

Essay代写:Social rights

2019-10-14 17:33:07 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Social rights,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了社会权利。社会权力是马克思开创的历史唯物主义的核心概念,是对抗性的生产关系,即人与人之间支配与被支配、统治与被统治的非理性的感性力量关系,它起源于自发分工造成的感性活动的异化。社会权力在前资本主义社会体现为土地私有权,而在资本主义社会体现为资本,资本是社会权力与物质财富的统一,是生产力与生产关系的统一。

Social power is the core concept of historical materialism created by Marx. Correctly understanding the concept of social power is the cornerstone of understanding Marx's philosophy. Social power is the antagonistic production relation, that is, the irrational perceptual power relation between man and man's domination and domination, and between man and man's domination and domination. In pre-capitalist society, social power is reflected as private right of land, while in capitalist society, it is reflected as capital, which is the unity of social power and material wealth, and the unity of productive forces and relations of production. And the biggest limit of capital development is capital itself, from which all kinds of perceptual power that negates capital will grow, which will lead to the disappearance of capital power, and make the individual person replace the accidental one.

Historical materialism initiated by Marx is a new theory of historical existence. By grasping the core concept of social power, we can avoid misreading historical materialism as modern intellectual theory made of concepts and categories. Economists are talking about economic facts made out of economic categories, and social power is out of their theoretical view. Marx reveals the antagonistic force behind economic categories, namely social power. Marx's thought of social power belongs to historical critical science. Political power and cultural power are all descendants of social power, which should not be confused. At present, it is rare for the academic circle to study the historical materialism theory initiated by Marx and Engels from the perspective of social power. Readers can refer to wang defeng's nature and origin of social power and pan le's Marx's thought on social power and its contemporary significance. According to the published papers, the paper mainly studies the origin of social power, while the academic circle has not fully studied the embodiment of social power in different stages, especially the modern embodiment of social power, that is, capital power and the disappearance of capital power caused by capital's self-denial. Based on the research results of previous scholars, this paper intends to systematically analyze the origin of alienation of Marx's perceptual activities of social power, its performance in different stages of historical development, and the demise of social power due to its own contradictions. This is of great practical significance for us to get rid of the historical nihilism and the theory that communism is uncertain and to strengthen the theoretical confidence of marxism.


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Assignment代写:Crisis management in the age of social media

2019-10-14 17:32:10 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Crisis management in the age of social media,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了社交媒体时代的危机管理。社交媒体是一条非常重要的传播渠道,而在这种环境之下危机传播速度以及范围也在不断地提升和扩大,这也给危机管理工作带来了较为严峻的挑战。新媒体时代,信息传播快,不实信息影响大,群众很容易受到谣言的影响。危机预案的计划和预演,都是企业具有危机意识的表现。

With the development of Internet technology, almost everyone will use the Internet to express their views. Such a trend of network public opinion is both a challenge and an opportunity for every enterprise. Therefore, more and more enterprises in China have realized the importance of crisis management in the era of social media.

Social media is a medium for netizens to exchange opinions, share experiences and create works based on the Internet, with network platforms and virtual communities as carriers. Compared with mass media, social media gives the right of speech to Internet users, enabling them to have the editing ability and the right to choose independently, and form a listening community. Meanwhile, social media has a richer form of expression, which can present relevant content in the form of video, audio, text and image according to people's practical needs.

A crisis, by definition, is an existing or potential event that can cause damage and loss. Enterprise crisis management refers to a series of orderly management activities carried out in the process of enterprise operation and management for future or current crisis events. The enterprise carries on the crisis management is hoped that can eliminate as far as possible the negative influence which the crisis brings or reduces to the minimum, provides the opportunity for the enterprise future normal operation. Enterprise crisis management is an important industry in western developed countries. There are a large number of professional crisis management practitioners and professional crisis management consulting institutions. Many universities also offer enterprise crisis management courses. In contrast, China's crisis management lacks relevant research, and the use of social media strategy awareness is not strong.

Interactivity is an important feature of social media. With the progress of Internet technology, modern social media has broken through the one-way information transmission of traditional media. In the era of social media, information disseminators and audiences can realize equal interaction without limitation of time and space, making communication more smooth and timely.

The information transmission of traditional media is a linear transmission in which the disseminator transmits information and the audience passively accepts it in a specific communication channel. However, in the era of social media, the audience can easily publish and forward the content they are interested in, which spreads in a very wide range and is called "viral transmission".

Compared with traditional media such as TV, newspaper and radio, social media is obviously participatory and open. No matter who can publish and obtain information on it, everyone's right of speech will not be restricted, and they are free, disseminators of information and influencers of public opinion.

The popularity of social media made the audience receives the enterprise way to diversify and similar degree is higher, the difficulty of the enterprise according to user's demand is higher, in the age of social media network audience to receive information is one-sided, and enterprises for the study of the target market is not comprehensive, the enterprise brand communication effect is low, did not achieve the desired effect.

To users for brand maintenance is an important means of enterprises adjust and solve problems, social media communication with customers for the enterprise provides a convenient channels, traditional enterprises should adapt to the change of the era of social media communication as soon as possible, use a variety of network platform and social software to strengthen the interaction with consumers, improve the quality of service, transfer more accurate and comprehensive brand information to consumers, they can better retain customers, contact with consumers to build trust.

So-called has its own opinion leader refers to the mass media in the employees select one or several people to open accounts in the name of personal social media platforms, based on media internal resources is given priority to, strengthen contact with authority figures from all walks of life, with government departments according to the value of the media standards and the related position, comment on current hot issues or Suggestions, attract the crowd and forwarding, and obtain some fans attention, gradually become their leader, so as to form its own opinion leaders. So-called find fight at that time, one thousand days after the spread of the crisis, has its own opinion leaders can release some authoritative information to the public on weibo account, through his fans forwarding form strong opinion on the Internet, dispel rumors, as the crisis spread further reports the escort pass, relying on the power of social media to guide the media public opinion.

The plan and rehearsal of crisis plan are the manifestation of enterprise's crisis consciousness. In the era of new media, information spreads quickly and false information has a great influence, so the public is easily "deluded" by rumors, echoing what others say and enlarging the loss of enterprises. For example, the content of the apology letter, corrective measures, etc.

It mainly shows the social responsibility of mass media in dealing with public crisis situations. It is based on ensuring the balance of information and revealing the truth, instead of paying attention to eyeballs and sensationalism. At the initial stage of the outbreak of the communication crisis, mass media with social media status should be based on facts, adhere to professional ethics, attach importance to the effectiveness of crisis information, ensure that the needs of the public for safety are met, and prevent people from psychological panic or anxiety caused by the lack of information. In addition, after the occurrence of crisis events, the media should not only follow up the progress of crisis events, but also give full play to the effectiveness of socialization. Relying on the power of experts, the media should convey the relevant contents of crisis events to the public in a simple way, so as to educate the public.

With the progress of information technology, social media has unique advantages, which can not only create immeasurable additional value for enterprises, but also become a hotbed of enterprise crisis. Therefore, enterprises should pay attention to combining the characteristics of social media in crisis management and timely stop losses through various effective channels and measures. We should also be prepared for danger in times of peace and build a good crisis management system within the enterprise in advance. In the future social development, social media is bound to have a greater influence. If enterprise crisis management can make use of advantages and avoid disadvantages and skillfully use new media strategies, it will be a strong support force for the long-term development of enterprises.


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Essay写作在MHRA system下如何引用Newspapers

2019-10-14 17:31:34 | 日記
Essay写作在MHRA system下如何引用Newspapers?想必留学生们都挺懵的。在写作essay时,我们有时候需要引用一些时效性的资料或者Newspapers,而这类引用的格式大家要格外注意,下面就给大家讲解一下。

Footnote Citations

MHRA使用footnote citations,这是使用上标数字表示:

Usually at the end of a sentence, like this.1


n. Author Name(s), ‘Article Title’, Newspaper Title, Date of Publication, Newspaper Section (if applicable), Page Number(s).

比如,引用the Guardian G2部分中的一篇文章应该是这样的:

1. Stuart Heritage, ‘All British PMs End Up Failures – It’s Time for a Two-Term Limit Like the US’, Guardian, 25 October 2017, G2, p. 13.


2. Jon Sharman, ‘Drunken Australian Tourist Claims She Doesn’t Remember Zombie Bike Ride Attack on Pensioner’, Independent, 25 October 2017, <> [Accessed 17 November 2017].

注意,不要忘了加上你的访问日期。这是在MHRA system里面引用所有在线资源都用该加上的。

Repeat Citations

如果在第一次引用之后再次引用同一篇文章,大家可以使用shortened format来节省空间。使用“ibid”表示是同一来源的连续的引用;如果是非连续的引用的话,你需要把作者的姓和相关页码标注出来:

1. Stuart Heritage, ‘All British PMs End Up Failures – It’s Time for a Two-Term Limit Like the US’, Guardian, 25 October 2017, G2, p. 13.

2. Jon Sharman, ‘Drunken Australian Tourist Claims She Doesn’t Remember Zombie Bike Ride Attack on Pensioner’, Independent, 25 October 2017, <> [Accessed 17 November 2017].

3. Ibid.

4. Heritage, p. 14.

如上所示,脚注3是Sharman源的重复引用。脚注4再次引用了Stuart Heritage的文章。但是,如果你引用同一作者的多个来源,也要在重复引用中加上一个简略的标题。


在MHRA system中,bibliography格式类似于第一个脚注。但是,作者的名字在这里需要颠倒,这样就可以按作者的姓氏排序了。另外,在bibliography的结尾没有句号,你不需要在页码之前使用“p.”或“pp.”:

Author Surname, First Name(s), ‘Article Title’, Newspaper Title, Date of Publication, Newspaper Section (if applicable), Page Range


Heritage, Stuart, ‘All British PMs End Up Failures – It’s Time for a Two-Term Limit Like the US’, Guardian, 25 October 2017, G2, 13-14


Sharman, Jon, ‘Drunken Australian Tourist Claims She Doesn’t Remember Zombie Bike Ride Attack on Pensioner’, Independent, 25 October 2017, <> [Accessed 17 November 2017]

以上就是关于Essay写作在MHRA system下引用Newspapers的情况,以后大家要是需要引用这类资料的话,那么要按上面的格式去引用。


Paper代写:Performance appraisal of foreign enterprises

2019-10-14 17:30:54 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Performance appraisal of foreign enterprises讨论了国外企业的绩效考核。国外绩效考核有着悠久的历史,绩效指标是从1980年开始就被广泛运用的。而构建成功的绩效考核系统,关键在于认识到这项工作的本质是为了减少评价时因主观性所产生的偏差。随着信息技术的发展,绩效考核与信息技术相融合使得绩效考核实施更加便利、简单化。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

With the economic globalization, the gap of "hardware" has narrowed, and the rational development and utilization of "human capital" has become the key for enterprises to win. Human resource management refers to the management policies and plans made by the organization with various management theories and technologies in order to achieve the strategic objectives, as well as the corresponding management practices, which mainly involve human resource planning, training and development, recruitment and allocation, performance management, compensation and welfare management and labor relations management. Performance management is the core of human resource management, which includes performance index system, evaluation operation system and result feedback system. This paper analyzes from the perspective of performance appraisal, elaborates the current situation of performance appraisal research abroad, and puts forward corresponding policy Suggestions, thus providing reference basis for domestic performance appraisal research.

Performance appraisal has a long history in foreign countries. Since the 1930s, western enterprises have made a clear study on assessment indicators. However, it is generally believed that performance indicators have been widely used since 1980. C.e. neier et al. argued that the key to building a successful performance appraisal system is to recognize that the nature of the work is to reduce the bias caused by subjectivity in the evaluation. In order to reduce the uncertainty and fuzziness in performance assessment, Canadian scholars put forward six principles of "certainty, objectivity, possibility, non-pollution, exclusivity and verifiability" as the criteria for selecting assessment indicators from a measurable perspective.

The concept of "performance management" was put forward in the 1970s. In the 1980s, a large number of performance appraisal framework models emerged, which were mainly divided into structural framework and procedural framework. Sink et al. proposed the procedural framework of performance appraisal plan layout stage, which mainly included: preparation, evaluation, review of relevant documents, selection of location, transmission of evaluation information, and encouragement of employees; Lynch et al. proposed a "performance pyramid" and a 10-step process model of "performance indicators, performance planning, job responsibilities, self-commitment, performance monitoring, performance communication, problem management, performance coaching and continuous improvement", and described the actions to be taken in performance assessment. Neely et al. proposed five performance prisms including stakeholder satisfaction, process, strategy, ability and stakeholder contribution. With the help of cross-process and cross-boundary approaches, Yenjyurt raised a framework for performance assessment, and formulated a five-level performance evaluation standard, which includes finance, customer, internal process, innovation and common culture. Malcolm Baldrige put forward the criteria of excellent performance assessment, and divided performance assessment into five categories, including customer, finance and market, human resources, suppliers and partners, and organizational effectiveness.

In the early 1990s, activities such as business process reengineering and total quality management gradually emerged to further promote the changes in the concept and system of performance evaluation, which were mainly manifested as:

Change of assessment objectives: from focusing on financial objectives to improving the overall operating results; Change examination methods: through the management by objectives to the individual, to examine the 360 ° assessment method, etc, the organization USES the key indicators to examine the method and the balanced scorecard method.

In addition, foreign experts have integrated psychological theories into their studies, developed performance management software and performance diagnosis software with personality characteristics and ability tendency as the measurement accuracy, and carried out strict quantitative analysis and design.

In general, performance appraisal presents a new development trend. On the one hand, the study of performance assessment has changed the situation of blindly pursuing the differentiation and objectification of assessment scales in the past, and it has gradually become the focus of researchers to speculate on the accuracy of assessment based on the difference between performance assessment and known performance standards or real scores. Through the analysis of the factors of assessment deviation, more and more attention is paid to the similarity between examiners and examinees in terms of job characteristics, attitude, personality and values, as well as potential factors such as mutual space distance and psychological distance. On the other hand, with the development of information technology, the integration of performance assessment and information technology makes the implementation of performance assessment more convenient and simple.


Essay代写:The characteristics of British political system and political culture

2019-10-14 17:29:38 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The characteristics of British political system and political culture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国的政治制度特点和政治文化。英国在世界上最早实行资本主义的国家,在政治上虽然没有成文法的颁布,但是其经过历史检验的君主立宪的政治制度,带给英国一个相对稳定的政治局面,政治体制也没有太大的动荡。形成这一独特的现象的原因应该与英国独特的传统文化有着密切的联系。

As an old capitalist country, Britain brought the world the impact of atomic bomb with its technology and culture. As an independent island, Britain has a natural barrier of sea with other continents, creating a favorable geographical environment for Britain and avoiding frequent wars, so that it can have sufficient time to strengthen itself. The first industrial revolution, marked by the invention of the steam engine, boosted productivity, while Britain had a strong navy, and the narrow domestic market forced it to embark on the path of colonial expansion. "When European religious institutions and feudal separatist forces were rampant, they had established the unique judicial jury system and local management system; When feudalism was generally strengthened in Europe, they launched a bourgeois revolution to destroy the foundation of feudalism.

To understand the British constitutional monarchy, we must first understand the British constitution. Most scholars acknowledge that Britain has a constitution, but it has its own characteristics. Unlike most countries, Britain does not compile a legal document, but consists of scattered constitutional laws, conventions and so on. Foreign scholars call it "unwritten constitution" and "flexible constitution". Only on the basis of understanding the constitution can we have a deeper understanding of the British political system.

As an important organization in Britain, parliament has gradually formed the principle of "parliament first" in its long history. The British parliament is composed of the king, the house of lords and the house of Commons. Although parliament and cabinet hold the real power, the parliament is composed of the king of England, the upper house and the lower house, among which the upper house is the house of lords, which is the only political institution based on aristocracy in major western countries. The king had no real power. After a long struggle between the house of lords, which represented the aristocracy, and the house of Commons, which represented the republic, power was gradually transferred from the house of lords to the house of Commons. The power of the British parliament mainly includes four aspects: legislative power, financial supervision power, administrative supervision power and judicial power. Among them, the judicial power is exclusive to the house of lords, which can hear the cases of aristocrats and impeachment cases of the house of Commons. By law, the legislative power and the power to oversee the government's finances and administration are vested in the house of Commons. The parliament act of 1911 confirmed the political dominance of the house of Commons. As a rule, the prime minister must come from the house of Commons.

In the United Kingdom, the passage of any draft law has to go through the upper and lower houses of parliament and the king's approval before the official public, legal effect. Britain has different legislative procedures for different bills.

After full investigation and study, it is drafted by government ministers and approved by the cabinet, and then submitted to the house of Commons for proposal by the government. The house of Commons is read first, second and third, and finally approved by the king, and becomes the authoritative law. After deliberation in the house of Commons, the draft is also sent to the house of lords for the same first, second and third readings.

Private member motions, it is proposed by backbenchers who are not in government, and it is also subject to a third reading. Bills from private lawmakers are difficult to pass and the deliberation process is complicated. There are usually three ways to propose a bill, namely, drawing lots, no drawing lots and the ten-minute rule. Although bills passed by private lawmakers are difficult to pass in parliament, there have been successful cases, such as the 1965 murder case, the 1967 abortion law and the 1969 divorce law.

Private bill. A private initiative involving private, corporate, and local interests. Its deliberations were the same as those of government bills, and it played an important role in the history of the United Kingdom at a particular time.

The first is the approval of public expenditure, which consists of annual legislative approvals and "consolidated funds". The latter includes the annual salary of the royal family, the interest on the national debt, the speaker of the house of Commons and the salary of the leader of the opposition party. Second, approve the tax plan, according to the country's actual economic situation to determine the tax plan. Third, to examine the public accounts, the public accounts committee, the auditor general and the Treasury are set up to supervise the British finance strictly, which can effectively prevent corruption.

The British monarchy has evolved over a long period of time. In this long development process, the British political system has its unique characteristics.

Traditionally, monarchy and democracy have different meanings. Monarchy usually refers to the rule of the monarch, while democracy refers to the rule by the majority. In theory, no country can be ruled by both a monarch and a people. In the British political system, although the king is retained, in the actual politics, the monarch is only a symbolic head of state and has no actual power. The role of the king is reflected in that all policies and laws of the government should be promulgated by the king before they can be implemented, and the implementation of policies and laws should also be carried out under the supervision of the king. For example, the two countries sign treaties, declare the beginning and end of wars and appoint prime ministers.

On the other hand, these policies were not decided and enacted by the king alone, but by the parliament or the cabinet. The lower house of parliament is elected by the people, and the cabinet is elected by the parliament. The cabinet is responsible to the parliament and represents the people, which reflects the principle of people's sovereignty and can greatly influence the formulation of national policies. Therefore, British constitutional monarchy is a perfect combination of monarchy and democracy.

The composition of the British parliament is made up of the lords and the Commons, which are elected by the people. Both houses represent the interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. Because the reform of the British bourgeoisie appeared earlier, it was influenced by some thinkers at that time, including Locke and montesquieu. Their ideas make the British people's understanding of sovereignty in the people is quite profound.

In Britain, the leading organ of the central government is actually the cabinet headed by the British prime minister. As the highest national administrative organ, the composition and change of the cabinet follow certain principles. The prime minister is the leader of the party or coalition that wins a majority in the house of Commons in Britain's general election.

The two major parties, the conservative party and the labor party, are the dominant parties in British politics. It can be said that they hold the helm of British politics. There are smaller parties besides the big two, but for political and historical reasons, they are hardly a force in British politics today. The British parliament and cabinet can be said to be the parliament and cabinet of a party. No matter which party wins the general election, the party can control the parliament and cabinet.

Britain was the first country to implement capitalism in the world. After a long period of development, it was known as the empire where the sun never sets. Although there was no enactment of statute law in politics, its constitutional monarchy system, which had been tested by history, brought Britain a relatively stable political situation and the political system was not in great turmoil. The reasons for this unique phenomenon should be closely related to the unique traditional culture of Britain.

British conservatism is a conservative force. It is not blindly opposed to progress, but the process of change and the extent of a prudent attitude. When the existing system can be maintained and maintained, it holds its ground firmly and refuses to change; But when the existing system can not meet the needs of reality, it allows a certain degree of change, and on the basis of this new change to hold the ground, become a force against new changes. Therefore, the conservatism of British conservatism is not absolutely conservative. It is more reflected in the protection of tradition and the cautious attitude towards change.

This conservatism can be seen in the British attitude to reform in the glorious revolution. Burke believed that although the glorious revolution of Britain broke the monotony of conservatism, it was not a change in the real sense, because it was not a change but a protection of tradition and a sedate change to protect tradition. British people to protect their traditional, efforts to do historical heritage, so in the met need to change, conservatives are hesitant, because they don't know what will be the outcome of the change, but the countries must reform, so conservative steps and process of reform is a very stable attitude, conservative want change cannot too intense. So British conservatism is not hard-headed, and its attitude to new things is not blind opposition. Their attitude towards the political system is manifested as "new wine in old bottles", adding new changes to the original basis, but the original basic structure does not change. This kind of reserved change is best evidenced by the existence of British Kings and nobles.

Therefore, the British people's attitude towards the aristocracy is not to exclude, but to integrate into it, which is an affirmation of self-worth. When people in the whole society go to an elite class with a positive attitude, then the whole British society is full of noble spirit and elite class, and everyone in the whole society is a gentleman. With the development of democratization, although the special existence of the aristocracy was incompatible with democracy, the British accepted its existence, making them the symbol of the country and no longer giving them political power, but becoming the spiritual pursuit of the whole British people.

Britain is a typical island country. Its territory is made up of the island of Great Britain, northeastern Ireland and more than 5,500 small islands. Geographical location also determines the unique cultural psychology of the British people. This unique cultural psychology is reflected in the inheritance of tradition. Surrounded by the sea, all the British people have a superior geographical position to avoid wars, which leads to the British people attach great importance to the inheritance of history. In politics, the British value tradition and are content with the status quo. Instead of pursuing big reforms, they prefer to follow tradition. The British pay attention to maintain their own characteristics, do not follow the crowd, their own system, has its own characteristics.

The cultural psychology of Britain is mainly reflected in politics, especially in the political system. It is mainly manifested as: the constitutional monarchy of Britain. Because the British were not willing to carry out major reforms, they did not overthrow the feudal monarch, but adopted a new approach to constitutional monarchy. The king became a hypocritical head of state with only symbolic power. In this way, the bourgeois reform was carried out without destroying the tradition. The existence of the house of lords, which represents the aristocracy in parliament, fully embodies a feature of the British political system. The house of lords does not have substantive power. But the British allowed it to exist as a British political institution. The British constitution is an unwritten constitution, which is a manifestation of the psychological culture of the island nation. The British people pay attention to tradition, and often find solutions for some things in the present from the past experience. This has led the British to rely on precedent, custom and experience to replace parts of the role of law. The characteristics of this political system are determined by the particularity of British island culture psychology.

The essence of liberalism is that the power of the state comes from the people, and the purpose of the government is to protect the welfare of the people. Therefore, the power of the government is not absolute, but is limited, not only by the supervision of the people, but also by the various agencies within the government.

Britain was the first country to start the bourgeois revolution. Through the bourgeois revolution and the glorious revolution, the power of the British king was limited, and the groups representing the emerging bourgeoisie gradually became the real power executors. Locke in his book "the theory of government," wrote kingship should be limited, at the same time Locke also believes that granted the power of government comes from the people, according to their own power to sign a contract by the people's government, which mainly emphasizes the sovereignty in people, and the government is just in order to protect people's private property and personal safety. In the exercise of the king's power, Locke pointed out that the king's power should be limited to diplomacy and administration. The power of the king should be limited by parliament, and the people should have the right to overthrow the king if he misrules without considering the interests of the people. After Locke, mill developed Locke's thought and put forward the concept of "limited government", which further embodied the idea that the people loved freedom and restricted the government.

The liberal tradition of Britain allows the people to enjoy the sovereignty of the country while the power of the monarch is limited by law. Although the British king and aristocracy did not have substantial power, they became the unique characteristics of world politics with their own unique charm. The British tradition of advocating liberalism also created a unique political system.

