come true.
Cook, T. Businessweek. Tim Cook Speaks Up. 30th October 2014.
Hays. R. B. The Moral Vision of the New Testament: A Contemporary Introduction to New Testament Ethics. New York: Harper San Francisco, 1996.
Ratzinger, R. J. “Letter To The Bishops Of The Catholic Church On The Pastoral Care Of Homosexual Persons”. Homosexual In The Church. Eds. Jeffrey S. Siker. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994, pp. 39-47.


英国essay代写-Analysis on the Interview Concerning Motivation

2017-11-01 16:35:59 | 日記
本篇英国essay代写-Analysis on the Interview Concerning Motivation讲了这采访旨在收集有经验的员工和雇主的真实信息。我的面试受访者被定义为我父亲的最好的朋友之一,李先生是中国深圳工程咨询公司的创始人和总裁。目前公司现有员工120人,平均每年营收500万美元。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The interview aims at collecting real information from an experienced employee and employer. My interviewee for the interview was defined as one of best friends of my father, Mr Li, the founder and president of an engineering consulting company in Shenzhen, China. His company at present has 120 employees and has averagely earned a revenue of five-million-dollar per year. And I designed different interview questions to deeply explore the issues concerning motivation, group dynamics and organization structure, which will be analyzed below.
1. Understanding Motivation
Equity theory of motivation was initiated by J.Stacy Adams, an American psychologist and behavioral scientist, who insisted on that the employees’ working motivation and enthusiasm were not only decided by their absolute reward, more importantly, also influenced by the relative reward (Wang, 2015, p.1024). That is to say, the employees will always compare their outcome from the work and their input to the work to the outcome and input of a person with equal conditions and status to them. When the outcome-input ratio of themselves is equal or higher than others, a sense of fairness, comfortable feeling with the equity and the positive enthusiasm will arise. Otherwise, it will lead to dissatisfaction, grievances and complaints, and even negative behavior in the future work.
The theory of job engagement means the degree to which the individual employees are dependent on the organization, their job roles, and the coworkers around them. In a healthy work environment where employees voluntarily engaging to them, the organization does not have to force employees to work or to monitor the implementation of the task status. Due to the mobilization of the internal enthusiasm of the employees and active participation, they will contribute to the organization and the work. And the theory of job enrichment based on Fredrick Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Theory insists on enriching and diversifying the work content, granting more challenging work and a sense of accomplishment to the employees. By changing the content and level of responsibility, employees will be able to be more responsible to the work and get enough sense of accomplishment (Kooij et al., 2013, p.19).
2. Summary of Responses
Li (my interviewee) worked for a Chinese state-owned company two decades ago in Guangzhou, where the relationship and the leaders’ favor occupied an extremely important position. Therefore he eventually chose to set up a company other than work in the previous company as a senior executive. He was so young, capable and enthusiastic that he drove himself work hard to complete every task assigned to him. He definitely brought some successful projects to and earned considerable profits for the company, so he was often praised by his leader. There was a change of promotion after he had worked in the company for two years. But the chance passed to one of his coworkers with ordinary working capacity and powerful relationship with management of the company, who entered the company at the same time with him.
Li examined and considered his outcome and input and felt unfair deeply. In the end, he resolutely chose to set up a company himself other than work in the previous company even though he may have opportunities to become one of the senior executives of the company in many years. That means the state-owned company let their employees feel demotivated due to unfair treatment and failed to utilize equity theory to motivate the employees.
In terms of job engagement and job enrichment, Li really emphasized the job empowerment within his company. He and his management have very much cared about the need, feeling and welfare of their employees, and let the employees feel that the leaders and the whole company are concerned about them. Li conducted a research survey with all the employees joining in it, and the data collected illustrated that his employees would like to participate in the management decision-making and would feel glad if the management discuss the problem with them and give them opportunity to make suggestions. Also Li tried to grant the employees tasks and the power in dealing with tasks directly. During the employee empowerment, the employees were able to get timely feedback on their work performance, and obtain the appropriate evaluation and sincere appreciation from the leaders. Later the effect was good because the employees more and more felt the company was like their home and themselves were the real one of the hosts of their home.
3. Recommendations to Improve Motivation
I recommend an organization shall make use of equity theory of motivation to meet the equity awareness and equity requirements of the employees. Equity does not mean an absolute egalitarianism, but assumes actively reducing and eliminating unfairness, treating all employees fairly in all aspects of distribution, promotion, rewards and etc., ensuring all the employee motivated.
An organization can appropriately authorize to employees to increase their sense of responsibility and participation. First of all, we must better understand what the employees need and targeted. Secondly, the abilities of employees for what kind of work shall be explored. And the necessary information and correspondent guidance shall be provided and for the employees to complete the work (Menezes, 2012, pp.310-312). Also, an organization shall enable employees to clear the objectives and benefits of job enrichment, and when design the programs of job enrichment, we shall involve the employees in participating in the design.
Group Dynamics
1. Understanding Group Dynamics
The group membership is crucial for individual employees to feel about that they are needed and have important positions and influences in an organization. And one thing to evaluate on the quality of a group membership is cohesiveness. Cohesiveness mainly consists of three aspects, the attraction of the group to its members, group’s ability in meeting all various needs of employees, and the attraction of coworkers in the same group to the employees.
Concerning the attraction of the group to its members, if the group orientation and the goals, organization structure, organizational spirit and the social position the group granted to employees are suitable to the group members, the attractive power of the group will enlarge while otherwise will reduce, and even the group members will be bored and break away from the group. Concerning meeting all various needs of the group members which is also the key premise for enhancing group appeal, the group and the organization must manage to fulfill the various physical and psychological needs of individual members. Concerning the attraction of coworkers in the same group to the employees, the group have to develop a phenomenon of interest consistency, harmonious relationship and mutual care, love and help with each other in the group and thus the mutual exclusion will be eliminated and cohesiveness will be strengthened, which is beneficial to organizational performance and productivity
And the group members working in the same group will unavoidably face the problem of social loafing in additive work, which is adverse to improve employees’ performance and contribution to the organization. Social loafing refers to that, in the production and cooperation of a group, due to the corresponding relationship between the individual contribution and income remuneration is not clearly defined, the group members gradually have an opportunistic tendency to reduce their contribution cost to the work and enjoy the work fruits from others. In an atmosphere of social loafing, the group members lack enthusiasm to work hard, which leads to invalid group work.
2. Summary of Responses
In terms of how to improve group cohesiveness, Li talked about the importance of clear and consistent goals and good internal management within the group. .
He worked with group members to build goals that combine group goals with individual employees’ goals. He focused on setting the specific, measurable, challenging and reachable goals with clear time limit determined. On the other hand, He and his management implemented democratic leadership, and he found that group members of his organization became more active and more cohesive. He urged to provide his employees with the incentives they desire at the same time. Communication was also encouraged between supervisors and subordinates, managers and employees and among the employees themselves. He insisted that communication would help the group members to understand the task of the group, help the management understand the progress of the work of group members and help them make appropriate adjustments. In his company, the individual group members and the group have maintained a good mutual trust.
At a time when Li’s company began to reach a scale of 60 employees, he began to feel the difficulty of managing the employees. There occurred the phenomenon of free riding behavior, especially some of the superiors in the company had not completed their own duty and responsibility. In 2002, he and two of his assistants went away to Beijing for expanding the company business and he had to meet and consulted with several big companies in Beijing, so the time for this business trip was so long that he had no enough energy to focus on the company of himself. More than half a month later, he went back and found the employees were sniggering and complaining. He managed to figure out the situation and eventually found that the three superiors he had promoted had always been put their work to their subordinates without being noticed by Li. And this kind of behavior went severe after Li went away on a business trip. Li then introspected carefully on the conditions and understood he definitely lacked management knowledge and paid all his attention to the business and operation. He managed to know how important the management on an organization is. He took measures of establishing an effective group performance appraisal mechanism, concerning about the performance of individual group members. After reflection, he immediately dismissed the three superiors, made the group members’ work identifiable and avoided the unclear division of responsibilities and implemented a 360-degree comprehensive performance appraisal mechanism, comprehensively evaluating the employees from all aspects of performance in the tasks and work.
3. Recommendations to Improve Group Dynamics
It is recommended that goal consistency between group and group members, democratic leadership, motivation combined with group members’ actual needs and communication are all powerful tools for establishing the group cohesiveness.
Also, making each performer in the group identifiable and emphasizing the importance of the work and responsibility and work content of each performer (Greenberg, 2015, p. 265) is beneficial to solve the social loafing in an organization.
Organization structure
1. Understanding Organization Structure
Centralization and decentralization are two of the important concepts for understanding organization structure, Centralization refers to the concentration of decision-making power at a higher level in the organizational system while decentralization refers to the dispersion of decision-making power to the lower levels of organizational system (Ashkenas et al., 2002, p. 94). Centralization is convenient to reach the decree uniform and standard uniform and is beneficial for the management to take control of the overall situation. Also centralization makes easy the implementation of the command. On the contrary, centralization is not conducive to the development of personality and characteristics, and does not take into account the special nature of tasks and individual employees in the organization. Secondly it lacks flexibility and contingency to the external environment. Also the subordinates tend to depend on the organization other than themselves and become negative in taking responsibility. The enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the employees in the work will be largely reduced. The influence of decentralization is just the opposite of centralization.
According to the centralization and decentralization of an organization, the span of control is decided. Span of control determines the number of levels set and the number of management personnel quipped in the organization. Generally speaking, the larger the span of control, the less organization levels will be. On the contrary, the smaller the span of control, the organization levels will be.
2. Summary of Responses
In the early development stage of Li’s company, the company implemented a straight-line organizational management structure with the small number of employees, relatively simple departments and roughly division of labor, which was evidently centralized. And the company severely depended on hierarchy and layers and layers of tight control to manage the employees. But as the more and more refined division of labor, the company faced different professional requirements horizontally. The company employees increased, and more and more departments have been established. Facing the larger scale of the company, to motivate his employees and improve the efficiency of the company, Li decided to implement a flat organizational structure, decentralize the power and increase the span of control with the carefully selected management personnel of many-sided abilities. At the same time, his company paid attention to rely on the strategic guidance, monitoring and performance appraisal to protect the decentralized power from abuse or inefficient use.
3. Recommendations to Optimize Organization Structure
Based on the interview information, I recommend that an organization shall reasonably balance between centralization and decentralization to implement an appropriate organization structure. And flat and decentralized organization with larger span of control may be more suitable for the companies of the current time.
This analysis paper on the basis of the interview is to explore and understand in detail about the practical experience and theory’s application in the work on the three important aspects of organization management of motivation, group dynamics and organization structure. My interviewee’s successful or failing experience and reflection are used in the paper to illustrate how to consider and apply the theory of motivation, group dynamics and organization structure. And a successful organization or company shall be equipped with the most appropriate organization structure and group membership of high cohesiveness with all the employees motivated.
Ashkenas, R., Ulrich, D., Jick, t., & Kerr, S. (2002). The Boundaryless Organization: Breaking the Chains of Organizational Structure. San Francisco:John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Greenberg, J. (2015). Behavior in Organizations. New York: Pearson Education.
Kooij, D.T., Guest, D.E., Clinton, M., Knight, T., Jansen, P.G., & Dikkers, J.S. (2013). How the impact of HR practices on employee well-being and performance changes with age. Human Resource Management Journal, 23(1), 18-35.
Menezes, L.M. (2012) Job satisfaction and quality management: an empirical analysis. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 32(3), pp.308-328.
Wang, Y. (2015). Does Salary Gap Really Have Incentive Effect. Modern Economy, 6(9), 1023-1027.


英国论文Book report与Movie Review写作区别

2017-11-01 16:16:57 | 日記
在论文的写作当中,我们经常会看到通过读后感、电影评价、书籍评价等方式的评论性的report,这种写作方式在国外可是非常的常见,或许有不少的同学对于这类的写作会很少的接触到。今天,51due代写平台将为大家讲解英国论文Book report与Movie Review写作区别。

在写作时会感到毫无头绪,但是如果同学们的report和Review想要取得较好的成绩,那么掌握一定的写作技巧就显得尤为关键,下面给各位Book Report该怎么写以及Movie Review的写作技巧,希望能够帮助到各位同学
Book Report怎么写
Book Report/Review也称之为书评,读后感!是评论或者介绍文章的书籍,以书为对象,实事求是的分析书籍的形式和内容,要想写好书评,你需要花信息将整本书籍进行细致的研读。
Movie Review写作技巧辅导:影评的重要性
很多人通过看影评(Movie Review)或者预告来决定是否要去看一部电影。
然而写影评(Movie Review)的过程并非易事。你不仅要花费时间用心看整部电影,处理电影中大量的信息,去思考,从电影中找出足够有说服力的论点并提供有力的材料去支持它们。
Movie Review写作技巧辅导:写好movie review的要点
通过以上对于Book Report和Movie Review的写作技巧辅导后,各位同学们学会了写作Book Report和Movie Review这项技能了吗?在写作的过程当中不能够偏离书籍或者电影所表述的情感和事实,书评不同于影评指出在于写作的立场,对于书评的写作最好是不要融入个人情感,这样会导致书评失去了应有的公平公正性。

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英国论文application Essay与SAT essay写作区别

2017-11-01 16:12:32 | 日記
其实如果同学们细细的来区别essay写作的种类,我们可以发现在日常生活当中的英语短文、议论文等等都能够以essay的形式写作,其中application essay和sat essay的写作在留学申请当中使用的比较频繁,这两者虽然都是同属essay,但是因为类别的不同,具体写作的形式也各不相同,今天,51due代写平台将为大家讲解英国论文application Essay与SAT essay写作区别。

首先要明确,英国大学申请过程中,这种college application essay最重要的目的是为了让招生委员会更深入、更全面地了解申请人的情况。所以这种essay的内容不应该是申请学生的简单背景介绍或者学习成绩的机械罗列,而是着重应该写学生的思考、观察、反省以及从经历中所学到的东西。
事实上,将来进入大学,课堂中很常见的one-page paper,就是那种要求短时间完成的一页纸的小短文作业,和TOEFL/SAT写作部分中的要求与格式是极为类似的。
所以说,以上两类文章各有侧重,也给那些因为种种原因TOEFL/SAT写作部分发挥不好,没有取得满意成绩的学生另一个机会,在申请essay中作出弥补。事实上,芝加哥大学本科招生委员会副主任Adele Brumfield在一些场合明确表示,芝加哥大学根本就不看SAT的写作部分成绩,而是重点看学生的申请essay。

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英国论文写作-academic essay写作指导

2017-11-01 16:06:46 | 日記
academic essay作为留学生常见的学术论文写作中的一种,主要就是写作有关于学术方面的论文、随笔等内容,这也代表着你这学校学术专业领域的理解程度,学术的理解对于每一位留学生来讲都是非常重要的,在写作的过程中,我们除了要注意介绍、主题、结论这三部分,outline部分的构思也是非常的重要,今天,51due代写平台将为大家讲解英国论文写作-academic essay写作指导。

在academic essay的写作中,我们能够巧妙的运用些有趣的短句与符号,来达到吸引读者注意力的效果,在写作完后需要在对essay进行检查,写作的格式是否规范和符合导师的要求,这一点是最为重要的,尽量不要因为这种细节上的错误,而影响到导师最后对于论文的评分。

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