

北美作业代写:Integrated management model

2018-02-27 16:04:54 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Integrated management model,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了集成化管理模式。集成化财务管理模式,其主要指的是一种借助于系统理论为指导,结合多种其他管理理论的思想与方法,形成的满足时代需求的新型财务管理理论与模式。通常而言,对于财务管理模式,多以集权式、分权式、相融式等模式对比为研究重点。随着信息技术的发展及普遍应用,集成化财务管理模式以其独特的优势成功脱颖而出,成为新时期企业财务管理领域的新模式,加强了了财务管理的集成化、实时化、直接化,满足了日趋激烈的竞争需求。

The so-called integrated financial management mode mainly refers to a new type of financial management theory and model that meets the needs of the Times, which is based on the theory of system and combined with the ideas and methods of many other management theories. The idea of financial management pays more and more attention to the change of division of labor to integration direction, in today's High-tech era, with the increasingly fierce competition in enterprises, the business and financial risks are increasingly increasing, coupled with the increase in the cost of development more and more quickly, the limited capital has become more and more limited enterprise innovation and success of the constraints, Only adapt to the demand of the times, accelerate the enterprise financial management mode towards the "integration" direction, can meet the competition requirements.

Integrated financial management mode, is the financial management of the advantages, the essence of the combination of focus to ensure the overall realization of the optimal effect. Integrated financial management model has the following characteristics: Integrated financial management model belongs to a dynamic, non-linear movement, it is not a static and isolated process, need to involve a variety of factors, whether the combination of the various elements of the state, or the combination of the way, are in dynamic change process. At the critical point, the financial management system appeared several branches, evolved from a branch to become a number of different branches, to ensure that financial management to achieve a comprehensive, qualitative leap, and to create a new type of dissipative structure model. Integrated financial management model belongs to a comprehensive change process of winning and deteriorating. The integrated financial management mode is different from other financial management, the focus is mainly on its competitive complementary mechanism, under the influence of this mechanism, only the most outstanding factors can be successfully entered into the integrated financial management system. Integrated financial management mode can quickly improve the effect of comprehensive financial management. Compared with the traditional financial management system, the system of integrated financial management mode has more comprehensive function and more effect, which is caused by the double energy of nuclear fusion. Integrated financial management model presents all-round, three-dimensional, open pattern. Integrated financial management mode covers a wide range of areas, covering a very broad field of vision, whether it is software elements, or hardware elements are included, the present is to open up an irresistible situation to the outside world. Only by fully opening up, can we realize complementary advantages, so that we can quickly renew the connotation of self-management. Thus, it can be said that the integrated financial management model belongs to a dynamic process of self-renewal and metabolism. The integrated financial management model shows the creative thinking activities of human beings. In particular, innovative thinking elements belong to the core of management. The reason why the competitive and complementary effect is formed between the different integration factors lies in giving full play to the creative thinking of people. In today's increasingly important intellectual factors, integrated financial management model is more concerned about the full play of creativity and innovation, the need to rapidly increase the integrated financial management model in the application process of innovative thinking, intellectual advantage, in order to achieve the ultimate management effect optimization.​

The so-called financial management sharing, refers to the enterprise in order to improve the effectiveness of their financial management and demand, promote the integration of financial management work, information development integrated results. In recent years, with the development of China's economic globalization and the arrival of the information age, in today's limited market, how to maximize the integration and allocation of resources, has become the goal of enterprise financial management is the most important. The "resources" mentioned here include not only financial management resources, but also information resources. and the sharing of financial resources, is in the entire enterprise's interior, constructs the consummation and the effective internal sharing service system, realizes the group member, the organization, organizes and so on the financial management work unified, the centralized management and the processing. Thus, the sharing of financial resources has become the key to the successful implementation of the integrated financial management model of enterprises. It should be noted that the financial resources sharing platform provides the necessary organizations, institutions and members and financial information for the implementation and operation of the integrated financial management model, which greatly improves the quality and efficiency of the information dissemination of the enterprise, which is indispensable to the operation of the integrated financial management mode. The sharing of financial resources provides the standardization, standardization and process of accounting science processing and information construction mode for enterprise financial management, and also provides a way to improve the efficiency of financial management, and minimizes unnecessary expenses and waste of cost in the process of enterprise financial institution resetting. For example, for an enterprise financial sharing Center, it realizes the standardization and standardization of the processing of accounts payable, divides the whole accounting treatment into different modules, and the financial management personnel only need to scientifically deal with one or some links to realize the automatic generation of accounts, which greatly saves the workload and cost of the process. It also realizes the scale of the process and improves the processing efficiency.

The characteristics of integrated financial management mode are clarified, and the financial sharing is the only way to realize enterprise integrated financial management. In order to strengthen financial management and conform to the requirements of integrated financial management mode, the following questions should be paid attention to:

To build financial management risk emergency early warning mechanism to strengthen the prevention and evasion of financial risk. Different from other financial management modes of enterprises, integrated financial management may be faced with more financial risks, on the one hand, from the financial management process of "integration", whether for online management, or direct management, there are information distortion, information islands and other risks, resulting in management and decision-making errors affect the consequences are extremely serious On the other hand, the integrated financial management model needs the help of information, networking, computer technology, etc., if the software application process does not meet the business needs effectively, or encounter a virus attack, hackers will lead to unreliable information, resulting in financial decision-making and management errors. Therefore, under this management mode, it is necessary to construct an extremely efficient and reliable risk emergency warning mechanism to ensure the comprehensive prevention and effective control of financial risks.

Speed up information construction and realize resource sharing. As mentioned above, the integrated financial management model can run smoothly, which depends on the full sharing of enterprise information resources, that is, the level of enterprise informatization construction. Therefore, enterprises must pay attention to strengthen the application of network and information technology, and realize the organic integration between financial software and business process. As far as the application of enterprise information technology is concerned, its success breaks through the limitation of time and space of traditional information communication, realizes the remote communication of information technology, and can get feedback in time, realizes the network and on-line of financial management. For example, for the fund management of an enterprise, with the help of network information technology, construction of the corresponding funds management pool, the enterprise at all levels of funds management, at the same time, to strengthen the tracking of different funds information and the control of feedback information, for the total fund management pool, but also to the fund for timely scheduling, balance, To minimize the idle capital, optimize the allocation of funds, improve the efficiency of capital use, reduce the cost of enterprise Capital application. At the same time, through the use of financial software, can provide the basis for the financial management of enterprises, the realization of the financial process, the organic combination of business, but also to the raw materials procurement, resource allocation, product production and sales processes such as integrated, integrated management, the greatest degree to improve the management efficiency. For example, the application of financial software will help to improve the accounting quality of enterprises, provide timely financial information and strengthen the organic integration of financial and business processes.

Perfect the financial organization structure and appraisal system, strengthen the evaluation strength. For enterprise integrated financial management mode, only with the help of the perfect financial organization structure, we can ensure its effective implementation. Therefore, in the process of carrying out the model comprehensively, it is necessary to construct the financial organization structure effectively, to ensure the authority and responsibility of different financial managers, and to optimize and combine the function requirements. Of course, this must be to strengthen the financial management team training, education, improve their comprehensive quality and business capacity as a prerequisite. Such an efficient financial management model, needs to be equipped with a scientific and sound evaluation system. Due to the full sharing of resources, greatly reduced the workload of accounting, therefore, for the relevant personnel of the evaluation of the focus has also changed, the evaluation index must be revised and approved, the risk of responsibility, efficiency, quality three aspects of the combination, and the financial staff pay, appreciation and so on, so that can strengthen the evaluation of strength.

In a word, integrated financial management mode requires strengthening integration and fusion, focusing on synergy and innovation, so that financial management can adapt to the development demand of science and technology, promote the enterprise's competitive ability comprehensively, accelerate the realization of the financial goal, and promote the economic growth of enterprises from the traditional extensive to intensive.


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Humanities essay写作步骤详解

2018-02-27 16:04:37 | 日記
Humanities essay就是人文社科类essay,相对于其他essay而言,它的难度更大,所以对文科类的留学生很不友好。留学生在写作Humanities essay的时候,通常认为他们收集一些互联网资源,简单地概括或解释其他作家的作品就行了,这是非常错误的想法。下面就给大家详细讲解一下。

Writing a humanities essay for a college class can be a challenging task. Students often assume that they can gather a couple of Internet sources and simply summarize or paraphrase the work of other writers. This is not the case. Professors in the humanities look for essays that show multiple sources, originality and analysis and provide a clear thesis and conclusion.

Choose your topic. Unless your professor has assigned a topic or has given you a list to choose from, go to the index of your textbook and search for topics of interest to you. Read all the material in your textbook regarding that topic to ensure that you will be interested enough in the topic to see the essay through to the end.

Gather source material. Start your research by conducting an Internet search. Use only quality Internet sources; avoid using web sites with .com or .net suffixes, which generally have no credibility in the academic community. Avoid the popular Wiki sites because of credibility issues. Instead, use these sources as guides to finding other source material. Check out the bibliographies of these sites to find scholarly works in the field.

Read your source material. You need not read every word of each of your sources, but you should have a general idea of what material is contained in each source. Look for the main idea or thesis of the author, supporting material and conclusions. Write a summary of each source in your notebook for quick perusal later.

Determine your thesis. Your research should yield a pattern that indicates a possible thesis statement. For example, if you are writing a essay on the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, look for the primary conclusions that your sources have drawn about Nietzsche. If nine of every 10 authors you read conclude that Nietzsche was a "prophet of modernity," then this is a possible source for a thesis statement. Your essay could explain why Nietzsche was prophetic in his assessment of the modern condition.

Write your essay. Begin with an introductory paragraph that summarizes the rest of your work. Avoid using personal pronouns such as "I" or "we," in order to make your work seem more scholarly in its tone. The introduction should contain your thesis stated clearly and precisely. The remainder of your essay should provide supporting material to prove the thesis.

Proofread your essay. This step is essential before turning in your work. Run your essay through online plagiarism detection software. Make sure that your conclusion logically follows from your thesis and that your supporting material does just that. Read your essay carefully to check for spelling and grammatical errors.

Revise your essay. The best essays are those that have been written and rewritten. Do not assume that it will be perfect on the first draft. Taking the time to proofread and revise your essay at least once can make all the difference between obtaining an average grade and an above-average grade.

以上就是关于Humanities essay的讲解,那些写作能力较为薄弱的留学生,按照上面这些写作步骤去写就行了。


paper代写-A Look through the Boston Tea Party

2018-02-27 16:04:20 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- A Look through the Boston Tea Party,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了波士顿倾茶事件。波士顿倾茶事件,实际上是一场政治示威事件。在这次示威中,示威者潜入商船,把商船上的全部茶叶都倒入海里,以此反抗英国国会颁布的《茶税法》。从历史上看,波士顿倾茶事件也在一定程度上激发了殖民地人民独立的决心。

No-one can escape the truth that the American citizen revolution is an inevitability of the American society as well as a current of the American history of freedom, during which period of time emerged not only the original spirit of equality, but also the awareness of the citizen rights. Starting with the famous Boston Tea Party event, It was formed up by several complexed social elements including the political and economical interest, the culture difference and social components. In order to illustrate that, the context of the newspaper as well as the words in the Citizens of the Philadelphia may be looked through in this essay.

Economically speaking, the Great Britain and its colonies in the American were then no more a complete interest group. The Boston Tea Party served as the consequence of this irreconcilable contradiction. The East India Company has long been an executive way for British man to benefit, however, when it came to a different colony land with the same group of people, the condition went uncontrolled. In order to find a solution to the overstocked tea of the East India Company, the British government reduced the tea tax which used to be on a high level, contributing to monopoly of tea market. Served a one of the most needed merchandises in the worldwide range, tea was no more applied to the local American businessman. Once the condition was settled, it couldn’t be turned back. At least was the local people who lost their profits filled with anger and they proved their outrageous by dumping the tea into the sea. As it was written on the CITIZENS of PHILADELPHIA that “…the duty imposed by Parliament upon Tea landed in America is a Tax on the Americans, or levying Contributions on them without their Consent.” (CITIZENS of PHILADELPHIA, 1773)The later celebrity Hewes's words depicted how the event happened. As to describe a conductor of the event, the author Hawkes used the word of “depriving”,(James, H, 1834) which revealed how big lost the American businessman have suffered during this period. Some other words in his article is also capable to show this as “Americans were outraged, believing it to be a plot to make them accept the principle of taxation.”(James, H, 1834) What’s more, to see from different aspect, the media gave distinct responses to the event. A protecter of the British government appeared on the New York-Gazetteer still put those interests of the two place together as he said “…can they have any title to public spirit who, while they are acknowledged subjects of Great Britain, would teach you to distinguish between your own interests and hers…”.(Poplicola, 1773) The opposite side didn’t take the words. On the contrary, they boycotted the use of the tea, calling for the early nationalism—“at least for the present, for if any person should give to the sellers more than the usual price for tea, he ought to be held up as a mortal enemy to American freedom. And brave Americans.”(An Old Prophet, 1773)

As a result of the break of the interest, the Americans felt they were not any longer bonded with the Great Britain. Which historically speaking, the Boston Tea Party triggered the people in the colonies of their determination to be independent. They came to realize that the government was actually not protecting them, but the people in England, they were only the additional part. Standing in this position, fight for their own freedom seemed to be the most important thing, while the British side was quite reluctant to see such things happened. In order to find a quick resolution, they signed up the Coercive Acts, trying to calm people down. However, things went completely against their will for a second time. The local Americans struggled a lot as they didn’t have a place at the parliament. Therefore they became the dominated one, they argued that “…whoever shall directly or indirectly countenance this Attempt, or in any wise aid or abet in unloading, receiving, or vending [selling] the Tea sent, or to be sent out by the East India Company, while it remains subject to the Payment of a Duty here, is an Enemy to his Country.”(CITIZENS of PHILADELPHIA, 1773) The media also appealed to his countryman not to lose heart, and that “…such base traitors to this country, without exception, should immediately and resolutely be dragged from concealment” (Poplicola, 1773)

Even though the American region was among the colonies of the Great Britain, the people there tend to be more active in thinking and placed more emphasis on freedom. This is also a great distinction between the traditional government of the Great Britain and the temporarily new built America. As the voices that stood for America stood stronger, poems about freedom appeared on the newspaper

“O ye brave men, in whom we still may find,

A love of virtue, FREEDOM, and mankind,

Go forth, in Majesty of WOE array’d…”(An Old Prophet, 1773)

Freedom has always been the central point of independence. By set apart from the old European country, America not only was able to achieve trade independence, by which mean he no more need to take the deficit from the Great Britain, but he was also able to get rid of the governance of the exploiters. Author of this paragraph was the same one who called on to boycott the tea imported by the East India Company, which showed his profit was on the independence side. In another case, they also crave for elements like peace and property. In New York-Gazetteer, 2 Dec. 1773 appeared the sentence “for in this case, all such may absolutely and justly be deemed as public robbers of our LIBERTY, PROPERTY, and PEACE.”(An Old Prophet, 1773) This features of the American culture may also caused by the components of American society. There were groups of freeman who would like to announce his ownership of his own property as well as groups of minorities including Indian people and black people. When the Boston Tea Party took place, they were dressed up in black and in Indian.(James, H, 1834) This could only be a cover of the American, as there was no such an atmosphere in the European land.

As a conclusion, the Boston Tea Party happened involving several different groups of interest holders, gathering several conflicts from the aspects of society, culture, and economy. With all those issues eavesdropping, there trust out the Boston Tea Party event.


James Hawkes,A Retrospect of the Boston Tea Party, New York: S,S, Bliss, 1834, p.36-41.

An Old Prophet, New York-Gazetteer, 2 Dec. 1773

Poplicola, New York-Gazetteer, 12 Nov. 1773

CITIZENS of PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, 18 October 1773



Paper代写:A Discussion Of Comedy And Race

2018-02-27 16:03:48 | 日記
本篇paper代写- A Discussion Of Comedy And Race讨论了喜剧和种族。从某种意义上说,以幽默的方式集中反映社会现实的喜剧也是社会意识的积极推动力,它对美国主流文化和文化霸权的有效机制有一定的影响。因此,它将促进美国社会的历史性变革。这一带有身份和生存主题的喜剧也揭示了有色人种的冲突和主流意识形态的刻板印象,使人们发笑,并对种族歧视产生影响。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Race issues are historical issues in the United States. In The Colored Museum by G.C. Wolfe in 1988, there are 11 separated scenes without intermission which reflect the stereotypes of African Americans in the U.S. Thus, in this article, it attempts to sort out the critical discriminatory factors by carefully referring to the racial issues in American society reflected in The Colored Museum by G.C. Wolfe.

The Colored Museum by G.C. Wolfe shows that the identity and survival problem of the black people is particularly prominent, which makes it funny among the black. In the design of stage of the comedy, it was set against the museum of the colored people. But ironically, the color of museum in which “the myths and madness of black/Negro/colored Americans are stored” was white, lacking the color to symbolize the colored people. Also, in “the Photo Session”, a black couple denied their past and history of being black and choose to live in a superficial world with fake smiles. In “Soldier with a Secret”, an African American soldier will kill his peer to avoid the sad future for the blacks. “The Hairpiece” “Symbiosis”, and “Lala's Opening” all show the identity crisis, and conflicts between the present and the past of the black people with different stories. And the sharing of those assumption is what enables others to find something funny (Ronald de Sousa, 240). It is true of The Colored Museum. In the comedy, although there are separated scenes with different and ridiculous figures and plots, those scenes and stories have a common core---the identity and survival problem of the black people.

The Colored Museum by G.C. Wolfe also expressed a conflict within the black people. Instead of getting rid of stereotypes imposed by the whites and sticking to their own standards, they are in fact living in a way prescribed by the white people, which constitutes other funny parts of the comedy. The real world is not a simple world with just bad people and heroes(Chekhov, 11). This conflict is the excellent design of The Colored Museum. Despite that one of the deep reason is that they still lived in the world that racial discrimination is still existing in all areas of American society, especially in the cultural sphere, this shows that the black people themselves create further the soil for the formation and development of racial discrimination in American society, which is shown in a ironical and satirical way in the comedy. These ideologies and the attitude of African Americans in dealing with other colored races are increasing the complexity and attraction of the play.

Through the analysis of these factors and forms of the cultural hegemony in the comedy, it is to better help the minority to challenge the cultural foundation of the hegemony in the United States. The whole play is intended to attack against racial discrimination and the implicit of the American apartheid system in a ridiculous, and "humorous” manner. Moreover, comedy with a strong focus on reflecting social reality in a funny manner is also a positive impetus to social consciousness. The white people may laugh at the ridiculous side shown in this comedy. But it will cause a great unease and embarrassing among them. It is because that the white people who laugh are supposed to have no rights to laugh at all(Ronald de Sousa, 243). From this aspect, it can have a certain impact on the effective mechanism of American mainstream culture and cultural hegemony. With this, it is to promote the historic changes in American society.

This comedy with identity and survival theme reveals the conflicts of the colored people and stereotypes in the mainstream ideology, which makes people laugh and exerts the impact on racial discrimination.


1 what are common themes of this comedy?

2. Why this comedy on the one hand satires the powerful white influence on the colored people and on the other hand criticizes the submissiveness and oppressed position of the black who fail to recognize their own identity?

3. How The Colored Museum can be compared to Chekhov’s play?


Chekhov, Anton. (2005). "Chekhov: The Four Major Plays: Seagull, Uncle Vanya, Three Sisters, Cherry Orchard," translated by Curt Columbus.

Ronald de Sousa. “ when is it wrong to laugh?”.

Wolfe, G.C. The Colored Museum.


Essay代写:The Life in UK

2018-02-27 14:54:35 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The Life in UK,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了作者在英国留学的生活。在作者的英国留学生活当中,中英两国的文化差异给作者带来了很大的麻烦。两个国家几乎是两种不同的思维方式,导致了作者在生活和学习上的很多困惑。中国的教育体系是以考试为导向的,而英国的教育却是自由的,学生可以根据自己的爱好去选择学习什么。

Acquiring farther education in a foreign country is never a thing lack of excitement. However, besides all the enlightenment and delight, certain circumstances of challenges and distinctions that caused by culture differences are frequently confronted. People think in different way, which have contributed to my confusions both in living and in study. In order to illustrate that, I may speak from the aspects of attitude of study and the ways people acquire knowledge in China and UK, upon which I have the deepest impression.

No one can escape the truth that there exists a huge distance between UK and China. Both countries have fostered their own history as well as their own cultures, which means the two individual cultures could be as different as they can be. And for a student who hasn’t learn much about the Great Britain and the western society before coming here like me, I just feel like falling into the middle of the Mariana Trench of those two cultures. The Great Britain is among the most famous region that developed from animal husbandry civilization where individuals are the core of the society. China, however, is based on the agrarian society, where people tend to appear in the name of a family. So that people in UK advocate personality while people in China seek ascription. This shows a lot on how people order their name, the westerners put their family behind their first name, while easterners is just the opposite. As I came to UK, I changed the order of my name into the ordinary English way which I put my family name behind, but when I come here, people are quite considerate as they know I’m a Chinese, so they think I must have put my family in the first place, so they recognize my first name as my family name and again my name is back forward. Maybe I should just keep it as it is, what an interesting experience! But there are also similarities between those two country which surprised me a lot. In some ways the both countries are traditional than others, especially when it comes to marriage and sex. Well, at least in China sex is a forbidden topic, but in European countries, Great Britain might be the most traditional on this topic.

The bachelor degree in China usually takes four years, which is one more year than in UK, but in the purposes of going to university, it is no better than that in UK. In China, a diploma can mean a lot of thing including a good job, and this is why most of the Chinese students are dying to go to university. The education system in China is also examination-oriented, students are having extra curriculum that takes up every weekends just in order to get a good grade. They don’t have any other purposes besides a high score and all the parents in China concern greatly on kids’ scores so that they can achieve their dream university. But when they come to the university, everything is changed. They no longer work as hard as they did in the high school, it seems that only going to university is their final dream and they have already done that. This is s sad current situation of the Chinese education and young generation, the teenagers do not have their own thoughts and is only forced to study under the peer pressure as well as the pressure from parents. But in UK, situation is quite different, people are free to work for their dream and all their studies come for a reason. Students here acquire knowledge as their hobby. This first confused me a lot as I’ve never been in such academical atmosphere. All the courses are selected by students on their own, full of humanity. But there are challenges,too. Language, for me, is something needed to be proved. But I believe as I talk more in English, the problem of this level won’t be serious. Tightly connected to the language is my study. Since I chose to come to UK myself, I'm no longer worried as I am already out if the traditional Chinese education cage, thus I have great confidence and courage for my study in here. And sometimes I cannot understand people’s jokes. Maybe they are telling jokes that I don’t understand, but when they burst out with laughters, I still worry they are laughing at me. The British jokes!

