

美国作业代写:The influence of Christianity on English literature

2017-11-23 16:54:24 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The influence of Christianity on English literature,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了基督教对英国文学的影响。宗教和文学的关系密不可分。特别是基督教文学,它的宗教经典《圣经》对英国作家的影响至今不衰。宗教与文学同属于人类意识形态文化的范畴,都是人精神领域发展到强盛时期的产物,标志着人们具有了通过自己的想象和思维再造一个完全不同于现实世界的精神世界的强大能力。
The relationship between religion and literature is inseparable. In particular, the influence of Christian literature on British writers remains. Both religion and literature belong to the category of human ideology and culture, which is the product of the development of human spiritual field into the period of prosperity, which indicates that people have the powerful ability to recreate a spiritual world completely different from the real world through their own imagination and thinking. There is a close relationship between the concept of English literature and the concept of Christianity, and as readers we may not believe in Christ, but understanding Christianity is of great significance to us in-depth understanding of British literary works. This paper tries to analyze the influence of Christianity on English literature and the deep relationship between Christianity and English literature by taking Shakespeare and Bunyan as examples.
The influence of Christian literature, especially the Bible of Christian religious classics, on British writers has not been bad. The Bible is both a classic of Judaism and a literary confluence of the Jewish people, Christianity takes its historical legends, religious stories, folk customs, vows, chants, love poems and so on, and integrates with his Gospel stories and Apostles ' Traces to form a biblical story and become a source of endless creation of literary works in later generations.​
Many great thinkers, writers, and artists have drawn nourishment from the Bible in search of material. Understanding Christianity and its intrinsic connection with British literature can help us better understand literary works.
Shakespeare, one of the greatest writers in the world, has been greatly influenced by Christianity. The authoritative accounts of his life have not been circulated so much that it is difficult to accurately judge Shakespeare's religious beliefs. But one's work is the truest reaction of his faith. From Shakespeare's works, we can feel that he is deeply influenced by Christian culture and has a strong Christian consciousness. The Bible gives Shakespeare endless nourishment, which is widely seen in Shakespeare's plays. In his comedy, historical drama, tragedies, poems and 14 lines of poetry, he has hundreds of times quoted the biblical sentences, expressing the recognition of many Christian ideas.
Shakespeare in the works more than once expressed that people should pursue the existence of transcendental significance, that is, beyond the eternal meaning of earthly existence. In many of his works, we can see that the greatest writer in English literature has his own thoughts on life and transcendent existence. In the face of the eternal topic of life and death, Shakespeare believes that human beings are limited, so that the value of life infinite is the meaning of living.
John Bunyan is a writer of the late British Renaissance and Shakespeare. He was born poor, a tinker's son and a puritan. Bunyan Juvenile Army, after the war, youth and endured many years of faith crisis, even because of religious beliefs suffered 12 years of prison. It was during this period that Bunyan wrote "Pilgrim's Course" in the pure mind and pious writing manner, which was hailed as "the guide of the Spiritual Journey".
Bunyan the world of his own life with a religious eye, and found too many evils in the world, and he was so helpless. Yet he gained confidence in his faith and found a way to redeem himself. He hopes to bring this confidence and sentiment to the people around, light more people's hearts, and thus wrote "Pilgrim's Course."
He wants to use this book to tell people that the journey to heaven is the day that people experience in the world, and that the Christian process symbolizes the course of human pursuit of a better future. A good traveler, desperation, will be blinded by ignorance and there will be despair, but with indomitable spirit will eventually reach the end. Bunyan describes the human condition with a wonderful irony. It is hoped that the Puritan standard will purify the British society of the 17th century.
Many works of English literature have obvious religious feelings, and some of the inner spirit of Christianity can be clearly embodied in many works of English literature. For the affirmation of the original sin, the recognition of atonement, the promotion of benevolence is often the theme of the work. The concepts of good and evil, sin and redemption in Christianity have been repeatedly quoted by many authors in various forms. The following articles will be discussed from three aspects of original sin, atonement and benevolence.
Christianity believes that life is sinful, and this crime is embodied in the greed and desires that are hard to resist. Christianity believes that the original sin is the man's free will to deviate from God's result, the person's life is to atone for the sins, in order to wash the life brings evil. Taking Shakespeare's drama as an example, Shakespeare's understanding of human nature is consistent with Christianity, depending on the existence of human guilt and the belief that evil originates from the free will of man. But it is fundamentally different from Christianity: Christianity believes that the salvation of humanity can only rely on God, while Shakespeare's play embodies the free will of people can help people achieve their own salvation. Shakespeare plays the evil as the destructive force in the free will, although the destructive power can not completely save the person, but the inner drive of free will makes a sense of awe to the universe, the promotion of human nature and spiritual transcendence.
In Shakespeare's works, especially the dramatic works, where the plot unfolds, chasing its roots are due to people's original sin.
In "Pilgrim's Journey", Christians have two purposes: one is to unload the back on the back filled with the burden of life fear and evil, the second is to go through arduous hardships to reach the holy city. The souls of the pilgrim are gradually experiencing repentance and conversion, resist the temptation of refuge, endure the rigorous test of the love of the Lord, and finally reach the four stages of the consummation of faith and righteousness, according to the Christian Salvation Program and Salvation doctrine, this development process is the journey of a man's soul on the path of salvation. It vividly recreates the saints from this Life to eternity of the sacred Faith Road, but also vividly demonstrated the people for an ideal and arduous journey of life.
Redemption is one of the most important themes in the Bible. Christianity holds that man is separated from God because of sin, that life is bound by sin, that sin makes a man a slave, and that salvation is redeemed by self, and that one is released. From a Christian point of view atonement, God is the Redeemer, only God can release the people from sin.
The Salvation view advocated by Shakespeare is obviously different from Christianity. Christianity believes that salvation depends on the grace of God, while Shakespeare's play embodies the power of the free will of man. There's also Shakespeare. As a representative of humanist writers, he thinks that human rationality can develop the good side of will, and the free will of man is strong enough to make people realize their salvation, to restrain the will of evil, to achieve spiritual purity and freedom.
"Pilgrim's Journey" in the book borrowed the form of fables and dreams, through the metaphor of Christ's image to explain his religious thought, the Christian spirit to examine secular society.
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2017-11-23 16:54:05 | 日記
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Paper代写:Relations between Germany and Russia

2017-11-23 16:53:46 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Relations between Germany and Russia,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了德俄关系。冷战结束后很长一段时间内,德俄双方保持着战略合作伙伴关系,德国在俄罗斯与西方之间扮演着利益协调者角色,德国是俄罗斯在欧盟中关系最为密切的国家。但后来俄罗斯与德国的分歧日渐严重,在乌克兰问题中,欧俄双方均将乌克兰视为“底线”。
May 2, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Sochi, the first German Chancellor to visit Russia in two years. In the context of Russia's poor relations with Germany and the European Union, Ms Merkel's meeting with Putin before the formal meeting of the US and Russian leaders demonstrates the practicality of German foreign policy. German media and some scholars analysis that whether the relationship between Germany and Russia can break through the past depends on the U.S.-Russia relations can be eased, the United States in relations between Germany and Russia is a "stealth" third-party important force. Although Germany's stance on Ukraine and the Syrian war has values in mind, but if the United States and Russia's relations in the turn, Germany will immediately turn ―― Merkel's visit to Russia is likely to be a preparation for this situation.
For a long time after the Cold War, the two sides maintained a strategic partnership, Germany played a role of interest coordinator between Russia and the West, Germany is Russia in the European Union, the most closely related countries. But since the second term of her presidency, there has been a growing divergence between Russia and Germany, with German media reporting on the situation in Chechnya and accusations that Russia's arrests of "demonstrators" have led to a plunge in political mutual trust. Putin has alienated the west from foreign policy since 2007, criticizing the West for ignoring Russia's geopolitical interests in the Russian war, the Kosovo crisis, the deployment of the European missile defence system, NATO and the eastward expansion of the EU, which has also led to a decline in relations between Germany and Russia. The Ukrainian crisis that erupted at the end of 2013 detonated years of resentment between Russia and the West, and the ensuing Syrian war further exacerbated the confrontation between Russia and the West. Germany's role as Russian "understanding" and mediator between the West and Russia has fallen.
In Ukraine, both sides regard Ukraine as "the bottom line", the Crimean cast further stimulated Germany and the EU to the Russian strategy apprehension, the Baltic countries to the European Union to put forward a tough foreign policy on Russia's request also brought pressure to Germany. Since 2014, the European Union has escalated its sanctions against Russia, from negotiations on the cessation of the European-Russian economic pact to restricting entry of Russian officials and eventual economic sanctions; During the Syrian war, Germany was committed to multilateral mediation between the parties in the United States, Russia and the Middle East, But the EU's goal of following the US overthrow of the Assad regime has worsened relations with Russia. In fact, there has never been a genuine political ally between Ms Merkel and Mr Putin, which is also closely linked to Ms Merkel's East German origins and to the Russians ' wariness of the beginning. German media ridicule the relationship between the two, said that although Ms. Merkel can speak Russian, Putin can speak German, but Ms. Merkel's treatment of Mr. Putin has never had the same sense of trust as her.
Trump's election to the U.S. president as Germany's unexpected, Trump's ruling philosophy and Germany's foreign policy, the deviation from the German-American relations to face a larger variable. The EU's dependence on the United States in security policy and intelligence is still strong, so the EU and Germany play an active role in international affairs and need to seek American support and understanding. In the Obama era, the EU sanctions against Russia has the United States endorsement, but in the face of Trump on the stage of the signal with the Russian détente, Germany and the European Union to respond to the response to the political need to prepare for the lessons.
Joseph Brammel, a researcher at the German Foreign Policy Association, said in an interview with German television in early May that if Trump's internal pressure in the "through-Russia" incident was reduced, the U.S. policy toward Russia could change rapidly. The exchange of visits between the Russian and US foreign ministers from April 2017 to May has released a positive signal of compromise and cooperation between the United States and Russia on the issue of Syria and Ukraine. Before the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's visit to the United States, Trump suddenly announced the release of the FBI director Komi job, cut off the "tong-Russia" incident to carry out a continuing investigation of the biggest pushing hands. This was in conjunction with Mr. Lavrov's visit to meet Putin in July 2017 at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany to create conditions. In addition, U.S. Secretary of State Tillerson was Exxon Mobil's chairman and chief executive, holding a large share of the company. After the Russian sanctions began, Exxon could not continue to exploit Siberian oil and gas, losing as much as $1 billion. The Russians have expressed "cautious optimism" about Trump's meeting with Lavrov, as the United States fired 59 Tomahawk-type cruise missiles at Syrian government forces on April 6 after a recent chemical attack in Syria. Nevertheless, the political parties have unleashed a desire to improve relations.
Germany has sniffed at a possible easing of relations between the US and Russia, and Ms Merkel's meeting with Mr. Putin is in effect an ice-breaker for German-Russian relations. Even if the US-Russia relationship does not have the expected easing, Ms Merkel is harmless to Germany, after all, for years, Germany has been a middleman and mediator between the US and Russia. The role of Germany's diplomatic mediation is also respected by both the United States and Russia: Germany's push for a Minsk pact during the Ukrainian crisis, with the former German foreign Minister Steinmeier and the U.S. and Russian foreign minister holding several talks within the U.N. Security Council.
Germany has always pursued a "link with values, a policy of interest-oriented diplomacy", in dealing with relations with Russia. Germany's foreign policy is not lack of western values such as democracy and human rights, but whether it is the "enlightened realism" diplomatic idea advocated by the incumbent German President Steinmeier or the role orientation of the academic circles to the German "trade country" is closely related to the real state interests. For a long time, Germany's policy on Russia has a basic principle, that is, Europe's security and stability needs Russia's participation, can not exclude Russia from the outside and even confrontation. As a result, Germany has been Russia's most important partner in the west before the Ukrainian crisis. In the Ukraine crisis, Germany in the United States, Eastern Europe and the Baltic States and Russia in the mediation between the "strong and dialogue with the dual strategy." How to implement the Minsk agreement became Russia's most irreconcilable disagreement with the entire West, including Germany.
Germany's pragmatic foreign policy towards Russia is closely related to the close economic and trade relations between Russia and Germany, and economic sanctions have brought great losses to both Germany and Russia. Germany's 35% of natural gas and 40% of crude oil imported from Russia in 2013, up to 6,200 in Russia and Germany, and about 400,000 jobs related to Russia's exports. Germany's exports to Russia declined by 14% after the sanctions. The Baltic and Eastern European countries are two to three times as likely to import gas from Russia as Germany, but the pressure on Germany is much higher than in eastern European countries such as Poland and Bulgaria, and the EU's energy independence plan is hard to reach in the medium term. In addition, the EU sanctions against Russia did not reach the expected target of the United States and Europe, but also to make the Russians more united, even in the currency devaluation and the economic downturn has generally supported Mr Putin's hard-line policy towards Europe. Europeans also underestimate Russia's uncompromising resolve and its resistance to the Syrian issue.
In addition, the German political, economic and social attitude towards Russia has always been not unified. German politics is divided into "pro-Russian" and "anti-Russian faction". Former prime minister Helmut Kohl and Schmidt all believe that Germany's suspicion of Russia is too heavy, is the European Union took the lead over Ukraine, Russia and Europe between the "buffer zone" "Red Line." Germany's former foreign minister and current president Steinmeier advocated communication and negotiations with Russia, taking into account the interests of both sides to avoid further alienation between Russia and Europe. The current chancellor, Angela Merkel and former president Gork, are more distrustful of Russia, and defense Minister Feng Dellein advocates NATO's military presence in the Eastern European border. Germany's economic sector is more worried about the Russian sanctions will lead to the end of the war, that easing or ending sanctions more in line with the interests of German enterprises. In the same way as in politics, the German people's impression of Russia has been split in recent years. At the beginning of 2016, the proportion of people who believed that Germany and Russia were allies or strategic and economic partners was 42%, roughly the same as the 43% per cent ratio between Russia as a German strategy and an economic competitor or even an enemy. But Germans are clearly more flexible on the issue of sanctions against Russia than Americans. The US Pew show that nearly 60% of Americans believe the U.S. and European economic sanctions against Russia are not tough enough, while 30% of Germans think the sanctions are too tough, and 35% of Germans think the sanctions are appropriate.
Finally, Germany's pragmatic foreign policy is related to Germany's strategic layout in the relations between China, America and Russia. If the United States eases its policy towards Russia, Germany is likely to actively promote Russia's return to the G7, thaw Russia-NATO cooperation and restore cooperation between Russia and the West in international institutions such as the OSCE, and get rid of the isolation policy of Russia, which will help underline Germany's EU leadership and willingness to assume international responsibility. At present, the United States and Europe have been aware of years of sanctions against Russia not only failed to achieve the expected results, but also prompted Russia to strengthen cooperation with China, which led to the U.S. began to consider easing relations with Russia. Even though German politicians and academics mostly see Trump as a challenger to the western order, the German government still expects to co-operate with the United States on security matters in the short and medium term. The positive turn of relations between the United States and Russia will be the best chance for the German-Russian relations to turn. Even if Germany and Russia face the challenges of Ukraine and Syria, the German political circles have maintained exchanges and dialogue with Russia, the high-level contacts between the two sides also for Germany's policy on Russia's flexible change opened up leeway. But it should also be seen that Russia still has a huge controversy with Europe and the United States on Ukraine's important security interests, which will also constitute a major obstacle to the transfer of relations between Germany and Russia.

Paper代写:U.S. anti-terrorism soft power

2017-11-23 16:53:25 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- U.S. anti-terrorism soft power,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国反恐软实力。美国在领导全球反恐战争时通过一些方式实行软实力策略,并将这些方式定义为“元素”。这些元素通过国家军事战略反恐计划实现军事战略目的,即“服务于创造条件反对支持恐怖主义的意识形态”。软实力可以辅助国家战略中的反恐目标,“创造一个全球反对暴力极端分子及其所有支持者的环境”。
GWOT consists of countless battles, each of which includes different aspects of change. At present, the more complex and involved in a lot of fighting is in the information field, namely "War of ideas". The United States can strengthen its "soft power" in this area to gain advantage, then, as the United States Government as the core of the global war on terror, we should seriously consider the soft power of counter-terrorism brought about by the positive significance and role.
Anti-Terrorism is not only against terrorism, but also a war of ideas ... Terrorism cannot be defeated without counter-terrorism, but terrorism alone cannot eradicate the ideas and roots that are created by it. ―― Anthony Cordesman
GWOT consists of countless battles, each of which includes different aspects of change. The more complex and much-fought aspect of the situation is in the information field, the "War of ideas". The United States can strengthen its "soft power" in this area to gain advantage, then, as the United States Government as the core of the global war on terror, we should seriously consider the soft power of the significance and impact of counter-terrorism.
Why focus on soft power? Very simple, the United States needs help in the war on terror, as the director of the Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University pointed out: "The United States cannot find its own forces to be a member of al-Qaeda in the world, to wage war without an ally, or to win peace without the necessary cooperation." "The US military has been very expensive in Iraq, Afghanistan and other such operations, so we should actively seek ideas or techniques that can play a dominant role in war."
So what is soft power? In the 1990, American scholar Nye published a series of papers on "The nature of changing world power" and "soft Power" in the Journal of Political Science and foreign policy, and the concept of "soft power" was first put forward in academia. Nye pointed out that the comprehensive national strength of a country includes not only the "hard power" manifested by economy, science and technology, military strength, but also the "soft power" embodied by cultural and ideological attraction. He believes that soft power is an attraction, including three kinds of power resources: one is the attraction and appeal of ideology such as culture and values, and the other is the attraction and influence of social and political economic system and development model. Third, the affinity of international image and the control of international rules and the International Mechanism of cultural development strategy in multilateral diplomacy.
The role of soft power in the 21st century is more and more important, because it is important to the three main factors, which affect the global security information Age, global infiltration power and control, non-government factors. This makes further research into the military application of this concept more attractive. The US Defense Department's soft power supporters define it as "a national security strategy through the efforts of the Ministry of Defense to enable us political ideals, policies, and national power."
Most people now analyze that terrorism is the most immediate threat to the United States. The United States is very sensitive to soft power, with the Islamic militant group gaining sympathy and some kind of tolerance from neutral, good-hearted people around the world.
In leading the global war on terror, the United States has adopted soft power strategies in a number of ways and defined them as "elements". These elements achieve military strategic objectives through the National Military Strategic Counter-Terrorism plan, which is "to serve the ideology of creating conditions against the support of terrorism". Soft power can complement the counter-terrorism objectives of national strategies, "creating a global environment against violent extremists and all their supporters".
The elements of soft power can be passive or active. Passive elements include, as always, measures, such as the implementation of rules of engagement, which is good for soft power. Active elements include actions for specific purposes that enhance soft power. The specific proposed elements are as follows.
Culture is the thought, idea, behavior, custom, habit, whole consciousness and so on which the specific group formed in a certain period. In the field of information, culture is mainly manifested in the identification, evaluation and utilization of specific information, the construction, input and reform of relevant institutions, the guidance, encouragement and punishment of the corresponding personnel in all aspects of intelligence work atmosphere and manner.
Human nature is good or at least can be changed through education. Humanitarian international assistance contains three principles: to see the liberation of global poverty and the promotion of social and economic development in the third World as a national obligation; the belief that a more equal one is in the best interests of the western industrialized countries; third, it is assumed that the fulfilment of these international obligations is compatible with the social responsibility to maintain national economic and social welfare policies.
The development of international security cooperation activities is of profound significance. Currently, terrorism remains a serious threat to the United States, so the United States and its allies work together to address these threats. Including the exchange of information and other aspects, for the promotion of soft power has an important significance and role, and hard strength to complement each other to combat terrorism.
Modern media play a more and more important role in the war, can be achieved to assist the war, affect war and even control the purpose of war, is a heavy weapon against the enemy. By dint of the power of the information itself, the media can fight and scramble in the field of information, and by mastering the initiative of producing, transmitting and handling information, destroying the enemy's information public opinion and creating favorable conditions for winning the war. The media makes the will of the strong in the war omnipresent, and the voice of the weak is doomed to eliminate the invisible. This is the reality of today's war and media interaction. So, if the United States to embed the media in the war on terror, then the rise of soft power will bring positive effect.
The day of the Iraq War, the United States with the media easy access to the news initiative. In the war, the American Press, radio, television, which is known as "the Media Big Mac", has made full use of its ability to produce and disseminate information and serve the war. To fabricate Saddam Hussein's regime in collusion with Al Qaeda to slaughter the Iraqi people, "news", such as the purchase of enriched uranium for nuclear weapons from Africa, has led almost all media opinion to "the center of Evil in Iraq" and "the United States must pre-empt the terrorist attacks", paving the way for military action against Iraq.
Most of these elements have verifiable records, low costs, simple implementation, measurable, and in times of limited military resources. In this regard, increasing their military application is of practical significance to Cordesman's description of "eradicating the concept and root causes of terrorism".
When the Marines put the idea of information warfare into the guiding theory, scholars said that information warfare was "a comprehensive concept that improved the function of war, not only to make the opponent tremble, but also to expand the base of the bow stronger". The passive application of soft power can make the crossbow stronger, and the active use becomes the arrow that makes the opponent's conductor tremble. It is also important to extend these elements to the cooperating countries and to have their mastery, since a single state cannot eradicate terrorism.

Essay代写:Native doctrine in American politics

2017-11-23 16:40:35 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Native doctrine in American politics,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国政治中的本土主义。本土主义是美国社会源远流长的社会思潮,在美国历史中反复以不同面目的政治运动出现,其政治主张也复杂而多变。在历史条件合适的时候,地方层面的本土主义会成为全国性运动,社会层面的本土主义会走上政治舞台,从而掀起美国本土主义政治运动的历史高潮。
American President Trump's main political platform, including "Let the United States again strong"、"U.S. Priority"、"Buy American, hire Americans," and so on, have been labeled by the U.S. media. In fact, the indigenization is a long-standing social trend of thought in American society, which has appeared in different political movements in American history, and its political proposition is complex and changeable, which is an important window for us to understand the special political style of the United States.
The areas covered by the indigenization are very rich, including the political diplomacy of the indigenous doctrine, such as the 19th century anti-British thought, 20th century anti-German, Japanese, Soviet and so on, leading the U.S. early diplomacy for hundreds of years of isolationism, Monroe Doctrine, etc., religious nationalism, such as the history of the anti-Catholic movement, the current anti-Islamic tendencies, etc. Economic nationalism, such as the mercantilism of the early founding of the PRC, the current prominent trend of trade protection, such as ethnic and racial nationalism, such as the different stages of the anti-immigrant movement, the racial discrimination against Native Americans, and so on; cultural indigenization, such as upholding Wasp's main culture, opposing multiculturalism, The conservatism of the Non-mainstream cultural groups, such as homosexuality, upholding and promoting the mainstream values of liberalism and capitalism, against communism, socialism, authoritarianism, so-called Red Scare, McCarthy doctrine and so on. These issues concern almost all major aspects of American society. As today's "Trump phenomenon", his political views are numerous and mixed and interrelated, there are both reasonable and narrow-minded elements, which both challenge some "political correctness" and represent other "political correctness", in addition to the logical features of the localization of his own, the subject and the host. It is difficult to generalize and evaluate simply.
From the longitudinal timeline, the aim and content of the American indigenization movement evolves with the development of the historical stage, and even constantly transcends and denies itself. For example, the indigenous movement, which excludes immigrants, historically, the anti-German immigrant movement, the anti-Semitic immigration movement, the anti-Irish immigrant movement, and the anti-Chinese immigrant movement were successively experienced in the 18th century to 20th century, until today the Trump regime targeted Mexican immigrants and some Middle Eastern countries. Obviously, in this historical evolution, the connotation of "Me" and "he" is also changing constantly. Western European immigrants, who had been ostracized as "the other", later became "the dominant nation" to marginalize Latin American and Asian immigrants. For example, Irish immigrants who came to the United States in the late 19th century, on the one hand, were marginalized by the mainstream American society because of their religious and cultural characteristics, on the other hand, for economic reasons. "Pai" and "exclusive" occur almost at the same time, religious, cultural, economic and other factors intertwined, fully reflects the localization of the movement of vague, complex and diverse characteristics.
From the perspective of political influence, Indigenization also presents the characteristics of change and fluctuation. The most day-to-day manifestation of localism in the United States is local social groups, which have a long history of dating back to the British colonial period. Until today, there are still a lot of local mass organizations, media and so on in the south-central United States. At a time when the historical conditions are right, local nationalism will become a national movement, and the social stratification will be on the political stage, thus setting off the historical climax of the American native political movement. Studies have shown that American nationalism has seen several waves rise and fall in 19 and 20th century. In the middle of the 19th century, for example, American society was in the midst of a big debate over the black slaves issue, a period of great disintegration, the rapid rise of the Know-nothing party, and attempts to participate in the presidential election as a third party outside the Democratic and Republican parties, although ultimately unsuccessful, in the northeastern United Big cities like Chicago and six of governors have fallen into the hands of "clueless" parties. Since then, American Protecitve Association "three K Party" has also played a national influence, for the late 19th century, the United States to put a strong local color. After the two world wars, nationalism was repulsed by the pluralism advocated by the civil rights movement and holed up in the south-central and rural areas. In recent years, with the rise of neo-conservatism, the trend of local nationalism is surging again. The "Tea Party" movement, which emerged after the financial crisis, contains a lot of home-grown ideas. The tea Party claims to be independent of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, and to gain a large number of important public offices in federal and local elections. As the climax of the Tea party movement faded, Trump won the presidency of the United States in a more thorough and distinct form of native nationalism. It can be said that with Trump's election as a representative, the United States of America's nationalism into a new wave of climax.
If Trump is the first true indigenous president in American history, it is easy to understand that there may be some unconventional changes in American politics, and Trump's policies cannot simply be seen as a manifestation of one's particular personality. Native nationalism has a long tradition in American political history, and it has a revival of soil in the current American society. In a certain sense, even without Trump, in the American social nationalism surging in today, there will be the same holds the indigenous claims of others appear.