

essay代写-religions and believes

2017-11-03 15:09:53 | 日記
本篇essay代写-religions and believes讲了在一个充满不同宗教和信仰的世界里,基督教能够也应该与其他宗教建立和平友好的关系。圣经本身的核心价值在于促进爱与和平,不仅是信徒,也是全人类,基督徒自己也应该学会用不同的思想来促进和平。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In a world filled with different religions and believes, Christianity can and should make peace and friendly relationships with other religions. The core value of the Bible itself is the promotion of love and peace, not only with the believers, but all the human beings. Christians themselves should also learn to make peace with different ideas. In order to foster such friendly relationships, it is important for people of different beliefs to find common grounds, in spite of their differences.
The idea of making peace with different people, or even enemies, has deep origins in the Bible. Despite some of the depictions of hatred and violence, the Bible always found ways to turn it around and teach people to follow the peaceful path. As the author describes in the book: “The violent image of vipers soon contrasts with a peaceful animal image: The Holy Spirit descending as a dove upon Jesus. The kingdom of God is dovelike and peaceful. Baptismal repentance means defecting from the former and identifying with the latter. (McLaren, 184)” The possibility of a reformulated baptism in the peaceful way would make it much easier for Christianity to make peace with other religions. The interpretation of the bible holds equal importance as the content of it. “Our stories, sermons, prayers, and songs can contribute to liturgies of hostility or liturgies of kindness, forming communities and individuals who translate those liturgies—for better or worse—into their daily lives and into the history of humanity… and inhumanity. (McLaren, 194)”
Some people argue that selective interpretation of the Bible is wrong. They believe that if the part of peace and kindness are important, so are the ones about hell and damnation. There is a difference, however, in believing in everything blindly and being faithful. “So when militant atheists… accuse believers of “picking and choosing,” they are actually accusing them of being responsible believers. (McLaren, 198)” faith is more about making a choice, discriminating between rival interpretations, in order to make the best decision and balance between love and hate, justice and injustice. Therefore, “picking and choosing is deemed destructive by both a fundamentalist Christian and an outspoken atheist, but praised as responsible biblical interpretation by a Catholic philosopher. (McLaren, 198)”
In addition to understanding and interpreting the Bible in a way that promotes love, the perception of individual Christians of both Christianity and other religions also matter for the harmonious coexistence of different religions. The attitude of the Christians towards nonbelievers is somewhat torn. “We may be friendly to individuals of other religions, but our friendship always has a pretext: we want them to switch sides and be won over to our better way (McLaren, 9).” However, the author argues that Christians should be more openminded. “Old-line churches were increasingly ecumenical, respectful of and open to dialogue with other faith communities and the meaning they offered. They were about making friends, not converts. (McLaren, 35)” the idea of making friends with a non-Christian may sound ridiculous to some, but after exploring true identity of a Christian, it is believed that a Christian identity should be both strong and kind. “By strong I mean vigorous, vital, durable, motivating, faithful, attractive, and defining—an authentic Christian identity that matters. By kind I mean something far more robust than mere tolerance, political correctness, or coexistence: benevolent, hospitable, accepting, interested, and loving, so that the stronger our Christian faith, the more goodwill we will feel and show toward those of other faiths, seeking to understand and appreciate their religion from their point of view. (McLaren, 10)”
It can be difficult to generalize all the Christians, since there are different subcultures of the Christian community, some are more open to other ideas, yet others more conservative. it would be inappropriate to label all the expressions of fear, superiority, and hostility with negativity. Instead, the motivations and sources of such negative emotions should be targeted. Christians go to the extreme sides only because they want to stay faithful, or to avoid hostility. Therefore, the idea of choice should be introduced to all Christians: “You are seeking a way of being a Christian that makes you more hospitable, not more hostile… more loving, not more judgmental… more like Christ and less like many churchgoers you have met (McLaren, 27).” In the modern world, no religion should continue to make claims of superiority over others. “The only viable response to religious hostility is love, empathy, compassion, understanding—not more hostility (McLaren, 43).”
The relationship between different is not necessarily incompatible, disharmonious, fractious, and hostile. The most important idea to have in mind is that we are all human beings, no matter what our beliefs are. “We make it matter less that they are Muslim or Hindu by making it matter less that we are Christian. We might even say that we love them in spite of our own religious identity (McLaren, 9).” Sometimes, it is easier to make friends with a person than to accept their beliefs. The reason it that the actions of a person is what we can understand, and the understanding of these behaviors has created a common ground between us. In terms of religions, the author argues that “people should have a strong Christian identity that is strongly benevolent toward people of other faiths, accepting them not in spite of the religion they love, but with the religion they love (McLaren, 31).” Some may feel that the difference between religious beliefs are so big that mutual understanding can never be achieved. However, such failure is only because of the different perspectives of observation. “The stronger our Christian commitment, the more we emphasize our differences with other faiths and the more we frame those differences in terms of good/ evil, right/ wrong, and better/ worse (McLaren, 9).” When we are exposed to beliefs of a different religion, “We never proselytize. We always show respect for other religions and their adherents. We always minimize differences and maximize commonalities. But we typically achieve coexistence by weakening our Christian identity (McLaren, 31).”
In conclusion, the relationship between Christianity and other religions can and should be friendly. Christians must seek inner peace by careful examination of the Bible and being faithful yet not blind. A responsible interpretation of the Bible is required. Finally, the perception of other religions is better understood for Christians, if they can treat non-Christians as human beings seeking the truth of life, just like themselves.
McLaren, B. Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road? Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith World. ISBN: 1455528765. Jericho Books 2012


essay代写-Africa is just a place that represent poverty

2017-11-03 14:58:17 | 日記
本篇essay代写-Africa is just a place that represent poverty讲了“非洲”一词在不同的语境中有不同的含义。然而,对于大多数人来说,非洲只是一个代表贫穷,饥饿,落后的社会,不能忽视的是,尽管经历了许多的磨难,长期饱受折磨的大陆依然屹立不倒。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The word “Africa” has different meanings put in different contexts. To most people, however, Africa is just a place that represent poverty, hunger, backward society and awkward historical implications, which can be a conversation killer. It should not be overlooked that despite the many trials and tribulations, the long-suffering continent is still standing resiliently, embracing itself in the process of modernization. to break some of the stereotypes of Africa and put a more personal and humanized touch into the subject of colonization in Africa, this essay summarizes and evaluates the physical and mental sufferings of the African people, and discusses how the historical factors have affected the awakening and development of the African countries.
The element of violence was commonly seen in the land of Africa under European colonization in the 19th century. During the war times, resistance in the military form was more common for African nations in reaction to the invasion of European countries. The entrance of European troops added to the complexity of the political relationships in African. While having to defend their land against the Europeans, the nation often had hostile relationship and conflicts between each other. Most of the resistance forces were crushed and colonization rules were being established in Africa. In the years that followed, African people was treated as inferiors and slaves, with no guarantee of human rights. In the book Abina and the Important Men by Getz (107), the author gives a vivid description of Ghana in the late 1800s British Colonization period. During the time when Abina was unlawfully enslaved at Adansi, she was beaten and fogged repeatedly by her masters. There were also other forms of violence, verbally, for instance. When Abina was not beaten, she was threatened all the time by her new masters. Years later, Abina chose the path of resistance by taking the case to court. By doing this, she did not want a retrospective and largely empty justice of sympathy for her, but to have her story to be heard. As she told her lawyer:” You don’t understand, it was never just about being safe. It was about being heard.”
Colonization and war have destroyed countless families in Africa. In the process of national liberation, the people of Algerian have suffered from serious problems of mental disorders. Fanon (253) in his book described the incidence of a patriot who fought in the resistance force years back. The man was in his thirties, asking for advice and help from doctors. He had been suffering from prolonged insomnia, anxiety and suicidal obsessions. Such symptoms were originated from the losses of lived caused by him during the wars. In addition to the traumas caused by war and deaths, the institutionalized system of racism still exists in some part of Africa. In order to be freed from the mental states of institutionalized colonization, Biko (4) suggested that black people must find their true identity and values in the society. Language is a carrier for culture. Learn to speak and write becomes the key to finding the true identities of black men and the decolonizing of the mind. An educational system that help black people to better integrate into the society should be established. A potential side effect of education is the wider gaps between generations. Despite the painful process, the group pride of the black people must be built, to show that they are the substantial members of the society in South Africa.
The rich aboriginal cultures of Africa didn’t have much of an exploration of the concept of self, until the white people and their alien cultures arrived. The first people to try to relate the blacks in a human way was the missionaries. It was through the spread of religions that they wished that the Africans were “civilized.” In a long period after that, the oppression of the colonization and slavery have inhibited the Africans from thinking about the attitude of mind and a proper way of life. Even after the colonization ended, it took a long time for Africans to gain an understanding and consciousness about their identity. South Africa is a unique country with white dominant political and social system. In Biko’s (3) article about black consciousness, he pointed out that the problem of racism was still present in South Africa, and the black people need to gain consciousness about their social status urgently and think of ways to change it. The racism in South Africa is not for individuals only. When the ideology is so wide spread in a society, people become institutionalized in the system. Therefore, it is crucial for a change in society to break the cycle. Instead of being dependent on the white people, black people must learn to stand on their own feet.
Despite the shortcomings of nationalism in Tanzania, it also brings with it modernization and development (Geiger, 477). As one of the places of origins of the human race, the nation in the east of Africa had trading exchanges with the Arabian, Persian and Indian Empires thousands of years ago. Since the 1890s, Tanzania became a British colony. The conflict of interest between the British and the Germans lasted for years before WWII. After its independence in 1963, the authority pushed for “Africanization” in all levels of the government as an effort to eliminate the remaining British influence. Nationalism was flourishing in Tanzania. The focus of the historiography and master narrative of nationalism was mainly exclusive to several individuals who made the major contributions. Julius Nyerere is regarded as one of the representatives of nationalism in Tanzania, who is the founder of the Tanganyika African National Union (TANU). Ironically, many of the first modernizers of Tanzania was educated under the western colonial educational system, including Mirambo, Mkwawa, Merere, Marealle, Bwana Heri, Tippu Tip, Kinjikitile and Bushiri. In later phases of their lives, they became firm advocates for nationalism and made great contributions to the modernization of Tanzania.
From the western Golden Coast of Ghana to the eastern shore of Tanzania, from Algeria in the North of Africa to South Africa, the continent is home for diverse forms of nations, which seemingly are impossible to fall under the same generalization. However, just like our general perception of Asia or Europe, Africa can also be viewed as an aggregate of countries which have commonly suffered from the brutality of colonization and slavery. Much more influential than the physical injuries, it is the mind that needs to be healed from the war and slavery. After long periods of colonization, some of the black people became so institutionalized that they even think of themselves as inferior than the whites. However, efforts have been made in finding the black consciousness again, and those who have once been enslaved have now dedicated their lives for the modernization of their homes.
Biko, Steve. Black Consciousness and The Quest for True Humanity, 1973. DOI:
Fanon, Frantz. Fanon, Colonial War and Mental Disorders. The Wretched of the Earth:
Frantz Fanon, Grove Press, New York, 2004.
Geiger, Susan. Tanganyikan Nationalism as 'Women's Work': Life Histories,
Collective Biography and Changing Historiography. The Journal of African History, vol. 37, no. 3, 1996, pp. 465–478.
Getz, Trevor R., Liz Clarke. Abina and The Important Men: A Graphic History. Oxford
University Press, USA, 2011.



2017-11-03 14:44:45 | 日記

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2017-11-03 14:38:23 | 日記




2017-11-03 14:28:23 | 日記

