

作业代写:Differentiation in language use

2018-07-30 16:28:16 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Differentiation in language use,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了语言运用的差异化。电影电视除了有其专属的技巧语言表达外,社会生活的有声语言仍是其最主要的表达方式。在电影电视发展的历史空间内,语言的差异化是各种电影电视能否取得优势的一个关键。在如今技术已经不是创作障碍的形势下,语言表达上的差异化将成为影视创新的重要途径。

In addition to the special skills of film and television, the audio language of social life is still the most important way of expression. In the historical space of the development of film and television, the differentiation of language has naturally become one of the magic weapons of all kinds of films and television. Through the analysis of the language of several films and TV plays, this paper puts forward a new approach to the innovation of film and TV plays, that is, how to promote the development of films and TV plays by means of linguistic differences.

At the end of the 19th century, the lumiere brothers of France made mobile film machines with both shooting and screening functions. In late 1895, they first showed their short films to the public in Paris, marking the birth of the film. Since 1927, when the first recorded film, "the king of jazz," opened the mouth of a film that could only see moving images, sound language has played an irreplaceable role in the history of film development. However, more people are always interested in the soundtrack and sound effects of movies, but few people study and pay attention to the polishing and polishing of movie lines. Since the development of film and television, the machine equipment and shooting techniques have become more and more advanced, and the special effects have become more and more gorgeous. However, there are few classic films and television works, and the most fundamental reason is the lack of a differentiated and novel language expression. In today's situation where technology is no longer an obstacle to creation, the differentiation of language expression is bound to become an important approach to film and television innovation.

Film is an art that takes modern science and technology as the means and USES pictures and sounds as the media to create screen images and reflect and express real life and thoughts and feelings in the time and space when moving. Although more and more people agree with the idea of film art, after all, film is more like a hybrid of multiple arts than an artistic genre such as chess, calligraphy and painting. After the birth of the film, art is no longer high in the sun, but a kind of popular art that everyone can talk about, but every classic movie must be known to all. So why are movies so widespread? In short, it conforms to the most basic law of communication. In 1948, the famous American political scientist Harold lars, complement in the process of the propagation of proposed 5 w: "who, what, through what channels, to who say, have what effect." Among them, "what to say" has become the most important factor to restrict the rapid spread of a film and the formation of classics. Below we might as well analyze a few of the use of character language differentiation to achieve classic movies.

Chinese films began to pay attention to the language style of characters from the yellow earth. The film, with its stagnant images and simple characters, simplifies the narration of the film's pictures, and breaks through the symbolic garden formed by the film's development for a long time with simple dialogues. By the middle and late 1980s, a series of film and television dramas adapted from wang shuo's novels had brought fresh experience and attention to the unique character language of domestic audiences. Feng xiaogang's "the story of the editorial department", yingda's "I love my family" and other TV dramas have been entertaining and entertaining the audience.

"The landowner has no food to spare! Let the mules and horses rest now that tenant zhang is here! It is believed that few films can achieve such a language expression with black humor style, and it is this language difference that makes feng xiaogang's "party a and party b" become a classic, and this language style has never been able to get rid of since then. Eight words: stand out, stand out! Later films like cell phone and if you are the one are all of these. It can be said that feng xiaogang's movies are funny without watching them, which is what he gets from the differences in language styles.

In the Hong Kong film industry, there was a time when martial arts movies flooded the screen. Although there were classics, few audiences could be interested in a certain action. On the contrary, what we remember is exactly the character language. For example, "ashes of time", although many people do not agree with the film, but you have to admire wang jiawei's work on language differentiation. "A person has trouble because he has a good memory," huang said. "if he can forget everything, every day will be a new beginning." So he chose "drunk to death", but found it hard to forget: "drunk to death is just a joke she made on me. The more you want to forget something, the better you will remember it. When something is out of your reach, the only thing you can do is not to forget it. You can disapprove of wong kar-wai's movies, but you have to admit his achievements in movies, all of which are attributed to his efforts in sound language. If let someone recalls the film, said on a few main character's name is not necessarily people can remember, but if you can read such a line will certainly make a lot of people blurted out: "there was a sincere love in front of me, I didn't cherish, when I lost my only regret, in the world the most painful thing is this. Cut your sword down my throat! Don't hesitate! If god could give me a chance to do it again, I would say three words to that girl: I love you. If I have to add a deadline to this love, I hope it's Ten thousand years." The wide spread of this line has surpassed that of the film itself, and people have taken great pains to evolve and disseminate this line. The reason is that the scriptwriter has properly applied the expression of language differentiation, which must first conform to the character characteristics of the film characters. I don't know how love works. Until today, I finally realized that love is the most important thing in life. I will die soon. I will love you for ten thousand years. "This is a perfectly normal statement, but it also expresses the regret of the supreme treasure and the love for the white crystal sufficiently, but it is certain that it will not become a classic.

Any unified language will form different linguistic features due to the identity characteristics of social members and the differences between regions and cultures, which is called dialect. As far as China is concerned, there are dozens of different dialects in Chinese without speaking minority languages. Each dialect plays a unique role in the effects of film and television. In the original film and television works, the initial use of dialect was mainly to respect the real image of great people. In the role play of many great men, such as MAO zedong, they all adopted their original dialect. However, this is fundamentally different from the language differentiation of film creation. It is not really a dialect film in the true sense, nor can differentiation be talked about.

The first film that really made many people accept dialect differentiation was the 2006 budget film crazy stone. The dialect of shandong, henan, northeast China and Hong Kong became the biggest success of the film. On the cable car, xie xiaomeng said to the beauty: "whenever I look at the city from this Angle, I feel strongly that the city is the mother and we live in her womb "After the crash, secretary qin said:" dog day, high-tech, driverless! Do not see, do not touch me, can not open do not open!" In particular, the black language style is the most obvious, let's just hear the comedy effect from the accent. Black leather is on the balcony with a telescope to see if there is a security guard, but see someone on the car flirt. So did doug. Black skin say: "hey hey hey, direct top not line, you fee that matter!" If you change a character or change the mandarin, there is no such comedy effect. The success of this film has led us to gradually discover that dialect art films have begun to break through the geographical restrictions, and even people who do not know this dialect have begun to accept and love such films. Since then, more pure dialect movies have been released, the most representative of which is the 2010 henan film and television group's no joke. All the actors in the play are speaking in henan dialect, and "laughing fruit" is very much. On June 10, "chuang" entered Beijing and was shown in more than 50 cinemas in seven cinemas. After watching the movie, even beijingers have learned henan dialect, which can be said to set off a wave of dialect movies. The filmmakers have also taken advantage of the success, with another sequel, "just for fun," in 2011, with equally impressive results. Soon after jiang wen's "let the bullets fly" was released in 2011, it was "translated" into a sichuan dialect version.

As a matter of fact, in the 1960s, China has shot the movie "zhuangding zhuangding", which is mainly based on the sichuan dialect. Later, dialect disappeared from the screen amid a nationwide push for mandarin. However, the success of some local TV dramas has allowed filmmakers to re-see the innovative ways of film and television. There are only two reasons why dialect programs are popular: first, conflicts between languages in different regions can achieve comedy effects; Second, the original ecology represents the most real state of existence. Dialect movies are just like people who have been eating for a long time and are tired of the taste of mountains and seas. They are tired of living in the concrete forest. But not all dialects are as effective on film and television. According to the analysis of some researchers, the places where the TV works of dialect are more active generally have the following characteristics: economic development, heavy and active culture, superior natural geographical conditions, and leisurely and affluent life. Therefore, due to the nature of the narrow dissemination of dialect, it is not easy to use this magic weapon well, while achieving differentiation, more attention should be paid to the refinement of the content, so that it can be too successful to win the whole victory.

The successful application of language differentiation in TV programs can be obtained from the first two aspects of language differentiation.

Since the mysterious box appeared, television has moved movie screens into the living rooms of every home, almost displacing movies. Movies and TV have natural similarities, but compared with movies, TV has the function of interacting with the audience. In this way, the TV language can be almost confused with the language in People's Daily life, which is quite different from the closed character of self-sufficient movie lines. Therefore, the application of TV programs to language differentiation should have its unique path.

In the early days of television popularization, it has been acting as a function of information transmission. Whether it is CCTV's "news broadcast" or the documentary reports of major news topics, most of them are one-way communication, and they are full of Chinese characters in language expression. However, with the endless emergence of information media, the language form of one-way information transmission is gradually replaced by a communication language. Let's just talk about language interaction.

When the technology develops to a certain level, many film and television creators will lose their way and excessively pursue show-off technology. They will play some hype gimmicks that endow the top layer with the strongest special effects and the strongest star lineup, which will be hard to become a classic in the end. And calm down to consider the pursuit of a language style of differentiation may be able to create a film and television classics can withstand the erosion of time. Therefore, the language and culture accumulated over thousands of years is the most extensive and profound treasure-house of creation. It will give TV media unlimited creative inspiration and is a medicine to reverse the vulgarization of TV programs.


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北美作业代写:Differentiated teaching

2018-07-30 16:24:23 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Differentiated teaching,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了差异化教学。所谓的差异化教学,就是满足每个学生的不同需求,追求每个学生最大限度的发展的一种教学模式。随着课程的改革的不断深化,如何对学生进行教育教学才能使他们健康发展成为了我们实施教学的关键,特别是如何去关注那些个体差异生,更成为关键的关键。

The so-called differential teaching is a teaching mode that satisfies the different needs of each student and pursues the maximum development of each student. This paper focuses on the individual differences of students and the ways of developing differential teaching in computer teaching in vocational colleges.

The student is the individual of life, each student is a special individual. With the deepening of curriculum reform, how to conduct education teaching to students to make their physical and mental harmony and healthy development has become the key to our implementation of teaching, especially how to pay attention to those students with individual differences, and more importantly, the key. As we all know, there are no two leaves are exactly the same, that is why the world become wonderful, the key is the teachers in the case of follow the rules of education, in education at the same time to break the unified mode and the traditional practice and teaching, pay attention to every or a class of students, on the basis of using guide, hierarchical, grouping, such as teaching methods, to meet the different needs of students, make every student get full development.

Born in order to better pay attention to these differences, respectively using the questionnaire investigation in the teaching, communication method, literature material method and other methods to pay attention to treat this group of individual differences, such as in front of the teaching, aimed at this group of students to prepares a lesson earnestly, pay attention to what they have in common, such as all must participate in the study, study of the particular points, they should actually be their differences, such as physical differences, differences in sports study manner, the differences between psychology to bear ability, differences between the social adaptation ability, etc., these differences make them in learning sports has a certain particularity, such as fear, inferiority, fear, anxiety and other psychological disorders, To dispose, vary from person to person, in the teaching using the difference between guidance or grouping, stratified teaching, admitting the differences between students, understanding the differences between students, and around the differences between students, the design situation of the construction of a harmonious relationship between teachers and students, interaction between teachers and students learn, equal dialogue and communication, complement each other, in the grouping teaching students with poor use of skills, a good learning attitude to students learning attitude good poor driving skills, so that can play to their ability, but also from these skills is poor attitude good students feel my own shortcomings, to change yourself. In learning, respect for the individual differences between students, different students can choose according to their own actual situation of practice method, and can learn with teacher, inquiry learning together some of the problems and different view, trying to cultivate their autonomous learning, cooperative learning and inquiry learning, innovative learning, such as learning to type, students in practice typing can be according to their own situation in the typing software set in the lower level, shortening the time of each exercise, etc., it can not only meet the demand of their learning, at the same time, it can complete the teaching goal, can make different individuals to enjoy yourself in the joy of success. In learning evaluation, the main purpose of evaluation is to stimulate students' learning and promote students' development, rather than to distinguish the level of achievement. In the eyes of teachers, there should be only difference, not difference. Personality cultivation is the need to innovate education without practice, without innovation, without individuality, without innovation. This is the truth proved by successful people in history. For students to acquire knowledge and develop thinking, cultivating ability, cast to the space and conditions, give full play to their potential for students to create a comfortable environment, it is a major responsibility of our education workers, therefore, the goal of our vocational education, planning, teaching methods, the method should be to broaden the students' knowledge and cultivate students' innovative ability as the goal. In teaching, we should take students as the main body, create an environment and atmosphere for mutual learning and discussion-based learning, attach importance to personality cultivation, and let students who have the ability to learn broaden their knowledge.

Confucius, the great educator, said, "he who knows is not better than he who is good, but he who is good is not better than he who is happy." Where does interest come from? Interest comes from life experience. Each student has an independent personality, and his/her performance is diversified. It is easy for students to bring life experience to study in practice, and personality factors often restrict the way of expression. For example, children with strong hands-on ability are very interested in any activity, but they are not well organized and disciplined. Introverted children are less likely to participate in group activities. On the basis of understanding students, teachers should establish a cooperative and interactive relationship with students, treat each student sincerely and equally, try their best to meet the needs and interests of the majority of students, and make computer class a stage where students' interests can be fully displayed. Secondly, it is necessary to create a relaxed and pleasant classroom atmosphere and set the corresponding situation according to the teaching content. Situational teaching is also an important means to cultivate students' sound personality and correct outlook on life. Especially for students from vocational colleges who are fond of electronic products, they are curious and curious, and their interests are easy to arouse and transform. Therefore, teachers should also choose diversified contents. Starting from students' psychology and life, they should choose interesting training programs, and use different teaching methods to guide and transform them, so that students can open their heart, integrate into the context set by teachers, and encourage students to actively complete teaching tasks.

As for the question of who is the subject, teachers are authoritative, and the center of teaching is teachers. Although this view has no mainstream, our teachers often ignore this problem in their teaching activities. Students are the subject of cognition activities, and the influence of all education teaching can only be accepted through their own activities. The teacher is the leader, the organizer, he plays the regulating role to the whole class, only through the teacher can achieve the exchange and communication of information. There are no poor students but different students. We pay attention to the development of students' personality, advocate the development of students' personality, and more importantly, understand the development of students' personality. The development of personality is not a teacher's teaching according to each student's wishes and what students like to learn.

Computer teaching is a subject of practical courses. In the process of teaching, teachers and students practice and compete together to complete tasks and share the happiness of victory. I think students' feelings are the most real feelings, and students' comments are the most appropriate ones. Teachers should examine themselves from the perspective of students and constantly improve their own quality, because teachers' own quality is a necessary condition for a good relationship between teachers and students.

There are differences between students and teachers. The difference between teachers is also the resource of teaching. It is inevitable to carry out the cooperation between teachers and students. Teachers learn from each other and teachers cooperate with each other. Students of the same quality are stratified, and students of the same level and ability choose the corresponding learning content, complete the corresponding learning goals and requirements, and cooperate with heterogeneous students. Students with different levels, abilities and specialties can improve together by helping each other.

Collaboration between teachers and students: guidance during and after class. What teachers get is: from the perspective of "knowledge", teachers can not only acquire education knowledge and education skills through discussion and exchange of ideas, but also contribute to the collision of thoughts and feelings between teachers and the capture of wisdom sparks. From the perspective of "action", teaching is to promote teachers to jointly explore problems, exchange emotional support, and carry out professional dialogues by preparing lessons collectively, so as to change from the working style of single-soldier combat to the style of teamwork. It is conducive to the establishment of teachers' professional groups and the formation of joint learning and mutual development partnership. From the perspective of "thinking", the process of preparing lessons collectively is actually a process of teachers showing themselves and developing themselves, as well as a process of reflecting on and improving their teaching behaviors and improving their independent thinking ability. It can be seen that teachers' collective lesson preparation is conducive to promoting the sharing and complementation of teachers' knowledge resources and has the function of promoting teachers' professional growth.

In classroom teaching, only by insisting on the difference and harmony of the classroom, can the classroom teaching be full of bright spots, brilliant and continuous, can the classroom teaching be more vigorous and truly realized -- meeting the different needs of each student, and pursuing the maximum development, full development and sustainable development of each student.

The status of teachers and students is equal, and there is a education relationship between teachers' teaching and students' learning. Don't let the child just be forced to accept, without independent views and personalized development. Only respect the student individuality development of the teachers to make students won full trust and respect, so as to enhance their personality charm, to speed up the students' understanding of knowledge and master, to form the best education situation, the only way of professional teachers, can stimulate students' creative thinking, make the student independent innovation, further promote the all-round development of students.


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2018-07-30 16:23:16 | 日記



格式居中,二号字体,TIMES NEW ROMAN,加重

Table of contents目录页


Introduction 3

Main body 3

Engineering Ethics 3

Ethics in University Education 4

Conclusion 6

References 7

正文开始,注意行间距1.5, 字体小四,TIMES NEW ROMAN,每段开始不空格,段段之间空一行






Chubin, D.E. et al. (2005). Diversifying the Engineering Workforce. Journal of Engineering Education

Davison, R. and Kock, N. (2004). Professional Ethics [online]. : Association for Information Systems Available from:

[accessed 2 April 2006].

Didier, C. (1999). Engineering ethics in France: a historical perspective. Technology in Society.

Ellit, M. (2002). Knowledge is Power. IIE Solutions

Johnston, S. et al. (2000). Practice-focused ethics in Australian engineering education. European Journal of Engineering Education.



Paper代写:Visual culture

2018-07-30 16:22:46 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Visual culture讨论了视觉文化。视觉文化是一种新的东西,因为它把视觉聚焦为一个意义生产和竞争的场所。西方文化一直把口语当作知识实践的最高形式,而把视觉再现形式看做是对于理念的第二等的图解。由于现代科技的发展也促使了传播者在传播过程中运用了不同以往的传播方式,一定程度上引导了受众的观看的方式,受众也开始慢慢的改变了一些观看习惯。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In today's society, people's eyes are constantly bombarded with visual shocks and dazzling people. There are many things that attract your eyeballs. These eye-catching visuals and new thinking are prominent in the phenomenon of appearing on the screen, which impinge on traditional culture and values in many aspects.

Visual culture is a new thing because it focuses vision on a place of meaning production and competition. In western culture, oral English has always been regarded as the highest form of knowledge practice, while visual representation is regarded as the second-class diagram of ideas. The emergence of visual culture has developed what Mitchell calls the "graphic theory", which recognizes that certain aspects of western philosophy and science have begun to adopt an image rather than a textual worldview. Because of the development of modern science and technology, communicators have adopted different communication modes in the process of communication. To some extent, they have guided the audience's way of watching, and the audience has gradually changed some viewing habits.

For example, the traditional paper reading habit in China is from right to left, but now it is basically from left to right. Along with the development of the information age, the Internet has entered since the media age, ordinary people no longer rely on a single "mainstream media" for counseling, voices from all quarters, bring more information for the public, the general public has the dominant position to the information dissemination, information dissemination have traditional "point to surface" into "point to point". People can read books through mobile phones and e-readers, and read books and newspapers online. Readers can see literature works and news updates in real time at any time. Communicators in order to make readers read in electronic media to have the pleasure of reading paper text, also set up on the electronic screen like books pages, and pages, readers can watch on the electronic screen on the back page of the text, this technology is designed, had no practical significance, but in order to meet the needs of the audience to watch. It shows that the new communication mode of the receiver also influences the communication mode and technology improvement of the receiver.

The advent of new technology has made it more and more demanding for viewers to see the outside world. When people listen to how others describe the spectacle of overlooking the city from a height, they may be more willing to climb that height and see for themselves. People are no longer satisfied with the description of things in words, but hope to obtain more intuitive visual feelings through the support of technology. For example, people can watch a drop of water fall into the water with a high power camera, as well as the instantaneous state when water freezes.

Visual viewing has the characteristics of The Times, and each era has its own unique way and content. Ancient people may watch the world is the world is very intuitive, is also a real content, but as the modern times after the generation of some advanced instruments, people can see once can't see things, for example, in the film, when the film a car fast coming to a person, can use the technique of montage, let the audience see have taken place in both eyes, is not true. For thousands of years, we didn't know what the earth was really like, but now we can see the earth from space by satellite or spacecraft, which was never possible before. When a picture of the earth taken from space may be more attractive than a description of the earth's appearance, this is the look of the present age.

Through the change of viewing mode, we find that the world is diversified and the space is multi-angle. Before we in view of a thing is often just a point of view, we can now angles to watch, this is we can't do that with the naked eye before, perhaps the first Olympic Games a player do gymnastics, we may see his movement from one Angle, but now the Olympic Games, we can install the camera angles, to watch his movement from different angles, fully meet the demand of the audience to watch.

Such viewing mode in the so-called special time will also help people to identify things real scene, such as the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games the American swimmer in the so-called "flying fish" Phelps in the 100 m freestyle with Serbia, won only nuances of less than 0.1 seconds, the difference on the naked eye who simply don't see the hand contact to the finish line first, finally the referee is through water and underwater high-definition camera in slow motion replay to confirm Phelps won, this kind of situation in the one hundred years ago could not be achieved.

This multi-angle vision has been used in many places, including the qiantang river observation every August. Of course, it is a good feeling to be able to watch the qiantang river tide on the spot. But modern bore way is the ancients can't imagine, not only can make thousands of miles away can bore through TV, but also heavy high bore on the plane, moreover can install the camera in prop people in more dangerous but has the very good bore point, let people can watch the spring tide of the most exciting. This way of viewing can sometimes be seen more than people in the field.

Modern people can create many things that disappear in the real society or seldom meet in life through computer simulation. Typical programs include animal world, man and nature, etc.

Some scientists often make vivid life scenes of dinosaurs by simulating their images based on their fossil bones. Viewers can see the disappearance of hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of years of mock dinosaurs on TV, bringing unprecedented visual pleasure to people. Sometimes the effect of this simulation is similar to that of the real one, and one might have believed it had it not been for the rational recognition that dinosaurs were extinct.

Film and television anthropology is a new subject with audio-visual technology as the main means. The application of film and television art in the field of anthropology began with the invention of film technology. Since the first anthropological film production of barbary people's pottery, film and television anthropology has gradually constructed a complex system combining theory and experience. In the case of movies and TV plays, some movies and TV programs constantly seek for actors' clothes, scenery and other images to shock people's eyes. Take, for example, the new version of the comedy the ao jianghu: for example, in the new version, the character played by Jon Chen never fails to change the image of masculinity in the old version. According to the producers in the interview, it does mean to cater to the current audience. The new version to thrive, "the classics of jin yong's completely adapted into a downright idol drama, this topic and in comparison with previous version of the world-famous great deficiency, the content of total also has the innovation, but because the ministry show on characters and visual model manufacture, the ratings are still made. According to the survey, the new series has a 2.39 percent rating on the national network, ranking among the top TV channels in February.

Let's leave aside the quality of the content of the new series, but from an objective point of view, it does create a high level of audience rating. At present, most of the movies are large in terms of vision, and their communication mode has gradually affected the audience's appreciation level and aesthetic taste. However, on the other hand, it is also the aesthetic needs of the audience, which makes the communicator choose the best in the communication process. In 1997, for example, Diana died in a car crash while driving at high speed in a Mercedes driven by Diana and her boyfriend to escape the cameras and cameras of dozens of journalists. Later, the whole society lashed out at the journalists and cameramen who pursued them. A month after the incident, journalists began responding to critics online, largely in response not to shoot Diana, but to satisfy the audience's visual curiosity in the face of strong demand. In fact, Diana has been involved in people's visual needs since the moment she married prince Charles. In order to meet the needs of the media and the public for the slim and strong body, her body has changed a lot. Diana passed the diet and took regular exercise on a daily basis. In the end, she basically achieved the desired effect of the audience on the screen in all aspects and became what the media and the public want to see. Journalists do have a point, and in many cases, the needs of the audience influence the attitude and manner of the communicator. Meanwhile, the development of visual culture has created a generation of British princesses. Diana was called "the rose of England", but she still has one of the highest exposure rates in the world in the second half of the 20th century. Had it not been for such a high level of visual culture, had it not been for the world's cameras to focus on her, she might have been an ordinary princess, and perhaps not for the tragic events that followed. However, in the highly publicized situation, she became a public figure in the world, which also changed her fate.

Eighty s Hong Kong movie has a very typical characteristics, it's a movie camera generally not more than three seconds, every one scene conversion fast, let the audience when the movie is a kind of visual pleasure, but at the same time, the lack of this kind of fast food type long movie, over time to make the audience in the movie lacks a kind of thinking, because it too fast, each shot transition when viewing to the audience. Audiences are easily led by movies and lack deep thinking about things. However, the new version of "the ao jianghu" subverts the vision and the plot, especially makes the east, which is originally a man's body, appear directly in front of the audience with a woman's body from the very beginning, unconsciously guides the audience to feel sympathy and blessing for the love between the east and ling fox-trot. In fact, the communicator has objectively changed the original social ethics of the audience, which is equivalent to making the audience unconsciously accept homosexuality or violate the conventional social ethics.

Through visual observation, people can see things directly. With the development of visual culture, people can have a deeper understanding of the outside world. When disseminators create all kinds of amazing visual effects, they are also spreading and publicizing a certain culture. Such as wuhan Yangtze river bridge opened in 1957, from its tone and bridge pier, the style of the bridgehead, can obviously feel a kind of style restoring ancient ways and ginseng to some former Soviet cultural elements, and then built three bridge, wuhan Yangtze river bridge, the bridge, put up a big column in the two suspension for ten steel, has a significantly with modern architectural styles. Through the appearance of an object, it can radiate the culture it contains.

As the saying goes, clothes make the man, but gold makes the man. Especially at the moment, many things do need to be packaged in order to attract people's attention in the first place. For example, the relationship between the frame and the painting, derrida said, is "neither within the work nor outside the work, neither above the work nor under the work, neither opposing opposition nor maintaining uncertainty, and also exerting considerable influence on the work. It's not just around the work anymore." When appreciating a painting, the audience must appreciate it together with the frame, and the frame work with the painting must be much better than no effect. Now the eyes of the audience have become impatient to read carefully, just like if they turn on the TV and fail to attract their attention within a minute, they may have to change the channel immediately, and the audience has an initiative in their hands.

Now a lot of TV programs should be in its original content, do the visual packaging, such as the 2012 hit the documentary "on the tip of the tongue of China", achieved high ratings, the documentary is not only to introduce the audience to food all over the country, from the level of audio and visual symbols, is more easy and fast narrative rhythm and choiceness exquisite images, it use the technique of "macro photography", the temptation of food through the images, sound, montage to show incisively and vividly, to show the audience the Chinese diet rheology. While watching the documentary, the audience is also enjoying a visual feast.

After people enter the age of visual image reading, the visual and visual features of film and television communication, such as visualization and directness, make its advantages in the process of cross-cultural communication more and more obvious. By referring to metz's film semiotics theory, film and television texts can be divided into three parts. The first two parts are audio-visual parts, including language, behavior, landscape, composition and other audio-visual symbols. The story part, built on the first layer, forms a coherent and meaningful story through audio-visual language. The success of "a bite of China" is enough to show that the development of visual culture can help to attract the audience's attention and spread culture through visual images. However, it has certain benefits only from the aspect of cultural communication. Nowadays, with the high development of visual culture, people can make good use of its function, but they must master its degree, try to avoid the negative effects it brings to the society, and think about how to make better use of visual culture to serve the development of human society.


Essay代写:Western implicit moral education

2018-07-30 16:02:39 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Western implicit moral education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了西方隐性德育。隐性德育这一概念首先在西方被提出,之后便得到了不断的发展与创新,积累了丰富的实践经验,而且得到很多后人的继承与发扬,形成了如今的西方隐性德育。西方学者认为儿童的道德认知应该要通过对日常生活中的谈话、活动等方式来养成,并形成道德行为习惯。如今,西方隐性德育就是让学校通过各种方式来加强德育建设,而不是一味的理论教授。

Western implicit moral education theory has been gradually accumulated and produced in the course of history. It summarizes many previous experiences.

The concept of recessive moral education was first proposed in the west, but it does not mean that there is no recessive moral education in China. China has always had the existence of recessive moral education in ancient times and even now, but we did not put forward it systematically in theory. Since the western recessive moral education was put forward, it has been continuously developed and innovated, accumulated rich practical experience, and has been inherited and developed by many later generations, which has formed today's western recessive moral education. The idea was first proposed in ancient Greece. Socrates thinks that children's moral cognition should be formed through talking and activities in daily life and form moral behavior habits. After that, many scholars continued to innovate and put forward their own opinions, mainly including quarmeneux, Locke, Rousseau, Marx and Engels.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Dewey proposed that people's ideological and moral standards should be cultivated in social practice and life, instead of being blindly taught by theories. Moreover, Dewey believes that morality is the basis of other learning and life and that schools should strengthen moral education through various ways.

With the continuous development of these theories, the practice of moral education in the west has been greatly improved. Education, which is mainly reflected in the western ideology and morality, is not independently and directly taught in schools. It mainly adopts the indirect education way, through all kinds of ways in society, school and family, to conduct education on students' ideology and morality, so as to develop students' moral concepts. The main way to conduct moral education in the west is to influence and instill moral education through implicit education. In a word, the implicit education in the west focuses on individual participation, emphasizes subjective initiative, and enables students to experience and comprehend by themselves in practical life, so as to form moral concepts without special moral courses.

At present, in the process of shame-feeling education in China, theory professors in class are generally carried out, with little consideration for the individual uniqueness of students. When education is carried out for students, it is important to cultivate the sense of honor and shame, and make their sense of shame guide and restrain their practical life. In addition, it is necessary to consider the influence of students' different living environment and family environment on themselves, and carry out the whole process of shame education according to local conditions.

The main body of education is teenagers. In order to enhance the effectiveness of education through implicit moral education, students must have a kind of subjective initiative concept and improve their ability of education. The reason why education is not ideal in China at present is that beducation courses of school ideology and morality mostly adopt a single lecturing method, only listen to the teacher's words, students have no right to participate, and the textbooks are relatively old, backward and out of touch with the reality. It is difficult for students to understand the connection with life. Schools should put people first in teaching philosophy, give play to students' subjectivity, so that students can think for themselves, to form their own sense of shame. Students should also realize the importance of shame through practical activities.

China's traditional ideological and political teaching method belongs to the mechanical education, which does not give teenagers the opportunity to think independently, but adopts a single classroom teaching instead. In the process of classroom teaching, teachers are basically satisfied with completing their own teaching tasks and inculcating students with theoretical knowledge, so as to fulfill the requirements of the school for students' exams. And students rarely try to understand the meaning of the concept of shame and how it relates to practice. As is known to all, the present society has been a society that requires constant innovation, and innovation is our future. If our education method is still on the basis of theoretical indoctrination and single teaching of teachers, our talent training will be very unsuccessful. At present, what we should do is to change teaching concepts and innovate teaching methods. In the process of education, the status of the main body should be changed. Teenagers are the main body, and teachers should stimulate students' thinking. Teachers should give full play to the role of guidance and inspiration, raise questions to stimulate students' independent thinking or discussion, and give full play to students' potential, and conduct appropriate guidance and finally summarize education, so as not to deviate students from socialist core values.

The education environment of a school has a great influence on students' study and life. We must create a good education environment if we want to strengthen the sense of shame of adolescent students from the perspective of implicit education. First of all, the school should build a good school style and study style. A positive learning atmosphere has an important influence on the sense of shame education. Only by working hard can the students in the school be filled with positive energy. Only in the positive energy group can a good sense of shame education environment be formed. A good sense of shame education environment can enable students to form the right sense of shame, and can be put into action. Education environment influences students in a subtle way, forming an effect of recessive moral education.

The guiding role of the environment occurs in all aspects. Tao xingzhi, a modern educator, put forward that "taking everything as the teacher, the universe as the classroom and life as the course", just saying that the environment can help people develop good moral qualities. Different education methods adopted by teachers have a great influence on students' achievement. As mentioned above, teachers should play a role of guidance and inspiration. This change in role and classroom atmosphere is an important aspect for the formation of adolescent shame consciousness. And the overall social environment also has an important influence on adolescents' sense of shame education.

The dominant position of teenagers has been constantly emphasized in the previous discussion, and what we want to make clear now is the dominant position of teenagers education. In this process, the external education environment and educators have exerted a very important influence on teenagers. However, what cannot be ignored is the main body of teenagers themselves. Therefore, it is very important to give full play to the subjectivity of teenagers so that they can reflect on themselves and education themselves.

It is not enough to give full play to students' sense of shame and only carry out theoretical teaching. It is necessary to give full play to the role of practice, so as to connect theory with practice, so that teenagers can experience the concept of shame and form the sense of shame in practice. In the process of school education, we should not focus on teaching tasks blindly. In order to enable students to complete the examination, students are required to memorize and recite knowledge points. As a result, teenagers have no time to understand and cannot realize the real requirements of the sense of shame education. We should make full use of the school's practical activities, so that students can experience the true meaning of shame in the process of participating in activities, thus generating the sense of shame.

It can be seen from the implicit moral education in the west that different education methods can be adopted for students at different stages to achieve comprehensive and healthy development. In primary and secondary school stage, in the process of shame education, more training should be carried out in the way of behavior, and education of theoretical knowledge can be reduced. Since students in this period are in the period of developing behavior habits, they should pay attention to the cultivation of habits, and their understanding of theoretical knowledge is not deep enough, because their knowledge level is relatively limited and they cannot understand some profound theories. In college, theoretical teaching can be the main course. At this time, most of their behavior habits have been formed, and their understanding ability has been greatly improved. The sense of shame education basically runs through a person's life, so different education methods should be adopted at different stages to improve the acceptability of education subjects.

Chinese traditional culture is extensive and profound, and studies on shame in ancient China are abundant. To strengthen the sense of shame education, it is essential to play the guiding role of culture. Traditional culture is the spiritual pillar of the Chinese nation, and the formation of national spirit is to strengthen the sense of shame education meaning? X. There is a special discussion on shame culture in Chinese Confucian culture, and it is very important to analyze and interpret it if we want to strengthen the sense of shame education. This paper analyzes the contemporary value of the Confucian shame culture, connects the traditional culture with the current social reality, takes its essence, removes its dregs, and applies the traditional culture to the reality. Therefore, we should strengthen the inheritance and development of traditional culture, so as to strengthen the process of shame education.

Since the reform and opening up, China has gradually improved the socialist market economy. Along with the economic development, social competition has become increasingly fierce. The traditional "spoon-feeding" way of teaching in schools, in which knowledge is imbued to students by external forces, has not been able to meet the requirements of the new era's sense of shame education. Recessive moral education takes students as the main body and pays more attention to cultivating students' perception ability. In teaching activities, it is more in line with the actual situation of students to abandon the traditional teaching method and guide and enlighten students according to the psychological characteristics of students' accepting knowledge. Implicit moral education pays attention to creating situation and atmosphere, which can arouse students' interest and make students participate in it consciously. By creating the situation and atmosphere, students can have a personal experience and learn to think independently and how to communicate and cooperate with others. Can exercise the management ability and psychological quality of students. So that the student develops in an all-round way, the student is no longer the bookworm that only masters textbook knowledge, but has a variety of ability, have stronger comprehensive quality outstanding person. In school, they are excellent students. After leaving school, they can adapt to the development and competition of society and make contributions to the socialist modernization. Independent thinking ability and choice ability are the basic abilities that students need to have.

To have the right ability to choose, we must have the right values. Criticism of social problems and Suggestions for solving social problems require students to have critical thinking and good language skills. These abilities are not the basic abilities that students are born with. They need to be acquired through exercise. The ability to think critically and choose is the precondition and foundation of students' moral development. Western moral teachers attach great importance to the moral development of students, and take improving students' sense of responsibility and self-control as the important content in teaching, so that students have the necessary skills and emotions.

