

留学生作业代写:The concept of the death of Toby

2018-02-09 16:48:46 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The concept of the death of Toby,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了托氏死亡观。如果说托尔斯泰的一生都在痛苦地思索着生命的意义,那么这种思考与他对死亡的沉思和领悟是分不开的。由于托尔斯泰本人的生活经历,死亡问题从童年起就走进了作家的灵魂,并让他一生感到不安。所以,体验死亡便成了托尔斯泰创作过程中的重要主题。在托尔斯泰的作品中可以看到死亡问题以其最原本的形式被提出来。一开始,死亡问题只是作为作品的一个侧面,并不占主要地位。

Death as one of the most basic characteristics of life, used to express the end of a person's life and the end of the cycle of organisms. Since ancient times, various cultural and artistic forms have been trying to explore the relationship between life and death. The description of death in ancient Greek culture is more a manifestation of the horror of human death to foil the beauty of the real world. The art of Death, which is preached by Christianity, eliminates the fear of death, advocates the redemption of human beings from "death", and thus opens the death mood which is different from the ancient Greek culture in the face of "death" in Western literature which is infiltrated by the spirit of Christ. Tolstoy, the great realist writer of Russia, known as the "Death Poet", began a long journey of death exploration during the period of the Renaissance of the European existentialism in the 19th century, the revival of Russian thought, the multi-level relationship between life and death, existence and existence, spirit and meat. As Fu said: No writer in the history of Western literature can hardly find such a writer, as he feared death, nor did a writer dream of death, gaze upon death, and try his best to transcend death.

To figure out what is death, first of all to understand the reverse meaning of death-life. Existentialism has always believed that there are two kinds of life in the objective world: one is animal life, the other is human life. Animal life only constitutes a human body, it in the whole life process of human being constantly lost, and finally ended in death, so it is alive and dead. Human life is an organic combination of animal life and God's life, it will not disappear with the death of human body, its concrete embodiment is the divinity of man, therefore, only the divine Life is immortal.​

For human beings, the existence of human beings is realized in the transcendental consciousness higher than the consciousness of existence, and the transcendence of consciousness makes human life become real life. All other possibilities that transcend consciousness manifest are replaceable, and thus the life of those who are manifested by transcendental consciousness can be substituted. It can be seen that death is a substitute for life, or that the transcendence of life is death. In turn, life is only a variant of death, making it possible to exist in death. First of all, the transcendence of consciousness to show death, that is, the consciousness of death, and secondly, beyond the consciousness of people in death, in the reincarnation of life and death. "Human existence in death" does not mean that the existence of human beings is an end of existence, but refers to the development and maintenance of the possibility of death, or death as their own possibility to expand and maintain, and through this possibility to understand their own existence. The relative existence of life and death, and the irreplaceable nature of death, allow religious existentialism to take death as a possibility and to immerse itself in the possibility of death to comprehend and understand one's existence, advance into death "or" go first to death ". All these constitute the meaning of life and death in the perspective of religious existentialism, and play down the boundary between life and death, and also provide theoretical basis for Tolstoy's idea of death and his "eternal life". For If we die with Christ, we will live with him. For knowing that Christ was raised from the dead, he ceased to die, and his death ceased to be his lord. He died to sin, only once; he lived to live to God. In this way, you will see that you are dead to sin, and to God in Christ Jesus, but to see that you are alive. ”

"If Tolstoy's life is a painful reflection of the meaning of life, then this thinking is inseparable from his contemplation and understanding of death." Though not every death or contemplation of death can bring about an ' epiphany ' in his writings. Therefore, death as a writer's life to think and explore the object into many of his works. From personal experience of death, perception of death to understanding of death, the writer has carried on countless death trips with his own dead hero. With the writer's footsteps we slowly saw the writer's view of death.

Because of his life experience, the problem of death has entered the writer's soul since childhood and disturbed him all his life. So, experience death becomes the important theme in Tolstoy's creation process: the parents ' double death, the elder brother's death, the daughter's premature all went into the support's creation about the dead. The formation and development of the concept of death have gone through three stages, which is basically consistent with the several transformations of his own creation period and his religious philosophy. The first stage, the early feelings of death, description of death, that is, the emergence of the consciousness of death. This is reflected in "childhood", "Kholstomer", "Caucasus", "Sevastopol story" and other works. The second stage, the mid-term boundary death, is the extension of the consciousness of death. The representative works are "confessions", "What are my Beliefs" and "Anna Kalenina". The third stage is the most important, is to understand the death and death consciousness sublimation stage, and stressed the great connection with the concept of life. The representative works is the classical death literature "three Dead", "Ivan's Death" "The Master and the servant". This shows that the formation of the concept of death has undergone a period of initiation, development and maturity, from the perceptual gradually to rational. The essence of the concept of the death of the writer is the author himself to the essence of death, summed up there are mainly three points. First, death is unavoidable, this is the only way for everyone, because people are always going to die, second, death is meaningless, because for civilized people, death is a meaningless event, and third, death can be regenerated, because death is the beginning of life, reincarnation of life, the death of the body to show the resurrection of the soul, Beyond death, toward eternal life. In the following series of works we can feel the writer's profound thinking about death.

In Tolstoy's writings, the problem of death can be seen in its most original form. At first, the problem of death was only one aspect of the work, not the main position. As in the novella "Childhood" in the perspective of the protagonist Nikolai typical description of the death of the mother: "Only then I understand why there is such a strong smell, the smell and smell of incense mixed together, filled the room." I think, a few days ago also filled with a beautiful and gentle face, in this world my favorite face, let me feel afraid, as if for the first time for me to reveal the true meaning of pain and filled with the heart of despair. The writer described in detail the state of her mother's deathbed and how she cared for her husband and children in the last few minutes. Next, the writer describes the death of the maid, Natalie Yas Savisna. She lived her life honestly, not afraid of death, but regarded death as a pleasure. In childhood we really see Natalie's supreme truth beyond death over life. Here Natalie is not only a very special positive in his works, but also a symbol of the highest truth. After the death of his loved ones, Tolstoy portrayed the death scenes in the "Sevastopol story" and "the Caucasus story". The work is a more profound exposition of Tolstoy's earlier views on war, peace, survival and death. The 16 death hangings that were witnessed in the streets of France in 1857 have had a huge impact on writers. 1866 writer failed to protect a soldier who was sentenced to death for beating his boss. Later, the law allowed public killings to be more infuriating to writers. After that, Tolstoy began to think about the meaning of life and the relationship between birth and death. If in the previous creation, life and death is only one side of the work, then now has become the most important, the most basic theme, death has become the work of the quickest inevitable outcome. As the thinking of death and the description of the scene of death, the writer feels more and more strongly about the anxiety and fear of death: "I can neither give my own actions nor give my life a reasonable explanation." What makes me wonder is why I didn't understand it at first. Though all this has long been known. One day sickness and death will befall my family and myself, and nothing but stink and poker will remain. No matter what kind of career I have, people will forget it sooner or later, and eventually forget me. So why keep busy? Conscious of the irreplaceable nature of death, writers have set themselves a goal: must find something that is not controlled by death, and must continue to live. The novel "Karenina" embodies this fundamental change of the writer's artistic thinking. "The novel constructs in the human existence the most basic desire power and the process, the driving plot is the life instinct demand." Here, the basic desires of life are shown in the form of fiction without disguise. With the emergence of the above thought, the writer realizes the false of the physical happiness, and thinks that the rational life of human is not the life of the body, but the phenomenon of hyper-space-time. Therefore, life itself does not die, death is the beginning of life, so there is "eternal life" said. For example: When his daughter died, he was very calm, because he felt the death of the body and the beginning of a new life. The writer is convinced that, as long as the human life is meaningful, it will continue to exist after the death of the body, to ascend into heaven in the salvation of God Christ and to join with God, so that he will be truly immortal. Inspired by the idea of immortality, the writer began to create the theme of awakening. Tolstoy's understanding of the nature of death, the death of consciousness, the commitment to death and eventual transcendence of death are presented in the three works of "war and Peace", "Death of Ivan" and "Master and servant" through three distinct protagonists in their respective inner activities in death.

In the novel War and Peace, the writer shaped the image of a fine noble intellectual, Prince Andrey. The work focuses on Prince Andrey's search for and discovery of the meaning of life, especially to describe the psychological process of death to the provisional protagonist. "Before the last death, he was thinking about the problems he had been thinking about-life and death," he says. Thought more of was dead. He thought he was closer to death ... Love hinders death. Love is life. In a word, all I know, I know, just because I love. Andre finally found the meaning of life is love, is God, which ultimately defeated the death: "Love is God, and death, means that I love the small particles back to universal, eternal origin." Prince Andrey's hopes for personal happiness are peeling off. He sees the world in a whole new light, sees the people around him, and becomes a preacher of the gospel. For he felt strongly that his gospel was not for the living, but for the dead. Until his death, Prince Andrey was in an increasingly expansive state of alienation. The description of Andre's death became the author's study of the process of death. In the author's writings, "The hero's death finally gained a simple and solemn mysterious color." This mysterious color seems to be incomprehensible to earthly beings. In the works, the writer expresses the hero's fear before death, the great power of defeating death, and the light feeling of victory over death, which explains the awakening theme of death when he finally wakes up.


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2018-02-09 16:48:22 | 日記


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Paper代写:Popular music affects who we are

2018-02-09 16:47:50 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Popular music affects who we are,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了流行音乐的影响。在政治方面,流行音乐在唤醒个人对诸多问题的意识中起着举足轻重的作用,因为流行音乐常常以其节奏的抒情诗突出和表达,具有非常强烈的情感。以一种更普遍、更有说服力的方式,影响不同社会背景观众的内心想法。流行音乐甚至有助于人们超越种族界限。像最初的说唱音乐只是被认为是一种传统的非洲娱乐形式。但后来白人也开始接受和喜爱这种音乐,最后,它成为了美国流行文化最著名的标志之一。

“Is the epidemic of a certain noble,and that the flu should also be a very noble?” The world renowned ironist George Bernard Shaw cynically and humorously questioned the value of so-called popularity. Just as all that glitters is not gold, all that prevails, it appears that, is not popularity. However, no matter how sarcastic comments on popular culture are, popular culture does “reborn and rebel” at the very beginning moment when they are created, so quickly to acquire their independent significance and purpose. In a ubiquitous yet unnoticeable way, popular culture starts to shape their creators—us. To some extent, popular culture, as if a mirror, tells us more than what we think and how we look, but most importantly how we should adjust ourselves, willingly or not, to the outside—the right behavior, the right dressing, the right mind, and outlook. In that sense, popular culture has already become an integral part of our life and society. Therefore, in consideration of impacts of popular culture upon us, this essay specifically focuses on how popular music—a fundamental element of popular culture—affects us, or says, in what ways popular music change the pattern we think towards the political idea, culture across races and regions, and social outlook.

Regarding politics, popular music indeed plays a pivotal role in awakening individual’s awareness on so many issues, for popular music, often highlighted and characterized by its rhythmical lyrics, has the high potential to express strong emotions. In a more pervasive and persuasive way, not only can it affect audiences from a diversity of social backgrounds but also their inside ideas. For instance, Michael Jackson’s song, they don’t care about us, is created to fight against the backdrop of racism in America. From my part, as a student of Chinese origin, it is tough to have a direct impression or feeling of how racism ravaged in America at the time of the 90s. However, via this song, the social phenomenon was kept as a living fossil. “Everybody/ hate me/ kick me/ don’t you black or white me/ all I wanna say is that they don't care about us.” When reading the lyrics, I do believe everyone of my age, wherever he or she comes from, can directly feel the darkest painful hours once in the world. Michael Jackson himself once commented: “the song, in fact, is about the pain of prejudice and hate and is a way to draw attention to social and political problems. I am the voice of the accused and the attacked. I am the voice of everyone. It is about the injustices to young people and how the system can wrongfully accuse them.” A song, sometimes not get sung for audiences or the singer, but for the change of the whole system or society. That is the power of popular music we have a witness and a feel for many years, and we know something to get changed due to unprecedented awareness lifted by the influence of some popular music.

In China, popular song, especially rock music in the 80s and 90s also affected the political sense of the vast majority of Chinese youngsters at that time. As famous as Michael, Cui Jian, who is the symbol of rock music in China, “enlightened” the first generation who has just attempted to break down the old ideological chain through popular rock music due to his lyrics abounded in a kaleidoscope of political metaphors. Since then, independent thinking, doubts, and critical ideas grow, fed by new kind of music and people’s political outlook gradually becomes more and more liberal. Nowadays the gate that has locked for so long finally opens to the outside.

Such kind of popular song, as a reminder of something politically or historically momentous, actually has already transcended the boundary of “popularity,” since the essence of the song of this kind singing the most urgent problems and calling for noble ideas has turned the “popularity” into “immortality.” As to the impact it brought us, they could be long-lasting and make us reflect upon what a benevolent political system should be like and how we can achieve that, as tearing down the bad old one.

Regarding culture, here specifically referring to culture across races and regions, popular music changes the way we think of what we embrace with open arms and ultimately redefine the taste of fashion culture. Popular music is a vehicle to express culture and spread strong influence to its audiences. As to culture across races, there is rather a concrete example. African American’s hip pop music has become one of the most significant popular culture elements in America. However, at first rap music was originated from African Americans, who were thought of this type of music as a traditional African entertainment form. With the growing fashion of rap music, the white also began to accept and love this kind of music, and finally, it becomes one of the most famous symbols of American popular culture in the world. In a sense, popular music does help people look beyond the boundary of races, which, to some extent, is a desirable thing, for it is a way to fight against racism and prejudice and enhance mutual understanding among diverse races. Popular music, as if magic glue, mixes us together and also our different racial, social or national backgrounds. Therefore, a new collective identity that overshadows stereotypical narrow-minded self-sense is gradually forged and established. In a word, popular music makes us more universal and less isolated.

Popular music also serves as a medium to spread fashion. Of course, it is not necessary to call this phenomenon “cultural invasion.” However, it is worth to be noted. South Korea is famous for producing hit popular music, which exerts a tremendous impact on Chinese popular music industry and the taste of Chinese audiences. Korea popular is feathered by its suggestive lyrics and attractive dancing style. Under such kind of influence for almost decades, young people in China believes “that” is the real essence of fashion and they would like to pay for “that kind of popular culture” in concerts. That sort of demand or desire quickly begins to impact on Chinese own popular music that is already on the way to imitate Korean style. To sum up, popular music can be international and mainly flows from countries with advanced popular culture to those with less. In the process of flowing and spreading, the strong influence will shape the taste and idea of local audiences and finally change the pattern of their popular culture industry, which sufficiently proves such a fact: our changes are what we hear and what we watch. People create music and in return, music, to some degree, may recreate people.

Popular music also leads to new social outlook and significant changes of outlook, which means besides political and cultural functions, another primary role of popular music is about changing the way we look at the world and the outlook we choose to depend on. Obviously, Compared with classic music, popular music is more likely to be secular. In Lana Del Rey’s song National Anthem, she sings out a kind of unstoppable trend of a lifestyle of luxurious extravagance. “Tell me I'm your National Anthem. Money is the reason we exist. I’m your National Anthem, wining and dining, drinking and driving.” More than that, the once hit Korea popular GANGNAMSTYLE, actually depicts the super-rich playboy’s lifestyle. This popular song gained enormous popularity in China. As matter of fact, materialism and hedonism give birth to those songs praising money worship (or otherwise in a sarcastic way), yet in return, they reinforce the stereotypes of the rich or the upper classes. The young generation, surrounded by such popular music, is easy to overindulge into entertainment and unhealthy consumption. The young generation gradually forgets traditional values, especially for Chinese, such as being hardworking and thrifty. Even though we cannot blame too much on popular music or popular culture, the impact of it upon us shape our identity more or less in an oblivious manner. What’s more, as to outlook changes, popular music gives a voice for the young to express their feeling and to defy the tradition. Popular music gives them power and a new way to code their self-sense or their social expectation into the lyrics and rhyme. Via popular music, the younger generation seems to be more open, more liberal, and more self-centered than the previous generation. Needless to say, popular music is the catalyst to change the values we choose to live. When traditional values collapsed or could not adapt to the new era anymore, popular music or, widely defined, popular culture leads the way to seize that vacuum space and build new identity again. However, it is necessary to point out that in that process, due to downsides of popular culture, something missing or going wrong is quite common to be seen. Therefore, we need to keep alarmed and vigilant on the whole process.

To conclude, popular music is a record of the political or social phenomenon, and it often awakens up people’s awareness and pushes people to change for good. It also has a cultural impact on us, making us know each other’s culture and embrace each other. The popular music builds us as one people by a universal concept and a more common idea. Thanks to popular music, we somewhat stick to each other and share the most beautiful part of humankind. The last, popular music also affects people social behavior and held outlook. On the one hand, listening to the song, audiences begin to imagine the lifestyle in the song or at least think that is what we seek for, which causes the collapse of traditional values. On the other hand, popular music rebuilds the value in a pervasive way; we may call that “destruction before construction.” However, in the process, we need to be sober on what kind of development is right for us.



Paper代写:Design Attributes of Nursing Homes in the UK

2018-02-09 16:47:23 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Design Attributes of Nursing Homes in the UK,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国养老院的设计。养老院现有的设计趋向于客户的长期居住的需要,因为养老院不仅是一间房子,更像是他们的家,所以我们必须要考虑到更多。在这样的条件下,养老院首先得为老年居民提供照顾和医疗服务。除此之外,居家环境可以为老年人提供舒适的体验,户外景观也可以增加养老院的魅力。在建筑设计方面,我们也要应该积极研究当地老年人的需求,按需要设计。


I am interested in the purpose behind the design of senior nursing homes, how people think of it, and what can be done in the future. Recently, there has been news about old people being abused and mistreated at some nursing facilities, and this is unacceptable. After all, we are all going to age, and I would like to be in a nursing home where old people have been taken good care. Health is the priority, but life is more than about birth and death. It is important that the quality of life at the senior nursing home will be guaranteed. This research project explores nursing home designs in the UK, see how people think of them, and suggest improvements in terms of high quality of life.


The world is ageing at an accelerated rate, and still hasn’t come to terms with it. By 2050, more than 21% of the world population would be 60 years or older (DESA UN, 2000). Therefore, it is a serious issue that not only affects the old, but also every man, woman and child. The well-being of aged population requires proper health care, housing, living arrangements and other services that normal families can’t provide. As a result, having qualified senior nursing home near one’s community has become a vital problem for almost each and every family.

What makes a well-designed nursing home? A good nursing home would be the ultimate choice for those in need. Previous research and related documents show that there are several aspects regarding the essential design of a high-quality nursing home that satisfies us. The existing challenges for nursing homes are to design both a sensitive and responsive residence that tend to clients’ long term needs due to the fact that the nursing home is not just a facility to them, but more like their home (Carr, 2011). However, limited resources have discussed about the valuing of specific design attributes of nursing homes. Therefore, this paper would like to research about the design attributed cared by most people living in the nursing home or know about the nursing homes.

The method that is used in this paper is mainly primary research and secondary research. In this paper, primary research contains surveys that are distributed to those staying at nursing homes and random passengers in the UK. Secondary research includes information and previous writings in books, website, or journals.

Secondary Research

Nursing home and its importance

Nursing homes provide caring and rehabilitative services to its elder residents under the condition of long terms. According to Carr (2011), the nursing home does not provide specialized clinical treatments to the elder people, as they usually obtain these services from outside at clinics and healthcare facilities. What is more, nursing homes are usually classified as Medicare/Medicaid nursing units that provide intermediate nursing care in the US. A nursing home often operates towards patient-care rather than medical, which should be bear in mind of a designer.

The study of Dwyer, Nordenfelt and Ternestedt (2008) on three residents at a nursing home indicates that nursing homes are not just simple facilities for the old, but also a representation of the care culture. By having an experience at the nursing home that provides care and service, the elders find their lives to be significant and meaningful. Such meaningful experiences are therefore enhanced if the nursing home allows their bodies to be well-functioned, and other residents can provide confirmation and support.

Design factors

There is evidence that design factors take up significant roles in affecting the residents’ well-being. Scholars like Duffy et al. (1986) point out that this happens especially when the setting is ‘less adapted to individual needs’. The nursing home is an obvious example of such kind. It is impossible for a nursing home to cover all individual needs of the many elders living inside, and therefore it put them in double jeopardy as the elders suffer from more vulnerability than normal people. Duffy et al. (1986) state that their study show a clear pattern of the different preferences between designers and residents when it comes to the design planning of several places, such as the lounge, furniture, dining, and more. Residents are likely to choose privacy-enhancing designs, while designers and nursing home administrators are likely to choose social-enhancing designs (Duffy et al., 1986). Such difference calls for further interactions between the two groups and more understanding of the real needs of residents for them to live more comfortably.

Design attributes

According to Carr (2011), the necessary attributes of a nursing home are listed as follows. If a nursing home can fulfill the following, it would be considered to be a Class A nursing home in worldwide standards. The following attributes can be included in the questionnaire for further evaluation:


A homelike environment can provide comfortable experience for elders, and the outdoor views can add to the charm of the nursing home. According to the Department of Health (2005), those in need of help, such as dementia patients, also prefer home with outdoor views, for it gives them opportunities to stretch and increase outdoor activities. Besides providing the residents a sense of ownership, it also helps to alleviate stress and aggression, increase exposure to natural light, and improve sleep problems (Department of Health, 2005).

The elders need proportional size and scale in their rooms to fully embrace the convenience of the nursing home. The rooms should have the right size that not only adapt to the elders’ need but also be economically suitable for the facility owner.

Lighting is very important for those in caring need, such as patients and elders. The elders usually suffer from ageing of the eyes and decline in sensitivity to colors, objects and signals in their visual field. Therefore it is vital to install natural and energy-efficient lighting in indoor and outdoor settings of the residence.


Research shows that privacy matters a lot to the elders as they need to feel safe and comfortable in a non-home environment (Barnes, 2002). Barnes (2002) states that a successful design that considers the privacy needs of clients will enable them to between interact socially with others and blend in the community.


Sanitation is one of the most important issues to clients at the facility. It is necessary for their well-being and life. A clean environment helps to increase the clients’ feeling about their health and well-being at the nursing home, and unclean floors might cause slippery issues. Schweitzer et. al (2004) states that fresh air and ventilation gives the elders health benefits and much energy, and that indoor air pollution being one of the top environmental risks that hinders public health.


Department of Health (2015) listed safety as the no. 1 principle in the design principles for people with dementia. Since the elders are in similar conditions to those who with dementia both require a safe, secure environment for their living conditions. Elder people also suffer from one to more conditions listed below, such as sensory impairment, cognitive impairment, or physical impairments (Department of Health, 2015).

The non-reflective and non-slip floors can avoid falls for elder people and keep them safe from breaking their legs, waist, and other medical conditions. Secure spaces in nursing homes can make sure that the facility and clients are protected from sudden injuries, unknown accidents, and liabilities. Accessing to hazardous spaces might cause dangerous situations for elders, so therefore the best way to avoid such circumstances is to control access and only allow professionals to enter.

Due to the high possibility of being lost on the way, the design of exits should minimize the exposure of residents to unknown circumstances such as leaving the nursing home. The Department of Health (2005) also stated similar principles which include that ‘dementia-friendly health and social care environments should be designed, considering the full range of senses, to minimise exposure to stimuli that are not helpful, such as busy and crowded environments, patterned walls and flooring, unnecessary clutter, noise from televisions, alarms and so forth’.


Many elders might have more or less disability problems when it comes to their age. Therefore by adopting the local disability code in architecture design, the facility can suit the best interest of these elders.

Some residents might be in need of wheelchairs, and they might find it difficult to access to certain facilities and spaces. Therefore, all spaces should be designed to be easily usable by those in wheelchairs to prevent accidents and uncomfortableness.

Grab bars are convenient for the elders because they can assist those with difficulty to walk or climb to find balance and support. In certain locations, grab bars can save the elders much energy, time, and efforts. Therefore, by installing grab bars in appropriate locations, the elders will find it more comfortable living at the nursing home.

Every year, many elders trip over hazards or obstacles and are therefore injured. To prevent such tragedies, the nursing home should inspect its spaces and facilities to get rid of hazardous obstacles and similar items.

If the facilities are located on different floors, the elders would have to climb up and down or wait for elevators. This would be very uncomfortable for those with physical conditions and aging joints. Therefore, all facilities should be located on one floor, if possible.


Appropriate use of artwork can create a bright, smoothing environment for the elders to enjoy their retired life. These artworks can be paintings, printed posters, mosaics, statues, and more.

Living in a resident home sometimes makes the elders homesick, especially when they feel that they are just a client at a facility. Therefore, creating a homelike environment is essential for their mental and physical health. The intimacy created by objects and facilities, as well as the serving attitudes of staffs, would allow residents to forget their problems and embrace their elder life.

A nursing home is a caring facility for the elders, not a hospital. If the exterior of the facility looks like a hospital, residents might experience stress and self-doubt. By creating a relaxing, appropriate exterior of the nursing home, residents can feel that they are welcomed in the place instead of being held in a hospital, worrying about their conditions.

The exterior should be compatible with its surroundings, such as forests, hills, open spaces and more. The natural view should be combined with the design so that the overall appearance of the facility looks natural and aesthetic.


Parker (2004) states that the design of care buildings in the UK should follow a unified set of criteria that is under the administration of the National Care Standards Commission. The regulations used to vary across the country, but recently the standards have been set by the Department of Health (Parker et. al, 2004). According to Parker (2004), the standards focus mainly on the residents’ needs and requirements such as room size, facilities, furniture, environment, etc. Scholars suggest that psychological needs of the residents also require consideration when it comes to design of the building, as such needs are only dealt as care issues instead of building features (Parker et. al, 2004). Therefore, by including the physical and psychological needs of residents in the design criteria, the nursing homes can better meet with requirements of sustainability and better treat its clients.

Floor plans

According to Benbow (2011), the small house models and neighborhood models are now more and more popular across North America. He notes, ‘small-House Models and Neighbourhood/Household Models for Nursing Home care are emergingacross Canada and the United States and are proving to be operationally feasible, particularly if linked or grouped together. More research is needed to compare capital and operating costs of these models with more traditional Nursing Homes.(Benhow, 2011)’ Benbow (2011) provides several floor plans to demonstrate their grouping of core services and amenities, location of bathing rooms, short corridors and privacy zones. Therefore it would be meaningful to include the floor plans of the particular nursing home that paid visit to evaluate its efficiency of design.

Nelson (2006) states that the ‘hierarchy of space’ is a crucial concept that needs to be considered in the arrangement of nursing homes. In order to promote interaction between people residing at the nursing home, sociopetal spaces must be included in the design. Shared spaces, including the public zone, semi-public zone and semi-private zone, should be noted with the physical environment to older people as they are usually vulnerable to sudden changes of the environment (Nelson, 2006).

Problem Definition

Meeting the requirements of its residents is the No.1 priority for any nursing home. It has been mentioned in above secondary research and introduction about why design matters to nursing homes, and what major attributes does design feature covers.

However, the importance of design features rate varies for different residents under different scenarios, not to mention the fact that nursing homes don’t have unified criteria for designs that can cover all physical and psychological needs of various clients. Therefore, the primary research below aims to find out about the design features that matter most to residents and non-residents at nursing homes. It also tends to discover people’s attitudes towards nursing homes and other key attributes.

Research Questions:

•What makes a well-designed nursing home in the UK?

•What are the most popular features of nursing homes in the UK when it comes to design?

•Are people familiar with nursing home design in the UK?

•What are the current attitudes towards nursing home design in the UK?

•Are there any areas of improvement on current nursing home design?


•Designs of a successful nursing home must include some of the following attributes that residents value most: environment, efficiency, sanitation, safety, accessibility, and aesthetics.

This hypothesis is based on the research, texts and literatures mentioned above that the design of the nursing home can effectively help the elders to live well both mentally and physically. This paper would like to see if there is such direct relationship between the design of the nursing home and the level of content of residents/possible residents.

Primary Research


The major methodology to gain first-hand data in this paper is random survey. The survey is designed to be distributed to passengers and those residing in the nursing home. Two types of questionnaires are designed for participants and I distributed them accordingly. All participants remain anonymous and they have all signed consent forms.

Data Collection

Data collection is realized through survey questionnaires. For the study, I distributed 130 questionnaires and received 95 responses. Since there was limited access to nursing homes, 35 people in the nursing home participated in the Type A of questionnaire (see appendix) and 60 random passengers participated in Type B of questionnaire. Among all the respondents, 45 are male and 50 are female. The age distribution is as follows: 35 respondents are aged above 60, 13 of them are below 30, 22 of them aged between 30-45, and 25 aged between 45 and 60.

Data Analysis

For Type A questionnaire:

35 participants responded to this questionnaire. Among the 35, up to 18 are aged above 70, with the other 17 aged in between 60 to 70. They are from a variety of nursing homes in the UK.

Type A questionnaire is composed of 2 sections, each 7 set of questions. 15 participants are clients at nursing homes, 10 of them are clients’ relatives, and 10 are staffs working at the nursing homes. Therefore, 25 participants responded to Section 1 in the survey, and 10 responded to section 2.

Among the 25 participants that responded to section 1, all finished the 7 questions listed in the surveys. For question 1, a majority of 15 people chose friend/relative as their primary source of knowing about the nursing home, and other sources include TV, newspaper, online ads, and local tours. The average time they have spent at the facility is 8 years. Among the amenities at the nursing home design, the most chosen amenities are TV cable, 24-hour nursing services, and individual and group social activities. Moving on to the evaluation section, up to 10 people rated the option ‘neatness and cleanliness of the facility’ as a 5. The other options that received 4 points ratings are ‘convenience of the nursing home’s location’, ‘the staff’s willingness to help you’, and ‘the ease of accessing medical care in the nursing home’. There are also several options that only received 3 point ratings or below, namely ‘hour of nursing services’, ‘time you spend in group social activities’, and ‘safety and convenience design’. The average rating of overall design of the nursing homes participants are at is 6.5 out of 10. Some common subjective responses on the possible improvements about the nursing home design include ‘more natural light’, ‘more outdoor facilities’, and ‘staff stability’.

Among the 10 participants that responded as staffs at nursing homes, all finished the 7 questions in section 2. The average time these staffs start working at the particular facility is 2.5 years. The most common option the participants choose about the amenities the nursing home provide to clients are TV cable, air-conditioning, laundry services, full-time nurse practitioner, musical groups, and individual and group social activities. However, as of the special deign that could provide to its clients, only 4 participants can name up to 3 items. The competitive advantage that the participants point out is usually ‘nice services’, ‘social activities’, or ‘good food’. 5 participants point out that they find facilities like the wheelchair access, handrails or signal boards to be uneasy for clients to use. Moving on to the evaluation section, 5 people rated the option ‘neatness and cleanliness of the facility’ as a 5. The other options that received 4 points ratings are ‘Prompt answering of calls’, ‘time clients spend in group social activities’, and ‘the staff’s willingness to help’. There are also several options that only received 3 point ratings or below, namely ‘the means of payment’, and ‘safety and convenience design’. Some common subjective responses on the possible improvements about the nursing home design include ‘more outdoor greens, ‘more accessible wellness facilities’, and ‘better welfare for staffs’.

For Type B questionnaire:

60 participants responded to this questionnaire. Among the 60, 25 are aged in between 45 to 60 (or middle aged), 22 are aged in between 30 to 45, and 13 are below 30 (or young).

Type B questionnaire is composed of 8 set of questions. Of the 60 participants, only 32 responded to know someone who has lived/is currently living in a nursing home. The other 28 responded that they don’t. Among the 32 participants, the people they know who have been staying at the nursing home for an average time of 7.6 years. As of question 3, almost all amenities are chosen by all 60 participants except for ‘registered consulting dietician’. As of the factor that participants consider to be most important when deciding if a nursing home is worth going, more than 22 people, or 37% of all respondents, chose option d ‘Easy access to nature and outdoors provided by ceiling and corridors’, following by 18 participants (30%) choosing ‘Privacy, dignity and independence given by self-care facilities and quiet rooms’, 13 participants (21%) choosing ‘safe environment with non-slip matt flooring, safety handrails, and reduced clutter’, and 7 participants (12%) choosing ‘optimum lighting and contrast with natural patterns and changing light intensity’. When it comes to the question about whether they would consider staying at nursing home in the future, participants have various responses. Over 30% of the participants state that ‘maybe. I haven’t thought about it yet’, while another 50% participants state that they won’t consider going. The reasons are mainly as follows: ‘it seems the end of life’, ‘I value my independence’, or ‘I feel like nursing home is for people whose families don’t care about them’. Only 20% participants answered ‘yes’ to this question.

Participants are then asked to rate the service of UK’s average nursing homes based on their knowledge or impressions. 10 people (16.6%) rated the option ‘the ease of accessing medical care in the nursing home’ as a 5. The other options that received 4 points ratings are ‘Prompt answering of calls’, ‘hour of nursing services’, and ‘the staff’s willingness to help’. There are also several options that only received 3 point ratings or below, namely ‘the neatness and cleanliness of the facility’, and ‘safety and convenience design’. Participants have suggested mostly about improvements on the nursing home’s clean environment, activity rooms, the quality of care, safety, and accessibility for those in wheelchairs. In design aspects, participants contributed most on topics like ‘natural lighting’, ‘homelike feel’, ‘green environment’, ‘safety facilities’, and ‘spacious and comfortable’.

Key Findings

According to the data analysis, we can see that there are several issues that matters most to people when it comes to nursing home designs.

Firstly, all participants agree to the options listed in the survey about a qualified nursing home. For those who participated in type A questionnaire, since they are those who are more familiar with nursing homes, their inputs are considered to be more inspiring to future nursing home designs. For those who participated in type B questionnaire, their responses are also helpful because they know about UK’s nursing homes more or less from their relatives, friends, or other sources. All participants agree that nursing homes should have services like TV cables, 24 hour nursing services, in-house air-conditioning, laundry services, outdoor landscaped courtyard, full-time nurse practitioners on site, individual and group social activities, musical groups, beauty/barber shop services.

Secondly, it seems that the most essential features of a qualified nursing home are the cleanliness or neatness of the facility. Not only did those who participated in type A questionnaires responded so, those who participated in type B also emphasized that cleanliness of facility and odor free environment matters a lot to potential clients at nursing homes. Those who participated in type B also rated only 3 points for UK’s average nursing homes’ neatness and cleanliness based on their impressions. It shows that there is a lot of room for improvements in future nursing home design when it comes to this issue.

Thirdly, current clients and staffs at nursing homes have contributed some key factors of improvement about the design, as they ask for more natural light, more outdoor activities, and more greens in their sights. The potential clients or younger respondents have also contributed to these factors, as they reflected in design aspects that could be improved consisting factors like natural light, green environment, and outdoor events. With the majority of respondents in type B questionnaire thinking that the most important factor of choosing a nursing home is ‘easy access to nature and outdoors provided by ceiling and corridors’, it shows how much these factors matter to them.

Fourthly, it is worth noticing that there is quite a similarity between those who have resided at nursing homes, and those who haven’t. For those living or working at nursing homes, the unsatisfied factors are usually ‘safety and convenience design’. For those who haven’t personally gone to any nursing homes, they think that the average UK nursing home still have to work hard on ‘the neatness and cleanliness of the facility’, and ‘safety and convenience design’. Apart from the difference of the understanding of cleanliness at nursing homes, we can see that both groups pay a lot of attention on the fact that current nursing homes could do better in terms of safety and convenience design.

Analysis of Key Findings

The key findings of the primary research which has been carried out in a form of random survey has given raw data about what makes a well-designed nursing home in the UK. Participants mainly value about the environment (natural lighting, outdoor greens), sanitation (cleanliness of the nursing home, odor-free), and accessibility (outdoor events, social occasions). What is more, most participants consider that safety and convenience design to be a weakness of UK’s nursing homes, and they hope that it can be improved.

The hypothesis of this paper that ‘designs of a successful nursing home must include some of the following attributes that residents value most: environment, efficiency, sanitation, safety, accessibility, and aesthetics’ is therefore supported by the survey and its findings.


Although this study will provide significant insight into design attributes of the nursing home, there are limitations. First, the questionnaire uses hypothesis in most of its settings, which tends to ignore the possibilities of the real world. Due to the limit of access to nursing homes, not all respondents are elder people. I also think that the sample size is not big enough. It would be more credible to verify my assumption if more than 1000 people participated in this survey, but that is nearly impossible. What is more, the participants have various age and economic conditions, and it might affect their response to the questions.

Overall, the above findings will be helpful for designing nursing homes. To fully utilize the positive effects of the attributes, the nursing home should consider aspects of environment, efficiency, sanitation, safety, accessibility, and aesthetics.


Nursing homes are becoming more and more vital nowadays, especially in an aging society that we are all in. Most of the participants show reluctance of going to nursing home because they feel that it seems ‘scary’ or ‘frustrating’ to do so. According to the findings, participants mostly value the following attributes when it comes to choosing a nursing home: the environment (natural lighting, outdoor greens), sanitation (cleanliness of the nursing home, odor-free), and accessibility (outdoor events, social occasions).

Therefore, nursing homes should actively research about the local elders’ needs when it comes to designs of the building. Such needs should cover both physical and psychological aspects of the potential residents and listen to their advices in the surveys. Designs of a successful nursing home must include several of the following attributes that residents value most: environment, efficiency, sanitation, safety, accessibility, and aesthetics. Of course, a resident building that has met many of the design attributes is more appealing to potential residents and current residents.



Essay代写:A Discussion of K-POP

2018-02-09 16:32:19 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- A Discussion of K-POP,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了韩国流行音乐。韩国的K-POP有很强的节奏,类似于电音音乐。大多数歌手都选择唱跳,尽管他们追求自己独特的风格。在韩国,K-POP的经营重点是音乐的产业化,音乐的制作与产品的制造类似,而不是音乐的艺术创作。K-POP是一个比较成熟的行业,它由类似于工业企业的产业链组成。从音乐制作人的大量生产,到专辑销售网络,以及音乐公司与电视台的密切合作,这一切都使音乐产出速度加快。

South Korea's K-POP is marked by very strong rhythm, similar to Electrophonic Music. Most singers have chosen to sing and dance at the same time, although there is the pursuit of their own unique style. In this article, it is to have a discussion of K-POP in terms of how it develops, and how K-POP stars such as G-dragon were success.

The popularity of K-POP to a certain extent thanks to the active promotion of singers. South Korea as a small country, had the market which is very limited. To find a bigger groups of fans, they must rely on the Chinese market with huge population base. K-POP in the late 1990s began to enter China. In the early 21st century, Korean pop music is easily popular among the public. At the end of the 1990s, and the early 21st century it can be described as the driving force of the South Korean wave or hallyu cross Asia(Sebag, 2016). It hit Japan in 2003 with Yon‐sama. And Winter Sonata(Kim, and Ryoo,2007).But with the rise of the new millennium black music, and the fans getting more and more mature, Korean pop music is slowly showing their own weakness. It is gradually sinking into silence. However, with a lot of big company such as YG Entertainment for Big Bang which made a lot of effort to build superstar, it helps to re-gathered some new generation of fans. It seems that the Korean wave began to re-rise. Korean K-POP are also trying to expand international market, shaping the international image of K-POP singers, and the Korean brokerage firm in this regard made efforts. Recently, with the expanding of market to Europe and the United States, brand members of other Asian areas or returnee form foreign countries. JJCC included martial arts star Jackie Chan, and Korean-American and Chinese-Australian band member(Sebag, 2016). It brought freshness to the Korean local fans, and is easier in the future to enter other country. Also some singers do language preparation. Wonder Girls’ Nobody became a hit in United States once. In addition, the sudden popularity of Psy from YG Entertainment and his song "Gangnam Style" in the US. His Gangnam Style had nearly 900 million views and became the world's most watched video on YouTube(, 2012). K-POP of South Korea is always capable of leading the fashion trend.

In South Korea, the operation of K-POP is focus on the industrialization of music, and the production of music is similar to the manufacture of products, rather than artistic creation of music. K-POP singer signs "slave contracts" with record companies, which control everything of singers( Sebag, 2016). K-POP singer is a relatively complete, and multi-faceted products. An observation on their musical creation process can come to this conclusion. K-POP as a more mature industry is composed of chain similar to that of the industrial business. From the mass production of the music producer of similar music style , to the album selling network, and close cooperation between music company and the television station, all this make for music output as quick as possible. They are belonging to the fast food. This brings advantage to K-POP. Usually creation period of a collection of songs or the record production will be much quicker. In addition, because K-POP makes young fans as the target audience, artists are mainly between 16 to 25-year-old, who are either handsome boys or beautiful girls. They have been trained for many years by the brokerage company. With a relatively good quality of the artist, the bulk was pushed to the market. There are not less than tens of dozens of K-pop singers who made their debut every year(Sebag, 2016). The huge number of these artists make the average life expectancy of their musical life is in general quite short except a few exceptions. After some peak period of less than three years, they will disappear. So this market characteristics of the record company made a request of frequent appearance in front of the audience, and therefore rarely have a elaborate production which costs few years.

In the successful combination of music creation, dance, fashion taste and promotion with the operation of broker companies, it finally contributes to the success of G-dragon. Although there are a lot of K-POP stars, G-dragon are definitely a phenomenal figure. He and his band Big Bang tour all over the world, such as the US cities Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Mexico and Canada(Fifield, 2016).He is a man who is talented and works hard on music. And music itself are very important in the success of K-POP singer G-dragon. His creative ability is great, compared to a lot of Korean bands now. He pays more attention to the participation of the music and composition of songs. They challenged the idea that K-pop must be “sugarcoated and factory-produced”( Fifield, 2016). The release of a new song will go through the survey of the public taste, the analysis of the market, the convergence of the popular trend. His popularity is influenced by a lot of external factors, except the songs themselves. The concept of packaging, publicity, dance arrangement, MV shooting, and even the appearance of the singer, affinity, artistic sense are also key criteria and reason for the success of G-dragon. On the stage, he is rather expressive, and he can be said to be born for the stage. The luxurious and unique stage style make him attracts lot of fans(Chang , 2014).He has a strong sense of fashion, although the team behind him must give the appropriate management, but G-dragon has his own fashion concept. He was invited by the Chanel show(Fifield, 2016). In addition, his active participation in variety show arranged by broker companies is also a good way of advertising.

Now,K-POP of South Korea, marked by its unique style and some popular singers like G-dragon, lead the popular music industry in Korea.

Reference lists, (2012).Psy explains his name to the BBC - BBC News

Chang, A.Y .( 2014). Research on the Identity Construction of Korean Pop Music's Fandom Groups on the Weibo Platform, Exemplified by G-Dragon. Thesis submitted to Uppsala University

Fifield, A. (2016). They’re the biggest band in Asia, but Big Bang’s days may be numbered - The Washington Post

Kim,E., Ryoo, J .(2007).South Korean Culture Goes Global: K-Pop and the Korean Wave.Korean Social Science Journal, XXXIV No. 1.pp 117 152.

Sebag,C. (2016).South Korea's K-Pop stars look for success in Australia - BBC News

