

Reapplication Essay怎么写

2018-08-13 18:09:20 | 日記
Reapplication Essay不知道大家听说没有,它比较少见,一般只能在MBA申请中看到它的身影。有一些学校会要求申请人写Reapplication Essay,作为上一年申请的update。目的就是看一下你过去的一年里发生了什么?成长了多少?那么Reapplication Essay该怎么写?下面就给大家作一下Reapplication Essay的写作指导。

It’s easy said than done. Reapplication Essay关键的Challenge在于——没得写。

这点也不难理解,大家还记得我的Mentee Scott童鞋吧(参见第三日:怎样选校做规划),他去年很多学校是在第二轮提交的申请(也就是2014年1月),到现在为止也就半年时间,半年里能有什么大长进呢?工作还是那份工作,G/T也还是那个成绩,唯一的改变是因为长期熬夜多长了几斤肉,可这也没法儿写到Essay里不是?

可是你要真这么认为就错了,FrankFriend认为Reapplication Essay的素材至少可以从以下方面展开思路:












Frank Friend觉得至少这个你可以有——过去一年里你经历了完整的申请过程,系统性地研究了商学院,全面反思了自我,再回过头来看现在的工作,即便对于相同的Assignment你也应该有不同的看法:试试从General Manager的角度看你工作的意义,试试从Global Business的角度看公司的成长性,试试从Leadership的角度看职场竞争和办公室政治,你还能说没有新的体悟吗?






三、Career Goal(CG)

谁说今年的CG一定要跟去年一样?保持一致性?不敢有冲突?别扯了,进了商学院后你基本every semester(If not every quarter)都会变换CG,学校当然也理解这一点。本来嘛,人都是在曲线中前进的,哪能一次就定终身?只要你言之有理,思考深入(这点很重要哦),商学院乐见你改变CG,这也说明了你对职业的思考逐渐走向成熟和深入。最应该担心的不是改变,而恰恰是一成不变地停滞不前。

四、Why You

商学院的Essay题目虽然千变万化,但无论是HBS酷帅狂霸拽的One Question Essay,还是Stanford千年不变的经典“What matters most to you”,抑或是长着一副大众脸的“What do you aspire to achieve, personally and professionally, through the Wharton MBA?”,说到底就是在问两个问题:

Why Me:我是谁,我有多出色,为什么你应该选我。

Why You:我爱你,有多爱,为什么爱。

以上1-3条我们讨论了怎么回答“Why Me我是谁”,那第4条不妨来说说“Why You我爱你”。

“Why You”不好写,原因很简单——Why Me可以以一当十,一个版本海投十家(或者更多)商学院。可“Why You”就得每家定制了,钉是钉铆是铆,来不得半点马虎。这就好比Frank Friend分享经验时可以写好文章群发给大家,可是对于私教Mentee就必须一对一量身定制,狠花一番功夫才行。



那怎么在Reapplication Essay里表达“我爱你”呢?



OMG,我已经森森怀疑你对学校的爱意了,不过也不要紧,学校网站你看了吧?课程表和Club可以做个研究吧?网站上学生和校友的视频可以观摩下吧?很多学校都有社交媒体页面这个你应该知道吧?上去看看甚至留个言什么的,也找人(AO、校友、学生,甚至是其他申请人)在线聊聊交流下感情嘛,没准就能得到个point写在Reapplication Essay里。


也不要紧,那你有没有参加过学校的在线Workshop,线下讲座,甚至学校MBA来上海北京的Coffee Chat?这些活动怎样增进了你对学校的了解和热爱?


那我要恭喜你在七月份看到Frank Friend的这篇文章,因为你完全可以在接下来的日子里开始照着上述建议着手实施。申请是没有捷径的,需要你的努力。所谓“师傅领进门,修行靠个人”。

以上就是关于Reapplication Essay的写作讲解,Reapplication Essay对于再申请人而言,既是个Burden也是个Opportunity,如果你能够充分挖掘素材并且讲好故事,那就完全可以利用这篇Additional essay的篇幅建立起相对于新申请人的竞争优势。



作业代写:The postmodern thought in beloved

2018-08-13 18:08:55 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The postmodern thought in beloved,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了小说《宠儿》中的后现代思想。小说《宠儿》是美国女作家托尼・莫里森的代表作,莫里森在这部小说中继承了黑奴叙事书写历史的传统,尽可能真实地还原了黑人在美国历史上特殊地位,控诉了臭名昭著的黑人奴隶制度对美国黑人造成的身体上和心灵上的双重伤害,揭示了由白人上层阶级主导的官方历史,是对真实历史的歪曲。作者运用后现代文学的诸多表现手法,对历史进行解构和重构,在要求人们正视历史的前提条件下,呼吁黑人们应该关注自己当下的命运。

"Beloved" is the masterpiece of Toni Morrison, a contemporary American black woman writer, in this novel, Morrison inherits the tradition of the history of the writing of the black slaves, and integrates it into the postmodern context, and also uses a multi-angle narrative method to restore the special status of black people in American history comprehensively and as real as possible. The alleged physical and psychological damage inflicted on black Americans by the infamous Black slave system, revealing the official history dominated by the white upper class, is a distortion of real history.

The author uses the many expressive techniques of post-modern literature to deconstruct and reconstruct the history, and calls on the black people to pay attention to their present fate under the precondition of asking people to face up to the history. "Beloved" is Morrison's fifth work, published in 1987, since the publication of the popular literature enthusiasts, Morrison as a prolific writer, the quality and quantity in the history of literature is the leading. "Beloved" by critics and readers alike is her "most successful and most touching work." After Toni Morrison won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993, she further laid down her literary status. Morrison reveals the tragic survival of the Negro through the creation of a paradoxical plot and a distorted figure, revealing unreal and real, bizarre and normal mixing, thus becoming "another voice of postmodern expression".

As the first black woman writer in American history to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, Toni Morrison's work has been widely noticed in American literary circles. Published in 1987 "Beloved" is the author of the work after the famous, the next year won the Pulitzer Prize, and the work is known as "the milestone of American literature history", in addition, "beloved" for Morrison won the National Book Award and Robert Kennedy Award. Toni Morrison reveals the traumatic effects of American slavery and racial discrimination on the black spirit, and profoundly portrays the tragic history of the Negro.

The author starts from the postmodern context to explore the narrative pattern in beloved. "Beloved" is based on a historical fragment of a true, the 1850s black slave Margarett Ganna with their children from the slave manor fled, came to Ohio Cincinnati, followed by the slave master Pursuit, Margarett Ganna to make their children no longer like her to suffer inhuman treatment, Resolutely chose to die for them, but she only killed one daughter after the slave master captured [1]. Toni Morrison had a strong creative impulse when she approached the story in 1974. After 10 years of brewing and three years of creation, a black slave soul of the Blood and tears of the history of "beloved" published. "Beloved" as a novel with magical realism, mainly narrated the black slave sethe to own miserable situation recollection, the story happened in the American serfdom period, at the age of 13 years Sethe was sold to "the Sweet House" The plantation, the plantation host Ghana has carried on to own slave is a relatively benevolent management system, But when Mr. Ghanaian was murdered, the abusive racist "school teacher" began to take care of the plantation. The slaves were so intolerant of animal cruelty that they chose to flee, sethe to avoid the fate of their daughters to be slaves, to kill their own daughter, in the words of Sethe, she took her daughter to a safe place. But when the Sethe, who had endured many hardships, settled down at number 124th, the fear of killing her own daughter haunted her. 18 years later, daughter in order to feel motherly love, with the help of the physical resurrection, and Sethe is all to give their own motherly love, and seems to have lost their due sense, and eventually is always introverted, Dan Fu bravely walked out of the 124th and to the Black society to seek help, finally took the darling.

And Dan Fu also soothe the darling of the undead, Sethe also gradually from the past guilt and remorse of life came out. Blacks have long been a weak group in American history, in contemporary literary works, they rarely become the protagonist of the literature, and the number of outstanding black writers is not too many, coupled with the history of their group in the United States in a missing, blank state, This kind of flaw not only manifests its historical status the flaw, there is also a lack of literary sense, which causes the original life state and historical face is more vague or distorted, some black writers found this material, but due to the lack of historical materials and similar literary works, they can not be very good to express themselves. As a black woman writer, Morrison lives in the black culture, she uses her advantage to regroup the buried black historical data, and then makes a deep and concrete interpretation of the historical connotation contained in the historical context.

In his works, Morrison skillfully supplemented the incomplete black history with the help of Postmodernism narrative style, which increased the charm of literature. Morrison used the art technique of postmodernism in his beloved, and then described the narrative mode in the historical reconstruction under the postmodern context, which is not only the embodiment of the writer's social responsibility, but also the identity of the characters ' psychology. Morrison enriches and expands the writing techniques of postmodern literature with superb writing skills, it also makes people's understanding and appreciation of post-modern literature have a certain positive significance, through the use of the art of postmodernism, so that the real history can be reconstructed, showing the world with a different black culture and the history of civilization picture, While improving the historical status of black writers, the history of postmodern literary works has left a thick and thick pen.


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Assignment代写:The theme of love in Renaissance poetry

2018-08-13 18:07:39 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The theme of love in Renaissance poetry,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了文艺复兴时期诗歌中关于的爱情主题。文艺复兴运动,将人们的情感从中世纪的宗教桎梏中解放出来,而爱情作为感情的强烈表现,也在文艺复兴时期的文艺作品中得到了尽情的展现。在众多的爱情诗中,爱情的主题也各有侧重,或谈情,或言性。在诗人的笔下,爱情呈现着不同的姿态。每一个诗人,每一首诗,都言及一面,共同描绘出了一个绚烂无比的爱情的宏大主题。

The Renaissance liberated people's feelings from the shackles of religion in the century. Love, as a strong expression of feelings, was also fully displayed in the Renaissance works. In many love poems, the theme of love also has different focuses, or talk about love, or speech. This paper chooses three different love poems of different poets in this period. By comparing the similarities and differences of the images in the poems, it reveals the diversified love views and different ways of expressing love in this period.

As a movement, the Renaissance, after a century, swept across Europe, swept away the clouds and shackles of the medieval "dark age", and let the light of human nature shine again in all aspects of human life. The ancient and unchanging love also sheds a new light in the human nature. In this period, each kind of art is extolling love in its own way. The sweetness, sanctity, variety and diversity of love are especially favored by poets. In their writing, love takes on a different posture, or fragrance, or tenderness, or passion of temptation, or sanctity. Every poet, every poem, all speak one side, and together they depict a grand theme of gorgeous love. The author selected three love poems of the three poets in this period, hoping to get a glimpse of the unique expression of love theme in Renaissance poetry.

When it comes to love, whether exquisite or sublime, we often think of the passionate feelings between lovers or the lovey-dovey couple world. However in edmond spencer's "one day, I wrote her name in the sand," a poem, people realize in the romantic poetry is bold and unrestrained feelings, or already familiar with the heroic action in the ancient Greek drama has disappeared. The heroine and the "I" is more like two metaphysician rather than lovers, is talking about the xuan talk rather than on love affairs, call each other also let a person feel no enthusiasm, in the poem of appellation is not about sight that specific vivid image, the lovers and often about such as "immortal", such as "good" and "virtue" abstract concepts. Though your name is full of "light" in the poet's heart, it is only "written in heaven". The heroine's exclamation to the hero is just a "conceited person", which does not sound half passionate, but is just an objective and calm criticism. There is not a word of love in the poem that relates to these two, but to "my poem" and to eternity: "my poem perpetuates your rare virtue." The "I" in the poem is more like a knight in the middle ages, only the sword in the hand turns into a sonnet to win the "good name" and "brilliance" for the heroine whose appearance is hidden in the poem. And the knight for all her action is no longer a battle sword, but the reduction of a monotonous move: "write her name in the sand", this behavior is not in contact with her, and leave no trace, because "the waves to the" will "wash away the name", this kind of behavior is more like a meditator, rather than the love between lovers will happen, but now that the names have been wiped out the waves and that will not assume any responsibility, then this behavior will not cause any results. Accordingly, a whole "she" image has been reduced to a mere name. Even if this "good name" could be made immortal, there would be nothing left but an empty symbol. Though this is a love poem, it loses its sweetness. It seems that once love is distilled, all emotions vanish into clouds.

Christopher Marlowe's "shepherd's song", the opening with a warm imperative sentence invites readers to share in love the enthusiasm of the shepherd: "come on, and I live together, be my love." The abstract pursuit in Spenser's poem becomes the earnest call, the fame and glory become the secular life. Most of the actions in the poem are directly related to the two lovers who are in love with each other. Otherwise, they also express the shepherd's strong determination to pursue and his sincere praise for the lover being pursued. In stanzas or stanzas, the plural subject "we" triggers a series of actions. On the one hand, the modal verb "will" promises his lover a beautiful and bright future, on the other hand, it shows his strong desire to achieve such a future. From the beginning of verse 3, a series of actions led by "I will" reveal the shepherd's will and determination. Whether the "I" in the poem is "a bed made of thousands of bouquets of flowers" or "a belt made of ivy and aromatic grass", it is to "move" and "your heart". Readers will be surprised by the many concrete images in the poem, such as "valley countryside", "lamb", "bird", "rose", "gown", and so on, compared with the abstract concept of "good name" or "virtue" in spencer's poem, all of which are not in the concrete and vivid life. All these concrete images together paint a vivid picture of personal life. At this point, we should notice that the images of nature in the two poems are different. In Spenser's poem, the image of nature exists only as a pure background. As soon as the subject is lit, it will be invisible again in the dark. In marlow's poem, nature is light itself. "Come and live with me" is to live in the "beautiful valley of the lambs". Besides the eagerness, initiative and directness of the shepherd, the image of the heroine in the poem is also embodied to some extent. From verse 3 to verse 6, the image of a girl who is dressed up to be loved, entertained with all her heart, and loved, appears vividly in the eager discourse of the shepherd. However, this beloved girl is still invisible in many images, only in this rich rhetoric of existence.

Spencer girl didn't play in the poem, Marlowe girl in poem in a figurative sense only to the presence of John donne "bait", seems to describe a complete woman. From verse 2, the poem celebrates not only her glowing "eyes," but also her actions: "swimming in that flowing bath." The image of a woman is no longer an abstract name, not a fancy dress, but a flesh-and-blood woman who can act. In poetry, women's behavior is condensed into a tantalizing bait in the phrase "you are your own bait." This echoes an image at the end of the first stanza: the hook. "Silver hook" brings the reader a sense of cold, sharp, ruthless and cunning, as well as a desire to conquer and initiative. The image along with other image at the beginning of the poem, such as "cold water", "slippery line", the sense that gives a person is far from comfortable, but annoying and disturbing, this poetry and poetry parodying Marlowe open sentence "come on, and I live together, be my love, / us fresh happiness is endless" give a person look forward to in different ways. It wasn't long before this uneasy feeling became a whole cruel picture of love. Others who try to win love must "freeze in the reed," "cut their legs," or use "broken nets," or use "flies" as bait, while the woman in the poem "needs no such trick" to win love easily because she is "her own bait." Though still the object of the chase, she was distinguished for her beauty, and could seduce men without the need for them to seduce her with eternal or perfect life. It is also almost impossible to find a suitor as clearly as it is in spencer's or marlow's poem, in which only the image of a group of pleasure-seekers emerges in the form of a shoal of fish. Trapped by the bait, the fish from every river "happily went to catch" her. The love in the poem is more like a game, full of temptation, trick and catch - release process. "Bait" this image is not only exists in the metaphor, but everywhere retained actually layer surface texture, such as "hooks" and "amorous" and "catch" word, contains a strong meaning of sex. Compared with the abstract concepts of spencer's poetry or marlow's pastoral life, the bait is more detailed, direct and specific, but once hooked, the cruelty, coldness and ruthlessness of love are as specific as physical pain and bloodshed.

Although the three poems are love poems, they are different from each other. Spencer's abstract ideal of love may be longer than marlow's idyllic life, but there is no sense of truth to it. Similarly true and concrete, donne's sexual love, which is full of seduction, is stronger, but it is also colored with pain by its intensity, losing the purity of spencer's poem and the sincerity of marlow's. But it is difficult to discern clear linear development in the three poems. If dorn and marlow's poems are more concrete than spencer's, this abstraction may be just spencer's personal style. The same theme is much more vivid in Shakespeare's 18 sonnets. The insignificance of nature in Spenser became the key in marlow's poetry, and this love of nature failed to continue; In donne's poems, the once-sweet images of nature became rough "reed marshes," "shells and weeds." The female image seems to be strengthened and gradually clarified in the three poems. But passionately in love shepherd also did not describe the image of the lover eagerly, the specific decorations, utensils covered the specific female image. Marlow's shepherds and spencer's meditators are not that different. They are in control of their love and not paying attention to their lovers. Only the women portrayed by donne caught the "thread and hook" and took the lead. However, the women in donne's poems were only endowed with sexual attraction rather than the power of love, so donne failed to establish the image of a woman in love.

Although simplicity is dangerous and harmful, it does not hurt to say that love is expressed in its pluralism and pluralism. The three poems above prove this truth. Love glows eternal in spencer's poems, a warm pulse beats in marlow's poems, and in donne's works, sensuous enjoyment and temptation becomes another melody of love. It is this variety that keeps love alive, and it is love that is loved by poets. The diversified expression and the diversified presentation jointly depict the beautiful image of love, which is unique in the long middle ages. Meanwhile, it also opens up space for poets in later generations to express love with stronger feelings and bolder words.


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Paper代写:Faith education

2018-08-13 18:06:19 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Faith education讨论了信仰的教育。信仰是真正教育的天然要素,然而在当代急功近利的社会背景下,信仰教育处于迷失的状态,倾向了功利化、理性化和形式化,最终导致了人的异化。因此,我们有必要把握教育中信仰的特质,认识到它是一种精神的存在,它的形成依赖于人的整体发展,它是一种人的自主追求。并据此反省教育自身,进行旨在实现培养学生信仰的教育变革。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Belief is the natural element of education. However, in the contemporary society where people are eager for quick success and instant benefits, education is in a state of disorientation. It tends to be utilitarianism, rationalization and formalization. Therefore, it is necessary for us to grasp the characteristics of belief in education and realize that it is a spiritual existence, its formation depends on the overall development of human beings, and it is a kind of autonomous pursuit of human beings. According to this, education itself should be reflected to carry out education reform aimed at cultivating students' beliefs.

Belief is the existence of a kind of spirit, which is the inquiry of the value of life and the concern for the ultimate meaning of life. Only when people have faith can they transcend reality, return to themselves and become a whole person. Otherwise, the spirit will be empty and the soul will have nothing to depend on. As an activity to cultivate people, education bears the mission of cultivating students' faith, which is the essential meaning of education existence. "Education has to have faith, without faith it is not education, but just the technology of teaching." "Education should not be without piety, otherwise it is at most only an attitude of persuasion." "Jaspers said. However, in the real society, belief in education is struggling on the edge of crisis. The misunderstanding of positivism and the reality of social development make belief in education increasingly get lost and collapse.

Education is intrinsically linked to belief, and even belief is a natural element of education. Because the real education not only has the realistic care, but also has the ultimate care, and the ultimate care can only be carried by faith. However, in today's society dominated by benefits, functions, technologies, modes and economic principles, education's concern for reality is far more than its concern for the ultimate. The excessive attention to reality makes education squeeze too many things that do not belong to it.

Education is the business of purifying the soul. People often compare school with "ivory tower", and teacher occupation with "the most sacred profession under the sky", so education career in people's minds pure and noble. Here, education is given a function of redemption, redemption of souls lost in modern life. However, in today's society with rapid economic development and immediate interests, the whole social culture is in a state of depression of spiritual depreciation. Education abandons its function of social redemption and soul rescue and becomes a subordinate of social material. Education loses its relative independence and becomes a tool to chase fame and gain in society.

Education's pursuit of life starts to seek for more outside, often asking the society for the standard of reaching life, which is crowded by consumption life, hedonic life, technological life and competitive life. This phenomenon abounds in reality: teachers go to great pains to pursue the enrollment rate; The students did their best to check the grades. Parents spare no expense to keep their children from losing at the starting line. The place of spiritual and spiritual dependence - faith has long been far from the crowd. As zhu ziqing said: "headteachers see education as a ladder of power and money. Students naturally see education as a ladder to qualification; So each other put on "education" of skin, in change oneself of trick. Whether the trick becomes ingenious or clumsy, education's value is gone! Today, that's still true. "If one is forced to focus on the immediate goal, one has no time to look forward to the whole of life." But what's the point of education if education doesn't have a quest for life?

Education is supposed to be the education training for the whole people, including cognition, emotion, attitude, values, etc. However, under the influence of positivism, the superiority of rationality was overemphasized in education. In human development, people attach importance to the development of cognition and discard emotion, attitude and values. In knowledge recognition, the value of the symbol of knowledge is valued, while the meaning of knowledge is ignored. So education becomes a way to instill knowledge into students. This education eventually produces only misogynists or nerds.

Under the guidance of the concept of "rational supremacy" and the realistic requirements of industrial society, knowledge education itself has been dismembered and dissected. Spenser's classic asking "what is the most valuable knowledge and the consistent answer is science", bacon's famous saying "knowledge is power" has been highly recognized and perfectly practiced in modern industrial society. The scientific knowledge view makes the education course fully indulged in the trap of utilitarianism, which makes the "instrumental rationality" expansion, value rationality and individual emotion deficit of the people cultivated by education. Education is dissimilated into scientific knowledge, even into specialized skills education, and people into social tools and means. This way, "the trained techies are only professional workers serving certain purposes, and they are not subject to real education." This "technical training makes a person the most useful tool, not a person." The essence of education and the loss of human essence.

When the essence of education begins to dissimilate, education begins to formalize. Faith is the foundation of the human spirit and the foundation of the human's life. Only with belief can one be self-disciplined, autonomous and self-conscious, and become a person who can exert subjective initiative. Therefore, when the belief in education is lost, and the students lose their spiritual support and pursuit of life, education needs to find all kinds of artificial methods to arouse students' awe and maintain their self-consciousness. Its main performance is authority, discipline and temptation. The student gradually becomes an inanimate, manipulative organism.

In addition to the formalization of the education process, education itself is increasingly encumbered by the plan. Education is unplanned, because "anything an individual does out of free will is not planned." So the education program is very narrow in scope, and if it goes beyond those boundaries, education will become a mechanical training or accumulation of knowledge. However, under the influence of modern scientific management thinking, more and more plans in education seem to be able to achieve human development in a more comprehensive way. However, they do not realize that "people can only change themselves and awaken others with their own changes. But if there is any sense of compulsion in the process, the effect is lost. One of the most typical manifestations is the psychological strangulation of education, which is essentially a great debasement of human nature.

People naturally have a spiritual pursuit, which is the fundamental difference between humans and animals. No school of philosophy in history has denied the existence of human spirit, even the positivist philosophy sometimes used as a "scapegoat". "True science is not just religious in nature," says the positivist philosopher spencer. It is also religiously based in its deep reverence and absolute faith for the uniformity of the movements in which all things are represented. It can be seen that spencer is not the narrow-minded utilitarian educator we misunderstand. His assertion that "scientific knowledge is most valuable" based on his philosophy is based on the prevailing classicism and rejection of natural science in Britain at that time. Yet today we often use it as a cover for our pursuit of utilitarianism. However, today's education has gone to another extreme, that is, the excessive attention to the scientific education, while ignoring its humanity; Too much attention to education's realistic value, but neglected education's ultimate concern. In such an era context, should we also be able to see into the stubborn problems of the era like spencer, and propose that education should cultivate students' beliefs.

To construct the education of faith, we need to first understand the faith itself. Belief is the value pursuit of human beings at the spiritual level. It enables people to transcend the vulgar reality, acquire the noble quality and become human. American writer Emerson said, "faith consists in the affirmation of the soul." It is the ultimate basis of human spirit, life and behavior, and its core meaning refers to the pursuit of the most important value of human life. Education must help people build faith, which is the highest mission of education. To construct the students' beliefs, we need to first understand the beliefs themselves.

From the perspective of material and spiritual, belief belongs to the spiritual level. Because of the belief, man can surmount the finitude of life in the idea, surmount the bondage of secular material, and make his life activity itself become the object of his consciousness and will. Therefore, it can be said that faith is the meaning support of human survival, self-reliance and development. However, in today's fast-developing society, people are reluctant to go swimming in the ocean of the material world for survival, or indulge in the pleasures of wine and wine. The loss of faith and the devaluation of spirit reduced people to the tool of pursuing fame and wealth. However, belief cannot be lost. When spiritual belief is lost, people need to have other goals to make up for the lost spiritual belief, so they build their faith on various material pursuits. However, any utilitarian thought based on the secular reality available material is the expression of belief loss and debasement of human nature. Man's life loses its dignity and meaning.

The formation of belief is by no means abstract and intangible. It is formed in the tension between reality and ideal. Therefore, the formation of faith depends on the overall development of people, and the one-sided development of people will lead to the loss of faith. In terms of education, the overall development of human includes the acquisition of knowledge as well as the awakening of free spirit. Man as a whole can neither be planned nor manufactured. Historical practice has proved that the acquisition of knowledge and the awakening of free spirit do not necessarily correspond to each other. There is a complex transformation between them. And the latter is more important than the former in their meaning to life. Therefore, it is unrealistic for education to try to enable students to achieve overall development by enabling them to master a large amount of mixed knowledge, and at the same time, it is wrong in terms of emphasis. Such knowledge may help students to master survival skills, but as the cultivation of human education, if it cannot focus on education as "human", cannot focus on education as "human", cannot focus on the growth of human spirit, this is the crisis of education itself.

In the eyes of philosophers, "faith often reveals the inner strength of man to his own demands". A person of faith has the power of comparison in his heart, and is able to take responsibility and fight for it. It can be seen that the true belief is one's extreme conviction, respect and struggle for it. Such struggle does not need external control and constraints, but is a kind of individual self-discipline, self-determination and self-conscious behavior. This pursuit of faith is persistent; it will not stop because of poverty, it will not turn because of fame and wealth, and it will not be abandoned because of power. In the modern society of "fame and wealth", some people will laugh at the pedantic and ridiculous faith, thinking that only by going with the tide can people adapt to the society and be wise. In fact, these people have lost their inner soul and are living a kind of life. One day, they will feel self-pity because they have no firm direction of life. Poet zang kejia said: "life is always chasing the phantom light, but who regards the phantom light as the phantom light, who then sinks to the bottomless sea of suffering." Because this person needs to have belief, have belief to be able to have ego to pursue, just can have spiritual end-result. Only those who have faith in pursuit are real people, and they are not alienated.


Essay代写:Recessive education

2018-08-13 17:53:24 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Recessive education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了隐性教育。作为思想政治教育工作重要的方法,隐性教育法在实践中被教育者广泛运用,与显性教育互相互补,推动思想政治教育工作的发展。隐性教育的目的是为了熏陶。而隐性教育的熏陶功能是指教育者在内隐教育目的的前提下,通过创设有教育意义的情境,在良好氛围的熏陶中,受教育者不自觉的接受潜移默化的间接的教育影响。

As an important implementation method of ideological and political education work, implicit education method is widely used by educators in practice, complementing each other with explicit education, promoting the development of ideological and political education work. This paper focuses on the features and functions of implicit education, which are different from explicit education.

Currently, education recipients of ideological and political education are mainly college students in 80 and 90, who have strong self-esteem, independence and diversity of values, while the traditional forced indoctrination of dominant education has been unable to meet the needs of the new situation, and implicit education has come into being as the supplement of dominant education. Compared with the features of overt education, system, specification and infusion, implicit education has the following features and functions:

The action is carried out under the guidance of the purpose, the action without purpose is blind, the ideological and political education work is also purposeful, and the fundamental purpose is to improve people's ideological and moral quality and promote their free and all-round development. Implicit education purpose is to point to in the process of ideological and political education, educators will education purpose to hide into the educatee and the activities in the work, study and life, including: daily activities, entertainment, economic and cultural activities, etc., through various channels, fun way, rich content, interest educatees, make educated unconsciously accept message and educators want effect, achieve the aim of education educators

The implicit function of implicit education is the edification function. The word "edification" was first derived from liang qichao's "(Darwin) as a teacher, by whose edification, he had the ambition to make contribution to the academic world", which means that people's thought and behavior are influenced by good things because of long-term exposure to some things, and also refers to the gradual assimilation of a kind of thought, conduct and habit. The edification function of invisible education refers to the indirect education influence that the educator unconsciously accepts unconsciously in the edification of good atmosphere by creating the context with education meaning under the premise of the purpose of implicit education. By organizing visit revolutionary sites, for example, watch the patriotic films, to carry out the interesting knowledge contest, listen to the famous report, speech contest, the educated will accept edification in pleasure, rather than antipathy to resist, and suggests that education influence in these activities will also be in imperceptible in beneficence, pedagogue ideology, character, habits, prompted the educatees to habits of thought, morality, and the requirement of the ideological and political education unifies.

The content of ideological politics education is the concretization of purpose and task of ideological politics education. Its fundamental purpose is to constantly improve people's ideological and moral quality and promote their all-round development. In order to achieve this fundamental purpose, the ideological and political education should include world view education, political view education, life view education, legal view education, moral view education and other five aspects. The content richness of hidden education refers to the education that can realize various contents in a single education process. For example, we can receive the education of ideal, value and morality in Chinese class, and the education of world view, political view and outlook on life in history class. Implicit education has no classroom form across time and space, so its education content is non-normative content with multi-aspect content infiltration and association. In this way, not only can the interest of the educatee be enhanced, but the educatee can choose the content that he likes and is willing to accept from the various and abundant contents to be internalized and absorbed, and the actual effect of ideological and political work is guaranteed.

Rich education content can play an integral role in ideological and political work. Integration means to connect the scattered things to each other in a certain way, so as to realize resource sharing and collaborative work of information system. Its main essence is to allow different things and matter to permeate and interact with each other, allowing them to exert maximum value through combination. The integration function brought by education content refers to the hidden education constantly excavating new education content, and infiltrating and interacting the content boards of each system, so as to achieve the overall optimization of education content and make education objects develop in an all-round way. Integration is not only for the education content of ideological politics education, but also for the overall coordinated development of the educated. Recessive education is like a net, will rich the content of the radiation to the educatees in various environment and activities, through the edification infiltration, unknowingly into the thought of educatees, and in the process of internalization by its own "pursuit" between "true", mutual penetration, mutual coupling, mix, realize overall development.

Ideological and political education is always carried out through certain carriers, the realization of goals, the completion of tasks, the implementation of contents, and the interaction between education subject and education object. The carrier of ideological and political education refers to the factor of carrying and transmitting ideological and political education, which can be used by the subject of ideological and political education, and the subject and object can interact with it. Meetings, talks, theoretical study, management work, cultural construction, mass communication, and spiritual civilization creation activities can all become education carriers. If the educator simply carries out explicit indoctrination to the educatee in the form of traditional, single and standard, then the educatee will have resistance psychology and defend the indoctrination of the educatee. Not only the initiative and enthusiasm of the educatee will be hit, but also the work of the ideological educator will be blocked. Therefore, in the process of hidden education, educators must break the standard barriers, adopt a variety of carriers, combine non-normative forms to conceal education purpose, cleverly avoid the protective layer of thoughts, and escort the education purpose safely to people's thoughts.

The diversity of implicit education vector gives it the function of explicit and implicit cooperation. Explicit implicit cooperation function refers to the recessive education is different from the standardization of the dominant education in the form of a class of unified management mode, it stresses is a kind of no class in the form of the standard "have always, ever-present in" education, education of recessive education using carrier and dominant education carrier complement each other, the impact on the education of educators also complement each other. Implicit education integrates the required education content into various carriers, which is not paid attention to by everyone, but ACTS around the life of the educatee, and plays a role and influence on the educatee. The transfer of invisible education information is not the main purpose of the activity context. The acquisition of this education content is only an addition, which is obtained by the educated through their own direct experience or indirect observation. Whether you take part in recreational and cultural activities, scientific and technological activities, speeches or debates, whether you wander around campus or listen to the wonderful reports of well-known scholars, you will be imperceptibly influenced. This is where explicit education cannot be achieved, and implicit education is complementary.

The autonomy of educatee refers to the autonomous reaction, autonomous selection, autonomous integration, autonomous internalization and externalization of education information in the process of education. Traditional dominant education deviates from the characteristics and practical needs of the physical and mental development of the educated and has a low degree of internalization. However, in the process of implicit education, the subjective initiative of the educated has been given full play with a high degree of internalization. The purpose, content, process, method and other aspects of hidden education are hidden, different from the explicit education infusion type acceptance, it does not clearly require the educatee to accept the influence, must accept the influence of what kind of education in what way. The educatee is completely autonomous, and has the power of independent choice and independent decision. He can choose whether to accept or not, the way and content to accept. Therefore, in the process of hidden education, the educated actively participates in education activities as the main body, which is a gradual process of being free, natural, self-aware, self-conscious, self-strengthening and self-acting.

The autonomy of the educatee makes the implicit education law produce the function of self - education. The method of self-education has existed since ancient times, and the method of self-cultivation advocated by Confucianism already contains the factor of self-education. In the long-term practice of education, our party has also created many effective methods of self-education, such as recall, contrast, discussion and consultation, criticism and self-criticism. "Only education that motivates students to perform self-education is truly education," the Soviet educator sukhomlinsky said in his advice to teachers. Our country educator ye shengtao said: "the purpose of education is to achieve not education." Recessive education latent own education process and education purpose, using a variety of carrier, will rich education content into the educatee's daily activities, through relaxing way, effectively prevent the educatees recalcitrant at the same time, the pedagogue in context will self awareness, self driven, self management, self development.

