

Assignment代写:Saudi Aramco

2017-11-10 15:39:29 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Saudi Aramco,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了沙特阿美石油公司。沙特阿美石油公司是一家开采沙特阿拉伯石油资源的公司,总部位于沙特阿拉伯东部区宰赫兰市。作为一家在沙特阿拉伯获得石油和天然气勘探合同管理的石油公司,沙特石油公司决心作为沙特经济的主要推动者,其生产收入约占政府收入的86%。在商业方面,沙特石油公司在支持沙特阿拉伯王国经济方面发挥了重要作用,为沙特创造了就业机会,为沙特国民创造了新的商机。
Nouriel Roubini (2006) reveals several crucial macroeconomic issues and vulnerabilities in the global economy, such as the surge of energy demand that would raise the inflation in a country. Situations like this underscore the notion that oil price has great influence over the macroeconomics of a country. Some analysts point out that current oil price is caused by cartel agreements of OPEC members (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries), which determine the volume of production in order to achieve a rise in price. Several researches indicate that oil price has a significant impact on macroeconomy, since it could send the global economy into recession, as it happened in the 1970s. While the increased price of goods may be caused by scarce resources and high demand, the undulating oil price may be due to economic and political events, since the rising price usually occurs on the trading floor, and not because of the scarcity of resources.​
One member country of OPEC that has the great influence in the oil production is Saudi Arabia, which is the only country that can increase oil production in order to offset market disruptions, as it happened during the Iraqi invasion of 1990 or the suspension of Kuwaiti output. Oil production in Saudi Arabia is done by Saudi Arabian Oil Company or Saudi Aramco, a state-owned national oil company of Saudi Arabia. It manages a broad range of global petroleum enterprises, ranging from exploration and refining to distribution and shipping. In addition, Saudi Aramco holds the world’s largest reserves (260.1 billion barrels as of end of 2010), and is about to become the largest oil company due to producing 7.9 million barrels per day (Saudi Arabian Oil Co, 2012a). As the business grows, Saudi Aramco diversifies its production to explore the world’s extensive reserves of natural gas liquids (NGL). It has started a joint venture with The Dow Chemical Company to build and operate the integrated chemicals complex in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Saudi Arabian Oil Co, 2012k).
Given Saudi Aramco management’s objectives concerning the company’s future, we believe that product road map and business strategy have become the measure of the corporation’s sustainable development amidst their strong position as the world’s leader in oil production. Accordingly, this study explores whether Saudi Aramco has developed new products or services that would enable the company to diversify into new businesses. The study further examines whether a strongly positioned corporation such as Saudi Aramco would launch new products before the end of their current product life cycle or start exploring new businesses opportunities before their main product ends.
Understanding the key internal strengths and weaknesses is important to evaluate corporate performance. Appendix 1 displays the result of Internal Factors Evaluation (IFE) of Saudi Aramco. The first internal factor is business development. The rate of Saudi Aramco in this internal factor is 4 out of 5 due to the fact that the company has prepared the future revenue generator, despite the fact that their oil reserves can hold for over 90 years. This factor is important for a world-class company such as Saudi Aramco as they stand to benefit from their monopoly status in the oil production and marketing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Another factor that may prevent Saudi Aramco from diversifying and expanding their services is the fact that they hold the world’s largest oil reserves which are estimated at 260 billion barrels. This provides Saudi Aramco with the reserve for about 90 years at average production of 7.9 billion barrels per day. This situation may prevent Saudi Aramco from developing new business if they think the vast oil reserves are just enough. However, it turns out that Saudi Aramco continues to diversify their services by not only managing more than 112 oil and gas fields in Saudi Arabia, but also providing refinery, petrochemicals, marketing, distribution and shipping services.
In addition, the company has also bolstered its position in the petrochemical industry by entering into partnership with the Dow Chemical Company. In July 2011, the two companies agreed on the formation of a joint venture and planned to build a fully-integrated chemicals complex in Jubail Industrial City in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The new joint venture named “Sadara Chemical Company” is established following the feasibility study and front-end engineering, which were conducted in 2007.
The joint venture will handle about 26 manufacturing facilities by relying on Saudi Aramco’s project management and execution expertise. The fact that the facilities will utilize Dow’s industry leading technologies will make the complex one of the largest integrated chemical facilities equipped with flexible cracking capabilities. Total planned production of the chemical complex is estimated to reach more than 3 million metric tons of high value-added chemical products and performance plastics (Saudi Arabian Oil Co. 2012k). This business will capitalize the joint venture by serving the growing markets with energy, transportation, infrastructure and consumer products. In order to speed up the delivery of products, the venture will immediately build the complex, which will become operational in the second half of 2015 and reach full operational capacity in 2016.
The expected revenue is estimated to reach approximately $10 billion during the first two years of operation, and it is expected to create thousands of jobs. The total investment into the project is projected to reach over $20 billion. Commenting on this huge investment project, president and CEO of Saudi Aramco, Khalid Al-Falih, said that this mega project represents the Saudi Aramco’s ambitious downstream growth strategy and would position Saudi Aramco as the world’s largest integrated supplier of energy and petroleum-based derivative products (Saudi Arabian Oil Co, 2012k).
The second internal factor is innovation. This factor is also rated high, as innovation becomes key for a company to sustain their growth and outperform competitors. C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel refer to the collective learning and coordination expertise in a company’s product line. This competence further becomes the source of a competitive advantage and lets them introduce a variety of products and services that are not easily copied by their competitors. Despite being a monopolistic operation in oil production and distribution, Saudi Aramco attempts to embrace new technologies that will improve their oil production methods and quality of service. To date, the company has been awarded for over 100 patents, and it is going to come up with tens of hundreds more due to the extensive research and development facilities, such as the Research and Development Center (R&DC) and the Exploration and Petroleum Engineering Center Advanced Research Center (EXPEC ARC). Figure 1 shows the innovative culture that the company develops through the total patents granted, as well as the idea management system that involves employees to participate.
Moreover, the company’s excellence in nurturing growth through innovation can be evaluated through the awards that the company has received, including the World’s Top 100 Companies for operational excellence in manufacturing. Another innovative culture in Saudi Aramco involves practicing innovative ways in everyday work, which has already spawned several groundbreaking technologies. For example, the company has introduced the GigaPOWERSTM, which is the next generation reservoir simulator capable of providing the simulation of the largest oil fields at seismic resolution. The other breakthrough is the use of solar power for water desalination and power generation (Saudi Arabian Oil Co, 2012e).
The third internal factor is global operation. This factor is also given much priority, as the company operates in more than 70 nations all over the world and employs over 54,000 people (Saudi Arabian Oil Co. 2012g). The company’s major foreign affiliates are refining and marketing companies located in key markets, such as China, Japan, United States, and the Republic of Korea. Operating on a global scale makes Saudi Aramco the only energy company that serves the three major markets, such as Asia, North America, and Europe. Interestingly, Saudi Aramco, which represents the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in oil production, is the most reliable supplier of petroleum energy, as they can increase the output at any given day in order to offset the increasing demand for oil, especially from key industrial markets.
In the future, the expansion into growing markets in Asia becomes key success factors for Saudi Aramco. This will be achieved due to the surging demand from this region, and especially from countries like China and India (Saudi Arabian Oil Co. 2012g).
Since all machines in the factories need fuel to run, they become the energy drain that consumes oil and its derivatives (high speed diesel) in large quantities. That explains the fact why the U.S. has become one of the world’s largest oil consumers (SEA.CA, 2003).
This is is not to say that a high price for oil is due to a short supply or very little production capacity. Today’s oil price situation is not influenced by interruptions of oil-exporting countries in the Middle East. It is getting even worse, since developed countries like China and developing countries like India are beginning to climb out of poverty, thus causing an increased demand for oil.
Figure 2 shows that United States, China, and India are among the countries that have been consuming oil in large amounts over the next two decades. To anticipate this huge demand for oil in the future, China has already closed deals with suppliers to receive over 7.8 billion barrels of oil within the next several years (Lyon, Lefton, and Weiss, 2010).
Figure 2 Oil consumption by Country
Today, business, corporate and social responsibility is a very important aspect that differentiates a company from others. It also highlights a company’s commitment to make a positive impact on the society by working in partnership with local communities and government agencies to promote sustainable social and economic development. The campany carries out four main CSR programs. First is to give something back by volunteering in recreational and medical services. Second is to reach out to those in need by supporting cultural activities, events and entertainment in the Kingdom, conducting children art contests, and participating in programs for children with cancer and orphans. Third is to make roads safer by launching Traffic Safety Signature Program (TSSP) to create a safer driving environment. Fourth is to donate funds to help small business projects for women, facilitate medical treatment, etc. (Saudi Arabian Oil Co, 2011).
The company’s worldwide operation requires a large number of employees that need to be adjusted once the business is slowing down. To cope with this issue, the company has already differentiated its business into a broad range of oil business, ranging from exploration to distribution. To date, Saudi Aramco has over 55,000 employees that comprise 47,741 Saudis and 7,057 expatriates (Saudi Arabian Oil Co, 2012a).
The weakness of Saudi Aramco lies in their global reach. The rising need for oil consumption in the lucrative markets in India, China, and other Asian countries draws industries towards this region. In addition, the figure also represents the trends in oil consumption in the three countries that are its largest consumers. As the demand for oil continues to rise, it will cause the costs of production to increase and lead to inflation. Developed countries such as the U.S., Japan, India, and China start seeking alternative energy sources to bring the costs down. The demand from India and China will also increase, as these countries are likely to become the world’s two most powerful economies in the future. According to many analysts, the growing demand for oil from Asian countries will soon exceed the figure of 40% (CBD, 2008).
Figure 3 shows that within a five-year period, both India and China will experience a significant increase in oil consumption. China, for example, consumed about 4.80 million barrels per day (bpd) in 2000, and this figure increased to 6.63 million barrels per day (bpd) in 2004. Meanwhile, its counterpart, India consumed over 2.05 million barrels per day (bpd) in 2000, which quickly rose to 2.30 billion barrels per day (bpd) in 2004.
In 2004 alone, China surpassed Japan in terms of oil consumption. On average, the country consumes 6.63 million barrels per day (bpd) and the expected demand will total 5-7% per year. Similarly, India’s demand is also expected to grow to 4-7% per year from daily consumption of about 2 million (bpd) in 2004.
Figure 3 Oil Demands by Country
Despite the weakness in developing markets, Khalid Al Falih, Saudi Aramco’s chief executive, asserts that they would serve global demand for oil much better. The CEO specifically notes that Saudi Aramco would pay attention to the rising needs in Asia because of the two factors, such as demographic growth and growing economics (Milhench, 2011).
The analysis of Saudi Aramco’s operation in the oil industry suggests that they should manage their products better, as each of them requires massive investment. The company provides a wide range of services, such as exploration, refining, international shipping, and distribution. The recent plan to build the world’s largest chemical complex also requires huge investment of over $20 billion.
Globalization affects the company in a negative way. Several researches indicate that the age of globalization brings economies into a new trend, where services grow at a significantly faster rate than manufacture businesses. Macro factors derived from globalization effects reduce growth of the manufacturing industry (International Labor Organization, 2006).
Environmental issues in the oil industry pose a great problem as they may cause a severe damage to the environment. Therefore, Saudi Aramco should strive to be a company that shows its commitment toward preservation of the environment and contribution to the environmental improvement. An examples of a large-scale environmental damage caused by an oil company includes the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that occurred on April 20, 2010. There was an explosion in the deepwater of the Gulf of Mexico , which caused billions of dollars of damage. Another example the Exxon Valdez oil spill from in the sea of Alaska that took place on March 24, 1989 (Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, 1993).
The world is going through an economization phase whereby people are constantly looking for cheaper products of the same quality. In the oil and gas industry, especially in refinery, distribution, and marketing aspects, competition is tough, as multinational oil companies target the same markets in Asia, Europe, and North America. Petroleum Intelligence Weekly’s Top 10 ranks Saudi Aramco as the best petroleum company followed closely by the NIO (Iran), ExxonMobil (USA), PDV (Venezuela), and BP (United Kingdom).
Strategic directions and strategic objectives
Currently, Saudi Aramco produces 1 of every 10 barrels in the world, which greatly affects the way it does business. The situation is such that the volatility of crude oil price may cause great losses for refineries and distributors. Therefore, to keep gaining profit from selling gasoline to end customers, Saudi Aramco should continue to develop technology that increases the efficiency of oil production. Today, 47 barrels of gasoline are made from every 100 barrels of crude oil (Energy Information Administration, 2006).
Under such circumstances, Saudi Aramco faces the challenge of efficiency of production. In their vision statement, the company states that they are going to transform themselves from a leading oil and gas company into a fully-integrated global energy and chemical company. There are several objectives that Saudi Aramco set themselves in order to reach their vision. First of all, they strive to be the most respected employers globally, which attract talented employees that help Saudi Aramco reach their goals. Secondly, the want to to be the finest oil and gas exploration and production business. Thirdly, they wish to be an integrated global-scale refining and chemicals business. In the fourth place, the attempt to maintain their leadership in innovation in the energy industry. In the fifth place, they try to strengthen their mission to be an export-oriented business (Saudi Arabian Oil Co. 2012i).
Key broad business-level and international strategies
As an oil company that has been awarded a contract to manage exploration of oil and gas in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Aramco is determined to deliver better results as the prime driver of the Saudi economy. The revenue from their production accounts for about 86% of government revenue. In terms of business, Saudi Aramco plays a significant role in supporting the economy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, generating jobs for Saudis and establishing new business opportunities for Saudi nationals (Saudi Arabian Oil Co. 2012b).
Internationally, Saudi Aramco has grown to be the largest petroleum company in the world that provides various services, including exporting and marketing of crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas liquids and sulfur, distribution services, as well as shipping of crude oil through their affiliated companies, refineries, and petrochemicals production facilities (Saudi Arabian Oil Co. 2012f).
Strategic implementation: General perspective
In order to achieve their vision as a global petrochemical company, Saudi Aramco conducts several initiatives in six different areas. The company’s six competencies are in line with their pursuit of competitive strategy. The first is to sustain the future of energy. At Saudi Aramco, they believe that in the future, renewable energy will play a significant role in fulfilling the fast-growing demands for energy, despite petroleum still being the vital commodity now. It is projected that by 2030 oil will remain the main supply for energy fulfillment (Saudi Arabian Oil Co. 2012d).
Second is to ensure the reliable supply, as Saudi Aramco not only fulfills the local demand, but also serves customers worldwide. For this reason, all people at Saudi Aramco work towards the same objective, which is to be the most reliable supplier of energy. When global supply of oil dropped due to the Iraqi war, Saudi Aramco immediately increased total output to offset the gap. This could be done as the company has the proven reserves with flexible production capacity. In addition, the company’s robust infrastructure also contributes to the reliable and sustainable supply of crude oil and refined products (Saudi Arabian Oil Co. 2012j). The reliability aspect also includes the competencies to provide a safe working environment to their employees. In addition, Saudi Aramco’s competency in producing environmentally clean products in clean facilities also supports the achievement of Saudi Aramco’s competitive strategy.
The third aspect is Saudi Aramco’s contribution to the economy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Aramco contributes nearly 86% of government revenue. Saudi Aramco plays a significant role in supporting the economy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, generating jobs for Saudis and establishing new business opportunities for Saudi nationals (Saudi Arabian Oil Co. 2012b).
The fourth aspect is to develop human potential. Saudi Aramco is aware of the need to develop human capital in order to transform into a knowledge economy. As the transformation requires the empowerment of innovation and development of the Kingdom’s human potential, Saudi Aramco needs to develop their human resources. Fortunately, at the core of Saudi Aramco is a corporate culture of lifelong learning. Since its inception, Saudi Aramco has been developing excellent learning programs to equip their personnel with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed. In addition, the company also supports vocational institutes and universities, thus contributing to the improvement of oil industry (Saudi Arabian Oil Co. 2012c). Moreover, Saudi Aramco’s competency in developing its employees’ skills is also in compliance with Saudi Aramco’s core competencies. This is because a petroleum company needs to respond to the needs of the fast-changing oil industry by training their employees to keep up with the challenges.
Saudi Aramco is one of the most important petroleum companies in the world. As the main contractor for oil exploration in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, they hold the largest oil reserves that could secure exploration for the next 90 years at 7.9 million barrel per day. However, as the petroleum product is not renewable, Saudi Aramco needs to prepare the future revenue generator. In this case, Saudi Aramco has started a joint venture with the Dow Chemical Company. In addition, this situation also requires Saudi Aramco to establish product road map and business strategy to become the measure of the corporation’s sustainable development amidst their strong position as the world’s leader in oil production.
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Essay代写:Strategies of Inventory management

2017-11-10 15:38:37 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Strategies of Inventory management,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了库存管理策略。库存管理是业务中的一个特色部分,所以也需要一定的库存管理方法。当你有一个促销活动时,你可以专门将客户的请求和运送点交换给你的制造商或分销商,让他们把商品直接送到你的客户那里。按照这种方法,就不需要将产品保留在库存中,有机会节省直接库存开支,并从正收入周期中获益。
Inventory management is a characteristic piece of your business that you certainly would prefer not to mess around with. The accompanying are some normal inventory management methods conveyed by associations – along with their inventory holding expenses and potential benefits. You’d most likely require a mix of various strategies for the best approach for your business
This inventory management method dispenses with the cost of holding inventory inside and out. When you have a dropshipping agreement, you can specifically exchange client requests and shipment points of interest to your maker or distributer, who then ships the merchandise straightforwardly to your clients. Along these lines you don’t need to keep products in inventory, get the chance to save money on forthright inventory expenses, and advantage from a positive income cycle.
A procedure like dropshipping where both techniques rule out the requirement for distribution centers or work expenses and dangers required with inventory taking care of, cross-docking is a practice where approaching semi-trailer trucks or railroad autos empty materials specifically onto outbound trucks, trailers, or rail autos with next to zero inventory piling in the middle. (inventory-management)
Types of inventory Management
Every business includes of their inventory of company, the material that they offer for sale and any other important material that is realy important for running their business. For maintaining small business there is less need of inventory than large business. Coming up short on products implies you will be unable to take care of demand, while having excessively numerous merchandise implies your cash is tied up in inventory that you can not offer.
Raw Materials
This sort of inventory consists any merchandise utilized as a part of the assembling procedure, for example, components use to assemble a completed item. Raw materials may consist completed merchandise or materials. For instance, for a orange juice organization, oranges, sugar and additives are raw materials; while for a PC producer, chips, circuit sheets and diodes are raw materials. Inventory things might be named raw materials if the association has bought them from an outside organization, or if they are utilized to make components.
Work-in-process inventory things are those materials and parts that are holding up to be made into something else. These may consist halfway collected things that are holding up to be finished. Work-in-process inventory things may consist completed merchandise that have not yet been packed and reviewed, and in addition raw materials that have moved from capacity to a preassembly area. For instance, in a orange juice organization, the oranges may come into a capacity zone, where they are raw products, but once they have been moved out of the capacity range and onto the sequential construction system for squeezing, they get to be work-in-process inventory. In a little organization, work-in-process goods might be put away in the same area as raw materials and completed products.
Finished Goods
Finished goods are any items that are prepared to be transported out or sold specifically to clients, including to wholesalers and retailers. Completed products might hold up in a capacity zone or on a shop floor. In the event that the measure of inventory of Finished goods increase quicker that the measure of raw products and work-in-process products, then creation may need to back off until more completed merchandise are sold. In a few organizations, merchandise are excluded in the completed products inventory until they are sold. For instance, in organizations where products are made to arrange.(types-inventory-organization)
Ordering, holding, and lack costs make up the three principle classifications of inventory related expenses. These groupings broadly separate the a wide range of inventory costs that exist, and below we will identify and describe a few cases of the different sorts of cost in every class. (-inventory-ordering-holding-and-shortage-costs)
Ordering costs
Ordering costs, also called setup expenses, are basically costs acquired each time you submit a request. Illustrations include:
Clerical expenses of preparing buy orders – There are so many type of clerical costs, for example, receipt preparing, bookkeeping, and correspondence costs.
Cost of finding providers and assisting orders – Costs spent on these will probably inconsistent, but they are vital costs for the business.
Transportation costs – The expenses of moving the merchandise to the distribution center or store. These expenses are highly variable across different industries and items.
Accepting expenses – These include expenses of unloading goods at the distribution center, and reviewing the merchandise to ensure they are the right things and free of defectss.
Cost of electronic information exchange – These are systems used by large organizations and particularly retailers, which permit requesting process expenses to be altogether reduced.
Holding costs
As known called carrying costs, these are costs required with putting away inventory before it is sold.
Inventory financing costs – This consists everything identified with the investment made in inventory, including costs like interest on working capital. Financing expenses can be complex relying upon the business.
Opportunity cost of the cash invested into inventory – This is found by figuring in the lost options of tying cash up in inventory, for example, putting resources into term stores or common assets.
Storage space costs – These are costs identified with where the inventory is stored, and will change by area.
There will be the cost of the storeroom itself, or rent installments if it is not claimed. At that point there are office preservation costs like lighting, warming, and ventilation.
Inventory services costs – This consists the cost of the physical handling of the products, and protection, security, and IT equipment, and applications if these are utilized. Costs identified with inventory control and cycle counting are further cases.
Inventory risk costs – A major cost is shrinkage, which is the loss of items between buying from the provider and last deal because of any number of reasons: burglary, seller extortion, shipping mistakes, harm in travel or capacity. The other fundamental case is out of date quality, which is the cost of products going past their utilization by dates, or generally getting to be distinctly obsolete. (inventory-costs)
Shortage Costs
These costs, additionally got inventory -out expenses, happen when organizations get to be distinctly out of inventory for reasons unknown.
Disrupted production – When the business includes delivering merchandise and in addition offering them, a deficiency will mean the business should pay for things like sit still specialists and industrial facility overhead, notwithstanding when nothing is being created.
Emergency shipments – For retailers, inventory -outs could mean paying additional to get a shipment on time, or evolving providers.
Client faithfulness and notoriety – These expenses are difficult to pinpoint, yet there are positively losses to these when clients can not get their wanted item or administration on time.
Economic Order Quantity: Economic order quantity is the level of inventory that limits the level inventory holding expenses and requesting costs. It is one of the most seasoned traditional generation planning models.
The structure used to decide this request amount is otherwise called Wilson EOQ Model or Wilson Formula. The model was produced by F. W. Harris in 1913. Yet at the same time R. H. Wilson, an expert who connected it widely, is given acknowledgment for his right on time top to bottom investigation of the model. EOQ is basically a bookkeeping equation that decides the time when the mix of request expenses and inventory conveying expenses are the slightest. The outcome is the most practical amount to arrange. In acquiring this is known as the request amount, in assembling it is known as the generation part estimate.

Essay代写:Strategies of Inventory management

2017-11-10 15:38:37 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Strategies of Inventory management,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了库存管理策略。库存管理是业务中的一个特色部分,所以也需要一定的库存管理方法。当你有一个促销活动时,你可以专门将客户的请求和运送点交换给你的制造商或分销商,让他们把商品直接送到你的客户那里。按照这种方法,就不需要将产品保留在库存中,有机会节省直接库存开支,并从正收入周期中获益。
Inventory management is a characteristic piece of your business that you certainly would prefer not to mess around with. The accompanying are some normal inventory management methods conveyed by associations – along with their inventory holding expenses and potential benefits. You’d most likely require a mix of various strategies for the best approach for your business
This inventory management method dispenses with the cost of holding inventory inside and out. When you have a dropshipping agreement, you can specifically exchange client requests and shipment points of interest to your maker or distributer, who then ships the merchandise straightforwardly to your clients. Along these lines you don’t need to keep products in inventory, get the chance to save money on forthright inventory expenses, and advantage from a positive income cycle.
A procedure like dropshipping where both techniques rule out the requirement for distribution centers or work expenses and dangers required with inventory taking care of, cross-docking is a practice where approaching semi-trailer trucks or railroad autos empty materials specifically onto outbound trucks, trailers, or rail autos with next to zero inventory piling in the middle. (inventory-management)
Types of inventory Management
Every business includes of their inventory of company, the material that they offer for sale and any other important material that is realy important for running their business. For maintaining small business there is less need of inventory than large business. Coming up short on products implies you will be unable to take care of demand, while having excessively numerous merchandise implies your cash is tied up in inventory that you can not offer.
Raw Materials
This sort of inventory consists any merchandise utilized as a part of the assembling procedure, for example, components use to assemble a completed item. Raw materials may consist completed merchandise or materials. For instance, for a orange juice organization, oranges, sugar and additives are raw materials; while for a PC producer, chips, circuit sheets and diodes are raw materials. Inventory things might be named raw materials if the association has bought them from an outside organization, or if they are utilized to make components.
Work-in-process inventory things are those materials and parts that are holding up to be made into something else. These may consist halfway collected things that are holding up to be finished. Work-in-process inventory things may consist completed merchandise that have not yet been packed and reviewed, and in addition raw materials that have moved from capacity to a preassembly area. For instance, in a orange juice organization, the oranges may come into a capacity zone, where they are raw products, but once they have been moved out of the capacity range and onto the sequential construction system for squeezing, they get to be work-in-process inventory. In a little organization, work-in-process goods might be put away in the same area as raw materials and completed products.
Finished Goods
Finished goods are any items that are prepared to be transported out or sold specifically to clients, including to wholesalers and retailers. Completed products might hold up in a capacity zone or on a shop floor. In the event that the measure of inventory of Finished goods increase quicker that the measure of raw products and work-in-process products, then creation may need to back off until more completed merchandise are sold. In a few organizations, merchandise are excluded in the completed products inventory until they are sold. For instance, in organizations where products are made to arrange.(types-inventory-organization)
Ordering, holding, and lack costs make up the three principle classifications of inventory related expenses. These groupings broadly separate the a wide range of inventory costs that exist, and below we will identify and describe a few cases of the different sorts of cost in every class. (-inventory-ordering-holding-and-shortage-costs)
Ordering costs
Ordering costs, also called setup expenses, are basically costs acquired each time you submit a request. Illustrations include:
Clerical expenses of preparing buy orders – There are so many type of clerical costs, for example, receipt preparing, bookkeeping, and correspondence costs.
Cost of finding providers and assisting orders – Costs spent on these will probably inconsistent, but they are vital costs for the business.
Transportation costs – The expenses of moving the merchandise to the distribution center or store. These expenses are highly variable across different industries and items.
Accepting expenses – These include expenses of unloading goods at the distribution center, and reviewing the merchandise to ensure they are the right things and free of defectss.
Cost of electronic information exchange – These are systems used by large organizations and particularly retailers, which permit requesting process expenses to be altogether reduced.
Holding costs
As known called carrying costs, these are costs required with putting away inventory before it is sold.
Inventory financing costs – This consists everything identified with the investment made in inventory, including costs like interest on working capital. Financing expenses can be complex relying upon the business.
Opportunity cost of the cash invested into inventory – This is found by figuring in the lost options of tying cash up in inventory, for example, putting resources into term stores or common assets.
Storage space costs – These are costs identified with where the inventory is stored, and will change by area.
There will be the cost of the storeroom itself, or rent installments if it is not claimed. At that point there are office preservation costs like lighting, warming, and ventilation.
Inventory services costs – This consists the cost of the physical handling of the products, and protection, security, and IT equipment, and applications if these are utilized. Costs identified with inventory control and cycle counting are further cases.
Inventory risk costs – A major cost is shrinkage, which is the loss of items between buying from the provider and last deal because of any number of reasons: burglary, seller extortion, shipping mistakes, harm in travel or capacity. The other fundamental case is out of date quality, which is the cost of products going past their utilization by dates, or generally getting to be distinctly obsolete. (inventory-costs)
Shortage Costs
These costs, additionally got inventory -out expenses, happen when organizations get to be distinctly out of inventory for reasons unknown.
Disrupted production – When the business includes delivering merchandise and in addition offering them, a deficiency will mean the business should pay for things like sit still specialists and industrial facility overhead, notwithstanding when nothing is being created.
Emergency shipments – For retailers, inventory -outs could mean paying additional to get a shipment on time, or evolving providers.
Client faithfulness and notoriety – These expenses are difficult to pinpoint, yet there are positively losses to these when clients can not get their wanted item or administration on time.
Economic Order Quantity: Economic order quantity is the level of inventory that limits the level inventory holding expenses and requesting costs. It is one of the most seasoned traditional generation planning models.
The structure used to decide this request amount is otherwise called Wilson EOQ Model or Wilson Formula. The model was produced by F. W. Harris in 1913. Yet at the same time R. H. Wilson, an expert who connected it widely, is given acknowledgment for his right on time top to bottom investigation of the model. EOQ is basically a bookkeeping equation that decides the time when the mix of request expenses and inventory conveying expenses are the slightest. The outcome is the most practical amount to arrange. In acquiring this is known as the request amount, in assembling it is known as the generation part estimate.

Essay代写:Value Chains in Organisations

2017-11-10 15:01:00 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Value Chains in Organisations,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了组织中的价值链。价值链是一个传统的把阶段的业务流程的方式。价值链强调运营经理参与过程的各个方面的重要性,从供应商的权利槽客户。随着价值链的方法,功能边界被忽视,在许多组织现在接受的运营经理必须控制整个过程,从购买商品和服务的最后阶段,以满足客户。
In this assignment I’m going to show that an organisation can add value with its success and how the concept of a Value Chain can be used to asses where organisations add value and develop future strategy.
According to Wright (2004), Value Chain is a traditional manner of departmentalising stages of the business process. The value chain highlights the importance of the operational manager being involved in all aspects of the process, from suppliers right trough the customer. With the value chain approach functional boundaries are ignored and in many organisations its now accepted that the operations manager has to control the whole process from buying in goods and services to the final stage of satisfying the customer. Marketing, accounting, human resources are not showing up in the value chain, but the operational manager has to be interesting and to be involved in these internal functions of the organisation as well. (Wright and Race 2004)
Information technology is changing the way companies operates.
According to Porter (1985), cost leadership and product differentiation can be pursued simultaneously only under rare conditions.
If organisations are to achieve competitive advantage by delivering value to customers, managers need to understand which activities the undertake are especially important in creating that value and which are not (Johnson et all 2008) . The value chain concept is important to understand this describing the categories of activities within and around an organisation, which together create a product or service”. The concept was developed by Michael Porter with his book “competitive advantage 1985” where the idea of value chain is based on the processe view of organisations, the idea of seeing a manufacturing or service organisation as system, made up of subsystems each with inputs, transformation process and outputs which involve the acquisition and consumption of resources (money, equipment, labour, land, buildings, management and administration).
The primary value chain activities are:
Logistics/ Inbound:the distribution of manufacturing after the raw materials are received and warehoused.
Operations: the transformation process of inputs into services and finish products.
Logistics/ Outbound: The warehousing and distribution of the finished goods.
Marketing and sales: Placing the product on the market generating sales reaching the right people interested to buy it
Service: The tool used to offer the product on the market and the service offered after the product is sold (customer service)
This Primary Activities are supported by:
The infrastructure of the firm: organisational structure, control system, company culture etc.
Human resource management: employee recruiting, hiring, training, development and compensation.
Technology development: technologies to support the value chain activity
Procurement: purchasing input such as materials, supplies, and equipments.
“The firm’s margin or profit then depends on its effectiveness in performing these activities efficiently, so that the amount that the customer is willing to pay for the products exceeds the cost of the activities in the value chain. It is in these activities that a firm has the opportunity to generate superior value. A competitive advantage may be achieved by reconfiguring the value chain to provide lower cost or better differentiation”.
External efficiency is measured by customer satisfaction and by market share. To achieve customer satisfaction the company requires, and is depends on, the timely received goods and its services to specification by external suppliers. Is very important to have a good communication, and teamwork between suppliers at one end, and the customer at the other end of the value chain. (Wright and Race 2004)
Cost advantage and Value Chain
A firm maybe create a cost advantage either by reducing the cost of individual value chain activities, or by reconfiguring the value chain. Once the value chain is defined, a cost analysis can be performed by assessing the costs of the value chain activities. The cost obtained from the accounting report may need to be modified in order to allocate them properly to the value creating activity.
Porter identified 10 cost drivers realting to the value chain activities:
A firm develops a cost advantage by controlling these drivers better than do the competition.
A cost advantage also can be pursued by reconfiguring the value chain. Reconfiguration means structural changes such a new production process, new distribution channels, or a different sales approach. For example FedEx structurally redefined express freight service by acquiring its own planes and implementing a hub and spoke system.
Differentiation and Value Chain
A differentiation advantage can arise from any part of the value chain. For example procurements of inputs that are unique and widely available for competitors can create differentiation, as can distributor channels that offers high service levels. A differentiation advantage may be achieved by changing individual value chan activities to increase uniqueness in the final product, or by reconfiguring the value chain.
Most of these also serve a cost drivers. There are several ways which a firm can reconfigure its value chain in order to create uniqueness.
The changes in technologies can impact the competitive advantage changing and making possible new configuration of value chain. Many technologies are used in both primary value activities and support activities:
In order to compare value chain activities and how can be added value to a company, I chosen few international hotel chain:
Hilton Worldwide
Is the leading global hospitality company, spanning the lodging sector from luxurious full-service hotels and resorts to extended-stay suites and mid-priced hotels. For over 90 years Hilton has been offering business and leisure travellers the finest in accommodations, service, amenities and value. Company dedicated for the tradition of providing exceptional guest experience across its global brands distributed over a total of more than 3400 hotels in 79 countries. The company manages the world-class guest reward program called Hilton Honours®, innovative technologies to enhance the guest experience.
Marriott international
Marriott’s brands are leading in customer satisfaction and owner and franchisee preferences. Exceptional amenities. Attentive guest guest care. In-depth local knowledge set industy standards around the world.
Marriott International has become the world’s leading lodging company, not only through its deiverse portfolio of global brands, but also by training and engaging the best employees (300.000) to delivery the best service.
As we can see, two very big hospitality company operating worldwide are constantly trying to add value. In the service industry and especially in the hotel industry, the value is added and created from the people inputs of time, knowledge, equipments and systems to serve the hotel guests and customers. Customers in these companies can be also employees from the same organisation. The more value is created, the more people will be ready to pay the price for the service or product and the more they will keep on buying from the same company.
Value chain analysis
To understand and find out where we can create value we need to use a Value Chain Analysis.
The first step for the analysis is the Activity Analysis:
Where all the activities to serve the customer and to deliver the service are analysed.
In this step of activities analysis we are going to collect as much information as we can from all the people involved within the organisation such us guest, employees, suppliers, business partners, travel agents and tour operators. This stage will also involve the way to recruit people with the right skills that will deliver the best service. How to keep the team motivated and informed about the performance. In the case of these featured company the KPI system (Key Performance Indicator) has been introduced to control the standard of performance that will help to get feedback from the guest to enhance the guest engagement.
To conduct the Value Chain Analysis are needed up to three years of annual repors to understand and analyse how the costing of the activities are changing and whether they are in unison with the competitive strategi of the firm. To gain knowledge about the core competence of the company, we can have a look at the company and competitor websites and SWOT analysis of both companies can be done to understand the key strengths and weaknesses of the company and how different are the firms from the direct competitor.
Value analysis
After few activities are identified we list the “Value Factors” which is the kind of service that the customer value in the way the activity is conducted.
If we analyse a telephone order, the customer will value a quick answer to his/her call, a good an polite manner, efficient taking of order details with fast and knowledgeable answering of questions and a quick resolution to any problems that arise during the order. Delivering a professional service, the customer will like the correct solution based on the good options and up to date alternatives.
This analysis will give us what needs to be done or changed to provide a great value for each Value factor.
Evaluate changes and Plan for Action
With the Value Analysis, we will generate so many ideas for increasing the value that we are going to deliver to customers
Value Chain in the Hotel Industry
The primary activities in the Hotel industry:
Starting from the Inbound Logistics where we have all the contracts with supplier that are delivering the food and beverage, providing laundry service and other services; Back of the house storage and distribution within the hotel’s departments and inventory control and stock requisitions.
The Operations are represented from all the procedures and processes that, with the support from all the advanced equipments and tools, will produce goods and service to offer on the market.
Outbound Logistics in the hotel can be the way the services and final products are offered and distributed to the different outlets and different guests.
Marketing and Sales: all the activities that are trying to get customers and people interested in the hotel for rooms, conferences, restaurants but also the promotion of the hotel with advertise and pricing considering the competitors
Service in the hotel industry is crucial for its succes. The quality of service is created with a certain number of employees in proportion with the hotel capability and with the respective training. A good service will enhance the product’s value and will be crucial for the guest that will have to chose in which of the many hotels to stay. An example can be made between the company Hilton and Marriott where both can offer the same guest room, the same equipment in the room, same facilities with different price; probably the price for Hilton is more competitive but the service offered will be not at the same level as a Marriott hotel. The same room at the Marriott hotel with a nice presentation of the hotel services from the reception staff will probably an added value and the travellers will be more likely to go back where a better service is offered if the price is not much higher (value for money).
Support activities in the Hotel industry
The Procurement in the hotel can be the facilities offered to guest, the building, and the equipment that will support all the operations to make easy and smoothly the service.
Technology Development is very important within the hospitality as it is a modern industry in constantly growth where new technologies are needed to save time and work smarter. The Propriety Management System is the most important to take into consideration which is the software to manage all the operations and share all the information with all the hotel departments in real time. The innovation and the technology are developing the hotel industry.
The Firm Infrastructure is represented from the management team with the long term planning, the quality management , public affairs, finance and accounting.
A good example for these two organisations can be the reservation system. If we got feedback from the customers not happy with the website for the difficulties to make the reservations or we know that both the company are occurring the same problem, therefore we know that if we want to add value for one of the company, we are going to find the solution to make easier the reservation system for the guests.