


2019-10-30 17:35:33 | 日記

















Paper代写:Picasso's blue period

2019-10-30 17:34:18 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Picasso's blue period,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了毕加索的蓝色时期。蓝色时期是毕加索绘画历程中一个重要的过渡时期,画家通过对穷苦生活的不断抗争和对自我的反省,来描绘自己所处环境中贫苦的底层人民。毕加索将这种经历最贴切又最直观地表现到自己的作品中,表达了他不被压迫打倒、不满贫困、努力抗争的精神,这为其后来的立体主义奠定了基础,也为后世留下了深远的影响。

Cubism represents Picasso, whose painting style has been classified into five periods by later generations, namely the blue period of melancholy, the rosy period of lightness, and the later classicism period, cubism period and surrealism period. As a transitional period, the blue period is an important period in the development of painter's art.

Picasso, as one of the most influential artists in the 20th century, has diversified styles, creative and unique works. In his early blue period, Picasso gradually formed his own unique style. Blue is used in the picture to express the suffering of the miserable life. Through the painting, we can feel the sadness and sadness contained in the picture. During this period, Picasso expressed more self-reflection and reflection on life.

When Picasso was in Paris, his friend carlos committed suicide, which was an important starting point for Picasso's blue period. He integrated his feelings of sadness, loneliness and depression after the death of his friend into his paintings. Later, its own hard life is also an important reason for the formation of the blue period. Picasso returned to Paris in 1901, and his blue period officially began. The failure of the exhibition intensified his poor life, making him feel lonely, helpless and the difficulty of going out and entering the society alone, which was also the reason why paintings in this period were full of misery and depression. Even so, he did not give up his love for painting and his insistence on his dream. Therefore, the blue period is the portrayal of Picasso's life experience and he persisted in his exploration of beginner's mind despite being afraid of poverty.

Due to Picasso's own poverty, so during this period, the objects of his paintings are mostly poor people like himself. This is not only his sympathy for the poor author, but also his inner sympathy. It can also be said that the blue period is Picasso's period of exploration and introspection. The fragmentation of beautiful dreams, the dissatisfaction with the current situation of the painful life and the longing for a better life are all the expressions of paintings in the blue period, as well as the loss of inharmony when alone in a foreign land.

During this period, Picasso painted scenes such as death and depictions of the homeless and poor working people around him. By depicting these people at the bottom of the society, he expressed his loneliness, misery and hesitation. The helplessness and confusion of the wanderer are also the reflection of the painter's inner feelings. From a certain point of view, the wanderer is also the painter himself. But in spite of this, we can still see that the wanderer and juggler in the picture are not moved by vanity, do not associate with the world, away from the hustle and bustle of calm and self-redemption dignity.

Due to the different environment and lifestyle of the painter, the painter's perception of color is also different. For example, red makes people feel warm, yellow makes people feel sunny, and blue makes people feel depressed and sad. In this period, Picasso experienced the death of his friend and saw the poor life of the people at the bottom around him, which made him feel the gloomy and depressed life and suffered the torture of life. However, he did not give up his love for painting and his insistence on his dream. He used blue to express the color of the picture and make the picture full of depression. His apposite feeling of poverty also makes the picture more real. At that time, blue was also a symbol of pain and misery, which is why this period was called the "blue period".

In the blue period, the painters mostly described the vagrants, jugglers and so on, and depicted the pain and misery of the poor people through freely flowing downward lines. For example, in his painting woman ironing, the painter shows the dynamics and expressions of the figures through downward flowing lines, giving people a sense of illusion, making the whole picture more sad and enhancing the audience's sense of empathy when viewing the painting.

In her work "the woman who irons clothes", the woman in the painting is bent and her head is lowered, as if her whole body weight is pressed on the arm of the ironing clothes, and the scattered hair seems to silently express the pressure of life. Different shades of blue in the picture, as in deliberately create a sad, sad life atmosphere, background large surface flat painted, more foil a woman's heart.

In the blind old man playing guitar, the thin body, sunken eyes and slender fingers of the old man seem to be silently telling his sadness. Although the old man who plays guitar is blind, he hasn't given up his passion for art and still plays the guitar with difficulty. This is also the reflection of Picasso's own artistic career in this period, not defeated by the tragic life, still adhere to the determination of painting creation. The overall grey and blue color of the picture enables us to feel the sad life of the old man, but the old man is not moved by the vanity, and still insists that the spirit of art is worth learning, which is probably the spirit that the painter wants to learn.

In his work life, the painter deliberately elongates the proportion of the figures in the picture. Different shades of blue light and shadow on the figures make the whole picture have a story line, which is serious and solemn, which is also the painter's self-reflection and exploration of life. The four groups of characters in the picture, with different shapes and dynamics, seem to be connected by a magical power. The picture on the left shows a couple of men and women, with the woman resting on the man's shoulder. However, there seems to be no eye contact between them, which inevitably leads to infinite reverie. The woman on the right holding the baby, like a mother with a heavy burden. The crouching woman in the background seems to be a lonely person suffering from the pain of life. The men and women snuggling in the back are more likely to be overwhelmed and dependent on each other. A sharp contrast between before and after. The whole painting is the restoration of the life of the characters in the painter's environment, making viewers feel the silent loneliness and confusion.

The blue period was an important transitional period in Picasso's painting process. The painter depicted the poor people in his environment through his constant struggle against the poor life and self-examination. Picasso expressed this kind of experience most aptly and intuitively in his own works, expressing his spirit of not being beaten down by oppression, being dissatisfied with poverty and struggling hard, which laid a foundation for his later cubism and left a profound impact on later generations.


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2019-10-30 17:32:26 | 日記


1、Title Page (论文标题页)


2、Abstract or Summary (摘要)






3、Acknowledgements (致谢)


4、Table of Contents (目录页)


5、Introduction (概述/介绍部分)

概述部分和Abstract是有区别的,很多同学会比较迷惑。 这部分要说明你的研究动机,重点研究的问题和简要概述每个章节。

Chapter 1 will examine the development of Robert Frost’s poetry and the factors that influenced it…。

Chapter 2 will analyse the poems that concentrate on Nature being unfriendly and expand upon the theme of darkness…。

Chapter 3 is concerned with the darker side of Frost himself。 The Conclusion will show that Frost and his poems are one。

6、Literature Review (文献综述)

一个好的文献综述包括:在您的研究领域总体趋势和定位,你的论述的比较和对比。文献综述不是简单描述论文的注释列表中的内容,你需要大量的阅读,并分析你的想法是否符合现有的知识,找寻知识上的Gap或者在现有的知识上的延展。 另外重要的一点是这列的任何引用你都必须在你的References部分要体现,或者Acknowledgements中要提到。 不能没有依据或者没有标出引用,这是很重要的一点。

7、Methodology (方法论,研究方法)

勾勒出你的研究设计方案以及使用该类型研究的理由,通常是定性Qualitative Research Method或定量Quantitative Research Method研究。同时,需要分析所选择的研究方法的优缺点,并解释为什么这些方法适合您的研究方法,数据收集和数据分析方法。 当然,这部分不是固定的。需要根据你毕业论文的特别的topic有所不同。

8、Results / Findings (论文调查结果)


9、Discussion (批判讨论部分)

批判性的评价你得调查结果; 调查结果是否显示了你的问题; 是否有意外的其他发现; 评估使用方法的适用性,可靠性,有效性,并追溯至你的文献综述部分。

10、Conclusion (结论章节)

从你的整个论文中,描绘出真实的结论,可以从下面几个问题得到启发: 什么是最显著的发现? Finding有什么影响和意义? 研究的过程中是否有局限性? 对进一步调查的建议或者对于现有程序改变的建议?


11、Bibliography and References (文献目录和参考文献列表)

Reference的来源列表,你要审核你的整个Reference list是否是具体学术性,时效性,数量是否符号你的论文字数,除了Reference的真实性,完整性,你还需要注意学校规定的Reference格式是否正确。

12、Appendices (附录,附件)

首先这部分应该包括你的毕业论文中所有使用的材料和数据,都必须包含在附录中。 例如你用来收集的证据,你的研究项目,比如问卷,调查,信件,说明材料,数据统计和你所有的调查表等。



Paper代写:The global of climate change

2019-10-30 17:30:57 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The global of climate change讨论了全球气候变化。美国国家海洋和大气管理局将气候变化定义为天气统计数据的长期变化。气候变化的主要证据包括海平面上升、冰川融化和极端天气增加。造成气候变化的原因可以分为自然因素和人类因素。前者指火山爆发、生物过程、地球接收到的太阳辐射的变化,后者包括燃烧化石燃料、破坏森林和其他人类活动。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Climate change is defined, according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the US (2007), as a long-term shift in the statistics of the weather. It could be presented, for instance, as a change in normal climate level at a given place and time of year. The main evidence of climate change includes rising sea levels, melting glaciers and increasing extreme weather. What causes climate change can be divided into natural aspects and human aspects. The former refers to volcanic eruptions, biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, while the latter includes burning fossil fuels, damaging forests and other human activities.

There is statistical evidence that clearly shows the rapid climate change. In the past 20th century, sea level around the globe increased close to 8 inches. However, the rate rose to almost double that of the last century over the past twenty years. (Church & White, 2006). In Antarctic and Greenland, the ice sheets have shrunk in mass. Data from the NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show that, Antarctica had an ice decease of some 152 cubic kilometers between 2002 and 2005, while Greenland had an yearly decrease of 150 to 250 cubic kilometers from 2002 to 2006. In terms of temperature, since the late 19th century, surface temperature of the earth has gone up some 2.0 degrees Fahrenheit, which is resulted in large part from increasing human-made emissions, including carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere. The year of 2016 was the warmest year in historical records, and eight in twelve of its months were also the warmest on record for those respective months (NASA, 2017).

In conclusion, in face of the global challenge of climate change, which can cause the reduction of biological diversity, damages to agricultural production and threats to coastal cities and countries, the typical countries of China and the US has taken different policies. China, as a developing country, used to seek rapid development while polluting its environment, on which its long-term development is based. Therefore, it now pursues a low-carbon economy and actively takes part in global efforts. In addition, it of importance for China to gain more leading place and force itself to improve its renewable energy sectors by doing so.


Essay代写:The Wells Fargo

2019-10-30 17:28:55 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The Wells Fargo,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了富国银行。2016年,美国最大的银行富国银行承认,其员工未经客户授权开设了多达200万个账户,这些欺诈行为导致客户产生费用。这一丑闻令公众失望,人们对富国银行失去了信任。富国银行解雇了至少5300名员工,其中包括经理和销售人员。富国银行的年报是由会计人员编制的,会计人员负责以某种方式传达组织的真实情况,人们可以根据组织所传达的画面进行思考和决策。

In 2016, the biggest American bank Wells Fargo admitted that its employees had created as many as 2 million accounts without authorization from customers, and these fraudulent activities caused customers to incur fees. This scandal disappointed the public and people lost trust in Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo terminated at least 5,300 people including managers and salespeople because of that fraudulence. This essay aims to analyze the causes of these fraudulent activities in Wells Fargo from the perspectives of representation, accountability and control. It starts from representation which illustrates the relationship between accounting presentation and reality, and analyzes the root causes of the fraudulent activities. After that, it discusses the accountability in management accounting system and who should be accountable. Finally, this essay analyzes the control system and its challenges.

The annual reports of Wells Fargo are prepared by the accountants who are responsible for communicating the reality about the organization in a certain way, and people can think and make decisions based on the picture that organization conveyed (Hines, 1988). Hines (1988) also mentioned that when communicating reality, the accountants are free to define, shape, and measure what the reality is as long as people’s conception of reality can be reflected. This means ordinary people think accountants are responsible for providing information about preexisting reality, however, the truth is that the accountants are not communicating reality but are constructing reality. The reason is that the accounting methods do not convey anything new about reality but convey information which is important in creating reality, and the picture of reality cannot take into account all factors (Hines, 1988). Therefore, the accounting representation of Wells Fargo communicated the reality created by the organization.

Based on the analysis of Wells Fargo’s annual reports, the accounting representation communicated the reality created by the organization, and it told good stories to the annual reports users. However, the annual reports are silence in some negative parts. The growing sales targets and incentive compensation led to great pressure to employees, and the unrealistic sales goals were the root cause of the misconduct.

