

作业代写:The origins of the cold war

2018-03-14 14:49:09 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The origins of the cold war,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了冷战的起源。冷战是世界历史上的重大事件之一,是多种因素综合造成的结果,是客观环境和主观认识的统一,在当时是不可避免的。冷战的起源不能单一的归结为某一方的单一因素所造成的结果。更不能主观的解释这一问题。在讨论冷战的起源问题时,大多数学者,认为冷战起源于美国对苏联政策的误解。其实冷战不是由一个或两个国家造成的,而是多个国家合力而为的结果,其中尤其强调了英国在冷战中的作用。

The cold war is a very important problem in the history of the postwar world. The cold war was the result of a combination of various factors, which was the unification of objective environment and subjective knowledge, which was inevitable at that time. The origins of the cold war cannot be attributed solely to the results of a single factor. It is more difficult to interpret the problem subjectively.

When discussing the origin of the cold war, most scholars believe that the cold war originated from the misunderstanding of Soviet policy. The cold war was not only formed by one or two countries. It is a result of the combined efforts of several countries, with particular emphasis on Britain's role in the cold war.

Objectively speaking, the cold war is the logical result of the realignment of the world power pattern caused by the second world war.​​

The second world war destroyed the old balance of power, make the collapse of the power of Germany and Japan, Britain and France will come as second-rate country, the pride of the world for centuries, Europe has been exhausted, it lost according to their wishes and interests to arrange the ability of the world, this creates a tremendous power vacuum. After the war, the United States and the Soviet union became the most powerful force in the world, becoming the main rival. One of them. The United States has a big advantage in strength, and the U.S. stands out economically. Militarily, the United States has also become the leading power, with the best equipped army and the world's most powerful sea and air force, and a monopoly on nuclear weapons. As another superpower, the Soviet union was devastated in the war, but the economic base did not collapse. And militarily, after the war, the Soviet union had the largest, most effective and technically sophisticated army. The wartime alliance between the United States and the Soviet union was unsustainable, and it was impossible to fight a new world war. They tried to engage in a comprehensive confrontation in a non-war way, maintaining a cold peace in the confrontation. Thus, after the war, the United States and the Soviet union developed a comprehensive cold war around the world hegemony and formed a world pattern of confrontation.

The cold war was created in the process of building a new global system and world order after the war, and the conflict between the two systems was the source of the cold war. The history of the modern world is a continuous process of globalization, which makes the major countries think more from the global perspective. As we see, after the smashing of fascism, the United States and the Soviet union, as the most able to determine the postwar world arrangements, had a conflict of ideas about the postwar world.

America's conception of the postwar world began early in the war. At the beginning of 1940, according to the instruction from the Roosevelt, the U.S. state department has established the "advisory committee on foreign relations problem", its main task is to "starting from the best interests of the United States," the postwar American "in order to establish an ideal world order and need the basic principles of". The Soviet union had its own view of the world system, which was the view of Stalin's world system in the late and early postwar period. Stalin believed that the second world war changed the power of capitalism and socialism, and the overall crisis of the world capitalist system deepened. The Soviet union should break through the situation of construction of socialism, to expand the scope of the socialism and the Soviet union, the influence of building a "heterogeneous" with the capitalist world system, against the socialist system in the world. The socialist market system which is parallel to the capitalist world market and the socialist camp against the capitalist camp. Therefore, the cold war is a confrontation between the two systems. It is the struggle for the leadership of the world in the context of globalization, and the core of which is what kind of world to build.

As an important field of politics, law and philosophy, ideology is closely related to foreign politics. After the war, ideology played an important role in international relations. It is the strength of the state that plays a decisive role in international relations, but ideology has a potential impact on national relations. The ideological differences between the western countries and the Soviet union, led by the United States in the later period of the war, have gradually come to light. The Soviet union and the United States, one of the largest socialist countries and the largest capitalist countries, are fundamentally opposed to each other. To this end, the Soviet union consolidated and expanded the socialist camp after the war, which posed a threat to the capitalist system of the western countries led by the United States in ideology.

During world war ii, the United States and the Soviet union formed an anti-fascist alliance and maintained friendly cooperation. However, as the second world war drew to a close, the ideological conflicts between the United States and the Soviet union became increasingly apparent. After the war, the United States has a clear ideological goals, to accomplish their ideology, both Roosevelt and harry Truman, the final stages of the war and the postwar foreign policy are more or less with the anti-communist ideological factors. In the face of the Soviet union, the ideological motivation of American foreign policy to promote American social system and values is becoming more and more clear. In Western Europe, the United States is trying to stabilize local politics with economic aid, and to support western European regimes that are crowding out communists. Thus, ideological differences became the main factor of the cold war's origins and aggravated the color of the cold war.

The basic contents of national interest include: the survival and security of the country: economic development and prosperity: and the expansion of national prestige and power. The connotation and extension of national interest depends on the strength of a country and its status in the world, so it is not fixed and different. The most basic elements of the post-war Soviet union's interests were the preservation of Soviet security, the establishment of the Soviet sphere of influence and the predominance of the Soviet union in post-war Europe and world politics. It is an effective means to realize national interest. To this end, the Soviet union began to formulate and implement corresponding plans and measures during the war and after the war.

The spheres of influence and interests of the United States, Britain and the Soviet union established the dominant position of the Soviet union and the United States in post-war Europe and the world, and laid the foundation for the formation of the postwar American and Soviet bipolar structure. Within the Yalta system, the Soviet union was the biggest winner, largely meeting its goal of pursuing post-war national interests. Yalta system can meet the security, to set up the sphere of the Soviet union in the territory, and have a say in the international affairs of broad requirements, make the Soviet union by a pre-war surrounded the European powers into a postwar advantage in all aspects of world powers. After the war, the political and military security is an important part of America's national interests, it includes to avoid endangering the survival of a new world war, ensure that the western world is not affected by the political and military threat from the east, etc., that's one side of the defensive and to maintain the status quo. In addition, there is an aggressive and expansive side of the American national interest, which is to expand its influence and influence around the world and dominate the international political arena. This is because America's position as the world's leading power in the postwar era has led American leaders to create a sense of "omnipotence" and "leadership of the world". To achieve these national interests, American leaders have abandoned traditional isolationist policies and become widely involved in world affairs.

In the second world war, Britain was a victorious country, but it was badly wounded by German air strikes, and the war ended as a second-rate power, the largest debtor nation. Not yet at the end of world war ii, the United States and the Soviet union between based on national interests, the plan put forward their claims on the question of the post-war world, contradiction, the British foreign office have the Soviet union as a potential threat. Britain started the cold war with a vested interest. The extreme hate communist ideology, after the outbreak of the soviet-german war has formed an alliance with the Soviet union, but traditional psychological fear of communism and the anti-soviet sentiment is still in the heart of the British rulers, even if the alliance is also a break-up. As a result, Britain wants to divide Germany, which is occupied by allied countries, and to break up its wartime cooperation. The British, though actively advocating the containment of the Soviet union, have declined in their own way. Based on a common strategy and ideology, the UK is increasingly feeling the need to strengthen the partnership between Britain and the us. Otherwise, another devastating war will happen. That is why the UK's policy is challenging and contributes to the origins of the cold war.

Above all, patchy and joint action by multiple factors, contributed to a logical result of the cold war, the factors are not isolated, but rather, the mutual influence and infiltration is capitalism and society pay attention to the two different kinds of political culture in the early post-war the inevitable outcome of the special conditions, at the time is not inevitable. The cold war has had a huge negative impact, so some western scholars believe that the cold war was a recent experience of mass suicide. In addition, it should be pointed out that the cold war is a product of contradictions and intensification, and the comprehensive confrontation between the two groups brings great loss and disaster to mankind. But at the same time, the cold war was also the product of compromise. The two groups of the United States and the Soviet union avoided direct military confrontation in the face of conflicts and heated exchanges, and found other ways to resolve conflicts. This is hard to imagine in the past, which gives us greater confidence in the future peace of mankind.


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Paper代写:A Discussion of New Women in the United States

2018-03-14 14:48:22 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- A Discussion of New Women in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的女权运动。美国的第一次女权运动对美国社会产生了深远的影响,也影响了世界各地的女权运动。随着女权运动的全面展开,女性的自尊和自信得到了加强。女权运动的主要焦点在于妇女的投票权。在政治上,女性在投票中获得了胜利,这样她们就可以正当地参与自己的政治进程。当妇女开始享有与男子平等的权利时,她们就可以享有政治上的平等。同时,它也将抹掉西方社会对女性的统治观念。

The first feminist movement in the United States has had a profound impact on the American society, and the feminist movement all round the world. In this article, it is to have a discussion of meaning of new women in the United States and contributing factors to it.

The meaning of new women entails new rights and position of women in the society. For a long time, women were bound by traditional ideas such as women's sphere and they could not participate in social life. In 1913, the word “feminism” appeared in the US(24). With the feminist movement in full swing, women's self-esteem and self-confidence were enhanced. The main focus of the feminist movement was women's suffrage(“what is feminist movement”).Politically, the right of women to vote is won so that they can justifiably participate in their own political process. When women begin to have equal rights to men, they finally enjoy political equality. Also, it is to wipe away the idea of domination that exits in different aspects of Western society(Feminist Movement). Economically, women's career scope has been greatly expanded, and women can take on work of both physical and mental nature. In terms of education, the number of girls in tertiary institutions increased. More than 40 percent undergraduate in the US are women(28). At the same time, the society has changed the attitude of the women and marriage, so that women can no longer bear the pain of marriage. A large number of women with educational degree did not marry or marry later(28). In short, after the first feminist movement, American women have basically emerged from the characteristics of traditional women, and began to appear in the American history arena with new women's image.

The development of new women made the community and the public change the traditional view of gender difference between men and women. In 1913, a big change of women in terms of sex relations appeared(28) . Before, the majority of American families were provided by male in terms of financial sources and female were dealing with housework. Only in the families which are forced by the stress of life, women will go out to work. The then antis, religion, and evolutionary theory generally believe that women's “emotion and intuitive knowledge ”is only proper in families, not enough to maintain the demand for politic activities(32).Given these ideas, the whole American at that time thought that women were supposed to adhere to the family and to be good wife and mother, but the performance of women in this movement, make people realize that women are no different from men in terms of intelligence and ability to work. The feminist movement changed the life of the family of the Americans in the past. However, under the inspiration from feminist movement, more and more American women enter the social field, and were engaged in public activities. Thus, the number of women who stay at home is relatively reduced, so that the pattern that women in the past was completely limited in the family was broken.

A variety of factors contributed to the emerging of new women. At the beginning of the twentieth century, a variety of household electrical appliances from the iron, telephone, electric oven, electric stove to the washing machine appeared, so that domestic work was more and more reduced. The responsibility for education and child raising of the mother was now decreasedwith the building of more and more schools and kindergartens. The advancement of medicine has led to the eradication of many diseases and the reduction of the mother's troubles, which have made the majority of middle-class women have a really free time. There is a considerable number of women who have received good education, but are unable to devote themselves to social activities, and nowadays, modern technology has liberated them. In addition, the growing expansion of women's rights organizations appeared to meet the demands of the broad masses of women to improve their political and social status and to mobilize them to participate actively in the movement for rights of women. The first feminist movement in American history took place from the mid-nineteenth century to the 1920s, under the leadership of several generations of leaders, as well as numerous feminists and progressive men. For example, the Women’s Political Union and Women’s Suffrage Party were found by Blatch in the early twenties(19). It gradually changed the phenomenon in the past that a woman was attached to a man, women than in the past to obtain a great liberation. After the World War I, there are more and more women participated in labor and work. Also, rising divorce rate and single parenthood force more women enter into the workforce(28). There are indications that American women had played an important role in the economic front.

To sum up, feminist movement has greatly changed the situation that women can not participate in political activities, education, and work in the past. And with the advent of world war, more women’s organization, and household electrical appliances, the rising of new women has some implications for the cause of women liberation in the world, which has a positive effect on the same freedoms and equal rights of women and men.



Paper代写:A Discussion of New Women in the United States

2018-03-14 14:47:57 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- A Discussion of New Women in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的女权运动。美国的第一次女权运动对美国社会产生了深远的影响,也影响了世界各地的女权运动。随着女权运动的全面展开,女性的自尊和自信得到了加强。女权运动的主要焦点在于妇女的投票权。在政治上,女性在投票中获得了胜利,这样她们就可以正当地参与自己的政治进程。当妇女开始享有与男子平等的权利时,她们就可以享有政治上的平等。同时,它也将抹掉西方社会对女性的统治观念。

The first feminist movement in the United States has had a profound impact on the American society, and the feminist movement all round the world. In this article, it is to have a discussion of meaning of new women in the United States and contributing factors to it.

The meaning of new women entails new rights and position of women in the society. For a long time, women were bound by traditional ideas such as women's sphere and they could not participate in social life. In 1913, the word “feminism” appeared in the US(24). With the feminist movement in full swing, women's self-esteem and self-confidence were enhanced. The main focus of the feminist movement was women's suffrage(“what is feminist movement”).Politically, the right of women to vote is won so that they can justifiably participate in their own political process. When women begin to have equal rights to men, they finally enjoy political equality. Also, it is to wipe away the idea of domination that exits in different aspects of Western society(Feminist Movement). Economically, women's career scope has been greatly expanded, and women can take on work of both physical and mental nature. In terms of education, the number of girls in tertiary institutions increased. More than 40 percent undergraduate in the US are women(28). At the same time, the society has changed the attitude of the women and marriage, so that women can no longer bear the pain of marriage. A large number of women with educational degree did not marry or marry later(28). In short, after the first feminist movement, American women have basically emerged from the characteristics of traditional women, and began to appear in the American history arena with new women's image.

The development of new women made the community and the public change the traditional view of gender difference between men and women. In 1913, a big change of women in terms of sex relations appeared(28) . Before, the majority of American families were provided by male in terms of financial sources and female were dealing with housework. Only in the families which are forced by the stress of life, women will go out to work. The then antis, religion, and evolutionary theory generally believe that women's “emotion and intuitive knowledge ”is only proper in families, not enough to maintain the demand for politic activities(32).Given these ideas, the whole American at that time thought that women were supposed to adhere to the family and to be good wife and mother, but the performance of women in this movement, make people realize that women are no different from men in terms of intelligence and ability to work. The feminist movement changed the life of the family of the Americans in the past. However, under the inspiration from feminist movement, more and more American women enter the social field, and were engaged in public activities. Thus, the number of women who stay at home is relatively reduced, so that the pattern that women in the past was completely limited in the family was broken.

A variety of factors contributed to the emerging of new women. At the beginning of the twentieth century, a variety of household electrical appliances from the iron, telephone, electric oven, electric stove to the washing machine appeared, so that domestic work was more and more reduced. The responsibility for education and child raising of the mother was now decreasedwith the building of more and more schools and kindergartens. The advancement of medicine has led to the eradication of many diseases and the reduction of the mother's troubles, which have made the majority of middle-class women have a really free time. There is a considerable number of women who have received good education, but are unable to devote themselves to social activities, and nowadays, modern technology has liberated them. In addition, the growing expansion of women's rights organizations appeared to meet the demands of the broad masses of women to improve their political and social status and to mobilize them to participate actively in the movement for rights of women. The first feminist movement in American history took place from the mid-nineteenth century to the 1920s, under the leadership of several generations of leaders, as well as numerous feminists and progressive men. For example, the Women’s Political Union and Women’s Suffrage Party were found by Blatch in the early twenties(19). It gradually changed the phenomenon in the past that a woman was attached to a man, women than in the past to obtain a great liberation. After the World War I, there are more and more women participated in labor and work. Also, rising divorce rate and single parenthood force more women enter into the workforce(28). There are indications that American women had played an important role in the economic front.

To sum up, feminist movement has greatly changed the situation that women can not participate in political activities, education, and work in the past. And with the advent of world war, more women’s organization, and household electrical appliances, the rising of new women has some implications for the cause of women liberation in the world, which has a positive effect on the same freedoms and equal rights of women and men.



Paper代写:A Discussion of the Battle of Midway

2018-03-14 14:47:38 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- A Discussion of the Battle of Midway,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了中途岛战役。中途岛战役开始于1942年6月4日,在此期间,美国海军成功击退了日本海军对中途岛的攻击。中途岛战役是第二次世界大战的一场重要战役,也是一场著名的以少胜多战役。当战争结束时,它已经被视为一个转折点。由于日军在海战中战败,使美国掌握了太平洋战区的主动权。

The battle of Midway began on June 4, 1942, during which the US Navy succeeded in repelling the Japanese Navy's attack on Midway Atolls. Midway battle is an important battle of the Second World War, but also a famous battle in which the United States Navy defeated Japanese navy with a force inferior in number. When the war ended, it was already regarded as a turning point(Crooms 1).The Japanese were defeated in the naval battle, giving the US military the initiative of the Pacific Theater of war. In this article, it is to discuss the reason for the final victory of the United States and the significance of this battle.

Japan had an absolute military advantage over the US in the battle of Midway. In addition, because Japan believed the overwhelming strength of the fleet, so it also sent a part of the troops to attack the west of the Aleutian Islands in the north to protect the north wing, and contain the US military. In order to carry out this great offensive war on Midway, the combined fleet decided to invest the maximum force that can be mobilized. The ships were more than 200, including battleship aircraft carrier, cruiser, destroyer, submarines and aircraft. The crew's technical and tactical levels of the two sides cannot be compared. A lot of Japanese crews on the aircraft carrier of "Akagi were veterans and experienced officers (Parshall, & Tully 7). They had experienced a lot of wars in the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean. At that time, Japan used the "zero" fighter in the world is second to none. It was the first carrier-based fighter which can best its land-based opponents (“Zero | Japanese aircraft”). The US Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor was suffering a huge loss, and thus the strength was extremely weak. The US was at a disadvantage both in the number and offensive capabilities. Compared with Yamamoto, the new commander of the US Pacific Fleet Nimitz was only able to gather three aircraft carriers and 76 warships together.

In the Battle of Midway, the loss of 4 large aircraft carriers has greatly weakened forces of the Japanese army. During the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Japanese had 10 aircraft carriers, of which six were large-scale ship, and 4 were light ship. Although Japan’s 20-minute bombing on Midway has destroyed some of the island's military facilities, it did not achieve the intended effect. On June 3, 1942, the participating forces of the Japanese fleet have prepared the offensive position. Yamamoto and others got the information that in this area there was no US aircraft carrier, and they were in the Solomon Islands, which was far away. The next morning, in accordance with the scheduled plan by the Nagumo command, the first round of attack on Midway began as the main task of the mobile unit. 108 Japanese aircraft left the carrier and flew to Midway. At this time a variety of United States aircraft which was formerly parking on the island was flying into the sky to meet the enemy, as a result of the intelligence information prior to the attack. As the maneuvering forces of the Nagumo were attacked by the United States aircraft, this made him no doubt the second attack on Midway. But the deck of the 9 3 aircraft carrying torpedoes and armor-piercing, they want to attack the enemy’s warships, rather than land targets. Nagumo ordered the unloading of the aircraft torpedoes and armor-piercing, and loaded with high-explosive bombs. But less than 20 miles northeast of the sea, the US fleet came. The news to Nagumo was a great surprise, as he did not expect the US fleet to come so fast. So there was no manpower or time to safely store bombs that had been unloaded on the aircraft that had prepared for the second attack on Midway, and many of them were with fuses. When the Japanese aircraft went back to the ship refueling, the US Douglas Dauntless bombers came and dive bombers from the clouds to the "Akagi", and "Kaga”. Within six hours, another two carriers in their fleet had been destroyed as well (Lambert). At that time, three mother ships completely became the target of US aircraft attack. 3 Japanese ships immediately were shot and caught a fire, combined with a bomb explosion on the aircraft carrier. The Battle of Midway Island Pacific War marked a major turning point. And with a huge loss of so many important military resources, Japan was forced to change from the strategic offensive into strategic defense, and the United States shifted from strategic defense into a strategic counterattack.

The main reason that Japan suffered a defeat in the Battle of Midway was the mistakes of Japanese’s military strategy and wrong response of Nagumo. It has been argued that the commend decision of Nagumo caused the defeat of Japan(Parshall,&Tully , XXVI). When the American fleet suddenly appeared, Nagumo’s plan was disrupted and caused his indecision. Just as Andrew Lambert---a Professor of Naval History said, “Nagumo’s indecision turned the battle” (Lambert and “King’s College London - Professor Andrew Lambert”). But such mistake must be understood within context. There were the strategic and institutional factors and the operation was lacking strategic direction of the Japanese military (Parshall,&Tully , XXVI, 19). Midway is located about 2,080 km northwest of the Hawaiian Islands, east of the International Date Line. It consists of Sand Island and East Island in the atoll, covering an area of 4.7 square kilometers. The island is located in the middle of the Pacific route, whose strategic location is very important. Thus, it is important military bases and transportation hub of the United States in the Central Pacific region, but also the gateway and outposts of US military in Hawaii to keep a close eye on the Japanese fleet. It is essential to defend Pearl Harbor. Thus, for Japan, his war of Midway has two main objectives: the first one is the occupation of Midway as an air base for a close surveillance of Hawaii's US forces; the second is to induce the rest of US Pacific Fleet and wage a decisive battle and destroy it, which are the most important aims. Because of this, Japan's implementation of the war plan is very hasty. Yamamoto was confident of the advantage in numbers and quality, and can destroy the American carrier fleet (Lambert). From the outbreak of the Pacific War to the midway battle, there was about six months of large-scale operations. However, Nagumo was withdrawn and pessimistic during the planning phase(Parshall,&Tully ,19). It was also because of the initial victory of the war that Japan just paid attention to how important Midway was but ignored the indispensable conditions to overcome the other: a detailed understanding of each other in terms of other’s preparation and conceals their own combat plans. Without knowing the situation well, the battle has begun.

By contrast, the United States has a great advantage in the warfare on intelligence, which is precisely the key in the battlefield. However, the intelligence information to help Nimitz’s final victory a lot. Nimitz’s intelligence was under the command of Colonel Rochester, who is the expert of communications and intelligence analysis of the Japanese army and is responsible for deciphering the communication code. Fortunately, in January 1942, the US military found the Japanese JN-25B codebook from the sunken Japanese submarine salvage, which makes the deciphering of Rochester get a leap of progress. To the end of April, the US military has been able to understand most of the communication secrets of the Japanese navy. Before the battle, the Americans had known about 90 per cent of the plan (Lambert). After figuring out the Japanese operational plan, Nimitz decided to concentrate all the troops in the midway northeast sea, look for opportunities to give a surprise attack on the Japanese fleet from the flank. At the same time, Nimitz greatly strengthened the defense of Midway. The submarines of the US Pacific Fleet also were sent to the surrounding waters of Midway. In addition, the United States sent in a timely manner a large number of aircraft, anti-aircraft guns and other military materials to Midway, in order to strengthen the island's defense and attack power. The information obtained brings the key tactical advantage to the United States. Having known the weaknesses of the enemy's strategy in advance, Admiral Nimitz was able to concentrate his limited naval force against the enemy's actions one by one. The information the US have collected is the main reason leading to operational failure of the Japanese army.

To sum up, despite the military advantage, Japan loses the Battle of Midway as a result of ignorance of information and strategic mistake, which makes it became a turning point of Japan’s strategic defense in the Pacific War of the Second World War.

Works cited

Crooms, Hubert R. "An Unsinkable Carrier: The Midway-Based Forces and the Battle of Midway." (2011).pp.1-2

Lambert, Andrew. “BBC - History - World Wars: The Battle of Midway”.2011

“King's College London - Professor Andrew Lambert”.

Parshall,Jonathan B. and Tully, Anthony P, Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway. Potomac Books.2007

“Zero | Japanese aircraft”.



Essay代写:A Discussion of the Main Characteristics of Qing Governance and Qing Society

2018-03-14 14:33:43 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- A Discussion of the Main Characteristics of Qing Governance and Qing Society,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了清朝治理与清朝社会。清朝是一个少数民族统治多数的政权,也是封建专制制度的鼎盛时期。因此,它采取很多治理的方法,努力巩固社会的统治和稳定。由于清朝人口数量大幅增加,所以粮食作物的产量需要提高。清朝就采取垦荒、边疆迁移、促进新作物增产的措施。同时,儒家思想和文化也被用来作为促进清政府民政管理的工具。儒家价值观的“仁政”主张,导致了一个较小的制度。因此,清政府治理国家非常简单。

The Qing dynasty marks the peak of the feudal autocracy. The Qing Dynasty ruled by nature is a regime in which a minority race rule the majority. Thus, it takes some governance approach, and efforts to consolidate the rule and stability of society. In this article, it is to have a discussion of the main characteristics of Qing governance and Qing society

The rules of the early Qing Dynasty were relatively enlightened and early Qing society was still relatively prosperous. Duirng the early and middle Qing Dynasty, economic revolution was carried out to increase the productivity of the country(32). And the population greatly increased, so that the production of grain crops need to be improved. The Qing Dynasty adopted reclamation of wasteland, migration of border areas and promotion of new crops to increase production(55). Taxes on land was main source of revenues, composed of number of man and yield(43). Due to domestic and foreign trade promotion, economic agriculture is relatively developed. There was also development of textile and porcelain industry. Taxes on the Qing Dynasty business was few and ignored as a source as revenues(44). A number of water conservancy, such as the Grand Canal also makes sure the transportation of grains(32). This is useful to defend themselves and economic development. Also, Confucian idea and culture is used as a tool to promote civil and military administration of Qing rulers. “Benevolent governance” of Confucian value was advocated, leading to a smaller institution(33). Thus, the cost and budget of Qing governance was low. In terms of politics, an “inner” and “outer” administration was set up, in responsible of different matter (33). But the inner administration enjoyed more power, which makes it a centralized regime. The civil service exam system was set up to make sure upward mobility(45). It successfully and completely rule the majority of ethnic, from the ideological, economical and institutional.

There were sable elements of Qing society: “patrilocal marriage, patrilineal kinship, male inheritance, household unit, sedentary agrarianism, land ownership, civil service exam system, and unbroken line between elites and commoners(90). But in the late Qing Dynasty, when characteristics of Qing society and foreign situation began to change, Qing governance began to have some problems as they were hard to adopt those changes. Under the influence of negative side of the idea of Confucius, the nature of obedience, compliance, harmony and passiveness is stressed(32). The concept of political rigidity, cultural autocracy, closed-door policy, and ideological imprisonment was paid attention to by Qing rulers. In the late Qing Dynasty, the situation of Qing society got more and more complex there was a great increase of number of population, mobility of people, and foreign invasions and interfere(33). In this hundred years time, the world powers have launched more than 10 wars of aggression against China. To decide the size of state for controlling it to deal with foreign rebels and rebels at home is important and difficult for Qing governance(33). The Opium War, the Second Opium War, the Sino-Japanese War, the Eight-Power Allied War of Aggression against China occurred one by one. The Chinese government gradually transformed from a feudal system to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal system. As the Qing authorities were ignorant, barbarous and brutal, they adopted the brutal violence in the domestics. As the Manchu became more brutal at home and was forced to be submissive to the foreign countries, which greatly aggravated the hardship of the Chinese people oppressed by the Manchu authorities, and certainly accelerated the struggle of the Chinese people to overthrow the Qing government. Thus, the Chinese people's awareness of the Chinese nation began to awaken. Some large-scale anti-aggression, and anti-feudal peasant movement in modern Chinese history, such as the Taiping movement broke out, which try to break the attempt of Western colonialists’ rapid colonial , and speeding the Qing Dynasty and the feudal system’s decline and collapse.

