

Academic Essay怎么写

2018-08-08 17:13:38 | 日記
那些初到国外留学的小伙伴们不知道都准备好迎接全新的留学生活了吗?还没有适应新生活的同学一定要抓紧时间。而同学们在课堂上肯定会遇到Essay的,常见的Essay类型想必大家是没有问题的,但对于Academic Essay,不知道大家又会不会写呢?不会的话下面就给大家讲解一下。

1.按照惯例当然是要先来看看Academic Essay的写作结构:





Reference List

对了,还有根据字数来分的Short Essay(一般小于1200字)和Long Essay(一般大于1200字)。


商科Essay常用的文献格式有:APA和Harvard Referencing

语言类Essay常用的文献格式:MLA和Chicago Style



3.Short Essay(小于1200字)结构:

前面跟大家提到了Short Essay,大家要看仔细了。因为对于留学新生来说老师一般都不会要求大家写太长的Essay,所以基本都是短Essay,让我们先来看看Short Essay的具体写作结构(一般采用五段式或者三段式Essay写作结构)。


1.Topics statement:State the topic addressed in the essay

2.Background:Provide some history relevant to the topic or give statistics to show the significance of the topic or provide of example of the significance of the topic

3.Summary of Essay argument:a thesis statement







1. Summary of essay argument

2. Restatement of significance of the topic(Optional)

3. No new materials








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北美作业代写:Madrid international trademark registration system

2018-08-08 17:12:38 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Madrid international trademark registration system,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了马德里国际商标注册体系。在经济全球化的大环境下,商标的国际注册是商标权延伸保护的重大举措。马德里国际商标注册体系是国际社会为了缓和商标保护的地域性,通过其构建的商标国际注册平台,减弱其对国际经济发展的消极影响所做的重要举措。

The Madrid system of international trademark registration is an important step taken by the international community to mitigate the regionality of trademark protection and weaken its negative impact on international economic development through its one-stop international trademark registration platform.

In the current economic globalization environment, the international registration of trademarks is an important measure to extend the protection of trademark rights. International registration is required because of the strict territoriality of the trademark right, that is, the registration of a trademark in a country is only protected by that country. If the trademark is to be protected by law in other countries, it must be subject to the laws of that country and apply for registration in its home country. The independence principle of trademark protection is fully embodied in the Paris convention on the protection of industrial property rights, thus forming the international protection of trademark rights.

The emergence of the international trademark registration system in Madrid is an inevitable historical development. Before the Madrid system, applicants for overseas trademark registration could only choose to register one by one and submit applications to national trademark offices. If there are a large number of countries that need to process applications, the workload will be enormous. Countries differ greatly in their languages, application procedures and trademark legal systems, and even in application procedures. In order to overcome these disadvantages, it is necessary to have a unified treatment organization, registration process and management mode, and cooperate with relevant laws, regulations and implementation rules to provide a convenient way for applicants from all countries to register their trademarks in foreign countries. Hence the Madrid agreement. On April 14, 1891, the Madrid agreement on the international registration of trademarks was introduced in Madrid, the first special agreement under the Paris convention on the protection of industrial property rights.

In order to attract more developed countries to join, after many consultations with the United States and Japan, the international bureau of WIPO finally adopted the protocol of Madrid agreement on international trademark registration at the Madrid conference in 1989. The protocol liberalizes the application conditions, allowing authorities in the designated country to reject the application for up to 18 months, at a separate fee, and the language can also be relaxed into French, English and Spanish. In addition, the protocol has reserved an interface for regional trademark registration organizations like the eu to join, laying a foundation for future expansion. On 1 April 1996, the protocol and the newly promulgated rules for the joint implementation of the Madrid agreement and its related protocols entered into force. The joint operation and joint implementation regulations of the two treaties provide a unified platform, process and language for trademark applicants to register overseas trademarks, enabling them to obtain trademark protection in the target country at the most favorable cost in the shortest possible time.

The legal framework of Madrid international trademark registration system is divided into two parts. The first is the international treaty to be implemented, which includes the basic principles and mechanisms of the Madrid system and the procedures and form requirements for international registration. Another important part is the two treaties of the Madrid system, which are related to the implementation of national trademark laws. In this system, the substantive requirements of the authorization are laid down by the local laws of each of the member states concerned when they participate in the application for the registration of trademarks in the Madrid system. In the Madrid system, through the conclusion of international treaties, all members form the "Madrid union", and all member states permit the implementation of the Madrid system on their territory. In addition, they also undertake to comply with the national trademark law and international treaties to provide uniform benefits for the registration of trademarks by their national authorities and assume the obligations required.

Qualification of applying for international trademark registration in Madrid. Not everyone can file international trademark registrations in Madrid. Any natural person or legal person who meets one of these conditions may apply and require the member states of the Madrid union to provide legal protection, if the requirements of the applicant in our country are determined in order. In addition, the protocol expands the scope of applicants to members of intergovernmental organizations implementing the regional trademark registration system.

Application for international trademark registration in Madrid. According to relevant regulations, the application for international trademark registration in Madrid must be filed by the original bureau, and the application cannot be submitted directly to the international bureau, and the application is valid in the original bureau. The original bureau was the trademark office of the member state of the Madrid agreement and its protocol, and the applicant was a non-national of its nationals or of the possession of domicile or truly effective industrial and commercial institutions in its territory.

Processing of international registration applications by the international bureau. Upon receipt of an application for an internationally registered trademark, the international bureau will determine the date of the international application and make a formal examination. This will lead to two outcomes: first, the application for international registration does not comply with the Madrid agreement and the common rules of the Madrid agreement and protocol, and the extension of registration and notification of the original bureau will require the applicant to complete the procedures; If the procedure is not completed within three months, the application is deemed to have been abandoned and the paid registration fee refunded. If the international bureau considers that the representations of certain goods or services used in the international registration application are inaccurate, it will propose amendments if necessary, and if the applicant does not amend within three months, the international bureau will refuse. Secondly, the international bureau will register the trademark immediately after the examination is correct. A trademark with an international registration number and an international registration date is registered in the international register and published in the international trademark notice. The decision is notified to the designated country, and the international registration certificate is then sent directly to the registrant and the bureau of origin is informed that the applicant has obtained international registration. However, the applicant has not obtained the actual rights when obtaining the international registration certificate, but only the potential rights. The key to the conversion depends on the results of the review required by law in the designated country.

Whether the designated country can grant registration. The trademark office of the designated country shall, within one year after receiving the notice of trademark registration from the international bureau, make a review in accordance with the domestic law and follow the same procedures directly applicable in the country. If the application is not rejected, the international registration of a trademark will automatically be regarded as the domestic registration of the designated country in question and will be protected by it. If the application is rejected, the applicant shall have the right to appoint an agent in accordance with the laws of the country for complaint or prosecution. In accordance with article 6, paragraph 5, of the Paris convention concerning the application of the principle of trademark rights, a member state is entitled to legally registered national trademarks and other member states cannot normally dismiss its application for registration. Therefore, if a member state rejects the international registration it has obtained within one year, unless otherwise provided: first, the registration of a trademark will conflict with the exclusive right to other registered trademarks established in the country; Second, lack of "identification" in the domestic market; Third, the trademark violates the country's public order good custom.

The legal effect of an internationally registered trademark. First of all, for the duration of protection. The new common rules of the Madrid agreement and protocol set the term of validity of international registration for 10 years and prohibit substantive review, which can be renewed indefinitely with the payment of renewal fees. However, an application shall be made within one year prior to the expiry of the expiry date. If the application exceeds the expiry date, an application for renewal must be made within half a year after the expiry date. The second is about independent effectiveness. According to the agreement, only if the original bureau has not revoked the trademark five years later, can the trademark be truly independent in designated countries.

Part of the process of achieving international registration. Trademark applicants can usually apply for trademark registration by submitting an application to the international bureau of WIPO, using a language and paying a fee once to all members of the Madrid system except the country of origin, thus simplifying the cumbersome application process.

Obvious cost advantages. Practice shows that this system is more favorable than applying for trademark registration in each country. The low cost is also reflected in many procedures after the application for international registration, such as change, transfer, renewal, cancellation and other procedures. Of course, if the applicant only applies to one or two countries through the system, the cost advantage won't be obvious. So the more countries apply, the greater the cost savings, and the greater the cost advantage of the Madrid system. Madrid system also has some limitations, mainly in the following aspects:

There is no uniform registration certificate. In each of the parties of the former belongs to the bureau to submit to the WIPO international bureau application for international registration of the international bureau will be in the form of the international registration certificate to the applicant after the review, but due to the international application has not been submitted to the parties ZhuGuanJu review, the "registration certificate" is not usually in the sense of registration certificate, actually equivalent to the international bureau of the "acceptance notice". Upon review by the competent authority, only a few parties, such as the United States and Japan, will issue registration certificates, and most parties will only issue "notification of approval for protection". Due to the different registration procedures and cycles in different countries, the time of service of the "approved protection notice" to the applicant is also different, so the trademark registration situation in each country cannot be timely and accurately known.

Systems are closed and difficult to transfer. The Madrid system welcomes each stakeholder with an open mind, but the system's inbuilt closure creates some inconvenience for applicants. The applicant cannot transfer the Madrid international registered trademark to the applicant outside the system. Companies sometimes have trouble handling trademarks. Only parties that have signed a common treaty may be bound by the same laws and fulfil the same obligations. The only way to solve the problem is to attract more franchisees and apply the Madrid system more widely.

The "central strike" clause is too harsh. That is, the agreement and the protocol are set out in article 6, but the negative impact of the provision on large overseas investment companies is far greater than the restrictions on speculators. The loss of the speculator's costs is just the cost of the trademark application, and the companies that do have a real need to open up international markets through the Madrid system will suffer badly as a result. After five years of international registration, companies will bear the uncertainty, and large companies are more concerned about operational security, just in case, so some are reluctant to choose the Madrid system.


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Assignment代写:Italian Renaissance consumption

2018-08-08 17:11:17 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Italian Renaissance consumption,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了文艺复兴时期意大利人的消费观。文艺复兴时期,由于资本主义的发展和工商业活动的繁荣,越来越多的奢侈品出现在意大利的城市市场上,导致意大利城市的物质文化和消费观念也在悄然变化。后来,意大利人逐渐摒弃了传统基督教的克己自欲、守贫的价值观,人们开始追逐一切美好的东西,由俭入奢的,炫耀式消费观开始形成。

During the Renaissance, as a result of the development of capitalism, the prosperity of business activity, more and more luxury goods appear on the market in the city, the Italian city of material culture and consumption concept is changed, the Italian people gradually abandoned the traditional Christian self-abnegation, since the desire and keep poor values, people began to chase all the good things, by the waste into luxury, chest-beating may consumption began to form.

The Renaissance was a great turning period in European history, the traditional Christian advocated by way of life, and the concept of impact of a strong, as the "European modern eldest son" of Italy, with the development of social economy, the rich diversity of material culture, people's consumption patterns and consumption idea, profound changes have taken place. This paper briefly describes the reason for the formation of conspicuous consumption in Italy, as well as their performance in food, clothing and residence.

Italy lies at the junction of three continents, Asia, Europe and Africa. With its superior geographical location, Italian business flourished most in Europe, with merchants throughout the Mediterranean world, even as far as north Africa and Asia. The italians have maintained frequent commercial relations with the eastern countries since ancient times. Luxury goods from the east, such as spices, silk and jewelry, were introduced to Europe very early through Italy. 14 century, an Italian businessman francesco, Mr Pecaut rorty wrote a book "business guide", the book is widely involved in the three states of the Asian and African commodity distributing center and trade routes, the European cities is the most frequent Italian businessman activity area, Italian since needless to say, the Mediterranean and the Atlantic coast of the main urban resident has Italian businessman. In addition to European cities, he mentioned the commercial cities of Turkey, Mongolia and China, and even calculated accurately that the journey from kfar in Crimea to the yuan dynasty would take 250 days. ? In the long run of international trade, the vast wealth accumulated by the italians, "at the beginning of the thirteenth century, commercial profits were generally 20%-50%; Even after the bubonic plague, when the economy was depressed, it was 5-8% ", and profits were surprisingly high during the boom years. As a result, Italy became a thriving commercial center of the Mediterranean world.

Italian cities are thriving and rejuvenated by huge commercial profits. By 1350, the cities of the Italian peninsula, one of the earliest sprouting of Italian European capitalism, had become starry, forming a new urban system. Cities such as Florence and Venice are famous for their handicraft production. The former textile industry and the latter shipbuilding industry are far ahead in Europe. With the prosperity of business, the industry keeps increasing and the scale of handicraft industry keeps expanding, which has also accumulated great wealth for italians. In addition, with the development and prosperity of commercial economy, the emerging banking industry appeared in Italian cities in the late middle ages, and by the Renaissance, the banking industry was greatly developed. The banking industry was very active in Italian business. Florence had more than 100 Banks in the 14th century, and all taxes paid to the holy see were deposited in local Banks. Europe's three main money-management families, baldi, peruzzi and aziuri, are all Italian. It is estimated that between the 14th and 15th centuries, Italy accounted for 500 million of the 900 million metal COINS that passed through Europe, or more than 25 percent of the money of the rest of Europe combined. Banks in Florence are mainly engaged in deposits and lending and are highly profitable. For example, Banks charge 7-15% interest on loans, while foreigners charge up to 30% interest. During the same period, the profits of the bank were much higher than that of the industry. For example, during the period from 1435 to 1450, the profits of the bank run by the Medici family reached 260,000. At that time, the profits of the industrial production controlled by the family were only 29,000. The huge profits of the banking industry have also amassed vast wealth for italians.

It can be seen that huge amounts of wealth flowed into Italy in different ways, and social wealth had accumulated to an astonishing degree during the Renaissance. Italy has seen a wealth of businessmen. In the middle of the 15th century, cauchy drink Medici and giovanni, Lucy bayer-oglesby, in accordance with the increase in more than 100000 Buddha rowling, is the biggest in Europe. Wealth gradually changed the social status of businessmen, business owners and bankers, and also influenced their consumption concept and consumption mode. Urban affluence had an important impact on the consumption of society. At this time, people's life was completely different from the frugality in the middle ages, and gradually turned to the aspects of luxury and enjoyment.

During the Renaissance, the consumption structure of Italian food changed greatly, the food variety became rich, people's requirements for food quality became higher and higher, the requirements for tableware and cooking technology became more exquisite, and more attention was paid to the ostentation of banquet guests. These fully reflect the trend of people's enjoyment and extravagance in food and beverage, which is more obvious in big cities like Venice and Florence.

Due to the development of commodity trade between the east and the west and the accumulation of people's wealth, the surrounding cities of Italy can no longer meet the needs of the cities. Only the large-scale import can meet the needs of the cities for food. During the harvest season, large Numbers of merchant ships carrying food traveled through Italy, consuming large amounts of both the poor and the rich. So ubiquitous in Italy produce from the rest of Europe, Mr When Western Europe orchid first published in 1550, the Italian anecdote about record lists all over Italy in frontal delicacies food: bologna sausage, Dana's sandwich elbow, ferrara zhu round pie, piacenza cheese and garlic flipping surface, Siena small almond cake, cheese, monza Florence's march fine sausage and mince, JiYaWei na in Venice, pheasant and chestnuts, fish and oysters, padua delicate bread and all kinds of wine. And people use a lot of spices like pepper, cloves, bean cages, cinnamon, juniper, ginger to spice up the food and stimulate the appetite. However, on the whole, the people's consumption concept is still relatively simple since the "luxury ban" was issued in the early 15th century. But around the middle of the 15th century, a consumption boom, or "extravagance," began to pervade wealthy city grandees and citizens. When leonora, the illegitimate daughter of the king of Naples, arrived in Rome in 1470, the madness of the banquet was breathtaking. The banquet at which clemons v succeeded the throne cost 15,000 gold COINS; Florence consumes 4, 000 bulls and calves, 60, 000 lambs and sheep, 20, 000 goats and 30, 000 pigs a year. And sugar, once considered a luxury, was available only to a few aristocrats and wealthy merchants in Europe at the same time, and was heavily used by the italians in the 15th century.

Table manners, on the other hand, are also evolving. The order of serving, the orientation of the table and the order of the guests' sitting are all reasonably arranged. By the 15th century, people were eating with knives and forks instead of hands, and by the 16th century, fine ceramic tableware had appeared on the Italian table. When more cultured people eat, still put stereo, along with the interest recites poem, entertain, occasionally also can recruit a prostitute or two accompany. When some europeans traveled to Italy, they marveled at the piles of food and tableware on their tables.

As the chains of Christian asceticism and mysticism were broken, people's thoughts became more open and free. As for the requirement of wearing, clothes are no longer a tool to cover up shame and keep out cold, but tend to pursue the gorgeous dress.

In the middle ages, the drab colors, wide patterns, rough texture, and lack of decorations were gradually replaced by the gorgeous and elegant, comfortable and beautiful, highly personalized new clothing. Boccaccio complained in the decameron that "women of today, as long as they put on colorful clothes and various kinds of jewelry, are higher than other women and can be respected, so they are more particular about dressing up." Women's clothes are gorgeous, made of silk, velvet or leather, with many pleats hanging from the shoulders. Off-the-shoulder clothes were folded from the buttons on the chest. The waist is tied with a belt that hangs from the back of the foot to the ground. Men wear clothes as gorgeous as women: tight sleeves, colored leggings, floppy hats, leggings from leg to waist that make for a very funny look, but look much more flattering from the waist up: velvet tops, frills and frills at the hem. In clothing styles, people are no longer satisfied with the dogmatic dressing in the middle ages, but design clothes according to their own personality and hobbies. In order to show off their wealth or noble status, people often decorate clothes with jewelry, embroidery and ribbons. Elegant clothing is usually made of velvet or silk and decorated with gold embroidery, so it is extremely expensive. Pearl bracelets, long gloves, and perfume also appeared for personal use. ORR Dan Hugh orchid first way about Italian dressing's description: "milan are always dressed in colorful, Naples, people in the clothing on the best of luxury capabilities, genoese clothes is also very beautiful, ferrara and mantua people very pay attention to a piece of gold ACTS the role of cap".

Italians often spend heavily on clothing consumption, in the consumption of recorded on the list, we can see clearly that the dew, jia ? borgia's dowry in the brocade of 50 and velvet fabrics, embroidery and lace gown, when she leave Rome took 150 mules carrying her clothes; John xxii spent 3,100 gold pieces per year on clothing alone, and then increased to 15,000 gold pieces. 1492 years of Naples fee in the prince into Rome, wearing "gold silk brocade clothes, expensive jewelry, twinkling in the chest, cap and cap also decorated with the same jewelry, wore a value 6000 du carter's pearl diamond necklace, belt and accessories of estimated values for the same money, its mounts the REINS of all du carter, 3000 worth of pearls, precious stones, decorated with all the trappings of plated with a thick layer of gold". In the face of the increasing luxury consumption, many cities in Italy have issued "luxury prohibitions", in an attempt to limit people's excessive consumption, especially in terms of women's clothing and banquet consumption. But a strong sense of vanity led people to ignore these laws, and guests were always dressed to the nines at dinner parties. Italian women are not only known for their beauty, but also for their high-end taste in clothes. The luxury consumption of Italian clothes has greatly influenced the development of the garment industry in other European countries and regions. Milan is still a fashion metropolis.


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Paper代写:A brief history of time

2018-08-08 17:10:43 | 日記
本篇paper代写- A brief history of time讨论了《时间简史》。在《时间简史》中,霍金试图以一种最简单易懂的方式,将不可切实感知的宇宙形态描述为一个有限却无界的空间。书中文字从物理、天文、宇宙学甚至哲学的角度将霍金本人对宇宙、时空乃至生命的理论思考及心里哲思清晰而真诚地呈现在读者面前,他试图直观的告诉我们究竟什么是“空间”。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In "a brief history of time, space and time is no longer cold data of physical formula derived, but we are proved, which is closely linked with the life they do not shake, very strong, but with our existence form the full of the world, they never comfortable, infinite long, but also helpless to control their own burst and rebirth. They are existence. Can we simply generalize the concept of the "world" so that we can conclude that the world is physical, and that its composition underpins the framework of our understanding in the form of the universe. But it doesn't seem to be the case. What we feel is a bigger existence than its concept of cause and effect, but it is in every seemingly insignificant individual's heart. Can we say that the world contains the sum of all known and unknown things and that the world is what we have

Stephen my goal is simply to complete my understanding of the universe, which includes why the universe is what it is now, and why the universe exists," "hawking said. Hawking's unremitting exploration of physics and his passion for truth makes him the world's most famous scientific thinker and most outstanding theoretical physicist since Einstein. His book a brief history of time is more of a popular science classics that will popularize advanced theoretical physics. As a college student, we do not want to stick to the limits of disciplines and majors, so we have a wide range of books on various subjects. With the dream of the simplest and most fanatical knowledge, in my reading and thinking with "a brief history of time" together, to physics and philosophy seems to be mad difficult but essentially the penetration in our life the most deep place of truth and wisdom into the heart, and some thinking and will result in the form of essays recorded sincere hope and friends to share and exchange.

In "a brief history of time," hawking tries to describe the unperceptible shape of the universe as a limited but unbounded space in the simplest possible way. It is mysterious and full of truth, has no beginning and no end, the universe itself represents the meaning of existence. From the perspective of physics, astronomy, cosmology and even philosophy, the book presents hawking's theoretical thinking and psychological thoughts on the universe, space and even life clearly and sincerely to the readers. From the book, I learned that hawking's most outstanding contribution was undoubtedly his proof of the inevitability of black holes and the singularity of the big bang in the framework of classical physics, inferring that black holes get bigger and bigger, while pointing out in the framework of quantum physics that black holes get smaller and smaller because of radiation. Not only was the singularity of the big bang flattened by quantum effects, but the entire universe began there, as the book's subtitle, "from the big bang to a black hole," attempts to tell us intuitively what "space" really is. However, just like the three thousand worlds in the diamond sutra, the so-called space is still an "infinite and poor" realm. We exist in the space. Life is as small as the sand of Ganges river and the dust of Egypt is too small to be seen, which is "infinite". On the other hand, the universe is vast and vast, but it cannot escape the fate of limited extension and repeated rebirth in the end, which means "there is poverty".

As Kant said in the critique of practical reason, there are two things in this world that make us more confused. One is the starry sky above us; the other is the moral law in our heart. It is not hard to imagine a time when the wise men of the ancient city-states of the far west divided the stars into different constellations and gave them different meanings. In the Chinese clan, the most ancient wise men depicted the five lines of gossip and divined the time when the sun, the moon and the stars were rising. In the dark and turbulent years, countless shouts of the most advanced wisdom civilization at that time were stifled in the throat as heresy and cruel even though it was difficult to verify. Human beings looked up at the distant sky above, with what kind of excitement and frustration, but also paid what price and expectation. But what role are we playing in this vast and mysterious river of stars? We human beings are confused, and constantly trying to connect our existence with the unknown star, as if this is enough to prove that we human beings have some deep connection with this infinite mystery after all. From generation to generation and from generation to generation and from generation to generation, we have never stopped exploring the unknown star river, or even the crazy obsession and paranoid belief in history and civilization. But back to the "poor" in the proposition of "infinite", we are always so helpless, we are sure that we have already solved this corner of the universe mystery but increasingly feel that elusive infinite unknown, we can only seem to deeply feel the fact that life is too short there are poor, in the face of the universe forever endless "infinite", is so insignificant. Here "has the poor" also involves a time question.

For the description of time, we can refer to the original text of the book to examine the connotation of philosophical thinking and physics. "" disorder or entropy increases with time is an example of a so-called time arrow. The arrow of time separates the past from the future and gives time a direction. There are at least three types of time arrows: the first, the thermodynamic time arrow, is an increase in disorder or entropy in this time direction; Then there is the psychological time arrow, which is the direction in which we feel the passage of time, in which we can remember the past rather than the future; Finally, there is the cosmological time arrow, in which the universe is expanding, not shrinking." In terms of the combination of time and space, the borderless condition mentioned in the book actually means the continuous addition of the disorder degree of space and time when it shrinks. When the universe compresses, the direction of time will be the same as the expansion, that is, the time happening now. But it's also just an illusion of hard physics, of our lives and, in fact, more of a fantastic illusion between psychological feelings and physical differences. Seems to be no end of a long time in our history, flowing, the life in the river of time fleeting or vanity life-long, let countless lives leaving an infinite number of regret and hope, with a life of "poor" explore "infinite" realm, this also is the most magical place life, and life also only when interact with space and time, affect, maintained a breakthrough in the end, the determination of this to call what we call the existence of the time and space, referred to as "the world".

Hawking pointed out in a brief history of time that the universe arose from a physical explosion. Where the density of matter is not uniform in the universe, nuclear fusion is created, stars collapse or explode, second - or third-generation stars, which we call the sun, are produced, and then the earth.

Since then, numerous coincidences in earth's barren ocean have recombined the chemicals to form a new individual, a unique individual form - called the existence of life. Beyond count like without soft body join together, at the end of the chain of life in the dirty ocean in how many generation of racial interest-bearing try the infinite possibility of life, the life of the spiral totem alternate interdependence, and it doesn't matter all price, unconscious billions of tiny have the instinct toward their own direction through a short time, leave, they seem to be nothing but every tiny sacrifice will produce under the infinite time called miracle to the invasion of the legend. Since the evolution of life, we claim to be a spirit of all things, to explore the truth of time and space and life, and do we really know what life is? In my opinion, life must be connected with space and time to be called "alive". If our lives assume that all existence and effort will vanish behind us, there is no doubt that it is always a great tragedy. Even the simplest and meanest of lives are happy. We exist in a certain time and space, experience the brave, the persistent in life, those who insist on, your dream is aspersing sweat, to the truth, and continuously explore, to live better and create a new life belongs to excellence, build a happy family, the continuation of the beauty of life, this world has too much worth will become incomparably glorious life. Although the world is not perfect, as the limited individual of life, we learn to cherish life, and the endless continuation of life, so that we will not lose in time and space the authenticity and dignity of life.

From a metaphysical point of view, the world is also meaningful to different individuals. Some of the world of life starts from his recognition of the existence of the world as a part of the individual cognition, until his existence of the world began to negate or even ambiguous until completely forgotten as the end. And some lives, from the very beginning with a negative or doubting attitude to the existence of the world, have been mixed in the world with an ambiguous existence until their own existence with an imperceptible speed gradually disappeared and died. What's more, the world of his life begins with people remembering his birth and ends with people forgetting his death. But I do believe that we are different. On this blue earth, we are blessed and nurtured for generations, becoming a special life with wisdom. We have created civilizations on this planet, traversing plains, climbing mountains, conquering oceans, soaring skies, and even exploring the mysteries of the universe through technological innovation and progress. But we are so clumsy, we have been stupid repeatedly misread the truth that now seems to be easy to read, but how many times for those sacrifices and ignorance and complacent. We have made a colossal mistake that the world cannot forgive, a terrible tragedy that nature has never caused, and we have created the most brilliant civilization on this planet, the most magnificent miracle of natural evolution. But we still cannot deny that we are too small for the universe, that we can change and exist only in the present world. The sun is the closest star to earth, and it only takes eight minutes to run toward it at the speed of light. That is to say, the sun that we see is actually eight minutes old, and the stars that we see in the night sky may have been falling billions of years ago. This may be a sad proposition. But please let us to understand this proposition from a different Angle, we can change maybe just in front of the world, however, we protect currently have will guard in balance in the development of environment and resource, continuation of existing at the same time, with limited life to explore the infinite unknown, let us this generation of deep in our children and grandchildren continue, this is a wonderful and magical things. Just like the setting sun is decaying in the west, but it is rising on the other side of the blue planet. Matter itself is a kind of existence, life itself is a miracle, let life continue, let hope not only, let life infinite, in the boundary of time and space where the "world" that "live" wonderful.

In "a brief history of time, space and time is no longer cold data of physical formula derived, but we are proved, which is closely linked with the life they do not shake, very strong, but with our existence form the full of the world, they never comfortable, infinite long, but also helpless to control their own burst and rebirth. They are existence. Not only do we think about a perennial problem, but can we simply generalize the concept of the "world" to arrive at a set of conclusions: the world is physical, made up of structures that support our understanding in the form of the universe? But it doesn't seem to be the case. What we feel is a bigger existence than its concept of cause and effect, but it is in the heart of every seemingly insignificant individual. Can we say that the world contains the sum of all known and unknown things? Life may be just a form of existence, even though its existence is full of unpredictable coincidences and uncontrollable destiny, it is full of ordinariness and weakness, confusion and confusion, but it is so unremitting and tenacious, so dignified, it is not strong enough, not long enough and may even end at any time. But that's the beauty of it, that we use our finite lives to create brilliance, that we use our interconnected threads of life to understand the infinite possibilities and the infinite truths, and that's the real miracle of the universe.

A few decades ago, a famous scientist gave an astronomy lecture in which he described how the earth revolves around the sun, and how the sun revolves around the center of a large group of stars, telling people that the group is called the Milky Way. At the end of his speech, a little old woman sitting in silence at the end of the room slowly got up and said, "what you're talking about is nonsense. In fact, the world is a tablet on a giant turtle!" The scientist could not help smiling haughtily and replied, "so what is this turtle standing on?" "You're smart, young man, really smart." "But," said the old woman slowly, "it's a turtle tower that carries on and on." Perhaps the greatest mystery of the world is just like this. We cannot deny it with any absolute vision, nor can we admit the reality with ambiguous attitude. Only the endless exploration and the endless life can reach the truth.

As Stephen hawking said: "toward the eternal as if at the end of a long endless", we pursue with regard to the shape of space and time, probe into the origin of life and the end, in the final analysis is realized in wonder and unusual us as individuals living in the vast universe peculiar existence significance. Let us in thinking toward the truth and make unremitting endeavor, maybe it will be no end of a long, but we still remember the time and space, where there is life, there is endless even eternal is not absolute, adhere to the inner life born and unable to external things shake look forward and to the inheritance of never give up, perhaps the so-called answer has since the show them, clear understanding.


Essay代写:Business operation management

2018-08-08 16:50:52 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Business operation management,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了企业的运营管理。运营,或又可称为营运。企业一般由经营、管理、运营三个机能层面所构成,经营机能多与公司整体目标和战略事项的设定和决策有关。营运,可以浅显地理解为经营运作管理。在公司设立营运部门,也就是更集中地提升公司的收入,控制直接用于一线营运的费用,从而搭建一个高效率低费用的营运体系。

The operation management department is responsible for the management of the company's commodities, procurement, planning, sales, etc. However, at present, Chinese enterprises do not truly understand the real purpose of operation, model and core areas.

Operation, or operation. The enterprise generally consists of three functional levels: operation, management and operation. The business function is mostly related to the setting and decision-making of the company's overall goals and strategic matters, which is the business content at the level of the general manager. The operation is mostly under the established target, the enterprise through the control of resources and specific implementation of the target content. This link belongs to the business scope of the chief operating officer; The management function level is mostly related to finance, personnel, logistics, computer and other specific professional contents. It is mainly a second-line business that assists support, and assists operation and operation in the aspect of early warning. In general, it is mostly taken up by personnel who understand front-line operation.

Operation can be understood as operation management. To set up the operation department in the company, that is, to increase the income of the company more centrally, to control the expenses directly used for front-line operation, so as to build an efficient and low-cost operation system. A successful retail chain, which sets up an operation system, is carried out according to the principle of 3S, namely Specialization: Specialization; Simplification: Simplification; Standardization.

Typically, we set up a number of management indicators for the operations department, which work around these indicators. However, with the deepening of the business and the meticulous management, the indicators are more and more and more detailed, which finally leads to the loss of focus and main thrust of the operation line work in a series of detailed and unsystematic indicators. In practice, operation means expanding sales and improving sales efficiency. Higher sales can lead to greater market power, diluting fixed fees and thus lower expense ratios. And low cost can bring the gross profit contribution rate of unit sales, so as to achieve higher profitability of the enterprise. The contribution of operation to operation is to develop market rapidly and increase income.

Define operating objectives. Operating objectives can be divided into operating objectives and management objectives. Operating objectives are directly related to profits, is fundamental. Identify key management points to control to achieve operational goals. Sales promotion: manage the business content well; Secondly, the commodity information should be transmitted to consumers through various publicity activities. Thirdly, it helps consumers to select and combine commodities efficiently through professional services to achieve higher performance satisfaction. Finally, reduce the cost price of goods, expand the profit space, enhance the ability of low sales; Improve customer satisfaction by using professional service of commodity quality; At the same time, sales monitoring can also be from the customer price and number of customers to manage. Comprehensive increase of gross margin: control commodity cost; Catch good return the sale of goods; Must do well the store terminal service. Operating cost control, the key is variable cost management. Reduce bad inventory, indirectly reduce wastage, improve capital turnover efficiency, improve the rate of return on investment; Attention to fixed inventory, slow - moving inventory and near - term inventory.

Standards and control indicators must be established for the above management points. Firstly, the work report system should be designed to report and analyze the indicators according to a certain period of time and take corresponding measures to improve according to the analysis results. At the same time, work procedures and standards should be developed in order to improve work efficiency, reduce work coordination and waiting time, and achieve the goal of rapid management replication in chain expansion.

Find the right management person. The responsibility to the chief operating officer and the person first condition is a premise foundation of good operation management. General requirements for chief operating officer: bachelor degree or above in management. Received management, financial management, enterprise operation management, leadership skills, production operations management and other knowledge training. At least 5 years working experience and 4 years senior management experience. Excellent leadership and management skills and good business philosophy. Have a strong team spirit, organization and planning ability and good communication skills; Have extensive contact with and in-depth communication with senior officials of the government and enterprises; Strong logical thinking ability; Strong marketing experience. Handle affairs conscientiously rigorous; Pursue success, be energetic and can work under great pressure.

Determine the role of the operating department in the operating system, specific objectives and requirements. Set the supervisor's job requirements and find the right person for operation. Set up the operation system with the chief operating officer as the center. Department establishment, including department function, core business design, index design and department personnel allocation. Design the reporting system of each department, and preliminarily make the work standards of key business processes and key positions. According to the preliminary reporting system and standard system, the operation and operation system will be started, and regular review will be carried out to put forward the irrationality of the original standard and revise it, until the operation system runs smoothly and the purpose of operation can be clearly achieved in the operation process of the system, then the standard will be decided. Education supervises the staff of each post to carry out the work in strict accordance with the standards and fulfill the responsibilities of the post. When the operating conditions and operating conditions change, the corresponding standards need to be revised again, and the new standards should be supervised.

First, the company should make use of the unique advantages of the chain and place orders by the headquarters to improve the bargaining power and reduce the procurement cost. When necessary, it can join hands with friendly and non-overlapping peers to form the purchasing congmeng and further expand the advantages of scale negotiation. Secondly, it is necessary to make good use of the supplier's commodity expertise and consumer education ability to introduce its terminal product technology to improve customer satisfaction and employee service skills

Include employee basic quality and professional service training. The basic shopping soft environment of a retail store is determined by the quality of service personnel. If employees can become shopping consultants to consumers, it will be the most difficult for the company to imitate the competitiveness.

This is a key part of category management to gain unique profitability. However, it is also the highest level of commodity competition for chain companies to manage good activities after developing certain brand strength and scale. Through the unique consumer demand survey of the chain, the company developed unique products together with the manufacturer, and labeled with its own brand, to enjoy the market and customers, and through these products to improve the chain brand with superior cost performance. Even if you can't be a private brand, you should try to cooperate with suppliers to develop exclusive distribution varieties. Especially now, all consumer goods manufacturing industries are starting to initiate industrial integration. Among them, there will be a lot of well-known brand enterprises with excessive production capacity after merger and expansion. Even if you can't sell exclusively for a long time, you'll want to pursue regional exclusivity for a while.

