


2018-07-21 16:53:24 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Aphrodite,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了阿弗洛狄忒的雕像。阿弗洛狄忒的雕像中几乎完美展现了希腊女神的形象,女神靠在她旁边的大理石圆柱上,她的体重大多落在左脚上,臀部略微向左倾斜,与她挺直的上身形成对比,突出了她上半身的秀美。虽然她的双臂残断,但雕像仍然显得栩栩如生。

The marble statute of Aphrodite at the Lowe Art Museum (University of Miami) was created by an unknown artist in Syria in ca. 2nd to 3rd century according to the art history. Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. She is equivalent with the Roman goddess Venus. The Aphrodite statues were very popular in Greek during the Hellenistic period for artists to show their worship of the goddess.

This marble statute of Aphrodite shows the Greek goddess in the nude. The marble statute is not life-sized as some other similar marble statutes of Aphrodite. It is about 27 1/4 inches in height. Its overall dimensions is 27 1/4 × 9 3/8 × 6 inches. The goddess is leaning on her left foot by the marble cylinder next to her. Her body weight mostly falls on her left foot. Her hips slants a little towards left, contrasting her upright upper body, especially her shoulders. Below the goddess and the cylinder is a cuboid.

We do not know for sure whether it is a piece of cloth on the cylinder next to her because of the damages. It was probably a piece of drapery considering the repeated use of drapery among other similar sculptures. What we can see is that the "cloth" is skillfully carved in details with complex patterns. The nudeness suggests maybe she just got out of shower or was preparing to have a shower, an erotic scene anyway. The goddess looks relaxing and pleasantly elegant with her legs slightly apart and upright stance. Her gesture suggests she is natural and calm, confidently displaying the feminine beauty.

The sculpture is modeled smoothly and vigorously. The texture of the smooth, soft and white skin is reflected by the use of marble. Her right foot is slightly rested, as if she is preparing for the next motion. This pose falling between still and motion presents its audiences a more live figure.

This well shape of the body fits a young woman. She is fit and not plump at all. We see that her body proportion is natural and ideal with regard to the leg-to-body ratio even in modern standards. According to art historians, ancient Greek artists had already studied human leg-to-body ratio and took body proportion into consideration while they were carving art pieces. Leonardo da Vinci believed the best human body proportion should be governed by universe.

Many major parts of the marble statute are missing, including the head and both arms. Whether a certain part of the marble cylinder is missing cannot be judged visually. Some details on the marble goddess statute, like the breasts and the cylinder were also damaged. We cannot see how her hands reached and her facial expression. These lost parts and details were now unavailable for exploration. But still, some more well-reserved similar marble Aphrodite statutes may be used for references.

This depiction of Aphrodite was believed to be initiated by the ancient Greek sculptor Praxiteles from Athens. Then many of his contemporaries created similar art pieces under Praxiteles' influence. The marble Aphrodite of Knidos was the most famous in spite of all copies. The statue of Aphrodite of Knidos is life-sized. Her wavy hair elegantly goes back of her head to a tie. The lips are parted by a slight smile. The Goddess Aphrodite was ready for the ritual bath that restored her purity. Her hand covers her lower body and draws attention to her nudity. The drapery is in her another hand.

This nude sculpture of Praxiteles' came out as a shock for all as it was commissioned for ritual purpose in the first place. It is said Praxiteles was asked to create the statute of the goddess Aphrodite. He then created two copies, one in completely nudity, the other fully draped. The nude was rejected by citizens. The draped one was accepted firstly. The other piece was bought by some citizens for display in the outdoor area of a temple. Later the nude statute became famous for the boldness of depiction. What happened later on was unexpected, the draped statute remains unknown, but the nude one is well reserved. Some suspected the draped statute had not been given enough attention at last.

Praxiteles' sculpture gives us a reference for what the Aphrodite statute we face might be like. Did she have curly hair too? Probably yes, because almost all copies of Aphrodite statutes have curly hair, which is impressionistic treatment. How was her facial expression like? We can only imagine a noble and calm image. Which way did she turn her head? What kind of beauty did we miss from the unknown artist? The artist could be a Greek sculptor or a non-Greek sculptor who was deeply influenced by Greek art.

Besides the pose of the goddess, her skin and composition of the whole body parts are very real and ideal, showing the unknown sculptor who created this piece was a great artist. Though we could not see the head and hands where more details were supposedly focused.

It is interesting, however, the absence of the head, hands and damages of the cylinder make it so that all the attention is drawn on the upright stance and the natural body composition. Her missing arms invoke the imagination that she was originally so brave that covering was not the intention at all.

We cannot avoid talking about the material of a sculpture. Marble, widely used by Greek sculptors, is an ideal material for depiction of human skin, muscle and gesture. Marble is the only material that has a certain translucency similar with human skin among a variety of others. This translucency creates a visual depth that evokes the realism of certain sculptures. Marble is solid, often resulting in a special pale and waxy look which gives "life" to marble sculptures to a large extent. Besides, it is weather-resistant, durable and relatively soft and easy to carve and polish for sculptors. The artistic image of a sculpture complements with the marble itself, remaining "immortal" as the sculptor wishes. "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free", said Michelangelo, a master-level sculptor himself. These features of marble were the reasons why it could not have been replaced by others.

Every coin has two side, even the magical marble. In spite of its numerous advantages, it has shortcomings. Marble does not bear handling well and absorbs skin oil upon human touch. When a marble statute is place outdoor, its perform poorly when exposed to acid rain. Compared to bronze, marble also lacks of ductility and strength, thus requiring special structural treatment for challenged poses. These weaknesses may explain the missing parts and damages of the marble statute of Aphrodite at the Lowe Art Museum.

There is not much information of this statute of Aphrodite at the Lowe Art Museum from art historians. Again, we may study its artistic influence and how the audiences perceive it through reference of Praxiteles' Aphrodite of Knidos.

Since the rise of Early Classical Greek sculpture, female nude existed in reliefs and figurines occasionally, but it was not accepted as full-size statues. Praxiteles' Aphrodite of Knidos was believed to be the first and most famous full-size nude which was accepted as cult image. In the variations of Praxiteles' Aphrodite of Knidos, drapery is used creatively and variously for the purpose of covering.

According to art history, besides free standing sculptural works, classical sculptures include reliefs as well. Sculptural works emphasize the free standing human forms, while reliefs were more used to create scenes. People think the sculptures were all white marbles. The facts suggest some sculptors painted colors on marbles too. But those colors could not last till today.

Various copies of marble statute of Aphrodite were created by artists at that time. Partly it was because Praxiteles initiated the first nude female statute as an accepted image. This progress released sculptors' desire or inspired artists to release their creativity. Another reason was that Praxiteles' contemporaries were all fascinated about Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. Worshiping Aphrodite had been religious practices in Greek. Praxiteles' Aphrodite of Knidos creates an instant sensation. Talking about the great influence of Aphrodite of Knidos, Plato said: When Cypris saw Cypris at Cnidus, "Alas!" said she; "where did Praxiteles see me naked?" This is indeed humorous compliment for his contribution to the revolution of art.

Overall, the marble statute of Aphrodite at the Lowe Art Museum is a stunning work of art. Whether a faithful copy of Praxiteles' Aphrodite of Knidos or not, its depiction shows great texture, bodily form, motion and still, natural and elegant pose. Though part of the beauty is lost, we still see the boldness and courage with which the artist was trying to present Aphrodite to this world.


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2018-07-21 16:53:04 | 日記









Literature Review文献综述

一份完整的文献综述的结构应该包括introduction, main body和conclusion.

1、在literature review的introduction部分不仅要简要介绍以前的文献和关键术语的定义,还要概括你的观点。


2、在主体部分要提出明确的research questions 或者hypothesis,以便让导师清晰的知道你在整篇论文中将要做些什么研究。









研究途径通常分为三种,即positivism(实证主义),interpretivism(解释主义),post positivism(后实证主义)。



而post positivism适用于objective world by subjective experience。这种情况下会同时运用到定量与定性分析。




Findings and Discussion部分

这一部分就是通过建立模型或者分析数据建立讨论部分与论文综述部分和research questions(or hypothesis)之间的紧密联系。

进行这一部分的写作时有一个小窍门,就是列出literature review中每个research questions(or hypothesis)的关键信息清单。






1. 所有这篇文章提到的研究结论,

2.对于你所写论文中提到的文献(也就是literature review中文献)的补充和发展,






2018-07-21 16:52:46 | 日記


写作法学硕士论文,首先要注重论文标题的选择,标题选得适当与否,在很大程度上影 响论文的质量。多年来我系很多硕士研讨生的论文,从标题一看就感到是学科中应当研讨、值得研讨的疑问,有价值、有新意,使人就想读读这篇论文。可是也有单个论文的标题,一 看就感到没有研讨价值,非常一般化,这就很难写出髙质量的文章。有一位研讨生在论文答 辩时没有被经过,后来我看了这篇论文,感到没有被经过并不是偶然的,由于论文标题缺少研讨内容和价值,不论作者如何写,也难以到达应有的要求和质量。

应当如何选择法学硕士论文标题?我以为主要看论文标题是不是具有必定的理论或实践意义。任何一门学科,总有很多疑问要研讨,其间既有学术理论上的疑问,也有实践中对它提出的研讨课题。假如硕士论文在必定程度上能够答复其间一个疑问,能够阐明某个疑问或一些具有新意的论点,这样的论文应该说已具有必定的质量,是一篇好的或较好的论文,根本上契合硕士论文的水平。实践,很多法学硕士论文在选择标题上表现了自个的利益和特 点,也在这方面表现了作者的学术水平。


不能害怕艰难,只想选一个自个以为比较容易,但研讨价值不大的标题,或许不从本学科的实践动身、而选择一个自以为“新”疑问的 翅目,假如有这些主意,将影响对论文标题的准确选择。



Paper代写:The influence of religion on western legal thought

2018-07-21 16:52:27 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The influence of religion on western legal thought讨论了宗教对西方法律思想的影响。宗教在法律的渊源中是不可或缺的一个部分,而法律的历史走向是由习惯法变成成文法,由带有宗教的神性变成法制理性的约束。基督教的教义宣扬上帝面前人人平等,随着宗教改革和社会的发展,人们更加注重追求生活的幸福,更加注重自我理想实现。法律面前人人平等发展到今天已经成为不可或缺的法治内容。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Religion and law are two means to adjust the social status, so as to deeply understand the relationship between religion and law and the cultural connotation they represent, and find out the common points between them. At present, there are two main schools in the world judicial system, continental law system and Anglo-American law system. The co-existence of religion in an era is also a period of great development. Western culture is influenced by religion, and this influence covers not only religious culture, but also western ideology and ideology.

Religion refers to the ideology that believes in and believes in supernatural gods, which is organized and purposeful. Its significance is people's perceptual knowledge of social life, exploration of intuitive knowledge and purposeful understanding, and the ultimate meaning of seeking personal belief. In law and religion, prof berman writes: "religion is the intuitive knowledge of the ultimate meaning and purpose of social life and the ultimate meaning of personal beliefs.

The discussion of today's legal system should trace back to the ancient Greek and Roman times, the origins of western legalism. Law and religion were closely linked during this period. In the early days of ancient Greece, laws and religion were largely unified. Religion permeates legislation and judicature, and sacrifice plays an important role in judicature. As the supreme judge, the king's duties and powers are considered to have been given to him by Zeus.

Religion refers to the social ideology of believing in and worshipping the natural gods, and laws are largely derived from primitive or traditional religious norms. Slavery society, feudal society, and now few countries have a unified system of politics and religion, and religion occupies a central position in the country's political life. Religious norms have become one of the sources of law. Although the present capitalist countries have implemented the separation system between politics and religion, religion still has great influence in politics and law due to the incomplete separation. For example, in western countries, Christian priests hold wedding ceremonies, and even in the inauguration ceremony of the President of the United States, they have to lay their hands on the bible to swear the oath, which reflects the important role of religion in influencing the law.

The existence of law in the west depends on the support of faith. Religion, morality and law are the most effective means of supervision. They have been mixed in western society for a long time, especially the close cooperation between religion and law. In the course of the development of western basic legal concepts and legal systems, the aura of religious sanctity is deeply covered. Western legal traditions are formed without religion there is no law. The western legal system owes much of its success today to Christian civilization. The main idea of law in many evolutions is rooted in the history of Christianity.

Based on the three religious classics of the old testament, the new testament and the ten commandments, the church law has been expanding. All the aspects involved have a profound influence on the later western laws. The church law has always been the legislative source of the western marriage and family law. In the aspect of criminal law, it gives full play to the legal punishment and religious moral education, and pays attention to the spiritual influence of criminals. More importantly, the contribution of church law to international law has become one of the earliest sources of international law.

The origin of law is not only the origin of law, but also includes customs, religions and taboos. It can be seen that religion is an indispensable part of the origin of law.

The Christian doctrine advocates that all people are equal before god. With the religious reform and the development of society, people pay more attention to the pursuit of happiness in life and the realization of their own ideals. The equal development of all people before the law has become an indispensable part of the rule of law. The law is most influenced by religion than democracy and human rights thought. The biggest meaning of democracy is the principle of sovereignty over the people.

Western religions believe that god is superior to all authority and is the highest source of power. Every believer must be full of sincerity and respect. In this case, everyone is religious in law, believing that law is the direct or indirect manifestation of god's will and consciously safeguarding the authority of law and the construction of a society ruled by law.


Essay代写:Spiritual beliefs

2018-07-21 16:39:25 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Spiritual beliefs,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了精神信仰。自由是人类发展的终极追求,因而经济自由与人们的精神信仰高度相关。所有的经济活动都是以人为主体的社会活动,人的精神信仰决定了人们经济活动的取向和强度,这也正是人与动物的根本区别所在。任何国家的人都会具有精神信仰和心理追求,人们越是追求高尚纯洁的精神文化生活,就会愈加崇尚经济自由和公平正义。

In essence, the process of human development is a process of continuous pursuit of its own liberation. The ultimate direction of development is that human beings pursue their own freedom and full and comprehensive development. Therefore, the liberation of human subjects depends on their economic freedom. As freedom is the ultimate pursuit of human development, economic freedom is highly related to people's spiritual beliefs. All economic activities are people-oriented social activities. People's spiritual beliefs determine the orientation and intensity of people's economic activities, or the development quality of all people's economic activities, which is the fundamental difference between people and animals. In China's current transition period, if you ask people to fill out a form, in the column of very important spiritual beliefs, most Chinese people will fill in "nothing". However, if you think about it, if people generally have no spiritual beliefs, what can they believe? So if we live in a country where the vast majority of people have no faith at all, then anything bad can happen.

What is religion? What is faith? Does religion equal faith? We cannot answer the first two questions accurately, but we do not believe that religion and faith can be equated simply. On the one hand, as a long-term and widespread social phenomenon in the international community, religion has been in the human society for a long time. The so-called "existence is reasonable" means that any existence has its deep reasons behind it and deeply affects all kinds of human economic activities. On the other hand, as a "reasonable existence" religion, if there is no such religion in contemporary China with a large population and prominent social contradictions, people's behavior choices are mostly of typical opportunistic nature, and there is a general lack of extremely noble spiritual belief power behind economic activities. Some people believe that those disadvantaged social classes with low social status and often unequal treatment are more inclined to seek spiritual balance or psychological comfort in the empty world depicted by religion, and thus conclude that religion is the ignorance and superstition of the disadvantaged groups.

We do not deny that some religious members are indeed superstitious for lack of scientific knowledge and therefore have great blindness at the level of spiritual belief rather than a positive, healthy and valuable spiritual pursuit. But we also firmly believe that blind or ignorant religious believers are by no means the mainstream of religious belief, and that most of the middle class and elite in western developed countries are also generally religious. Article 36 of the constitution of the People's Republic of China chapter ii also advocates and protects the freedom of religious belief of Chinese citizens: "citizens of the People's Republic of China have freedom of religious belief. No state organ, social organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in or not believe in religion, nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in religion or citizens who do not believe in religion. The state protects normal religious activities.

Throughout the world, there has never been a religion that teaches its followers to be "false, evil and ugly". On the contrary, there is a widespread opposition to or rejection of any "false, evil and ugly" behavior. If take off the myth of religious coat, or is out of the traditional political doctrines designated by the theory of misunderstanding, we will be in or economic theory and practice and spirit of multidimensional level, it is easy to the cognition of the essence of religion is widely and persistently devoutly belief on mental level "true", in practice, all religious activities at the same time also to the pursuit of "truth". People are eager for justice and freedom and equality in their hearts, and religion is often the embodiment of "justice and freedom and equality" in the guise of god. People's pursuit of "truth, goodness and beauty" has been transformed into the call of the supreme god, which is in fact "natural human rights". In terms of causality, it is not religion that teaches people "fairness and justice and freedom and equality", but people from the bottom of their heart yearn for "fairness and justice and freedom and equality", so they generally choose the religion that conforms to people's inner desire to believe. Therefore, the history of religion has always been parallel with the history of human society. Or what. It is not because of religion that faith comes into being. On the contrary, it comes into being because of people's faith. Faith is the mother of religion. Therefore, we have every reason to firmly believe that faith is higher than religion and depends on religion. Faith comes from the heart of man and influences the heart of man. In a word, the citizens of any country will have spiritual beliefs and psychological pursuits. The more developed the economy and science and technology, the stronger the people's spiritual beliefs and psychological pursuits will be.

The original assumption in the field of economic research was that everyone was a "rational economic man", that everyone had the best interest at the least cost. But even under this assumption, there has always been debate and disagreement about whether people should lend a helping hand to a dying beggar, and therefore economics seems to lack moral justice.

In fact, Adam Smith, the founder of classical economics, published his wealth of nations in 1776 and argued the economic man hypothesis, just before he published his theory of moral sentiments in 1759. Personal benefit maximization is not limited to money that can be monetized and measured, but also includes spiritual happiness or psychological benefits that can help others. Herbert Simon, winner of the 1978 Nobel Prize in economics, said: 'this kind of altruism actually means intelligent self-interest. South African photographer Kevin Carter, the winner of the 1994 Pulitzer prize and the creator of the famous photo vulture waiting to eat a little girl, blamed himself for not helping the girl in time and committed suicide.

Modern economists have also revised and supplemented the rational economic man hypothesis, and put forward a series of hypotheses such as rational social man. They believe that the maximization of rational man's income is the maximization of his utility satisfaction, that is, the maximization of his spiritual needs. We believe that no matter which school of correction to rational economic man, its essence comes from the fact that people generally have spiritual pursuit and ideological belief, which is different from any other animal, and this is exactly the fundamental difference between man and animal. Everyone is the subject of behavioral choice with spiritual beliefs. People's beliefs will directly influence their own and even the economic behaviors and economic decisions of the whole economy, and then influence the economic structure and institutional arrangements of the whole economy, thus determining the development quality of each family and the whole country. The development and prosperity of any country is not only economic development and prosperity, but more important than that, the development and prosperity of spiritual culture. Moreover, spiritual belief also has core development value and supporting significance. In a word, anyone is not only an economic person, but also a social person with spiritual beliefs and psychological pursuits. This is the fundamental difference between human beings and animals and the spiritual pursuit of the evolution of economic system.

Spiritual belief is the psychological pursuit of people's spiritual world. Its essence is the development concept of people's behavior choice. Spiritual belief is composed of a series of subjective evaluations, which are mainly reflected in many values such as "ought not" and "worth not". It is these development concepts or values that determine the scope, boundary and strength of people's behavioral choices. If spiritual beliefs are considered "ought" and "worthy", people will do their best to act as quickly as possible.

When people put their ideas into practice, they are confronted with an economic world in which resources are very scarce. Therefore, there must be economic behavior competition to the same degree as scarcity, and the more scarce the resources, the more intense the competition will be. If economic competition is disorderly, the strong can rely on the barbaric violence and arbitrarily bullying the weak, the wealth of the weak, and human rights will suffer the arbitrary deprivation of the strong, and the weak will use any violent fight to defend their own wealth and human rights, economic and social development will fall into a vicious game so violent traps. If you can live and develop by violence deprivation, then any wealth creation activity that relies on wisdom and diligence will not be motivated, and violence will inevitably overflow into disaster, and the total wealth of the society will not increase at all. As there must be a large amount of rent dissipation in the course of wealth plunder, and the stock of social wealth must also show a decreasing trend, the inevitable result of violent game is that both sides will be damaged, and the economic and social development will stop or reverse accordingly. Therefore, the spiritual pursuit of any sound economic and social development is not the violent plunder and mutual harm, but only the diligent creation and mutual cooperation. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a game rule suitable for economic development -- economic system.

In theory, there are two possibilities for effective implementation and orderly operation of any system:

The first is the system that forces people to implement only by the threat of violence. The construction of this system does not require the consent and authorization of the public, but only a power system imposed by a few rulers to safeguard their own privileged interests and impose on the public. The basic features of this system are centralization and autocracy.

Second, the system authorized by the consent of the national public and universally recognized and can be implemented consciously, which conforms to the basic human rights and development will of the national public, and thus becomes a democratic system in the sense of modern civilization.

A true history of human development is, in fact, the history of the people's sustained pursuit of their own liberation, that is, the history of institutional change that has become more humane through constant adjustment of their relations with each other, or the history of civilization and the pursuit of mutually beneficial cooperation and peaceful development. Any violation of public opinion system structure will not for a long time, "the water can carry a ship can also upset it", no matter how powerful armed violence, can withstand time and powerful hone to public opinion, violence is to enforce some undesirable system be implemented, but usually has to meet people's violent and was abolished, so any system enforced by force must be difficult to maintain, enduring that is in the process of historical evolution mechanism of "voting with their feet".

The next question people often ask is: how can an economic system be universally recognized? Is a good system of high quality and high efficiency the result of human design or historical evolution?

In our opinion, any economic system that is generally accepted by the public is not an artificial arrangement made by a prophet, but a historical result of long-term evolution based on the spiritual belief of the people in the hearts of the people and through the system competition of survival of the fittest. Therefore, the essence of all economic development process is the evolution process of the economic system that the national public has long and spontaneously sought its inner desire, or it is also a pareto improvement process of trial and error and institutional change. When a person agrees with an economic system from the bottom of his heart, this economic system will become the desire and pursuit in his heart. When this desire and pursuit reaches all people, it will become the spiritual belief of an economic system. This belief will be universally recognized and carried out in economic decision-making and economic behavior, which will become a kind of consensual system in line with the development needs of the national public. Without the people's pursuit of happiness and the good faith formed by it, the good system that meets the needs of the people cannot be formed, and the good faith becomes a great driving force for the improvement of the system.

Spiritual belief is the great and irresistible force behind any system optimization change. In other words, it is the invisible public opinion hidden in the spiritual belief of the national public. The resulting superior economic system can be as stable as a rock, which is the institutional mystery behind the prosperity and prosperity of any country. The system has evolved internally because of the development needs of human nature, and the institutional characteristics in line with human nature will be more conducive to the continuous improvement of people's quality. From the perspective of evolutionary development, human nature and system are always in the process of mutual induction and adaptation.

Therefore, spiritual belief is the cornerstone of economic system evolution and development. If a kind of economic system is not based on national public spiritual beliefs and the pursuit of happiness, which is lack of common solid popular support, that its result is only one: the inner spirit of desire and the pursuit of happiness by violent repression, and eventually become the power source of violence against, and the accumulation of violence against, is bound to end or at the appropriate time to break the system.

