

留学生作业代写:Application of point element in graphic design

2017-11-29 16:47:56 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Application of point element in graphic design,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了点元素在平面设计中的运用。在平面构成中,点元素是最基本的元素,它小而多变。它的形态也是变化无穷,既可以是中规中矩的方或圆,又可以是自由洒脱的不规则形态。在平面设计中,大的主题、重要的元素往往都设计成形体比较大的“点”,以此来吸引人的注意力,制造出视觉中心。
Point is the most lively, the most flexible elements of graphic design, the use of good will allow the screen to produce orderly, dynamic, gradual and other changing effects. But the point is also the most difficult to control the elements, the use of inappropriate also can make the picture confusing, disorderly, primary and secondary reversal. The purpose of this paper is to study the application of point in graphic design and to analyze the rules of layout in the picture.
The relationship between plane design and plane composition is inseparable. In the plane design, the plane constitutes the responsibility of dividing the picture, organizing the elements and forming the pattern. And the point is the most basic elements of plane composition, master the use of points, other elements of the grasp to become possible.​
In the plane composition, the point element is the most basic element, it is small and changeable. The concept of point is relative, can be smaller than the tip, and can be as big as a bucket, just give it a suitable reference. Its shape is also infinite, can be a regular square or a circle, and can be free and easy irregular form; it can be a form of no thickness on paper, or can be seen to feel the real existence of things. It all depends on what frame it is placed in. Any form in nature, as long as it shrinks to a certain extent, can produce different forms of point, giving people different visual feeling.
Different forms of point give people different visual feeling. The dot of the circle seems to always be jumping, the square point always like to bump to roll, the irregular point and the feeling of infiltration splashing ... Endless changes make people intoxicated. and the different size of the point to give people the feeling is not the same, big point heavy, there is the possibility of falling in the picture, but can grasp the sight of the person, the small point light, like diffuse escape, if the size of different points and then the density of different arrangement, the whole picture will be moving up, as if all points will jump, gather and disperse general. This is the effect that the point can produce psychological fluctuations. Point of individual existence will produce the function of concentrated sight, and when the size of different points of the combination of the size of the contrast, the contrast between the screen, will allow people to produce concentration, jump, rhythm and other feelings.
The different characteristics and feelings of our research point are only the foundation, the ultimate goal is to use its basic theory and principle in the actual plane design. So how do you apply it? Start with the size of the dots. The larger point of the form has the function of attracting the sight, there is a strong convergence ability, it can even be around the smaller scattered points "concentrated" to its surroundings. So in graphic design, big themes, important elements are often designed to form a relatively large "point", in order to attract people's attention, create a visual center. But too big point is easy to produce "face" feeling, as the area continues to increase, it attracts the attention of the role will gradually weaken, the person's view is instead of a large point formed by the surface attracted then swim, the attention is shifted and then dissipated. So this "big" to pay attention to a degree, must not be the point design too big, put too much content to distract attention.
The big point of the screen is the visual center, but the small point also has an indispensable role. Since the big point can not be too big, content can not too much, then did not finish the words, did not do the meaning of the need to disperse to the screen in the "small point". But the layout of the little dots is not random, small point there is a tendency to escape, jump, so small points can not be too much, too many small points will speed up the line of sight, not only make it difficult to notice the screen in the attention of the place, but also let the lines of sight moving scattered, disorderly, resulting in visual confusion. We can according to the size of the screen design a suitable size, can effectively grasp the sight, and not make the point into a large point, used to place our important content, usually the screen theme.
Then put a number of dots on how much content you want to express. If the content is not much, the small point can be relatively random distribution in the picture, of course, to take into account the principle of beauty. As a result of large, small point has an area of contrast, the big point will naturally seize the sight of people and have the ability to small points also in the side, so that the focus of attention, and the appropriate range of activities. But what if the content is more, a few small points can not be fully accommodated? This requires the use of a point of another feature of the ―― points can be coherent lines, there is a guide to the direction of vision, indicating the role.
So if the content is more, the need to place more than a small number of points to clarify the meaning, you need these small dots in the space to form a more coherent arrangement, so that the point in the visual form of "line" to guide the movement of people's eyes. Such a person's line of sight will follow a certain route to watch, both the screen to speak the contents of all "scan" to, and because of the appropriate route, will not produce confusion, jumping feeling. If you want the picture to be lively and dynamic, it is also possible. This has to do with the point of the trait can give people different heart changes role.
When the points are arranged neatly and form orderly lines, it gives the impression of order and orderliness, especially when the points are lined up in straight lines and longitudinal lines. If the points arranged into curves, polylines, then the screen will form a movement of motion, if at this point will be the size of the change, so that the size of the volume of the contrast, then the effect of the dynamic will be more intense. If it is supplemented by morphological changes, the effect of dynamic change is well known. Only the more the changes, the more unstable the screen, the more the role of the visual guidance is weaker, to control so many changes in the elements will become more difficult, the need for designers rich experience and superb skills.
The change of point is very rich, if the text information is not taken into account, only the changes in the form of the screen, the point there are more fascinating changes, such as point of view illusion, point of the surface, point of light and shade, point of the tone gradient and so on. Point is the smallest element in plane design, but it is also the simplest element in plane expression. Can be exaggerated, master the use of the point, other elements of the use of problems can be solved.
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如何写好Movie Review

2017-11-29 15:47:38 | 日記
Movie Review就是影评,也是国外大学常见的作业形式。作为中国留学生,第一次遇上Movie Review的话,可能会一脸懵逼。毕竟Movie Review需要从专业角度去分析电影,给出一定的观点和意见。下面就给大家讲解一下如何写作Movie Review.
以上就是关于Movie Review的写作讲解,同学们要是遇到Movie Review的话,就可以按照上面的方法去写。
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Paper代写:The Image Art

2017-11-29 15:46:36 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The Image Art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了影像艺术。影像艺术是伴随媒介改变而出现的当代艺术的主流形式,它无法依据作品在艺术的展示和存在方式上的差异这种传统的标准进行分类,影像艺术正在融合行为艺术、实物艺术、架上艺术和当代的高新科技,注重观者的参与性和互动性,追求感观的综合和对技术的利用。
In the new media art, the cross boundary application of the work carrier is more and more common, this article will emphatically analyze the cross boundary strategy in the image art. Through the combination of virtual and real in the image art to break the usual viewing mode of the screen and widen the boundary of the expressive language through the application of digital technology and other science and technology, this paper explores the new possibility of the image art in the Cross-border.
Cross-boundary, refers to two or more different fields of cooperation or two different kinds of things blending and blending. In the new media art, the Cross-border use of the work vector has become more and more common, such as media and performance, video art, video device art and digital art, including photographic techniques, virtual reality and other forms of interaction, in the arts and other fields of complex cross-border innovation and integration, This paper will focus on the analysis of Cross-border strategies in image art.
The earliest use of the word "image" can be traced back to Plato in Ancient Greece, he divides the world into knowable world and visible World, the world is the famous rationale world, can see the world is the real world, the real world is divided into the physical and the image two parts, our surroundings natural thing, the man-made thing and all nature are kind, Painting and so on is the image. Image art is the mainstream form of contemporary art accompanying with the change of media. It can not be based on the art of the display and the existence of the differences in the way the traditional standards of classification, image art is fusing the behavior of art, physical art, art and contemporary High-tech, focus on the participation of the viewer and interactive, The pursuit of a sense of integration and the use of technology.
"Marshall's illusion" in Europe and the United States is called "film drama", praised by critics as drama, film, television, art, animation, music, dance and other artistic forms of the "eighth art." On the stage, Marshall to the rhythm of the grasp so that he can easily shuttle in the performance of two of space, like a magician through his body and the combination of images for the audience to display his fantasy images, foreign media commented that "Forget is the play, forget the movie!" Chaos, the audience completely lost direction. ”
What is a movie theater? The mark from a childhood love of drama is "defined": He creatively makes a screen on one side of the stage, playing his own imaginary content, and he is free to go in the stage and screen space. A few years later, his drama began to attract media attention, and "film drama" gradually spread in Europe. The media therefore called him the originator of the film drama, the pioneer film artist.
In order to surpass the traditional use of video and expand its connotation, has has been trying to combine various media, technology and themes from the late the 1970s, which is more artistic and psychological. He is famous for his bizarre but humorous sculpture video device art. He usually takes close-up shots of facial expressions, as well as filming patterns on human models with different postures, and other readily available or sculptural three-dimensional objects, combining sound, giving them the rhythm of life.
In the 1980s, Osler increasingly integrates sculpture and installation art into his image art practice, spending time "exploring how to move images out of the screen, projecting them in glass, mirrors, water, lenses, spheres, etc." Using a miniature projector, he integrates the image with the actual space. The idea that the screen as a border is the overall parameter that makes up the image is always unsettling to me. And the projector allows me to project the image onto the surface of the sculpture I made, and to see the sculpture as a three-dimensional screen.”
The two artists have broken the screen's usual way of viewing, an ingenious combination of the screen virtual and the real of the theater environment derives the new art form of "film drama", and the latter is a combination of the virtual and the sculpture, giving the magical vitality of the sculpture video device.
Digital technology, based on the computer as the basic tool, covers all contemporary technologies involved in the Art field, and digital technology brings new capabilities to the image of unlimited stretching. Previously, visual information was static and, in this sense, the image was fixed, although it could be edited in a movie or be able to incorporate other images in montage techniques. Once transferred to the digital language, each element of the image can be modified by the computer. "As the first time in history, images have become a dynamic system," said Peter Weibel, a pioneer in digital media. ”
William Kentridge, a white artist born in Johannesburg, South Africa, has a background in art and politics. His artistic practice departs from the theatre and then turns to sketches and animations. Since 1989, he has transformed the sketch into an animated film, which has been more fully characterized by the uncertainty and variation of the sketch.
While the artist can use digital technology to control the image, the interactive art which needs to participate in the image has been developed rapidly, and it shows the significance of architecture in the display space.
In Rafael Lozano-hemmer works "Last Breath" is placed at the entrance of the hall, it is a robotic device, in a bellows and a brown paper bag between the storage and "transmission" of a person's breathing. The device is automatically activated 10,000 times a day, an adult's breathing frequency at rest. The work "Voice Array" is placed on the wall at the far end of the hall, a structure used for improvisation, the use of LED lights that can be flashed and a customized intercom system dedicated to audio playback and recording. It will capture hundreds of sounds "translated" into a flash signal, and then this unique flash mode will be stored as a loop. Each new sound record pushes down the position of all previous records, and gradually people can hear all the previously recorded sounds.
For Rafael Lhozhag-Hemmer, the presentation of images is only a part of the work, and it is integrated with other technical mediums, providing its own attributes for the work, as Dana points out.
Image art is the mainstream form of contemporary art accompanying with the change of media. It can not be based on the art of the display and the existence of the differences in the way the traditional standards of classification, image art is fusing the behavior of art, physical art, art and contemporary High-tech, focus on the participation of the viewer and interactive, The pursuit of a sense of integration and the use of technology. At present, the foreground of image art is still unknown, which is inseparable from its strong dependence on technology, and the connotation of image will develop with the progress of technology, and the image art is a kind of artistic phenomenon which is growing up, which requires us to organize and describe it without interruption in aesthetics.

Paper代写:The relationship between public economic management and people's livelihood

2017-11-29 15:46:14 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The relationship between public economic management and people's livelihood,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了公共经济管理与民生关系。公共经济管理有狭义和广义的理解。无论是狭义还是广义公共经济管理,都对民生关系有着重要的意义和影响。我们日常所说的民生关系、民生问题其实是狭义的民生。民生关系关乎每个人的生存利益和现实发展,是群众在创造经济时会遇到和需要解决的问题,也是国家需要重视和实现的问题。
Economy is the lifeblood of the country, since the reform and opening up, our government has been committed to strengthening economic construction, for the people, the economy is the basis of material, only the economic development, material life can be better realized. Economic development is the result of the people's hard work, the people's power is the first impetus of economic growth, without people there is no economic development. When the country's economic development to a certain extent, we must use the economy to improve the people's livelihood, the well-being of others. Therefore, when the people take the economic development to a certain extent, the state and the government will return to the benefit of the people, to a greater extent to solve the livelihood problem.
Our government has always adhered to the interests of the people as the starting point and the foothold, the right for the people to use, the benefit for the people, the feeling for the people, to achieve good, to maintain good, to develop the basic interests of the broad masses of the people. The people are the main body of our country and the people are the masters of the country. The improvement of people's livelihood is the guarantee of national peace, and only national peace, the country will be united and friendly. In order to promote the development of economy and society, the cohesion of the people is more and more strong in the international competition.
Public economic management has a narrow and broad understanding. Both narrow and broad public economic management have important significance and influence on the relationship between people's livelihood. Public economic management can meet the needs of people because it involves a wide range of knowledge. The focus of the people's livelihood is on the character of "Min", whose main body is the livelihood. The main body of the people's livelihood is the people's livelihood, and the people's livelihood has a narrow and broad sense. The people's livelihood and the livelihood of our daily life are in fact a narrow sense of livelihood, the most important part of our livelihood is the basic necessities, because a person's physiological needs are the precondition of social survival and development. In a broad sense, people's livelihood refers to things that are related to the livelihood of peoples, including direct and indirect related matters. The relationship between people's livelihood and the realistic development is the problem that the masses meet and need to solve when they create the economy, and also the problems that the country needs to pay attention to and realize.
In a nutshell, the government strengthens the public economic management to the social benefit, the responsibility, the duty and so on the balanced distribution, guarantees the social distribution The fair, the fair nature. The starting point of public economic management is to improve the national standard of living, improve the welfare of the people and realize the balanced distribution of society. However, with the continuous development of our country's economy and society, the value of the total wealth of the country increased, the balance of social distribution is more biased, this phenomenon has been the concern of the broad masses of our country. In order to achieve a better social balance distribution task, in recent years, China has issued a variety of adherence to the "people-shared" "improve the people's livelihood" principle of the Huimin policy, will provide public goods set as the government's main task to achieve the goal of equalization of public services to guide the work, Faster and better On the fiscal side, the government gradually lowered the expenditure proportion of the construction finance, increased the expenditure ratio of social service finance, and basically realized the transformation of the government finance to the public finance. This series of measures has largely improved the lives of people and provided more and better public services.
The connotation of the word "People's livelihood" has been expanding with the development of economic society, and the interpretation of the "livelihood" in the past is nothing but the basic necessities of the citizens, but in today, the meaning of "livelihood" includes education, medical care and health. This change means a growing demand for citizens, and the government must first meet the needs of the people's livelihood if it is to manage the public and maintain social stability. From the perspective of the relationship between the Government, the people and the people, if we want to maintain the stability of the relationship between the three, we should also introduce another factor, that is, the public economic management we are discussing here. By managing the public economy, the government distributes the society equitably, thus satisfying the needs of the people, and when the needs of the people are met, the people can remain calm in the society. Therefore, we say that public economic management is conducive to the realization of people's livelihood needs, can provide support for the realization of people's livelihood.
If the gap between the rich and the poor is too large, then in the process of communication people's psychological state will appear unbalanced state, this psychological response may lead to social problems, thus hindering the implementation of the people's livelihood projects. In the process of economic development, some people rely on hard work and courage to quickly get rich, and some people are struggling on the line of life. Therefore, there are hatred phenomenon in the society, such as people's second generation and rich second generation of false speech and vandalism burning luxury vehicles, all show people's unhealthy mentality. The widening gap between rich and poor is not a good thing for the country, it can cause the polarization of society. The gap between the rich and the poor is also very obvious, and the economic development of China's South East is much faster than that of the Northwest region. If the gap between the rich and the poor has been widening, the living conditions of the people in each region will be different, and the development of the livelihood of China is unbalanced. The gap between the rich and the poor in rural and urban areas is also very obvious, which will result in the decline of the rural population and the explosive growth of the urban population, such as traffic, housing and employment in large cities such as the north.
Some places do not do well in public economic management to increase employment and reduce unemployment. The number of graduates in China is rising every year, and public economic management should provide more jobs for these people. College students are knowledgeable people, if such a group can not be very good employment, can not learn the knowledge of the ability to play in the work, which is a loss to the development of the country. The employment problem includes not only the initial employment, but also the reemployment of unemployment, and how to settle the unemployed is an urgent problem to be solved in public economic management. In modern society, if people are unemployed for a period of time after the failure to find a job, forced to live problems they are likely to embark on the road of illegal crime. This not only seriously undermines their own values, but also threatens the safety of life and property of the society and the people who are not specific.
The public economic management in our country does not do well in medical security, and the people's livelihood has not been handled well. Such as major illness, serious medical care system is not perfect, in the medical system, the system is not sound enough. The tense relationship between doctors and patients is not divorced from the unsound medical care. In fact, the issue of medical security is a historical issue, and it is impossible to develop this kind of people's livelihood in a single time in public economic management. However, if public economic management does not strengthen the construction of the relationship between health care and people's livelihood, there will be many medical problems. Housing security is one of the issues that can easily erupt in people's livelihood. With the increase of China's population and the development of urbanization, the demand for urban housing becomes more and more large. Many cities have housing to protect people's livelihood issues, some urban migrant workers working in the daytime or in the streets, sleep at night under the flyover. Some urban white-collar workers rent small houses, short dwelling, Ant clan. This is because there is no housing security, people have to choose. This also shows that the public economic management does not do a good job of housing security, resulting in a further deterioration of the people's livelihood.
In order to improve the corresponding improvement of people's livelihood, the Government must strengthen the attention to the public economic management, and then put forward effective measures.
The public goods provided by the Government are the basis of improving people's livelihood, so it is necessary for the government to strengthen the regulation of the economy and the market supervision, and then pay attention to the all-round launch of public service and social management, and strengthen the change of government management function. The change of Government management function should strengthen the establishment of public service-oriented government, and make clear that the government is duty-bound to provide public service to the people, and the government should make public resources more inclined to public service and social management, then strengthen the development of social undertakings and improve the people's livelihood.
In the Government's public economic management, the most direct and main way is to establish the corresponding public policy. In strengthening and guaranteeing the fairness of public policy, we must strengthen the democratization and scientification of public policy making, establish and perfect relevant policy decision and supervision mechanism, and make use of relevant system policy to ensure the implementation of people's livelihood policy. In fact, the Government should make an effective distinction between the four aspects of policy-making investigation, implementation, decision-making and supervision, and then make use of the relevant policies to promote the fair distribution of society.
In order to ensure the smooth development of the people's livelihood, it is necessary to strengthen the rational division of Administrative Responsibility for public economic affairs, to define the central and local economic adjustment, public service and social management.
The problems of improving people's livelihood are generally closely related to the vital interests of the masses, therefore, when the Government carries out the relevant management work, it must strengthen the consideration of the people's vital interests, strengthen the popularization of the government financial open system, and design and make decisions in the field of public affairs and public interest. Be sure to listen actively to the suggestions of the masses establish the corresponding information platform, make use of the media channel to express some views, strengthen the people's participation and discussion during the decision-making of people's livelihood, and then fully understand the interests demand and relationship between different groups, realize the goal of overall improvement and promote the overall improvement of living standard.
The development of national economy cannot be separated from social public economic management, and social public economy is the key to people's livelihood. Rome Day, the problem of national economy is not formed overnight, but in the process of social development, continuous formation, accumulation of problems, therefore, can not be a one-off solution. To solve the problem of people's livelihood, but from the point of view of the government is far from enough, should be from the survey visit, to find the core pain points, on this basis, can really improve the livelihood of the socialist market environment.

Essay代写:The Monster in the cartoon

2017-11-29 15:24:33 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The Monster in the cartoon,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了动画片中的怪物。在一部动画片中,怪物角色的出现能为影片的局部或整体创造一种特定的气氛基调,从而深化视觉效果,增强画面的感染力。这种怪物角色不是简单重复画面的内容,而是在特定的条件下细致入微地为影片营造一种背景氛围,怪物角色的这种渲染特点对增强影片的艺术感染力起到了重要作用。
A successful and excellent animation role can be characterized by its distinctive character, exaggerated features and rich cultural connotations to obtain the audience's goodwill and recognition, but also decided the animation of the art style and product quality. Among them, the role of monsters is an indispensable image of a cartoon, and the role of monsters is designed to refer to the cartoon in the appearance of all the monsters role modelling, clothing, apparel and other artistic creation. The monster-like characters in cartoons play the same role as other characters in interpreting stories, promoting dramatic plots, and revealing the background, destiny and ideological themes of the characters. The appearance of Monster characters will not destroy the overall aesthetic effect of the animated cartoon, but inject vigor into it, make the animation more successful to attract audiences, create business value.
In an animated cartoon, the appearance of the monster character can create a specific atmosphere tone for the film's local or whole, thus deepen the visual effect and enhance the appeal of the picture. This monster character is not a simple repetition of the content of the picture, but under specific conditions for the film to create a background atmosphere, the monster role of this rendering features to enhance the film's artistic appeal played an important role.
The monster character is the main reflection of the plot and touches the plot of the story. For example: American cartoon "Kung Fu Panda I" Monster role "great Devil Snow Leopard Dragon", everyone in the film considered him to be the greatest warrior in history, and more importantly he believed it, but when they realized his greedy ambition, the dragon exposed his dark nature and swept the whole village, Ended up in an unbreakable prison and spent 20 years. There, the Dragon waits for the opportunity to escape and to end the war he provoked 20 years ago. This heralds the protagonist Panda Po, in order to save the village and the villagers will challenge the evil plot, when the Snow Leopard Dragon because the plot needs and reappear in front of the audience, is the protagonist Bao and struggle with the moment. When its failure and death also foil the story of the promotion of justice, telling people that "good and evil at the end of the report, only to fight to come early and late." ”
The monster character contrasts with animated characters to highlight the theme of the animated cartoon. In many cartoons, the director will give the story plot to compose a "goal", at different times, the story of the different stages of development, through this "goal" repeatedly appear to the audience, and the role of monsters often play a prominent theme, the role of connecting.
For example, in the American cartoon Bug story, Overlord of the Locust Regiment, they are cruel, cunning, greed, not to achieve the purpose of unscrupulous, and the master Ant Felix's justice, kindness, bravery, intelligence, the formation of a sharp contrast, so that the audience understand the story of the prominent theme is just and evil confrontation. With the deepening of the story, the development of the plot, the master Ant Felix is also gradually maturing, he stood up bravely against the brutal rule of Locust overlord, he is very clever to see the birds when the revelation, and make a "false bird" scare off the locusts and repel the enemy. But these traits in the protagonist can not be displayed when the character of the monster is not contrasted with it, and if there is no greed, evil and brutality of the Locust, the protagonist Felix's Justice, goodness and bravery cannot be manifested. If Felix had not met the unemployed circus crew on his way to defeat the locusts, he would not have thought of using "dummy birds" to defeat the locusts. So the role of monsters is often relative to the theme, or the reverse, or bedding, they played a link between the role of other elements can not be compared.
The monster character prompts the viewer to confuse the film. In cartoons, the monster character is sometimes like a ribbon, in tandem with some scattered, bouncing lenses, because of the limited time of an animation, how to put some of the information on the theme of the plot through a brief lens of the detailed explanation, it is necessary to use the monster role to make it in a strong contrast with the protagonist or theme, Connect these surfaces with no associated lenses to make them a whole. For example, the Chinese dragon "Mu Xu" in the American cartoon "Mulan", dragon this mythical creature, looks ferocious, majesty, and in the protagonist Mulan was found to be a flower girl and abandoned in the snow-capped mountains, such as a multi-year friends, while soothing Mulan, side of the back like relatives flapping Mulan, This personification of the action in the audience is for Mulan lonely and sad, appropriate to act as a stand-in for the audience, let the audience feel that Mulan is not a person in the fight, thus become a mature, tough springboard for Mulan, so that the plot more full.
It is the character of the monster that changes, the characteristics of humanity by the animation creators love, they can provide a broader creative space. As the Green Monster in the "Shrek" cartoon series in the American Dream Factory, it can be described as a successful example of monster character design, in which Shrek is more likeable than the characters in the movie. With the passage of time, a good animated cartoon story content, character language will be gradually diluted, but some flesh and blood of the monster character will be portrayed in the audience's mind.
Shrek has not only absorbed the classic Disney model, but also made a big, good joke out of this model. In the past, Disney's films can be summed up as "the Prince to save the princess, two people at first sight, the last to grow old" law. Prince and Princess kind-hearted not to say, more important is Langjun female appearance. However, most people in the world are plain, there is no star face, there is no athlete body, there is no "alternative" to negate this law, Shrek and Fiona did. In addition, the computer technology also has the breakthrough, causes the visual authenticity to reach the unprecedented level. This is the first film to win the best animated film Oscar.