


2018-08-29 18:31:28 | 日記








我们要做的reference有2种,一种是in-text reference也就是在文章里的reference,一种是在文章最后出现的reference,也就是reference list。写一篇论文,2种reference都要出现,也就是说做完in-text reference,还要做最后的reference list.




北美作业代写:International cooperation

2018-08-29 18:31:10 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- International cooperation,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了国际合作。国际合作是国际政治的重要领域。当今是全球化的时代,任何一国都不能孤立于国际社会而发展,都必须在不同程度上参与国际合作。一个新的时代,旧的国际格局正在崩溃。世界各国在经济、交流和人类理想等方面已经变得相互依赖了。

Since the 1970s, the pattern of international relations has undergone significant changes, which has promoted the rise and development of international cooperative research. This paper discusses the interdependence of the trajectory of the theories of international cooperation, and cooperation between China and asean, for example, from the main factors contributing to the development of china-asean relations and the establishment of China - asean free trade area two aspects, the significance of visible, China's cooperation with asean is an important part of east Asian integration process, its success to promote the development of east Asian integration has a good demonstration effect.

In 1977, the American scholar Robert keogh han and Joseph nai published book power and interdependence. In 1984, Robert keogh han introduced force after the hegemony in the world political and economic cooperation and conflict ", in the same year, Robert axelrod of the evolution of "cooperation". In October 1985, world politics published a set of articles on cooperation issues. The following year Kenneth the Iraq published the influential "cooperation under anarchy", become the masterpiece cooperative research. One of the purposes clearly stated by the United Nations in its charter is "to promote international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural and human welfare nature among states." However, the outbreak of the cold war and the formation of the bipolar structure made international cooperation difficult. Since the 1970s, the pattern of international relations has undergone significant changes, which has promoted the rise and development of international cooperative research.

In the 1970s, the concept of mutual dependence was widely concerned by international political scholars. "We live in an era of interdependence," he said. The nations of the world have become interdependent in terms of economy, communication and human ideals. The international political scholars of the time, whether they were realists, behaviorists, or what became known as neoliberalism, used interdependence to some extent to characterize The Times. Interdependence expresses a kind of state in international politics, and is a characteristic expression of the mutual influence of different ultra actors, which is often the result of the international communication theory.

In the international political reality of interdependence, the international cooperation theory has been developing rapidly. Generally speaking, the research of the theory of international cooperation mainly involves the content, realization approach, performance and related research methods of international cooperation. In the 1970s, international multilateral cooperation, the rapid development of non-governmental organizations, especially transnational corporations, and the emergence of global financial market took shape. Mutual dependence is a situation where countries or other international actors interact with each other. However, mutual dependence only exists when the communication activities are generated and each other pays the price. As power plays a role in mutual dependence, the latter has two aspects, namely sensitivity and vulnerability. According to kiohan and nye, the realistic assumption cannot well reflect the international political reality, but it can depict the international political reality more realistically with a pattern of "compound interdependence". This model of interdependence is fundamentally different from the old model of power politics: the former focuses on high-level political issues such as security, balance of power and sphere of influence, while the latter focuses on low-level political issues such as natural resources, energy and environment. The former regards inter-state relations as the "national interest" of conflict, while the latter holds that countries are interdependent and share common interests and international cooperation. In terms of concrete laws, the former is the law of balance of power, "what you gain is what I lose", while the latter is the law of cooperation, "what we lose is all gain". The former prefers bilateral management while the latter prefers multilateral management. In terms of specific organizational mode, the former is a hierarchical system with two or more poles, while the latter is closer to egalitarianism. These statements lead to the practical necessity and possibility of international cooperation.

With the expansion of interdependence in the world economy and international cooperation, focusing on the study of international institutions is of great significance to advancing international cooperation. Neoliberal institutionalists argue that because of the international system, post-hegemonic cooperation is possible and realistic. Conceptually, the international system refers to "a set of formal or informal rules that define the duties of the act, limit the action and affect the enduring interconnectedness of the actor's expectations". International cooperation refers to "inter-governmental cooperation as a result of the process of policy coordination, when the policies followed by one government are regarded by the governments of other countries as promoting mutual understanding of their own goals". According to neo-liberal institutionalism, the international system plays a role in cooperation: promoting the conclusion of specific cooperative agreements among countries and providing information and trust foundation for the establishment of new cooperative relations; To alleviate the pressure of egoism, lack of regulation and market failure and promote the positive development of established cooperative relations; The principles and rules of the mechanism make the pursuit of short-sighted interest less attractive by facilitating the interconnection of issues. As for how to analyze the relationship between international system and international cooperation, neo-liberal institutionalism provides the analysis methods of game theory and functionalism. However, similar to the international mechanism theory of realism, it also serves to maintain the world hegemony system led by the United States. Moreover, it does not explain very well the factors that impede international cooperation, such as power and country considerations of relative gains.

With the end of the cold war, almost all countries in the world economy were involved in a unified market economy system; In the field of international politics, the two-level confrontation pattern breaks down and global interdependence becomes the most prominent feature of the era. In the 1990s, the development of constructivist theory was an innovation in international political research methods and provided a new perspective for people to understand international cooperation. Alexander ・ winter "multiculturalism" are put forward. "In most organizations, people cooperate not only because they cooperate to realize their personal interests, but also because they have a sense of loyalty and identity to the norms of cooperation." "Institutionalization means a culture of cooperation It's much thicker." According to the theory of constructivism, cooperation way is as follows: first, in the international structure, interactive behavior body in individual or group, category, character, and the collective to confirm their identity in the four types, that is because "every kind of identity is not only a script or schema, to different extent because of cultural form, involving in some situations such as who we are and what we should do." And, "interest is a prerequisite for identity Without identity, interests lose their direction." Constructivism starts from investigating how countries understand their interests in specific problem areas, and the identification and distribution of interests of relevant countries can help to understand whether cooperation is possible. As long as there is a cognitive community, countries tend to cooperate in the first place.

International cooperation is an important field of international political research. Today is an era of globalization. No country can develop in isolation from the international community. It is necessary to point out that the discussion of international cooperation in the context of global interdependence, and the research on international cooperation by Chinese international political scholars, has been gradually deepened from introduction and evaluation.

Today, with the continuous development of globalization, the cooperation between China and asean is an important link in the process of east Asian integration. Its successful promotion has a good demonstration effect on the development of east Asian integration. East Asian cooperation has become a highlight in regional cooperation. China adheres to the guidelines of "building friendship and partnership with neighbors" and "building an amicable, prosperous and secure neighborhood" in developing relations with asean countries. The two sides have expanded exchanges and cooperation in political, economic and cultural fields, increased political mutual trust, launched the asean-china free trade area, increased bilateral trade and investment, and strengthened cooperation in non-traditional security areas.

The main factors contributing to the development of china-asean relations are various. In the new century, the economy of asean countries has just emerged from the shadow of the east Asian financial crisis. However, the economic growth of most countries has fluctuated due to the slowdown of the us economy and the sharp decline in international demand for electronic products. However, China's economic dominance in east Asia has increased the pressure on asean countries. There are widespread concerns about China's challenge and competition to asean. Under such circumstances, China's proposal to establish a china-asean free trade area undoubtedly plays an important role in eliminating asean's doubts and enhancing its belief in cooperation with China. Moreover, China's attitude towards multilateral cooperation in the region has changed from a cautious wait-and-see attitude in the early 1990s to an active involvement, striving to play an important role in regional affairs and establish an international image as a responsible major country. To further develop the good-neighborly partnership of mutual trust between China and asean and strengthen economic and trade cooperation is also an irresistible trend. During the financial crisis in the 1990s, China gave great help to asean, made great efforts to maintain the stability of regional economic forms, actively implemented the economic projects of cooperation with asean, gained the trust of asean countries, and put bilateral relations on the path of sound development.

In the early years of the new century, with the world economic growth slowed down, the us economy in 2001 "9 ・ 11" terrorist attacks hit a recession, to export to economic growth, which relies heavily on western markets of asean countries have to look more toward east Asia. In particular, China's economy has been growing at a high rate of more than 7% year after year. Asean wants to ride China's economic train and rely less on western markets. And because of the geographical proximity, closer cooperation between asean and China is an inevitable trend. Many southeast Asian leaders are more optimistic about an increasingly strong and confident China because they believe that a weak and divided China will harm the interests of the region.

The regional economic cooperation between China and asean under the framework of the free trade area has entered a new stage of all-round development. The main performance is: the formal signing of the goods trade agreement; the first china-asean expo was successfully held. The areas of cooperation between the two sides have been expanded. Cooperation between some provinces and cities of asean and China is getting better.

The establishment of china-asean free trade area has positive significance for both China and asean. The establishment of the china-asean free trade area is a historic step in the process of china-asean cooperation. It fully reflects the good wishes of the leaders of both sides to strengthen good-neighborly and friendly relations, and also reflects the ever-strengthening economic ties between China and asean. It is a new milestone in the development of china-asean relations. From the perspective of the relations between China and asean countries, the establishment of the china-asean free trade zone is conducive to resolving asean's doubts about China and promoting China's comprehensive, in-depth and rapid development of friendly relations with southeast Asia. From the perspective of establishing the new international order, the establishment of the china-asean free trade area is conducive to the solidarity and cooperation of developing countries. From the perspective of national security, the establishment of china-asean free trade area helps to ensure the smoothness of China's maritime transport channels and the exploration of maritime space. From the perspective of improving asean's international status, the establishment of the china-asean free trade area helps asean play a greater positive role in international social affairs. The establishment of the china-asean free trade area will have a great impact on the economic development of Asia and even the world. It would be the world's largest free-trade zone by population. From the perspective of economic scale, it will be the third largest free trade area in the world after the European Union and the north American free trade area, the third largest free trade area in the world jointly created by China and 10 asean countries, and the largest free trade area composed of developing countries. The establishment of the china-asean free trade area will better promote the talent flow, logistics, capital flow and information flow among countries in the region, more effectively promote the development of regional markets, create more wealth and seek welfare for the people of all countries in the region. The establishment of the china-asean free trade area will help asean seize China's big market, attract foreign investment and facilitate the integration process of asean. It is reasonable for asean to establish and develop close economic and trade relations with foreign countries. The establishment of china-asean free trade area has realistically inspired Japan, Japan and asean to establish a free trade area to promote Asian integration.

Thus, with the constant development of regional economic integration in the world today, east Asia economic development today has made remarkable achievements, China's cooperation with asean is an important part of east Asian integration process, its success to promote good demonstration effect on the development of east Asian integration, cooperation benefits brought by the induced with relevant countries to actively join the east Asian integration process.


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2018-08-29 18:30:51 | 日記



因此,在科学论文中utilize几乎没有机会使用到,而用use始终正确。Using也经常被误用:QoL was evaluated using Hamilton scale。此处语法上不正确,正确的用法是前面加个“by”: QoL was evaluated by using Hamilton scale。

范例二:due to和because of

用due to代替because of在笔者编辑过的论文里也非常常见,但这是错误的。Due to的意思是caused by,做形容词用,修饰的是名词,而because of做介词用。

比如:He died from pneumonia due to (caused by) a severe infection 是正确的,due to a severe infection形容pneumonia。而He was hospitalized due to a severe infection 是错误的,此处应该用because of。

范例三:compared with和compared to

Compare这个词,每篇论文都会用到,比如在结果和讨论中经常见到compared with 或 compared to the control group。笔者的经验是,用compared with,不用compared to。

在比较两者时,compared with是最普遍的用法,也最安全,着重的是两者的不同点,compared to则意在强调相同点。在论文中我们通常着重的是不同点,因此应该用compared with。

范例四:before和prior to

越来越多的人用prior to表示“在之前”来代替before。而实际上,prior to只表示重要性,而非时间上的“在之前”,因此许多时候应该用before。但是prior to现在已变得非常普遍,有些编辑也把它当作正确用法了。


虽然用following表示时间上紧接着发生很常见,但following是形容词,不能代替after,所以这句话语法上是错的:angiography was conducted following a MI.



Paper代写:The rule of law thought of utopian socialists

2018-08-29 18:30:23 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The rule of law thought of utopian socialists讨论了空想社会主义者的法治思想。空想社会主义者在对未来社会制度的设计和构想中,从立法和执法等多个角度,提出了一系列的法治思想。从立法上看,空想社会主义者着眼于国家、政府和人民的关系,不仅提出了民主立法,而且提出了法律的目的在于维护人民的正义和民主权利,以及法律由人民制定且应当通俗易懂。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Marx and Engels spoke highly of the historical progress of utopian socialists, taking their many thoughts as truth and taking their thoughts as one of the main sources of their theories, including the rule of law thought of utopian socialists. In the design and conception of the future social system, utopian socialists put forward a series of thoughts on the rule of law from the perspectives of legislation, law enforcement, justice, law abiding and legal supervision. From the perspective of contemporary values, these valuable thoughts of rule of law provide a useful reference for speeding up the process of building a country ruled by law.

Representative utopian socialists of various historical periods have made great achievements in the issue of the rule of law, and put forward many opinions and views with scientific factors.

From the perspective of legislation, utopian socialists, focusing on the relationship between the state, the government and the people, not only put forward democratic legislation, but also put forward laws aimed at safeguarding the people's justice and democratic rights, as well as laws formulated by the people and should be easy to understand. In his utopia, Mohr, an early utopian socialist, has realized that in reality the laws of European countries are the instrument of the ruling class. He holds that the utopian law is a reflection of the will and aspiration of all the people, whose purpose is to safeguard the justice and democratic rights of the people. In his mind, the law should protect the interests of the people and democratic rights. The utopian socialism of the 17th century, weinstein was put forward in his "freedom" in people's parliament elected representatives to make laws, he thinks that parliament is an organ of the state supreme justice, should choose once a year, each district, each city, and some of the nation's rural area should choose two or three people or more people to participate in the organ. At the same time, he believed that the form of government should be a democratic republic, whose principle was that sovereignty belonged to the people, and that only the people had the right to make or delegate social conventions, substantive laws and laws. The foundation of the republic's management system was the laws of general liberty, which made all men well fed and free. Clearly, he stressed that the law should embody the people's will and guarantee their freedom. Later utopian socialist kabir realized that the will of the aristocracy was the law, and that they exercised absolute power, or carried out despotism; The people, in fact, were a large group of slaves, severely mistreated by their masters. He assumed that in communist societies, laws were discussed and drafted by representatives elected by the people, and then submitted to the people for approval. It is not hard to see that cabe advocates that the law should be truly formulated by all the people and proceed from the interests of all the people.

Mohr, an early utopian socialist, pointed out that it was unjust to restrain the people with laws so large that no one could read them and so obscure that no one could understand them. In his opinion, the most straightforward interpretation of the law is the most just interpretation. Therefore, he advocated that the law should be simple, clear, clear and simple. The idealistic socialists of the time, Andrea and Kampala, like Moore, argued that the law should be simple. Short and strong laws are the best laws governing the republic, weinstein said. At the same time, short, clear and powerful laws help people to know and follow. In addition, utopian socialists also put forward the idea of perfecting the legal system. Weinstein believes that each season and time has its own laws or appropriate regulations so that a sound government can be established because it will properly maintain peace. A sound legal system can prevent abuse of power by government and public officials. He also attacked the laws in the real world for killing freedom and stressed that a sound legal system plays an important role in realizing the ideal life of real freedom and equality.

From the perspective of law enforcement, utopian socialists emphasize the correct implementation of the law by the government and competent workers. Weinstein believes the government should seriously enforce the law. That is the real life of government. He also believes there should be competent public officials. They should be very gentle, sensible, and not selfish, and should be able to execute the laws of the state as their own will, and not, by arrogance and vanity, place their own will above the rules of freedom, and claim the privilege.

From the perspective of judicature, safeguarding human rights is an important point of view of utopian socialists' thoughts on the rule of law. The early utopian socialist concept of equality, with mincer as the prominent representative, criticized the bourgeois theory of equality and the hypocrisy of human rights, and demanded real equality and the elimination of privileges. The medium-term utopian socialist morelli has found that chaos and the origin, causes and development of all evils are related to the corrupt legal system of various societies. He believes that every leader, regardless of rank or status, is completely equal to the people, even the head of the nation. All leaders will be tried if they invade the lives of others, or if they violate fundamental laws and impose a shameful system of private ownership.

In terms of abiding by the law, utopian socialists proposed that everyone must obey the law, and everyone must be proficient in the thought of the law. In his utopian vision, Moore argued, all laws should be made public, not only private contracts, but also public decrees, which were enacted justly by the good king or unanimously adopted by the people. Weinstein saw many disputes caused by people's unfamiliarity with the law, so he pointed out in the freedom act that the law itself is the rational decision of the parliament and the people of the country, and it should be the guide to the conduct of all people and the touchstone of all activities. In turn, he argued that everyone should be well versed in the laws of peace, and so on.

From the perspective of legal supervision, utopian socialists proposed to supervise the government's law enforcement. In his vision of the city of sun, the early utopian socialist campanella advocated for a republic, holding monthly grand conferences where every citizen over the age of 20 could attend, and each person had the right to give his or her opinion on the shortcomings of the republic and on the quality of the performance of government officials. Weinstein proposed that all public officials should be elected by universal suffrage and supervised by all citizens to eliminate any privilege and social inequality.

Due to the limitations of historical conditions, the utopian socialists have many defects and limitations in their vision of the future society. Their thoughts on the rule of law cannot and do not really recognize the class nature of law, fail to reveal the nature of law, but also some dross. The author believes that the historical limitations of the utopian socialist rule of law thoughts are shown in the following three aspects:

It is impossible and impossible for utopian socialists to leave class to design the rule of law without really recognizing the class nature of law.

Marxists revealed that the essence of law is the embodiment of the will of the ruling class. Lenin once said that law is the embodiment of the will of the class who wins and holds the state power. After the ruling class took control of the state power, it occupied a dominant position in economy and politics, and was able to elevate its will into the national will through the state power, namely law. Utopian socialists deny the class nature of law from the perspective of superclass. They explain the purpose and function of law with the interests of abstract people and society, and try to cover up the true nature of law as the will of ruling class from the perspectives of natural reason, divine will, pure norm, universal will, public will, god will, sovereign will and free will.

The theoretical basis of utopian socialists is idealism. It is impossible and impossible to realize that the content of law is determined by specific material living conditions.

Marx and Engels pointed out that the content of law was determined by the social material living conditions of the ruling class. Because the ruling class did not fall from the sky, nor is it inherent in people's minds, nor is it purely subjective imagination, but based on social material living conditions. Therefore, we say that the content of law is determined by the material living conditions of a particular society. Marx and Engels have pointed out that each form of production produces its own legal relationship. It can be seen that the ruling class cannot legislate arbitrarily beyond the limits permitted by the material living conditions of the society. Since utopian socialists seek solutions to problems from their own minds and human nature, denying the production of material materials is the premise of human history, and their theoretical basis is idealism. In this way, their thoughts on the rule of law are based on the lack of material reality, and their thoughts on reason, justice and equality are quite illusory and utopian. The law studied by utopian socialists is not the law in real life, but a description of the law in the future ideal society, not a real law, but a natural law. From the Mohr of the 16th century to the vautrin of the 19th century, they were describing the laws that were supposed to be in their ideal society. For example, the early utopian socialists tried to achieve equality for all through universal equality. But in the objective situation of underdeveloped social productivity, the average simply cannot be achieved. The holy family, co-authored by Marx and Engels, gave a high rating to the theory of the utopian socialist dessami, calling it more scientifically grounded communism. However, dessami does not satisfy the legal and contractual equality of the bourgeois enlightenment thinker Rousseau, but also demands the realization of social equality. Demanding equality, he argues, means exterminating the idea of privilege. In the public system, he said, people only knew there was equality. Real people want neither privilege nor rank; they are only equals. He held that public ownership would never lose sight of the principle that the pursuit of dominion, privilege, superiority, superiority, priority should be, in a word, eradicated the slightest attempt and intention to seek any special power. These rule of law thoughts of utopian socialists do not follow the objective laws of society, do not treat the demand of social development for the rule of law scientifically, and only start from their own subjective will. Although the law designed is beautiful, it cannot be realized in the real society. Therefore, Engels stressed that in order to turn socialism into science, it must be based on reality first.

Due to the limitations of The Times, there are many negative elements in the utopian socialist thought of the rule of law, such as preserving the slave and slave labor, colonization, religious mysticism, labor prejudice, political extremism and the tenure of the supreme leader. For example, in Moore's thought of the rule of law, the utopian country was established by the conquest of local aborigines, and its social system was established by the sage king utop of the conqueror, and the country was named after him. There were slaves in his utopia, and the grubby, dirty labor was borne by them as punishment. The supreme leader is a lifetime leader. The utopians can encroach on the land of the indigenous people and the territories of other peoples and establish colonies in accordance with the laws of the utopians themselves. If the locals rebel, the utopians fight. It can be seen that Mohr also regarded the law as the instrument of establishing the state and ruling the people. Marx and Engels spoke highly of baboff and believed that his theory was beyond the ideological scope of the whole old world order. However, the rule of law thought of basf has outstanding dross. He advocated absolute egalitarianism, especially in the distribution of consumer goods. He argued that everyone should be kept from getting more than the average of the products of their Labour. And his comrade-in-arms still further advocated absolute equalitarianism in intelligence, professional division of labor. They believed that the arts would promote a culture of extravagance, demoralize people, and that intellectual superiority would fuel their vanity and infringe upon the rights of ordinary people. The natural code plays an important role in the history of utopian socialism, but his author, morelli, is full of idealism about such issues as human nature, law and crime. Morelli attributed the emergence of the system of exploitation and oppression to the errors of the legislators. The harshest punishment for a bad man, he thought, was that first sentiment which is naturally good. God infuses the soul of man with indelible integrity, which alone can punish and punish crime more effectively than the harshest punishment of man.

Utopian socialist under the background of the age of 16 to 19 century, in the capitalist countries, successively put forward a series of innovative, scientific foresee, accord with the law of development of the rule of law ideas of rule of law, human for the construction of our country under the rule of law has some practical value, but we also want to clearly see its historical limitations.


Essay代写:Intercultural communication skills

2018-08-29 18:16:02 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Intercultural communication skills,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了跨文化交际能力。跨文化交际能力,就是指主体能与不同文化背景的个人或者群体进行有效沟通的能力。跨文化交际能力是一个综合的、多向度的概念,它涵盖了知识向度、思维向度、行为向度乃至情感和个性向度。而情感能力是跨文化交际能力的重要组成部分,要求跨文化交际者具有文化平等意识、理解和尊重其他文化的态度和克服民族中心主义、种族主义等交际障碍的能力。

The network high technology has created the great pattern of intercultural communication in the true sense. The scope of intercultural communication is from local to international, and the language and culture in intercultural communication is from homogeneity to coexistence of heterogeneity, which also leads to the new contradiction and new conflict of world civilization. In order to adapt to the new situation of intercultural communication and develop our traditional culture, we must improve the ability of intercultural communication.

In recent years, with the rapid popularization of the Internet, cross-cultural communication has penetrated into every aspect of Chinese people's life. Through the Internet, people have come into contact with a large number of cultural products reflecting western culture, especially American culture, music works, best-selling books, computer software and other cultural products. The western lifestyle and values promoted by these cultural products have brought a strong impact on our national culture. Faced with the impact, some due to its own cultural mind-set which is formed by the long-term edification and accumulation, the influence of love to our country the central position of the national culture in cross-cultural communication in their own national cultural values measured by other cultures, to look at cultural differences in the form of binary opposition, and nationhood in cross-cultural communication. Some people lose their ability to distinguish between different cultures in their intercultural life, and they are eager for western culture, thus forming an unhealthy social ethos in the society, such as valuing profit over justice, extreme individualism, pursuing pleasure and high consumption, aesthetic vulgarization, cultural fast-food, etc. More seriously, the American lifestyle, values and ideologies popularized on the Internet have a significant impact on the growth of Chinese teenagers. At present, many teenagers are infatuated with American Hollywood blockbuster, popular music and fast food culture, but they know little about Chinese traditional dramas, domestic films and classic literature works, and even despise them. The heritage and development of Chinese traditional culture are facing crisis and challenge. Therefore, in the network age, we must improve the intercultural communication ability, resist the impact of foreign bad culture, and carry forward the excellent culture of the Chinese nation.

Intercultural communication competence is a comprehensive and multi-dimensional concept, which covers the dimensions of knowledge, thinking, behavior and even emotion and personality. Gudykunst, a famous communicator, pointed out that effective communicative competence includes cognitive competence, emotional competence and behavioral competence.

Cognitive ability refers to the ability to integrate information. Purpose only to master a cross-cultural communication requires mastery of the target language in cultural communication system, and the purpose to understand and accept cultural discourse patterns and behavior patterns, understand about using the target language of the nation's history, politics, economy, religion, ethics, values and knowledge, to form a kind of psychological tendency, and able to discern the subtle distinction between the native culture and other culture.

Emotional competence is an important part of intercultural communication competence, which requires the intercultural communicators to have the awareness of cultural equality, the attitude to understand and respect other cultures and the ability to overcome communication barriers such as ethnocentrism and racism. That is to say, the communicator in the context of intercultural communication to have to adapt to the cultural system of the communication mode of his ability, to each other's habits accept way communication, willing to change the system based on the original culture of the behavior patterns and habits, and aesthetic habit of each other and understand each other's jokes, humor, happiness, anger, sorrow and joy, the expression of emotion.

Intercultural communicative competence refers to the ability of the subject to effectively communicate with individuals or groups with different cultural backgrounds. In short, communicators can use their basic language skills, work skills and academic skills to obtain useful information and solve problems in the context of intercultural communication, live in harmony with the communicative object with appropriate behaviors, overcome cultural differences, use appropriate communication strategies to solve problems and achieve communication goals. Of course, the final formation of behavioral ability requires the knowledge acquired by cognitive ability to support, and emotional ability to lay the foundation.

People use different languages and cultural backgrounds in cross-cultural communication, and have different ways of thinking and expression habits. Therefore, in order to carry out effective communication, communicators should not only understand and master the target language and the target culture, but also compare and explore the target culture and the native culture. Only by comparing the differences and conflicts of different cultures can we reveal the factors that may lead to cultural misunderstanding and conflict in communicative behaviors, so as to gain mutual understanding, seek common ground and create the common basis of mutual communication. Lu shuxiang once said: "the characteristics of one thing should be compared with other things." Only through comparison can we find the differences and similarities of people from different cultural backgrounds in beliefs, values, time concepts, codes of conduct, norms of communication and cognitive patterns, understand and respect other cultures, and enhance their adaptability to this culture.

Intercultural communication, as a linguistic and cultural exchange activity among members of different ethnic groups, is a complex communication process from the exchange of symbolic information on the surface to the deep emotional fusion and communication. In this process, scientific empathy is very important. However, the diversity and diversity of cultures of different ethnic groups will inevitably lead to empathy disorder. Therefore, to overcome empathy barriers, we must first establish correct cultural values. The principle of cultural relativity tells us that everything in the world, including the cultural traditions of various nations, is complex and not single. There is no such thing as a traditional culture without the essence or the dross. For a long time, under the influence of western cultural center theory, westerners believe that western culture is the center of world culture and the best culture in the world, deliberately excluding the culture of other nations. This is not only detrimental to the development of world culture, but also hindering the integration of western culture with world culture and the development of its own culture. When we examine the traditional culture of our country, we should also start from the principle of cultural relativity. We should not only see the rich connotation and unique charm of traditional culture, but also have a clear understanding of the backward factors, and strive to realize the modernization transformation of traditional culture. Secondly, we should overcome the tendency to interpret others' words and behaviors from the perspective of our own culture. In dealing with Chinese and foreign traditional culture, we should not have narrow nationalism, nor should we worship foreign countries and foreign countries. With this point of view, in cross-cultural communication, we can use more objective and fair view of the cultural differences, the two communicating parties consciously transform cultural position, consciously get rid of the mindset of its culture, beyond the local cultural framework model, yourself in the other culture mode, grasp in active dialogue and equal to appreciate and understand each other's culture, thus in the cross-cultural communication produces empathy to each other's culture, more objectively reveals cultural facts and law. In cross-cultural communication, only overcome from the perspective of its culture to interpret others words and behavior tendency, can truly in the communication of each other's culture and cultural scene, deeply realize the cultural elements in the significance and value of the whole culture system, can not blindly cultural identity and adapt to each other, and not only rut to native culture.

In the Internet era, global culture has shown the phenomenon of multi-cultural symbiosis and mutual communication between different cultures, while intercultural communication is the result of the current political, economic and cultural globalization. Effective communication and communication requires intercultural communication skills. As China opens wider and deeper to the outside world, China and its people will certainly face the world with a more open posture. The improvement of intercultural communication ability is of great theoretical and practical significance to the development of Chinese culture.

