

作业代写:The decline of pioneer literature

2018-02-28 16:05:39 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The decline of pioneer literature,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了先锋文学的衰落。在新时期文学二十年的历程中,先锋小说以特征鲜明的文学思潮与语言实验性的创作倾向,在形式追求与探索的路上,比其它思潮与流派都走得更远,并产生了深远的影响。先锋小说一向以晦涩难懂著称,不同于以往的小说形式,它强调的是小说的形式试验,注重小说语言的“游戏化”和结构的不守成规以及叙述的“感觉化”。对先锋小说的选择是出于审美的尝试,同样放弃这种形式也是一样的原因。

The obvious military connotation of Vanguard is precisely the point that the vanguard has some angles and tendencies from the consciousness of the more generalized modernity--the strong combat consciousness, the glorification of non-compliance, the quest for courage, and the certainty that the time and the inner nature must prevail over tradition on a more general level. In view of these characteristics of vanguard literature, this paper analyzes the causes of pioneer literature's predicament and decline from three aspects of aesthetic perspective, the relationship between mainstream literature and marginal literature, and the overcoming of mainstream literature.

Pioneer Literature appeared in the literary world with the experiment of its language and the novel form, which caused a stir. Avant-garde literature is regarded as heresy by mainstream literature, which is related to the cultural Vogue and aesthetics at this time, as well as to readers ' acceptance of reading. China's pioneer literature appeared in the the early 1980s, at this time the literary world is a relatively active new period after May Fourth, Western literary and artistic thought theory, modernist works of great influx. Ma Yuan, Gefei, Sun Dew, Xue, Yu Hua, Su Tong and other writers lead the trend of the times, the language of the experiment, the form of novel to create a large number of experimental nature of the novel. Because the reader is familiar with the usual literary form, it produces aesthetic inertia, regards pioneer literature as a new reading experience, tries to break the aesthetic balance and pursues a new aesthetic form. Pioneer literature in the beginning of the rise in the literary world, caused a great response. Pioneer novels, which have always been famous for their obscure and difficult to understand, are different from the previous ones, it emphasizes the form experiment of the novel, pays attention to the "game" of the novel language and the conservative regulation of the structure and the "sensation" of the narration. The choice of avant-garde novels is an aesthetic attempt, as is the same reason for abandoning this form.

Avant-garde literature is regarded as heresy by mainstream literature and is on the edge. The mainstream literature and the marginal literary history have intrinsic connection, the marginal literature in the mainstream will eventually be absorbed by the mainstream, the mainstream transformation. The mainstream literature contains a variety of marginal literature, the possibility of occurrence, in a certain period, with the maturity of certain social and historical conditions, the new heretical literature will inevitably arise in the mainstream literature. In the 20 World 80 's Vanguard novel, and at this time the mainstream discourse's narration form completely contradicts, the novel narration does not take the plot as the main, in the novel also does not have the clear protagonist, but is the unrestrained imagination, the language experiment.​

Mainstream literature has a strong tolerance and introspection consciousness, in the emergence of heretical literature, the public's aesthetic tendency will be the first choice, and mainstream literature will quickly overcome their own not accepted by the public aesthetic form, with its inclusive quickly swallowed heretical literature. Change into the mainstream discourse.

Avant-garde originated from the romantic utopia and its messianic fanaticism, and it follows the development route in essence similar to its earlier and broader concept of modernity. This similarity certainly stems from the fact that both of the origins are linear irreversible time concepts, and as a result, they also face all the insurmountable dilemmas and contradictions involved in such a concept of time. No avant-garde trait, in any historical change form, is implied or even foreseen in the broader context of the concept of modernity.

Avant-garde is or should be conscious of walking in front of the times. This awareness not only adds a sense of mission to the representatives of the avant-garde, but also gives them the privilege and responsibility of being leaders. To be a pioneer is to be part of the elite, and although unlike the ruling classes or ruling groups of the past, this elite is engaged in a platform of complete anti-elitism, its ultimate utopian goal is for all people to enjoy all the benefits of life on an equal footing.

Avant-garde as an art concept has become broad enough, it no longer refers to a new genre, but refers to all the new schools, the rejection of the past and the worship of new things. Vanguard has the double significance, careful consideration, any kind of mainstream literature once was one kind of vanguard literature, the vanguard means one kind of innovation, one kind of experiment, a kind of development. Experienced from the vanguard to the mainstream of the process, can precipitate down the essence, gradually form a literary tradition.


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Case study写作要走好这三步

2018-02-28 16:04:14 | 日記
Case study,就是案例分析,也是国外众多作业形式中的一种。和Case study接触最多的应该就是商科的留学生了,这也让他们非常头疼。Case study写作虽然有一定的难度,但万变不离其宗,大家只要掌握好Case study的写作步骤,按照要求去写就行了。

Case study写作要走好这三步


1.确定case study类型,设计或风格最适合你的目标受众。公司可以选择说明性case study来说明客户所做的事情;学校、教育工作者和学生可以选择累积的或关键的case study,法律团队可以展示探索性的case study作为提供事实证据的方法。


2.确定case study的主题。一旦你选择了你的角度,你需要确定你的研究将会是什么以及它将在哪里发生。你在课堂上讲了些什么?你在阅读过程中发现自己提出问题了吗?


3.搜索已发表在相同或类似主题上的case study。和你的教授谈谈,去图书馆,上网查资料。你不想复制已经完成的研究。


回顾在风格和范围上类似的范例case study,以了解组成和格式的概念。




请求被试的数据和材料,以增加你的发现的可信度和你的case study的未来陈述。客户可以提供有关新工具或产品使用情况的统计数据,参与者可以提供照片和报价,显示可能支持该案例的发现证据。

2.收集和分析所有适用的数据,包括文档、档案记录、观察和工件。组织所有的数据在同一个地方,以确保在撰写case study时容易获得信息和材料。





1.利用收集到的研究、访谈和分析过程中的数据,开发和撰写你的case study。在你的case study中至少包括四个部分:介绍,背景资料,解释为什么案例研究被创建,发现的陈述和结论,清楚地呈现所有的数据和参考。











以上就是给同学们分享的Case study写作的几个步骤,希能对大家有所帮助。

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Paper代写:The group word

2018-02-28 16:03:54 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The group word,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了小组作业。近年来,在高等教育中,群体工作的概念越来越受到人们的欢迎,所以越来越多的大学将小组工作作为评估的主要组成部分。与传统的教学方法相比,小组作业由于其积极的性质,确实是有益的。学生们也被认为从学术上获得更多的好处。然而,许多学生发现它比传统课程更具挑战性。首先,当工作是个人的时候,很多学生关心自己。其次,在建立有效的沟通上的失败导致了时间的浪费和收效甚微。最后,在很多情况下,小组工作和个人工作之间没有什么区别,使学生不那么感兴趣并积极参与其中。

It is only in recent years that the concept of group work in tertiary education has become popular. Increasingly, group work is used by more universities and colleges as a major component of assessment. Compared to traditional methods of instruction, group work is indeed advantageous due to its active nature. Students are also believed to benefit more from group work academically. However, many students are finding it times more challenging than traditional course work. Firstly, many students are better motivated when the work is individual and concerns about their own interest only. Secondly, failure in establishing effective communication lead to hours wasted and little achieved. Lastly, there is little difference between group work and individual work in many occasions, making students less interested and actively engaged in it. Therefore, it is wrong to assume an omnipotent nature of group work and adopt it anywhere without careful considerations. The effectiveness of group work is highly dependent on two factors: the course material and the students. This essay will discuss the advantages and limitations of group work in tertiary education from three perspectives: enhancement in academic performance, dependency on the nature of the course work, as well as the importance of individual personalities and experiences for effective group work.

Group work is believed to be beneficial for students’ academic performances in general. Study has shown that group work has robust effects on the improvement of academic skills of students(Springer, Stanne& Donovan, 1999). Such a result is based on over 300 meta-analyses on the academic achievements of students. In addition, there is little cross-discipline differences observed for different majors of students. Despite the research that involved students from science, mathematics, engineering and technology backgrounds, little attention is paid on the types of tasks or the relationship among group members. Group work is an extension of the course studies that bring multiplied effectiveness in learning(Hillyard, Gillespie, & Littig, 2010). Since instructors only have limited hours per week teaching students, it is impossible to put personal considerations and care into teaching. However, students who involve in group works are able to review the course content in their personalized ways before working together on the same problem. The clash of different ideas and methods will effectively remove many of the doubts of students and broaden the view of students on problem solving. Students also learn to set aside their differences and cooperate effectively in accomplishing a common goal, which will be useful for many more occasions in the future. Group work creates and boosts mutual understanding between students that are impossible to achieve through traditional teaching methods(Springer, Stanne& Donovan, 1999). Different from the traditional learning mode, where students passively receive what they learn in class, small group works emphasize more on the ability to think actively. Therefore, such form of learning will become valuable experiences for students by enhancing their communication skills.

However, there are also many who do not agree the effectiveness of group work. The nature of the course work, or subject is found to be more influential on group work effectiveness. Assessment should be made on whether it is necessary to include group work before doing so(Herrmann, 2013). The primary purpose of group work is to increase the level of engagement of student on the course content. However, it would all be meaningless if the course work itself is not investigation based. For example, tasks asking students to define and explain terms and concepts are better suited as individual work than group work. Only when conversation, discussion and collaborative efforts are required, is group work truly meaningful and necessary. The choice between direct answers and painful process of discussions is largely dependent on what the instructor is trying to achieve (Herrmann, 2013). Although it is the preference of some students to obtain direct answers from the instructor, they are not able to enhance their understanding based on these answers. In addition, it is also challenging to design the task that is difficult for an individual and achievable for a group. By smarter designs of tasks and increased meaning of purpose, students are more likely to involve in the group work more actively. In fact, generation of common interest from the course content maximizes satisfaction of students in group projects (French, 2013). When group member become more interested in the task, common interest is established within the group, thus their level of satisfaction increases as well with the completion of the work. Such factors should be put into consideration when instructor design group works as well as how the students are group, to make sure all students obtain a positive experience.

Effectiveness of group work is dependent on the students as well. Past experiences are the key to determine whether a student can be actively involved in group works(Hillyard, Gillespie, & Littig, 2010). Although group work is acknowledged in general as useful for learning, most students do not react enthusiastically towards it. For example, only less than 20% of student agreed that small-group experiences have been helpful to their studies (Hillyard, Gillespie, & Littig, 2010). The negative attitude based on past experiences creates obstacles for students to learn to be more open-minded and fully embrace the benefits of group work in their future studies. In addition to personal experiences, personality of not only an individual, but the integration of different personalities within the group is also important for effective group work (Driskell, Goodwin, Salas, & O'Shea, 2006). The different personality factors contributing to teamwork include emotional stability, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness. The different personalities help shape students into different role within a group: some are leaders, others supporters and doers. Negative feelings created by group work, such as nervousness, insecurity, depression and paranoia, will lead to failures in communication and ineffectiveness of group work. Overall, agreeableness is the personality that contribute the most to successful group work (Driskell, Goodwin, Salas, & O'Shea, 2006). The word agreeableness is defined to be the quality as a mixture of kindness, trust and warmth. It is easier for students who are more agreeable to establish cooperation relationships through team work. The existence of agreeable team members also help stabilize the team and resolve conflicts. Identification and cultivation of such traits in individuals are possible ways to increase group work effectiveness.

There have been many meaningful attempts in the exploration of the most effective teaching modes in universities. The adoption of group work as a major section of assessment is among the most evident changes in the education system. It is undeniable that group work is an essential part of not only life as a student, but also of the professional environment. After all, group work enhances students’ ability to convert the passively absorbed knowledge into active voices of their own. Despite the positive nature of group work, it is also noted that the effectiveness and popularity of it remain at a low percentage among students. This is because the effectiveness of group work is dependent on multiple factors in addition to the nature of itself. As discussed above, the nature of the course work, personal experiences and personalities of students are also crucial for effective group work. Student can only fully benefit from group work when all these conditions are satisfied, through smarter design of group work tasks and enhanced understanding of students.


Driskell, J. E., Goodwin, G. F., Salas, E., & O'Shea, P. G. (2006). What makes a good team player? personality and team effectiveness. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 10(4), 249-271. doi:10.1037/1089-2699.10.4.249

French, K. A., &Kottke, J. L. (2013). Teamwork satisfaction: Exploring the multilevel interaction of teamwork interest and group extraversion. Active Learning in Higher Education, 14(3), 189-200. doi:10.1177/1469787413498034

Herrmann, K. J. (2013). The impact of cooperative learning on student engagement: Results from an intervention. Active Learning in Higher Education, 14(3), 175-187. doi:10.1177/1469787413498035

Hillyard, C., Gillespie, D., &Littig, P. (2010). University students’ attitudes about learning in small groups after frequent participation. Active Learning in Higher Education, 11(1), 9-20. doi:10.1177/1469787409355867

Springer, L., Stanne, M. E., & Donovan, S. S. (1999). Effects of small-group learning on undergraduates in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology: A meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research, 69(1), 21-51. doi:10.2307/1170643



Paper代写:A Discussion of Criminality and Raceof African Americans

2018-02-28 16:03:37 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- A Discussion of Criminality and Raceof African Americans,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了非裔美国人的犯罪和种族问题。如今,有人认为美国的刑事司法体系不仅充满了不公,而且还充满了种族歧视。在美国,被监禁的黑人数量远远高于白人。因此,美国的非洲裔囚犯人数显著增加的事实表明,司法制度和政策有利于白人。尽管非洲裔美国人只占该国总人口的一小部分,但该国的许多罪犯都是黑人。“罪犯”已经成为种族歧视的借口,成为奴隶制的新理由,通过捕捉有色人种剥夺他们的权利,限制他们的自由。

The high crime rate and high imprisonment rate of the colored people in the U.S. are very important and serious issues.

In Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow and Ava DuVernay’s 13th, both of them discuss a central topic with: criminal justice system is not just at all but full of discrimination. More than 10 percent of the Americans violated the drug laws(Dimensions of Culture 2Justice, 2017, 81). The number of blacks imprisoned by drug traffickers in the United States is much higher than that of whites. Thus, the fact of a significant increase in the number of African American prisoners in the United States shown justice system and strict incarnation policy is in favor of the white people. Although African Americans account for a small percent of the country's total population, however, a large number of the country's criminals are blacks. Just as Michelle Alexander wrote, the number of colored people who are convicted crimes related to drug are disproportional(Dimensions of Culture 2JUSTICE, 2017, p. 80).This result is considered to be closely related to unfair treatment of minority or disadvantaged groups, especially blacks in the criminal justice system in terms of the enforcement, prosecution, conviction and sentencing of criminals. There are obvious racial discrimination in the drug offenses. In the case of law enforcement, the police are also more likely to like to ban drugs in black communities and black streets in the center of the city, but are reluctant or unable to ban suburban white drug traffickers. According to Amendment 13 of United States Constitution: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction(Dimensions of Culture 2JUSTICE, 2017.p.73). It means that everyone is equal, except for criminals. This could be a good example of historical master narratives about criminality and race. But in fact "criminals" have become an excuse for racial discrimination, and an new reason of slavery, by capturing colored people to deprive them of their rights, to limit their freedom.

Also, their narrative has shown drawbacks of historical master narratives of criminality and race in the U.S. The article and film's argument is that this mass incarceration is caused by racial discrimination in the United States since the founding of the country. Both of them are about mass incarceration, in which the first half tells the story of imprisoned African Americans, the latter half exposes the prison industry, and at last settled on the 13th amendment, which is the main structure of them. But unfortunately, the author’s reasoning process is not rigorous. The lack of discussion of other factors in the argument, including the polarization between the rich and the poor, the proliferation of drugs, and the lack of cross-certification of international law.

Works cited

Alexander, Michelle. “Chapter 3The New Jim Crow, Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” . The new press, (2012)

DuVernay, Ava . (2016).13th. Netflix

Dimensions of Culture 2JUSTIC.(2017).The 13th Amendment: Section 1. Cognella, Inc



Essay代写:Advantages and disadvantages of Oregon state university

2018-02-28 15:51:57 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Advantages and disadvantages of Oregon state university,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了俄勒冈州立大学的优缺点。俄勒冈州立大学坐落在科瓦里斯,是一个非常适合学习的地方。俄勒冈州立大学的优点在于它针对专业创立了很多社团,学生可以从中获取更多的知识和经验,还有组织很多公司的招聘人员来跟学生交流,也提供实习的机会。但俄勒冈州立大学也有它的缺点,那就是专业课程的教授太少了,还有选课选择的问题,这些问题都急需解决。

Oregon State University is an ideal university for me, it is located in Corvallis, not a big prosperous city but a small and quiet town, which is a suitable place for learning. That is the reason why I like this university so much. I am a junior student in this year, my major is entrepreneurship, I just entered into the profession recently. Entrepreneurship belongs to the business department. In both my and my friends’ point of view, we think our business department whether professional courses or business common required course together have many advantages but also disadvantages need to change.

There is a lot of surprise for me designed by our business department. The school of business will exhibit many professional organizations or different sorts of clubs, such as finance club. By participating in the club I can obtain more knowledge and gain more experience. In the finance club, some people will introduce how to looking for a job in a social network, some will introduce you to set up a stock account and make your own money by operating it, I think the experience and knowledge learned from the club are very good. Another thing made me satisfied is that our school will hold a lot of lectures on financial or organize activities for students looking for a job internship in a company. Sometimes there will be school activities about interview guidance, many company recruiters may come to our school, so that I can chat with recruiters face to face and introduce myself to them to get the offer from the company for internship. These activities for students are also very good, because they can have the opportunity to go to the company for internship by doing this.

These advantages make students like the university very much, but there are also places which have not reached the goal as we expected. First of all, about professional class, finance profession only have one or two professors, it makes us have no choice to change the tutor in this subject. Secondary, there is little time open for some courses. As for finance profession, the course is quite important but the class time is inversely not proportional to the number of students selecting courses. Each time, there are a lot of students can't get the class. And the classroom is too small, why not to arrange a bigger one? Thirdly, there are too few class of the semester, this course some important class can only be chosen by spring term, if it is missed this term, students can only wait for next year, the delay of graduation is a wast of time. These disadvantages are shared by many students. I think we should take measures to solve these shortcomings.

I think to solve these problems is not a big deal. First of all, university should hire more professors, professor of quantity and quality determines the students' learning quality. The second, school should gather small sections and turned it into big sections, so that we will not in trouble to choose class. School can put a few small section merged into one large section. At the same time to separate recitation of the lesson, I think this is a good way to solve the problem. Now, I think the students choose main complain is less than they want on the class, the class is an important course of school must have rules to learn, but there are some students have complained that the course start time is too little, they choose period of less than you want, or is their time and that of the other classes. If the professor put those small section merged into one large section, the professors will save a lot of time, they could one day open section 2 ~ 3 day, so also can't solve the students choose course professor and fewer problems.

Overall advantages outweigh the disadvantages, although these shortcomings is not a big thing, but really a lot of students have the same idea and complain, I think the school have to take some measures to solve these problems, so as to raise the quality of our teaching quality and improve our school ranking.

