


2017-11-21 16:08:53 | 日記
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2017-11-21 16:08:33 | 日記
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Paper代写:Relationship between virtual economy and real economy

2017-11-21 16:08:17 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Relationship between virtual economy and real economy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了虚拟经济与实体经济关系。虚拟经济对实体经济的作用是双向的,过度的发展虚拟经济不但不会使实体经济得到发展,反而会使实体经济遭到冲击,出现泡沫经济甚至是经济危机。因为虚拟经济的过度发展会导致资源配置出现扭曲,降低市场的运行效率。当虚拟经济发展过度膨胀时,投机行为的扩散会强化对已有市场风险和信息的扭曲,并利用资金杠杆扩大投机规模,进而增加市场风险。
The Internet revolution is another milestone in the history of human development, its role and penetration force far more than the previous scientific and technological revolution, opened a brand-new era. First of all, the Internet as a technical means to trigger the real economic change, to promote the contemporary world economy has produced the real economy, virtual economy two basic economic forms, and linked into one, forming a new entity economy; Secondly, the Internet to promote more economic presence in the presence of a network state, Make the human production way of life have a very big change; third, the Internet as a leading force to promote the transformation of traditional industries, the profound impact of industrial structure upgrading and industrial organization evolution, especially the Internet to promote the manufacturing industry in the presence of a lack of any property rights relationship between the chain link. It can be said that the virtual economy for the current world economic development provides a strong support thrust. However, with the rapid expansion of the virtual economy, it has a positive impact on the current real economy, but also shocks the real economy. As far as China is concerned, the most obvious is the phenomenon of "bubble" in the property market. Therefore, it is very important to deal with the relationship between fictitious economy and real economy so as to make them develop harmoniously.
First, we need to understand the positive impact of virtual economy on the real economy. The development of virtual economy can promote the concentration of idle capital and widen the financing channel for the development of real economy. The development of real economy needs to have sufficient funds to support, the entity economy each main body can through to the bank and so on each kind of financial institution loan to carry on the indirect financing, may also through the issue stock, the bond and so on securities carries on the direct financing, the fictitious economy attracts the social idle capital with its high The fictitious capital such as Bond and financial derivative, in order to meet the capital need of the real economy development, then widen the financing channel of the real economy. The development of virtual economy accelerates the concentration of property and accumulation of capital, and provides a reasonable mechanism for investors to disperse and transfer risk, which can effectively transfer some risks in the real economy field. The emergence of financial derivative instruments, such as asset securitization and futures, not only provides investors with diversified portfolios, but also helps enterprises adjust economic strategy and evade investment risk. Secondly, the development of virtual economy can affect the external operating environment in the field of real economy, which can promote the upgrading and adjustment of the industrial structure of the real economy. The healthy development of real economy in addition to the stable internal operating environment, but also need to have a good external operating environment, including a good overall social capital situation, fund raising status and the status of funds circulation. Thirdly, the development of virtual economy can effectively promote the optimal allocation of resources and improve the efficiency of resource utilization. On the one hand, the fictitious capital has the high fluidity, the modern information science and technology rapid development further promoted the fictitious capital the efficient flow, the fictitious capital flows from the low benefit domain to the high benefit domain, and in accordance with the profit maximization principle unceasingly carries on the reorganization of resources; On the other hand, The development of virtual economy provides an effective way for the optimal allocation of stock capital, through property transaction such as asset reorganization, it can enliven the stock capital which is idle because of investment decision-making mistake or the change of market demand structure, realize the further optimal allocation of capital between different entity economic sectors, and improve the efficiency of social capital utilization Therefore, the development of virtual economy can bring substantial benefits to the real economy and promote the development of real economy.
However, the effect of virtual economy on the real economy is two-way, and the excessive development of fictitious economy will not only make the real economy develop, but also can cause the real economy to be impacted by the bubble economy and even economic crisis. Because the excessive development of the fictitious economy will cause the resource disposition to distort, reduces the market operation efficiency. When the development of fictitious economy expands excessively, the proliferation of speculative behavior will strengthen the distortion of existing market risk and information, and use capital lever to enlarge speculative scale, then increase market risk. At the same time, under the expectation of high investment return, a large amount of capital flows from the real economy to the virtual economy, which leads to the economic false prosperity and the accumulation of the economic bubbles, which reduces the investment supply of the real economy sector and forms the crowding out effect of the productive investment. In addition, in the financial market, the emergence and development of securities to provide the possibility of economic bubble generation, and futures, options and other financial derivatives have increased the probability of bubble formation. Taking the emerging market with relatively weak foundation in the real economy as an example, the contrast between the excess supply of virtual capital and the limited absorptive capacity of real economy makes a large amount of short-term capital speculative in the virtual economy such as the stock market, which accelerates the expansion of the economic bubble. When the bubble economy is subjected to external interference and mutation, it will cause financial crisis, economic crisis, severe impact on the whole economic system, and lead to stagnation or decline of the real economy development.
To deal with the relationship between the two, you must first understand the link between the two. In fact, real economy is the foundation of fictitious economy development. Virtual economy is the product of the high development of real economy, and it is produced by complying with the requirement of the real economy development. Taking the fictitious capital such as stock and bond as an example, in the development process of fictitious economy, securities such as stock and bond are the important carriers of fictitious economy development, and the scale of these securities is decided by the development situation of enterprises ' operation condition, public purchasing power and consumption level etc. The operation of the real economy and the scale of the issuance of securities restrict the transaction scale of fictitious capital. It can be seen that the development of the real economy is the foundation of the healthy operation of virtual economy, the size of the real economy determines the scope of expansion of the virtual economy, and the benign development of the real economy system is the important guarantee of the orderly operation of the virtual economy system.
Therefore, in the process of economic development, we need to see virtual economy as a means to develop the real economy, but not as an economic form alone. In my opinion, the linkage effect between virtual economy system and real economy system will be more significant in the background of the expanding of global fictitious economy. We must actively promote the improvement of the virtual economy system in accordance with the specific conditions of our country, play the role of the bidirectional promotion mechanism between the virtual economy system and the real economy system, and promote the healthy development of the two systems. The method is: the development of virtual economy must follow the principle of combination of efficiency and moderation, and strengthen the supervision and restriction on the development of virtual economy. Gradually establish a healthy financial environment and effective financial mechanism, rational use of domestic and foreign financial resources, and strive to develop the real economy, for the development of virtual economy to lay a solid material foundation.
Strengthens the market economy construction, promotes the real economy and the fictitious economy harmonious development. In the process of real economy development, we should pay attention to the upgrading of economic structure and the improvement of science and technology content, lay a solid foundation for the development of virtual economy, and provide strong support for the development of real economy through the spillover mechanism of fictitious economy.
In the development of fictitious economy, the development of capital market has the most strong relevance to the real economy. In order to reduce the degree of divergence between fictitious economy and real economy and promote the coordinated development of the two, we must start with the important influence factors, deepen the reform of capital market and promote the development of the whole economy. Truly play a virtual economy on the national economy to run a "barometer" function.

Essay代写:Maintenance of exhibits in science and technology Museum

2017-11-21 16:07:54 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Maintenance of exhibits in science and technology Museum,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了科技馆展品的维护。近年来,来科技馆进行参观的人数在逐渐增加,这也导致科技馆馆内的展品破损率十分的多。而科技馆的工作人员在对于展品的分类中要注重维修和养护的分类,以此增加游客的舒适程度会给予展览更加人性化的体验。
In the current era of rapid economic and social development, the development of popular science knowledge is getting more and more attention. As a result, the number of visitors to the Science and Technology Museum has also been increasing in recent years, which in the other hand will lead to a very high rate of damage in the museum. And for the work of the Science and Technology Museum, how to carry out the quality of science and technology museum exhibits maintenance and maintenance, is the current relevant departments need to solve the problem. By expounding the current situation of the work in the Science and Technology Museum, the author makes an in-depth analysis for the maintenance and maintenance of the exhibits in the museum.
Part of the exhibits in the long run of their own material aging phenomenon, which will lead to the use of the exhibition life greatly reduced, and even affect the normal display exhibits. There are also exhibits that have flaws in their designs, damaged exhibits and even injuries to spectators. For example, in the design process of "lever principle", because there is no corresponding buffer device installed, the audience's related operation is too violent, at this time not only the lever may be pulled, even if the pull ring force through the big, the lever will rebound, if the audience is in the wrong position, it is very likely to be leveraged to hurt.
In the current development of science and Technology Museum, the application of computers is a dime, and because of the electronic equipment of its own shortcomings and weaknesses, the computer is also very easy to malfunction situation, which will affect the overall effect of the science and Technology Museum to a certain extent. The overall failure of the computer consists of two aspects, first, such as the keyboard, mouse and other hardware facilities, followed by the operating system and software-related software facilities.
According to the relevant statistics, in the Science and Technology museum exhibits in the process of the exhibition will be due to different human causes caused by the continuous occurrence of man-made faults. The first is the audience's own quality to be improved, many exhibits in the exhibition process will be deliberately destroyed by the audience, some children and young people in the operation of scientific and technological exhibits do not look at the instructions and instructions, and blind pursuit of "fun" and operation, for some interactive strong exhibits activities, Such abnormal operation often has a great effect on the display. For example, the exhibition of the "Faraday Laboratory" exhibit, if the audience directly to the electromagnetic coil to pull out, this electromagnetic induction can not be established, thus making the exhibition failed. In addition, during the peak period of the exhibition, the number of visitors is often many, the management staff in the museum is often not able to take care of in place, for the exhibits of some high-frequency operation also makes the exhibits have a certain damage; In addition, the staff of the Museum often guide is not sufficient, which will make the operation of the exhibits improper, and then damage products
In the classification of exhibits, the staff of the Science and Technology museum should pay attention to the maintenance and maintenance classifications, such as the classification of some exhibits which are not normally used because of the aging of materials, and the choice of using more durable accessories to repair and replace the exhibits. It can be divided into another type of exhibits that cannot be used because of improper audience operation, after maintenance, to consider the comfort degree of visitors, and marking more conspicuous and eye-catching logo, this humanized setting will give the exhibition more humane experience. Through the development of "static braking" to the Science and Technology Museum of exhibits for maintenance and maintenance, to assist the normal visitors.
At present, the development level of science and technology museums around China is uneven, some coastal areas of science and Technology exhibition development is more outstanding, while some of the northwest inland region is stagnant state. So in the case of daily damage to the exhibits, also to the different areas to form different maintenance and maintenance methods, so that the various regions of the science and Technology Museum in the process of positive exchanges to absorb and develop the relevant experience exchange, so not only can enhance the exhibition process of storage period, but also reduce the related maintenance costs of exhibits.
Aiming at the fault of the exhibits of Science and technology museum in our country, the author suggests that we should start from exploring the law of the failure time of the exhibits. Through the author's research, it is found that the failure period of exhibits is also a certain regularity, such as during the holidays and summer and winter, the process of passenger traffic will surge Mengjin, this time the probability of exhibits failure will be very large. Therefore, during these holidays, the relevant work managers of the pavilion should do a good job of improving the fault foresight of the exhibits, set up special personnel to actively guide and explain the perishable exhibits, so as to avoid the improper operation of the spectators and make the exhibits suffer a great degree of damage. In addition, as a result of the popularization of popular science knowledge and update, the relevant free policy of science and technology venues will also be fully liberalized, after a large number of spectators would also pour into the Science Museum, in the passenger traffic is very large holiday exhibits of the damage probability will be very high, so do a good job in the Has an important impact on the pavilion and the audience.
In fact, the root cause of the accident, in the Museum of Science and Technology Museum damage, the most fundamental factor is man-made factors. Therefore, the quality of the exhibition should be effectively improved, make the cost of maintenance is also greatly reduced, science and technology museum has a certain degree of ornamental and interactive; Secondly, it is necessary to enhance the responsibility consciousness of the staff and managers in the Science and Technology museum, to conduct regular inspection and inspection of exhibits, and to avoid the hidden dangers of safety, and to actively cooperate with the relevant maintenance personnel for the undamaged exhibits for certain maintenance and maintenance, in order to improve the overall service life and quality of the exhibits, reduce the cost of maintenance; Finally, just set the visibility of the operation instructions, increase the correct guidance for the audience, and in front of some unknown audience, To be patient and demonstrate, let the audience know what is right and which is incorrect. Only this two-way joint efforts, the museum's exhibits can be enough to maintain the high completion rate.
Because the exhibits in the Science Museum are different from the exhibits of museums, their interactivity is stronger, the cost of their maintenance is also relatively large, so in the daily maintenance and maintenance testing process, the staff should be in the exhibition of high failure degree and no high value exhibits for timely replacement, After adding new science and technology related exhibits can effectively improve the quality of the exhibition, so that the cost of maintenance is greatly reduced, science and technology museum has a certain degree of ornamental and interactive.
In recent years, the number of people who have taken the initiative to visit the Science and Technology museum has gradually increased, which will lead to a very high rate of damage in the museum. Through the author's research, it is found that the failure period of exhibits is also a certain rule, such as during the holidays and the process of summer and winter, the passenger traffic will soar Mengjin, this time the probability of the exhibits will be a great failure. Therefore, during these holidays, the relevant work managers of the pavilion should do a good job of improving the fault foresight of the exhibits, set up special personnel to actively guide and explain the perishable exhibits, so as to avoid the improper operation of the spectators and make the exhibits suffer a great degree of damage. And part of the exhibits in the long run of their own material aging phenomenon, this will lead to a significant reduction in the service life of exhibits, and may even affect the normal display of exhibits, such exhibits should also be timely change and alternation, and should be fully upgraded science and technology museum staff and managers responsibility awareness, To the exhibits for regular inspection and inspection work, as far as possible to avoid the hidden dangers of security. The implementation of these operations can effectively enhance the quality of the exhibition, greatly reduce the cost of maintenance, improve the ornamental and interactive nature of science and Technology Museum.

Essay代写:Public awareness of art exhibitions

2017-11-21 15:45:31 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Public awareness of art exhibitions,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了大众对艺术展览的认知。艺术展览与大众生活的关系非常密切。艺术展览离不开广大群众,因为其实质在于艺术文化的传播与交流,具有公众性。艺术往往需要面向观众的展示与交流,对于当代艺术而言更是如此。由于当代艺术中观念意义被强化,往往需要营造开放式的艺术结构,让公众在一种特定的情境中为作品赋予意义。
In recent years, art exhibitions in China's vigorous development, but the art exhibition and the public life is still far away, even in the art exhibition resources in Beijing, the survey found that the public awareness of the art exhibition still has obvious deficiencies. The article starts from the public's cognition of the Art exhibition in Beijing, and carries on the corresponding countermeasure analysis from two aspects of art exhibition spreading and aesthetic education.
With the development of socio-economic and cultural undertakings, art exhibitions have become increasingly prosperous in recent years. Emerging art areas, exhibition halls continue to emerge, art exhibitions are increasingly frequent, form, content is increasingly rich, while the public awareness of art exhibitions and the rapid development of art exhibition is not consistent, from the survey of the public in Beijing, never entered the art exhibition of people still do not have a minority. Art exhibitions are open to society and the public and public.
Therefore, the art exhibition is not only related to the minority, should be enjoyed by the public, the art exhibition to the public is also the inevitable trend in the process of art popularization. From the national perspective, the development of art exhibitions varies from region to country, which is closely related to the development of economic culture everywhere. At present, the exhibition resources in the two cities of Beijing and Shanghai are relatively abundant and developing rapidly, while in other cities, the exhibition resources are comparatively few. According to the research and analysis of Beijing public's cognition of Art exhibition, we can provide reference for other cities to draw art exhibitions and the relationship between public life.
As the medium of communication of visual art, art exhibition is a platform for close contact between visual arts and mass life. However, according to a survey of the public in Beijing, about 61% of people have never seen art exhibitions, and about 63% of them do not know about any art exhibition, and about 54% of them have no idea about the exhibition hall and art area. In Beijing, where the art exhibition is rich in resources, there are 50-60 of exhibitions to be visited almost every day. Art galleries, exhibition centers and art areas, such as the Chinese Museum, the Chinese Art Museum, the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the Art Gallery, the Chinese Oil Painting Institute, the 798 Arts District, and the art area of the grassland, hold hundreds of exhibitions each year. In contrast, in such an environment, Beijing public Understanding of the art exhibition is insufficient, the experience of the exhibition is poor. For other cities in China, the public's perception of art exhibitions is presumably not ideal. The art exhibition, as the platform of Visual art and the close contact of the masses, is actually far away from most people's life.
The relationship between art exhibitions and public life should be more closely related. Art exhibition can not be separated from the masses because its essence lies in the communication and communication of art and culture, and has public nature. Art often needs audience-oriented display and communication, especially for contemporary art. Because the concept meaning of contemporary art is strengthened, it is often necessary to create an open art structure, so that the public can give meaning to the works in a particular situation. In addition, many contemporary works of art on the social focus of criticism and reflection, in order to trigger social public opinion and promote social change. Therefore, for contemporary art, the public's understanding and concern is more important. This is also true in contemporary art exhibitions. Art exhibitions, especially the development of contemporary art exhibitions, need the attention of the masses. Therefore, "whether as a museum or art museum representing the mainstream of the society, or as an exhibition planner for the social and cultural individual, the basic starting point of the exhibition planned or held should be geared towards the most general public." "and art exhibitions have meaning for the masses," he said.
Art exhibition for the public, the most intuitive and most important significance is to enhance the public aesthetic, so that people in the exhibition on the development of art and the status quo, to enhance the public's cultural taste and aesthetic level, to increase the cultural connotation of public life, enrich its spiritual world. Goulette points out that a better life, or more humane society, is not a society where people "have more", but a society where people can "realize themselves more". and art, whether for an artist or an ornamental, is undoubtedly a way of realizing oneself or discovering oneself. The artistic creator discovers oneself through creation, realizes oneself, the art viewer discovers oneself through the resonance in the work of art, thus realizes oneself better. Good art is like a mirror, you see not that piece, but yourself. The art exhibition, which serves as a platform for close contact between the arts and the masses, should also be one of the channels for the audience to get inspiration and insights, discover themselves and realize themselves better.
The exhibition hall plans to hold an art exhibition for the public to watch, and the crowd enters the exhibition hall to watch the art exhibition. The two sides should have a close relationship, but this is not the case in reality. and led to art exhibitions and public life is far apart, the public awareness of the lack of art exhibitions are mainly two reasons: first, the issue of the spread of art exhibitions, the second is the public aesthetic and the lack of artistic understanding.
How the art exhibition should move towards the public has become an important issue facing the present situation. According to the survey, about 91% of people have never paid attention to the platform to provide information on the exhibition, while 28% of the people who have not seen the exhibition have been "unaware of the exhibition message". Therefore, we will explore how the art exhibition goes to the public from the perspective of how the communicators conduct appropriate communication.
In the current internet age, art exhibitions must work with the mobile Internet to adapt to the rapid changes in the media. The exhibition party can be spread through the line and offline two kinds of time.
Make full use of social media platform, with pictures, text, video and other ways to carry out the dissemination of information, while the interaction with fans can also increase the stickiness of users, establish a brand.
1. Make full use of the public number of micro-letters. Micro-letter, as a social platform, has been deeply in each person's life, in the user group has a greater influence, by publishing information on the micro-credit platform, you can publish information to all ages and classes of users.
At the same time, the micro-letter public number can realize the direct transmission process of the point-to-point information between the transmission and the subject. In addition to the regular publication of exhibition information, can also be published through the public number of micro-letter to the exhibition works of different interpretations to promote the improvement of the public aesthetic, with the library to achieve a two-way interaction with the audience.
At present, the Chinese art Museum and so on have opened a micro-letter public number, and regularly released the exhibition information, but still lack of interaction between the audience, while the communicators have not mastered the dissemination of new media laws, the existence of words too formal and so on.
Open an official Weibo account. Micro-letter has a relatively closed communication environment, the audience to accept the relevant information must first pay attention to the micro-credit account, more interest-oriented. And Weibo is a relatively open communication environment, and the micro-letter user group is younger, the development potential is huge; Weibo has no limit on the number of daily releases, and it is advantageous for timely updating of information; Weibo accounts through the pursuit of hot spots, and fans to engage in positive interaction can get better communication.
At present, the Chinese Museum of Art has not been opened, and today Art Museum, Ullens Contemporary Art Center, led by the exhibition although Weibo account, but forwarding and comment less, the dissemination effect is not as expected. 3. Research and development of related app. In the time of fragmentation, smartphone price pro-people today, mobile phone mobile terminals because of easy to carry, convenient and other characteristics of rapid occupation of the market, become the inevitable trend of future development. With the increasing competition intensity, people's demands more and more pluralism and information explosion make the selection of the key, and provide professional services to become the breakthrough of many apps.
Therefore, if the exhibition is willing to work with third parties to regularly release information on their respective exhibitions, related lectures and book sales, it will also help the audience to quickly understand the information. Now Vart and Imuseum are doing this kind of experiment, vart than imuseum do a better place is that it brings social functions, open platform allows users to share their own experience and can focus on each other, so as to play the role of interpersonal relationships in mass communication, Information credibility is further enhanced.
Through the promotion of radio programs and so on, according to the theory of use and satisfaction, many audiences are not always focused on, but intermittent attention, media such as television, radio, and so on as the background. And if the exhibition organizers can use the radio to publicize their own exhibitions, many people may be exposed to the information when they listen to the broadcast.
Because the Internet times are often interest-oriented, pay attention to the user's personalization, all the online information to reach the audience is the premise of the user through a variety of opportunities for special understanding and attention to the audience's initiative requires higher. And many times the audience just lacks such an opportunity, so the offline transmission can increase the audience's exposure to the relevant information possibilities.
In the larger volume of people to set up billboards and other promotional materials. By placing promotional materials in these areas can be directly transmitted to the audience, but the lack of information can be put on the message is less, not very good display of exhibition information, need to be the audience to understand.
In the subway, stations and other places for advertising, these places people's attention is often not know where to put, and Metro TV as an environmental medium can force audiences to know the relevant information. This, the National Grand Theatre is better, they will be in the way of the subway line broadcast advertising, so that people can intuitively and directly understand information.
The production and distribution of the exhibition catalogue. Although the new media has become the mainstream of information dissemination, but still some people tend to from newspapers, magazines and other paper media to obtain information. The production of this exhibition book is conducive to a clearer understanding of the content of the exhibition information and related activities, for the people accustomed to the information from the paper media to provide convenience.
Posters or brochures of other exhibitions are placed at the entrance of the exhibition hall to enable audiences to learn more about the recent exhibitions in a gallery. This approach facilitates access to more informative exhibition information for people entering the exhibition hall, so that the spread of the exhibition message is from point to face. In Japan, this method is widely used, and almost any exhibition will have dozens of other exhibitions in the near future, in addition to the local exhibitions, there are other areas of relatively large or influential exhibitions. The dissemination of domestic art exhibitions can be appropriately borrowed from overseas experience.
In order to make more people interested in art exhibitions, to enter the art exhibition, gradually improve the public understanding of the arts and popular aesthetic is very necessary. According to the survey, about 1/3 of the people in Beijing have not seen the exhibition, the reason is that there is no direct benefit in learning life, the art exhibition is dull, the art exhibition is not understood, and these are lack of knowledge of the art exhibition. In the survey of contemporary art exhibitions, more than 60% of people said that the contemporary art exhibition is difficult to understand, and many people mention the contemporary art exhibition is difficult to accept, and the masses of art and cultural tolerance is also an important part of popular aesthetic. From the above phenomenon and data, people in art exhibitions often can not really grasp the significance of the exhibition. Art Exhibition brings people is the reality of the art experience and moving, although the experience is different, but this is also the charm of art, in order to make the art exhibition to play its value, it is necessary to promote the public aesthetic measures.
An art exhibition from planning to the end, the people involved are mainly local art enthusiasts or professionals engaged in art-related, so the entire art creation team produced by the Mass effect is very limited, so in the creative team outside the continuous expansion of the masses of fine arts team and improve the quality of the masses of art is very important. Exhibition, in the Beijing area art exhibition staff interviewed, we found that at present, most of the exhibition hall has set up a commentator or voice interpreter, to help the public understand the work of art. Some people say that each time the view of the art works is very different from the explanation content, so we can see that the interpretation in the hall can not fundamentally solve the problem. In order to enhance the public's awareness of the art exhibitions and enhance the public's aesthetic, some exhibitions will also offer some aesthetic education activities or courses. Today, the museum has some aesthetic activities every week, including special lectures, theme salons, art creation, parent-child interaction and so on. And today Art Museum as a private public welfare art museum, aesthetic education activities charged lower, in general, the activities of the crowd more widely. The participation of the masses in art exhibition is very beneficial to their aesthetic level. In addition, some galleries also have long-term aesthetic education courses for children to cultivate children's interest in art. However, since such courses are often expensive, they can only serve the minority. In addition to the exhibition hall, schools and colleges and universities should also set up appropriate aesthetic education courses and extracurricular activities, emphasizing the importance of art education, so as to make students understand the diversity of art forms, possess basic artistic knowledge and cultivate students ' interest in art exhibitions. School education in the breadth of strength and other education compared with a great advantage, for the promotion of public aesthetic is also crucial. A family often arranges the rest time according to the child's need, and cultivates the child's interest in the exhibition to shorten the distance between the family and the art exhibition. In addition, the local art team needs to go deep into the mass life, for example, the Community Art Exchange exhibition, or the introduction of community-wide lectures to popularize artistic knowledge, the community's art activities as a link between the mass life and art exhibitions, so that the public can better accept the form and content of the exhibition, art as a part of life.
Schiller thinks, art and life happiness are closely related, indeed, art can not only enrich life, but also happy heart. It is not only a part of the art exhibition to the masses, but also an important part of enriching the masses ' life and improving the quality of mass life.
Although the art exhibition and the public life distance is still distant, but the art exhibition enters the populace life is the inevitable trend. On the one hand, with the development of social economy, people's material life is becoming more and more abundant, people's spiritual living demand is increasing, art exhibition will gradually pay attention to. On the other hand, with the increasing development of contemporary art in China, the connection between art exhibitions and public life is more important. We should recognize the importance and necessity of the art exhibition entering the public, quicken the pace of the art exhibition and let more people benefit from the art exhibition.