

Assignment代写:Enterprise cost control

2017-11-15 16:16:48 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Enterprise cost control,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了企业的成本控制。如今企业的成本控制,主要是为了降低企业成本,提高效率,从而达到预期的目标。其次,在现有条件下建立企业成本控制和使用各种有效、创新的措施使企业成本发生变化,从而实现成本削减的目的。
cost control,企业成本控制,assignment代写,paper代写,留学生作业代写
Many companies tend to focus only dominant corporate costs in the business process, while turning a blind eye to their basic hidden costs. The so-called dominant cost is the currency of the amount of business outside the enterprise's economic resources paid by the owner, such as procurement costs, marketing costs, etc. Because of the hidden costs of their own behavior is an intentional or unintentional acts caused financial oversight drifted outside and hide in a cost into the total cost, with a certain hidden future costs and transfer costs. For example, companies in the purchase of equipment, only concerned with low prices ( explicit costs ), and does not take into account the future needs of professionals to operate the device, the need for professional training, maintenance costs are also much higher than the normal product and so on. It ignored the hidden costs of current problems that exist for most UK businesses.
Relationship corporate financial management and cost control
The current implementation of economic reform as the British market has long been the company's financial management has become a top priority for managing the entire enterprise, and was concerned about the outside world. The so-called enterprise financial management is to use its own form of value funds for the operation of the integrated management, which runs through the whole process of enterprise economic activity. Corporate financial management with a comprehensive, high sensitivity, and the degree of surface involved broader and other features. If you want the financial management of the target company to be a good show, then you must use cost accounting and cost control in management.​
The current cost control for the enterprise, the main point of view are the following : First, the enterprise cost control mainly to reduce business costs, improve efficiency, thus achieving the intended target enterprise ; Second, established under the existing conditions, cost of the enterprise to control and use a variety of effective, innovative measures on condition that changes occurred in business costs, thus achieving cost reduction targets.
Overall, these two views is mainly focused on cost reduction, has significant limitations. I believe that standard corporate cost control is the ability to make corporate financial management objectives are achieved, the current cost of doing business, the cost of controlling the entire operation of the economy should be the control of the whole process, the only way to really make enterprise resources and social economical use of resources can be achieved.
Industrial enterprises to improve cost control measures
From a cost control efforts undertaken by most companies on the current situation, many companies are still only concerned about the cost of corporate accounting controls as explicit costs, accounting costs post has inadequacies and static control and other aspects. At the same time, hard to control costs, will not be able to make a lot of business conduct, the development of enterprises will be limited., the development of enterprises must make the appropriate discussion and analysis from explicit and implicit costs both in terms of cost control.
Correct understanding of the corporate cost control strategy
For traditional enterprise cost control concept, the main point is to save costs, reduce spending, but the lack of certain strategic concepts. While the need to increase their own profits increase revenue or reduce costs, but it does not mean that the cost increase will make the reduction in corporate profits. Cost management is a real sense of cost-effective management, enterprise unnecessary costs will be reduced for those who can promote students spending their market competitiveness and improve product quality to enhance and increase accordingly. This is mainly from long-term development of enterprises and make business strategy and plans, the only way a long-term strategic planning and operational goals that allows companies to get a good development.
Corporate hidden costs of control measures
For the control of the hidden costs of business are the following ways :
Control of the enterprise sunk costs
This sunk cost comes mainly from the loss of specificity of assets, in order to avoid or reduce this loss, it should be possible to reduce the enterprise 's specific assets. ( The so-called asset specificity refers to a particular asset only when combined with certain uses up only reflect their own values or use the value of this asset. ) Is the most effective way to operate the appropriate equipment and facilities leasing business to make it can be achieved. For business equipment leasing facilities, companies just need to use paid certain expenses related to non- generic devices, or if the business objectives change will be given after the completion of the use of restitution. Of course, this must be decided after weighing the cost of leasing and financing the purchase of fixed assets, fixed assets, interest expense and depreciation and accumulated impairment losses made .
Transaction costs of enterprises controlled
For businesses, the transaction costs are inevitable, and that the only way to do is to control for transaction costs, reduce transaction costs. The main measures to reduce transaction costs are: measures two forms of system -level measures and technical level. If the whole group unified bulk purchase of raw materials. As another example, and customers through long-term agreements and contracts signed, thus making the transaction costs to a minimum; construct the corresponding logistics system to reduce unnecessary transaction costs incurred when looking for customers.
Enterprise explicit cost control measures
Compared with the hidden costs of the enterprise, the enterprise will become the dominant cost control more directly. In the field of accounting and finance, corporate dominance on controlling costs is relatively better. But in the course of its control also should be noted: the importance of alternative enterprises should strengthen the relationship between resources and manpower, the enterprise should be based on local conditions and labor costs between the depreciation of machinery and equipment to make appropriate comparisons, Furthermore the relationship between the two alternative choice.
Measures to improve financial management
For businesses, establish and improve cost management aspects of financial management system is very necessary.
Establish and improve financial management and control system
Construction of fund management mechanism should be built from the corresponding system of rules, making the business capital cycle effectiveness and efficiency can be optimized. Specifically, it is to be based on the size of their own development and production scale to determine the actual amount of its own raw material in recent years, but for the financial sector, whose main duty is to be based on the market price of raw materials to the needs of is calculated on the amount of money while purchasing department and the finance department should also be good to establish appropriate coordination mechanism, thus making the funds management and disbursement of funds to get flexible management. This also is applicable to sales of industrial enterprises and production processes.
Construction of evaluation mechanisms
Head of Corporate Finance departments should establish a corresponding evaluation mechanism for evaluation of efficiency in the use of funds, the purpose of doing so is to try to reduce the loss of funds in the course of business may result in the build mechanism, should focus on what the contingency management and analysis in advance, so that the funds are now posted on the calculation model, the formula should be used as a tool for analysis beforehand, the use of corporate funds, should be based on the value of risk management process, appropriate funds accordingly deployment.
Construction and mechanism of communication across the enterprise
Corporate finance department role mainly as a service role, and only with the help of the various departments to create interest in the process in order to truly reflect its value and role, so that should establish appropriate mechanisms for communication and exchange, to create a good environment and thereby improve exchange and communication between the various departments.
Strengthen cost management
For custom enterprise-wide raw materials, auxiliary materials and other expenses to be appropriate and reasonable, materials testing, measurement, and brought back should be rigorous and robust, but also should be sound products, varieties, yield, quality, equipment use, and consumption records, using a variety of fees must be clear, in addition, the enterprise should also establish a more comprehensive and complete settlement system, according to the appropriate, accurate and reasonable prices to the enterprise the materials used inside the various services and materials provided reasonable settlement.
Budget management should be fully implemented
Enterprise budget management is to maximize economic profit across the enterprise is an important safeguard. To be more accurate market forecasts at the time of budget management, corporate profit target should be a prerequisite for cost estimates, sales budgets, profit budgets, cash receipts and payments, cost estimates and make a more comprehensive procurement budget preparation, thereby making corporate activities can be carried out within the scope of the normal operation of budget management. In addition, after the completion of the preparation of the budget should also be based on their actual budget situation will be broken down into a monthly budget, and to make a monthly analysis of economic activity, to find out the business activities of the weak links, and then take appropriate and effective measures to deal with. For example, at the end of the time, companies should make their own budget within a year of implementation of reasonable and accurate analysis and find out the reasons which affect the budget could not be completed as expected, and its conscientiously sum up, in order to make business budget management and staffing levels can be improved.
In summary, for the enterprise, to obtain profit maximization is the ultimate goal of the entire enterprise, allowing companies to take effective measures can be in a dominant position in the long-term competitiveness is the main task of the current enterprise cost control and financial management and key content. Clarify the relationship between corporate cost control and financial management between constantly sum up experience, seek to improve financial management and cost control measures are appropriate to enhance their current enterprise management level of priority.
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2017-11-15 16:16:29 | 日記

Essay代写:How to enhance corporate cohesion

2017-11-15 16:16:13 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- How to enhance corporate cohesion,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了如何增强企业凝聚力。凝聚力是企业生存和发展的重要基础,是一种深层次的企业文化理念的体现,是否拥有强有力的企业凝聚力对企业的未来有着不可忽视的影响。一方面,企业一定要树立信心,不断向员工宣传积极的企业文化理念,使员工相信企业有他们个人发展的空间。同时企业要抓住时机,动员员工努力奋斗,克服困难,齐心协力为企业发展做出贡献。
If an enterprise has cohesion I think it will not be too far. This article will strengthen the cohesion of enterprises, from adhering to the leadership of the party organization and actively carry out the work, and constantly make the enterprise leaders and staff to build confidence, adhere to the socialist core values, people-oriented concept;
Cohesion is an important foundation of enterprise survival and development, is a deep level of corporate culture, the embodiment of a strong corporate cohesion on the future of enterprises has not negligible impact. Even if an enterprise has sufficient capital, first-class technology, broad market, many talents and many other advantages, but once lost cohesion, then these advantages will be in a very short time to disappear, morale, each to seek their own business survival and development there are serious problems. If a business mismanagement, successive losses, then will affect the income of employees, at the same time, emotional instability, the prospects for the development of enterprises, which led to some college graduates and even management backbone have been "job-hopping", which is also a loss for enterprises. Therefore, enterprises to develop, enhance the urgency of corporate cohesion is particularly obvious. This should be done in the following points.
Confidence is the first condition to overcome all difficulties. No confidence, to enhance the cohesion of the enterprise has become empty talk. Build up confidence to do a good job from two aspects.
On the one hand, the leadership of enterprises must establish confidence. Leadership is the leader of the enterprise, is the core of the leadership of the enterprise, only the leadership has established confidence, it is possible to fundamentally enhance the cohesion of the enterprise, leading the whole enterprise to overcome difficulties, to success. First of all, the enterprise leader must acquire the perfect political quality, learning the correct theory and taking it as a guide, has a strong theoretical knowledge, in carrying out all kinds of work continuously innovate, summarize new experience, find new ways of working, for the future work to lay a solid foundation for further development, this will be in the enterprise construction work. Secondly, we should conscientiously study professional knowledge and scientific and cultural knowledge, especially management, and constantly improve their own quality. Enhancing corporate cohesion is a relatively complex task. Because of the individual personality, the different working environment and many other uncertainties, the difference of thought situation is inevitable, which brings some difficulties to enhance the cohesion of the enterprise. Therefore, enterprise leaders should continue to strengthen learning, and constantly improve and enrich their own quality, and enhance the ability to manage the overall problems of enterprises.
On the other hand, every employee will be concerned about the future of their own enterprises, care about the development prospects of enterprises. Enterprises to enhance cohesion, we must let employees believe that the continuous promotion of positive corporate culture concept, enterprises have a bright future, so that employees believe that enterprises have their own space for development. At the same time, enterprises should seize the opportunity to mobilize staff to strive hard, overcome difficulties and make concerted efforts to contribute to the development of enterprises.
In addition, the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, education staff to overcome difficulties, learning advanced, hard work, the courage to dedicate.
People-oriented is the core of scientific development view and the important link of enterprise development. For the enterprise, this is the fundamental, is the starting point, the foothold, is to maintain the fundamental interests of employees. Enterprise is a collection of people, by each department, each employee's unity and joint efforts and continuous development, the human factor is an important element of enterprise, enterprises must understand people-oriented. Comprehensively grasping the spirit essence and scientific connotation of the scientific development view, and achieving the overall situation of the enterprise development with the scientific development view, and putting the scientific development concept into practice. Adhere to the people-oriented, we must adhere to the "right for the people to use, feeling for the people, profit for the people to seek", it is necessary to correctly reflect and take into account the interests of different departments, different positions of staff, concern for the interests of each employee, reflect the humanistic concern, meet people's desire for development and diversity of needs, we must pay attention to the quality of life and development potential
First of all, care about caring for every employee. Caring for employees is actually a humanistic concern, is the embodiment of people-oriented ideas. Every employee wants to be cared for by others. When the psychological needs of employees are met, their relationship with the enterprise will be more harmonious. Employees will feel that the enterprise value themselves, to give their own care, feel warm, they should also be the actual action to return the enterprise, will think that their own and the enterprise is a combination of integration, enterprise development, they will get greater space for development, there will be greater glory, so wholeheartedly into the work. On the contrary, ignoring or even ignoring the personal psychological needs of employees, the outcome of things will go in the opposite direction. Companies should care about their employees ' lives, their health, their sufferings and their concerns. Especially for the difficult workers must be more care. On the one hand, the trade union organization since its inception is to serve the staff, its work must be done to care for employees, love employees.
The employee is sick, the enterprise gives solicitude, the staff has the difficulty, the enterprise to help to solve actively, the staff participates in the beneficial activity, the enterprise to support, to the newly entered Enterprise's university student, must in the work, the life, the study to strengthen the care intensity; to the difficult worker should regularly or does not visit the condolences regularly, causes them to realize Enterprises should also strive to build workers ' homes, often organize workers love the activities, enhance the feelings between enterprises and employees. If this can be sustained, it creates conditions for companies to retain talent and attract talents. In addition, enterprises should be properly concerned about the family members and children. Some successful enterprises pay great attention to this point, such as a famous Japanese enterprise, whenever the important festival, the company will give the employee's wife a fine small gift, and attached to thank her for the support of the work of the staff message. Although this is only a small detail, but to a large extent enhance the feelings of enterprises and employees, enhance corporate cohesion. These details can be used as a reference for our enhanced cohesion.
Secondly, we should pay attention to the staff and take appropriate incentive mechanism. Each employee wants his or her work to be valued and affirmed by the leadership. A proper recognition or reward for an outstanding employee will make the staff confident and willing to do the job, if the result of the staff is ignored, it will likely make the staff lose their enthusiasm for work, as time passes, not only will not improve the efficiency, but also may make the cohesion of the enterprise constrained. On the one hand, enterprises should pay attention to the work of their employees and affirm their achievements and attach importance to their constructive opinions. On the other hand to establish a reasonable incentive mechanism, so as to stimulate staff's work enthusiasm. There is a story in management: A chef in a sovereign's house is a stunt duck. A day, the Rajah let Cook roast duck to entertain visitors. However, when the prince found the duck's leg missing, he asked the chef. The chef said that the Ducks in the house were all legs. The Rajah did not believe, came to the duck shed sure enough to see ducks are standing on one leg, the other leg shrunk up, the drum applauded. At this time the Ducks were terrified to stand on their legs. The cook said: "If you applaud earlier, the duck is two legs." "It can be seen that there can be no high enthusiasm for work without motivation, and there will be no strong corporate cohesion."
Harmony is the valuable wealth of enterprises, is an intangible asset of enterprises, for the development of enterprises escort. To create a harmonious enterprise, we must deal with all aspects of the relationship. First, the relationship between leadership and staff. The leader communicates with the staff. Communication can enhance the mutual trust between employees and leaders, dispel misunderstandings, enhance the intimacy between leaders and employees, and improve understanding, and provide reference for further work. Communication can be multifaceted, and can be exchanged on work, study and life, so as to understand the thoughts of workers, families and the problems in their work and life, so as to provide the original information for the development of the enterprise Cohesion program. At the same time, leadership and staff to share weal and woe. Leadership to lead by example, hard work, and staff together for the development of enterprise continuous efforts.
Leadership and staff joys and sorrows to stimulate staff to meet the difficult passion, conducive to enterprises to overcome difficulties, improve efficiency, out of trouble. The second is the relationship between business leaders. Leaders must unite and build a leading group with strong centripetal force. The leading group is the core of the enterprise. Whether the team is united or not is vital to the centripetal force and cohesion. The leading group should use democratic, talk and other forms to communicate, cooperate with each other and support each other in the work. Only by forming a strong leadership core, the entire enterprise will be able to unite. Third, we should make positive progress and seek development. Marxist philosophy points out: The material decision consciousness, the enterprise cohesive force must have the solid material foundation as the safeguard, but cannot build on the development Stagnation Foundation. Enterprises must do a good job in production to seek unity in order to unite to promote production.
System is the guarantee of enterprise cohesion. The direct aim of the system lies in rewards and punishments. If the advanced not to be encouraged, backward under the punishment, will inevitably appear to make no ban, "do a good job, dry and do not do a kind of" phenomenon, enterprises will lose vitality, morale. Therefore, the system is essential for enterprise development. The establishment of the system must follow the principle of reasonable justice.
First, the distribution system should be fair. Although some companies are relatively underpaid, this is not the main reason for the impact of cohesion. If the system is unfair, it will make employees dissatisfied and affect the cohesion of the enterprise. Distribution system should embody the principles of distribution according to work, and give due consideration to job responsibilities, contributions, and the size of efficiency. Emphasize the efficiency principle of input-output.
Second, the selection of employees should be fair. The promotion of job status is a manifestation of the employee's performance and a new development of the individual. The unfair selection system will be the decline of corporate cohesion. For example, there is often a lot of sweat behind the promotion of employees, and an unfair selection system may be that people who pay a great deal of hard work do not get the opportunity to choose, while those who are at ease can get a promotion, which will also make employees dissatisfied, and the discontent tends to be stronger. Therefore, the selection of employees must be fair, and performance, qualifications, education, title, etc. to a series of factors linked to the hook. In addition, a fair and reasonable system should also involve many aspects such as rewards and punishments, discipline and so on.
In a word, to enhance the cohesion of enterprises is a more complex work, is a strong overall work, need to work from all aspects. is a long-term work, not overnight, the effect is not immediate. To enhance the cohesion of enterprises, we must make efforts in all aspects, and "sustained combat", if these, then the cohesion of enterprises will be greatly enhanced, thus providing a strong guarantee for enterprise development.

Essay代写:The Internet crisis

2017-11-15 16:16:02 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The Internet crisis,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了互联网的危机。虽然互联网给我们的生活带来了极大的方便了,但实际上它也是一把双刃剑。例如缺乏自我思考就是其中一个问题,年轻人长时间的网瘾可能使他们无法保持远离它。而且长期使用互联网还会造成社交障碍等问题。
At present, owing to the technology and developed information, domestic strial upgrading, Internet usage is very common in all walks of life a result of the rapid development of the Internet, people spend more and more time on the Internet world. Although the network has brought a lot of convenience to our life, it is actually a double-edged sword. The latter article will argue the disadvantages Internet has brought to us.
First of all, long-term Internet will damage our health. It will lead to dry eyes, blurred vision, joint pain, electromagnetic radiation and noise stimulation. Cases of adolescents dying from an uninterrupted access to the Internet are not so rare. Meanwhile, radiation and high tension arising from prolonged computer hours can damage various body functions, resulting in physical decline.
Second, lack of self-thinking is also an important consequence. Young Internet users will suffer from increasing psychological burden and pressure. In the virtual online world, they will also produce a “special freedom” feeling and the impulse to “do whatever they want”. They will do something which is obviously immoral. Meanwhile, prolonged Internet addiction among young people could make them unable to keep away from it.
Third, Internet has decreased the necessary communication between real people which contributes to the form of “Network personality”. The biggest characteristics of “Network personality” are “loneliness, stress, fear, apathy and non- social”. Attachment to the virtual world of the Internet as well as interactive and computer-mediated communication would lead to changes in one’s personality arising from the reality of social alienation.
Fourth, addiction to the Internet would cause the interpersonal distrust and tension between surrounding personnel. In this virtual world of internet, everyone emerge with false identities. In many cases you can boldly express your true thoughts or cynical to announce what you want to say. But under such a false identity, interpersonal networks there are always filled with distrust, and interpersonal tensions. Especially for the “introverted” youth, network provides a platform to show them, but also make them become more introverted and self- latching in the “offline” world.
Fifth, Internet is also linked to fuzzy values and desalinated moral concepts. Network is a treasure trove of information, but also a garbage dump of message. In the Internet, a variety of information is mixed together, novel, rebellious, and fun, especially propaganda rhetoric and cultural ideology of western countries, which is easy to make young people's outlook and values on life tilt and blurred. The arbitrary of interpersonal relationship, the characteristic of no-responsibility and no-punishment in the online virtual world helps them to develop the habit of self-centered. Especially online violence, pornography and fraud etc. account for online moral decline and moral values fade.
Last but not least, Network security risks and cyber crime phenomenon have also caused for concern. Internet has triggered security anxiety among youths. Because teenagers are not mature enough physically and psychologically, they are poor in telling right from wrong. Self-protection and their awareness of self-protection are not strong. So it is easy for them to suffer from the loss of personal information, intimidation, online fraud and other Internet crime phenomena. Once they encounter these problems, they are often too panic to figure out how to respond to this. The randomness and concealment of network communication often enable young people to become victims easily. As teenagers have strong curiosity and imitative, so many networks victims in turn has become aggressor, which result in the rise of cyber crime.
In short, whether it is good or bad depends on how to use the network. We can apply powerful means to bring bad influence of the Internet to a minimum and make the network become a powerful social progress propeller.

Essay代写:The problems of urban sprawl

2017-11-15 16:05:10 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The problems of urban sprawl,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了城市扩张带来的问题。城市扩张给人类带来方便的同时,也带来了不少环境和社会问题,而且这些问题影响着人们的生活。例如大量耕地被建筑物和道路取代,车辆的增长,导致车辆废气和温室气体破坏大气,使全球变暖。
The urban sprawl is the spread of city buildings into an area that used to be countryside, or the area in which this has happened. There are some land holders who want to make large profit .These land holders want to attract people, built a lot of buildings and make the transportation facilities .Although urban sprawl bring human conveniently, it also makes both environmental and social problems, furthermore, these issues influence people’s lives. In order to deal with these problems, some business cooperation tries to use technological to cope with these problems completely. In this essay I will argue that only limit the urban sprawl combine with the technological solutions can solve these problems and point out the technological solutions can not deal with the whole social and ecological problems effetely.
Some business cooperation tries to use technological solutions to solve the problem caused by urban sprawl. There are many buildings and roads replace to the farmland, the vehicle emissions and green house gases destroy the atmosphere, and it led to global warming (Gonzalez, 2005). Business groups such as the Global Climate Coalition, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the International Chamber of Commerce advocate to use technology to solve the climate change, for an instance, WBCSD wants to use electrically powered cars to reduce green house gases (Gonzalez, 2005). However, these technological solutions can not solve ecological problems effetely. For example nuclear energy can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but it also has significant environmental costs, and the radiation of nuclear is dangers to public health and environmental. This measures only change the way of environmental costs, moreover, there is no effective technological solution has been found by far, it will takes too much time and resources to develop the technological (Gonzalez, 2005).
The urban spread faster and it caused many social and ecological impacts which advanced technology can not cope with. The development of city cause the numbers of car has increased rapidly, as well as the direction of vehicle’s consumption (Martin, 2007). In otherwise, the high requirement of motorization led the social polarization is outstanding. For instance some policy results poorer people getting poorer transport options, in addition to increase emissions, urban sprawl decrease the farmland and increase materials consumption,(Martin, 2007). Advanced technological solutions can reduce the emissions; however it can not limit the amounts of car. There are few technological solutions available for the issues of land diversity, the less and less space and the disadvantaged group (Martin, 2007).
In the urban sprawl, although there are many technology solutions have been found; over consumption of resources also caused many social and environmental problems. The consumption of car has increased sharply, and more roads have been build, the less farmland people have. The negative environmental impacts have direct damage public health (Freund, 2005). Although there are many advanced medicine, however many disease have no way to treat. Thus the technological solution is not reliable.
In regard to the ecological problems, advanced technology solutions can reduce the damage which caused by urban sprawl, however it can not stop the climate change, technological solution is a way to relieve environmental pressure. The same, social issues also can not be solved radically by technological solution, thought there are many scientific method can bring convenience to human, however it may influence people’s health. Thus, people can not rely on them all the time to solve these problems, on if human can controlling the urban sprawl. For instance, urge the government establish a political to limit the personal cars and deforestation (Gonzalez, 2005).
The same, it is partly true that advanced technological can bring some conveniences to human, for an instance, some medicine can treat ill. But it can not solve the problem which there is not enough farmland (Gonzalez, 2005). Thus, technological can not adequately solve the social and ecological problems which caused by urban sprawl.
The essay has prove how urban sprawl causes environmental problems and social issues, and argued that technological solution can not solve these problems completely., although technological solutions can cope with part of problems which caused by urban sprawl, however it can not solve the problems that the mankind faces effetely, the best way is limit the urban sprawl combine with the technological, people can not rely to the technological way however human can use it reasonable.
Freund, P., and Martin, G., “Fast Cars/Fast Foods: Hyper consumption and its Health and Environmental Consequences”, Frontiers of Sociology, The 37th World Congress of the International Institute of sociology, Stockholm, Sweden,5-9 July 2005
Gonzalez, G .A, 2005, “Urban Sprawl, Global Warming and The Limits of Ecological Modernization”, Environmental Politics, 14:3, pp.34-362.
Martin, G, 2007, “Motorization, Social Ecology and China”, Area, Vol.39:1, pp.66-73.
Word count: 918