


2018-08-22 19:11:40 | 日記





如果该篇英语论文是学生针对某门课程而写,则在作者姓名与日期之间还需分别打上教师学衔及其姓名(如:Dr./Prof.C.Prager)及本门课程的编号或名称(如:English 734或British Novel)。打印时,如无特殊要求,每一行均需double space,即隔行打印,行距约为0.6cm(论文其他部分行距同此)。




先在第一行(与打印纸顶端的距离仍为2.5cm左右)的始端打上Thesis 一词及冒号,空一格后再打论题句,回行时左边须与论题句的第一个字母上下对齐











正确引用作品原文或专家、学者的论述是写好英语论文的重要环节;既要注意引述与论文的有机统一,即其逻辑性,又要注意引述格式 (即英语论文参考文献)的规范性。引述别人的观点,可以直接引用,也可以间接引用。无论采用何种方式,论文作者必须注明所引文字的作者和出处。目前美国学术界通行的做法是在引文后以圆括弧形式注明引文作者及出处。现针对文中引述的不同情况,将写作规范格式分述如下。

1.若引文不足三行,则可将引文有机地融合在论文中。如: The divorce of Arnold's personal desire from his inheritance results in “the familiar picture of Victorian man alone in an alien universe”(Roper9).



3.如需在引文中插注,对某些词语加以解释,则要使用方括号(不可用圆括弧)。如: Dr.Beaman points out that“he [Charles Darw in] has been an important factor in the debate between evolutionary theory and biblical creationism”(9).值得注意的是,本例中引文作者的姓已出现在引导句中,故圆括弧中只需注明引文出处的页码即可。


Mary Shelley hated tyranny and looked upon the poor as pathetic victims of the social system and upon the rich and highborn...with undisguised scorn and contempt...(Nitchie 43).

5.若引文出自一部多卷书,除注明作者姓和页码外,还需注明卷号。如:Professor Chen Jia's A History of English Literature aimed to give Chinese readers“a historical survey of English literature from its earliest beginnings down to the 20thcentury”(Chen,1:i).圆括弧里的1为卷号,小写罗马数字i为页码,说明引文出自第1卷序言(引言、序言、导言等多使用小写的罗马数字标明页码)。此外,书名 A History of English Literature 下划了线;规范的格式是:书名,包括以成书形式出版的作品名(如《失乐园》)均需划线,或用斜体字;其他作品,如诗歌、散文、短篇小说等的标题则以双引号标出,如“To Autumn”及前面出现的“Democratic Vistas”等。


Bacon condemned Platoas“an obstacle to science”(Farrington, Philosophy 35).

Farrington points out that Aristotle's father Nicomachus, a physician, probably trained his son in medicine(Aristotle 15).

这两个例子分别引用了Farrington的两部著作,故在各自的圆括弧中分别注出所引用的书名,以免混淆。两部作品名均为缩写形式(如书名太长,在圆括弧中加以注明时均需使用缩写形式),其全名分别为 Founder of Scientific Philosophy 及 The Philosophy of Francis Baconand Aristotle。

7.评析诗歌常需引用原诗句,其引用格式如下例所示。When Beowulf dives upwards through the water and reaches the surface,“The surging waves, great tracts of water, / were all cleansed...”(1.1620-21).这里,被引用的诗句以斜线号隔开,斜线号与前后字母及标点符号间均需空一格;圆括弧中小写的1是line的缩写;21不必写成1621。如果引用的诗句超过三行,仍需将引用的诗句与论文文字分开(参见第四项第2点内容)。


论文作者在正文之后必须提供论文中全部引文的详细出版情况,即文献目录页。美国的大学一般称此页为 Works Cited, 其写作格式须注意下列几点:


2.目录页应视为英语论文的一页,按论文页码的顺序在其右上角标明论文作者的姓和页码;如果条目较多,不止一页,则第一页不必标出作者姓和页码(但必须计算页数),其余各页仍按顺序标明作者姓和页码。标题Works Cited与打印纸顶端的距离约为2.5cm,与第一条目中第一行的距离仍为0.6cm;各条目之间及各行之间的距离亦为0.6cm,不必留出更多空白。



本条目将作者Shakespeare 的姓名排在前面,而将编者姓名(不颠倒)放在后面,表明引文出自 The Tragedy of Macbeth;如果引文出自编者写的序言、导言等,则需将编者姓名置前。









北美作业代写:Celebrity advertising

2018-08-22 19:11:19 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Celebrity advertising,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了名人广告。所谓名人广告,即由知名人士出面推荐产品或为产品的优点提供佐证的广告,同时也包括由名人扮演广告角色宣传产品的广告。名人广告所带来的优势使得许多企业不惜巨资请名人做广告,但也有少部分名人道德感薄弱存在虚假代言问题。

Celebrity endorsement for corporate products has been a common phenomenon in society, but many advertisers have a greater awareness of celebrity advertising with a greater blindness, the result of too many celebrity advertising, did not achieve the ideal publicity effect, but by all kinds of criticism in society.

The so-called celebrity advertisement, namely by the well-known person to recommend the product or provides the proof of the product merit advertisement, also includes by the celebrity to act the advertisement role publicizes the product advertisement. Celebrities in advertisements include movie stars, singers, stars, comedians, supermodels, well-known experts from all walks of life, celebrities and even politicians. Celebrities and brands have a natural connection. In the business world, every successful brand is preceded by one or more shining celebrities. As a company, it is always willing to look for celebrities to serve as image spokespersons. Through the halo effect of celebrities, it can rapidly expand the popularity and stimulate social effect and narrow the distance between consumers. For celebrities, they are also willing to accept a variety of endorsements. On the one hand, they maintain their high exposure through the high frequency of advertising. On the other hand, I made a lot of money. In recent years, with the increasingly fierce market competition, for the need of advertising publicity, advertisers generally take celebrity advertising as an important publicity strategy. Then, numerous celebrity advertisement appears frequently in our country advertisement medium, time advertisement medium star bright. However, as many advertisers have greater blindness to celebrity advertisements, the result is that celebrity advertisements have too many and too many, and have not achieved the ideal publicity effect, but have been criticized by the society. Thus it can be seen that although celebrity advertising is a powerful publicity strategy, there are also major limitations.

The advantages brought by celebrity advertisements have led many companies to pay large amounts of money to employ celebrities for advertising. However, we also see that a few celebrities have weak moral sense and have false endorsement problems. In the face of the huge economic temptation, some celebrities consciously or unconsciously give up their professional ethics and join the campaign for profit. False advertisements often appear in beauty services, health food, medicine and other aspects, such as products that are not tried at all, but say how good they are after use.

Take sanlu infant milk powder as an example, sanlu milk powder advertisement: "professional production, quality assurance, famous brand products, people trust, but also affordable, sanlu hui baby milk powder, I trust!" For such an advertisement, if there is no problem with the product, people will be indifferent. However, once there is a problem, and it is a product for infants and children, people have to solve it from the perspective of morality and law. It is also a great challenge for the mothers of infants and children, causing panic and discomfort for the mothers of children. So people can't help asking: "is the accident product endorsed by the star responsible?" In addition to the widespread concern of social groups, consumers and victims also asked manufacturers to give a statement, while brand spokespeople deng jie, xue jiagin, hualian, ni ping, and others were also criticized by netizens. Netizens believe that celebrity endorsements of "accident products" have occurred repeatedly, and they should not only know about taking the money, but should be responsible for the incident.

In the domestic advertising market, one person endorses a variety of products, or one kind of product asks many people to "endorse" quite common. Some celebrities advertise cars today, commodities tomorrow and food the day after tomorrow, and the brand image is extremely vague. At this time, the content of the advertisement is not special enough to leave a deep impression on the audience, and it is easy to cause confusion of the audience's memory of the content of the advertisement, fail to achieve the expected publicity effect, and cause the waste of marketing resources of the enterprise.


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2018-08-22 19:10:34 | 日記









Paper代写:Game theory

2018-08-22 19:07:57 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Game theory讨论了博弈论。博弈论是应用数学的一个分支,也是运筹学的一个重要学科,已经成为经济学的标准分析工具之一。博弈论是二人在平等的对局中为达到取胜的目的而各自利用对方的策略变换自己的对抗策略的思想。博弈论是研究理性的行动者相互作用的形式理论,代表着一种全新的分析方法和全新的思想。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The purpose of the game is interest, and interest forms the basis of the game. The most basic assumption in economics is that economic men or rational men aim to maximize returns. Players are competing with each other to maximize their own benefits. That is to say, all parties involved in the game form a relationship of competition and confrontation, which determines the outcome based on the number of interests. Certain external conditions determine the specific form of competition and confrontation, which forms the game.

As wang chunyuan put it in his book "game theory's trick", "the purpose of game theory is the ingenious strategy, not the solution". The purpose of learning game theory is not to enjoy the process of game analysis, but to win a better outcome. Since the thought of game comes from real life, it can be expressed with mathematical tools in a highly abstract way, but can also be explained and applied with daily examples. The game is always there, it's right next to you.

In game theory, a famous example is tucker's "prisoner's dilemma" model. The model tells us the story of a policeman and a thief in a special way. Assuming that the police suspect the crime of both of them, but they do not have solid evidence in their hands, so the police put the two people in two different rooms for interrogation, and told the two suspects respectively: the identification of their criminal facts and the corresponding sentence depends entirely on their own confession.


Essay代写:Virtual economy and real economy

2018-08-22 18:57:27 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Virtual economy and real economy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了虚拟经济与实体经济。虚拟经济与实体经济的关系是虚拟经济决定于实体经济,虚拟经济对实体经济有反作用,既能促进实体经济的发展,又可能制约实体经济的发展,是一柄双刃剑。

At present, in the international market system, the trading of virtual assets represented by securities has greatly exceeded the trading of physical commodities. People hold a large amount of virtual assets at the same time of owning material wealth, and constitute the majority of assets. All of these show that the virtual economy based on the real economy which mainly deals with the transaction of virtual assets is generated. With the rapid development of China's market economy, the virtual economy has come into being and its development shows a rising trend. In this context, the report of the 16th national congress of the communist party of China clearly puts forward: "correctly handling the relationship between the virtual economy and the real economy". Based on the existing research, this paper intends to analyze the relationship between virtual economy and real economy and put forward some countermeasures.

As two parts of the modern economic system, the real economy is the foundation of the virtual economy and determines the virtual economy.

From the perspective of origin, the virtual economy originates from the real economy. According to marxist economic theory, all the secrets of commodity economy are hidden in commodities. Therefore, the analysis of virtual economy should start from the analysis of commodities. It can be seen from the analysis that only the value form of goods can be virtualized. The form of commodity value represented by currency, namely price, is the root of all subsequent value symbols, and also the fundamental basis of value symbols represented by virtual capital. With the further development of commodity economy, along with the emergence and development of credit system, stock system and capital market, "every certain and regular monetary income is represented by the interest of capital, regardless of whether such income is generated by capital or not. Money income is first converted into interest, with interest, and then the capital that generates that money income is derived." With the capitalization of income, the virtual capital is generated and developed. On this basis, the virtual economy naturally emerges.

From the perspective of development, the scale and degree of virtual economy development depends on the scale and degree of real economy. As the carrier of virtual economy, stocks, bonds and other securities are issued by economic subjects in the real economy according to the needs of funds in the real economy, so the size of issuance is determined by the real economy. The issue of negotiable securities restricts the trading scale of secondary market. Although the development of derivative financial instruments in virtual capital is not necessarily related to the real economy, it relies on stocks, bonds and other securities, and thus depends on the size and needs of the real economy.

From the perspective of economic performance, the performance of virtual economy depends on the performance of real economy. The virtual economy is attached to the real economy. It grows and grows by absorbing nutrients from the real economy. If the real economy is running well, the virtual economy will surely thrive. Conversely, if macroeconomic stagnation, microeconomic lack of vitality, structural imbalance and other factors make the real economy go wrong, then the virtual economy will eventually shrink, the stock price drops, capital market downturn. Japan's recent decade of recession is a case in point.

Although the virtual economy is determined by the real economy, it has the opposite effect to the real economy. It can not only promote the development of the real economy, but also restrict the development of the real economy. It is a double-edged sword.

Virtual economy promotes the development of real economy. The development of virtual economy can promote the development of real economy when the development of virtual economy is in accordance with the financial transaction demand derived from the development of real economy of a country and the accumulation of residents' wealth. The specific performance is as follows:

First, from the perspective of macroeconomic operation, virtual economy promotes economic growth. In macroeconomic operation, the main factors driving economic growth are consumption and investment. On the one hand, when the virtual economy develops moderately and the securities market prospers, the price of securities goes up, and manufacturers can issue stocks and buy more new investment products, the investment expenditure will increase. On the other hand, the stock price of listed companies rises, and the net worth of enterprises also increases accordingly, which reduces the adverse selection and moral risk of corporate loans to Banks, so that enterprises can obtain loans from Banks. Through these two aspects, enterprises expanded investment and drove economic growth. At the same time, with the development of the virtual economy, individuals and families have large amounts of financial assets represented by stocks. When the stock price rises, the value of wealth they have increases. As consumers, they will increase consumption. The expansion of consumption and investment drove the growth of the economy.

Second, from the micro perspective, the development of virtual economy has a positive impact on the micro economic subject. For enterprises, on the one hand, the development of virtual economy broadens their financing channels and provides financial support for the expansion of enterprise scale. The innovation of equity exchange, controlling acquisition and other transaction modes of property rights provides convenient channels for the low-cost expansion of enterprises and promotes the listed companies to improve their corporate governance structure. On the other hand, decentralization of business risks provides a stable environment for the development of enterprises. For residents, with the improvement of residents' income level, there is still a large surplus after meeting current consumption. In this case, residents have an urgent need for financial asset diversification in order to maintain, increase in value and avoid risks, and virtual economic activities meet this demand.

Virtual economy restricts the development of real economy. In a virtual economy, virtual capital has become a commodity, and the prices of these commodities have a unique way of moving and deciding. This kind of independent movement of fictitious capital, make fictitious economy generation bubble easily. With the rise and burst of the bubble economy in the virtual economy, it will inevitably exert negative influence on the real economy and restrict the development of the real economy. First, it distorts the way of resource allocation, reduces the efficiency of resource allocation and hinders the development of real economy. After virtual economy becomes bubble economy, investment fictitious economy can get rich rate of return. In this case, when a large amount of capital flows from the real economy to the virtual economy such as the stock market, bond market and foreign exchange market, the high yield of the virtual economy also attracts a large number of excellent talents from the real economy. All this has led to a decline in the supply of goods and services in the real economy sector, which has reduced the international competitiveness of the real economy sector. Secondly, it destroys the financial operation system, reduces the commercial bank's ability to resist the risk, and causes the financial crisis. When speculation is rife in bubble economies, demand for capital is high and interest rates rise. High interest rates induce commercial Banks to expand credit and relax the review and feasibility study on credit quality, so that a large amount of capital from Banks and other financial institutions flows into the stock market, currency market, real estate and financial derivatives markets. The highly inflated bubble economy divorced from the real economy cannot be sustained for a long time and will inevitably collapse. After the collapse of the bubble economy, the price of financial assets shrank greatly. With the increase of Banks' bad debts and bad debts, the bank's credit risk gradually increased, which eventually triggered a run on the bank and triggered the financial crisis, which paralyzed the entire financial system and damaged the core of modern economy. The result was a macroeconomic recession. After the bursting of the bubble economy, debt default and default occurred in large Numbers, and the depression of enterprises led to insufficient investment by enterprises. At the same time, residents have the virtual assets represented by the stock greatly reduced, which will inevitably lead to the reduction of consumer demand. These two aspects interact to push the real economy into a long-term recession.

From the above analysis, it can be concluded that the modern market economy is a dialectical unity of the interdependence and interaction between the real economy and the virtual economy. Virtual economy is generated on the basis of real economy, which is primary and secondary. The real economy determines the virtual economy. Virtual economy has reaction to real economy. When the virtual economy develops moderately, the virtual economy can promote the development of the real economy. Conversely, when the virtual economy expands excessively into a bubble economy, it will inevitably have negative effects on the real economy and restrict the development of the real economy. On the one hand, there is a lack of development of virtual economy in China, which is not conducive to the role of virtual economy in promoting the real economy. On the other hand, we should prevent the overexpansion of virtual economy from turning into a bubble economy. The key to correctly handle the relationship between real economy and virtual economy is to master the degree of development of virtual economy. The specific Suggestions are as follows: first, focus on industrial structure adjustment, develop new and high technology industry, improve the quality of listed companies, and lay solid foundation for the development of virtual economy. Second, in line with the principle of gradual progress, rational development of virtual economy. Along with the socialist market economic system gradually perfect, our country not only to speed up the development of trade in future as stocks, bonds, as the main representative of virtual capital, increase various listed trading of securities, and to create conditions for the development of financial derivatives, to actively support and encourage for the economic environment in our country, serve the real economy development of our country the development of financial innovation of the business. Third, we should vigorously train financial talents, improve financial supervision and set up an early-warning mechanism to prevent the transformation of virtual economy into bubble economy.

