


2019-10-18 17:45:19 | 日記

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Conclusion应该包含对数据资料/学术观点的概括性总结以及各章节分论点的提升。在写结尾的时候,更要综合最有价值最有说服力的信息,从而阐明 自己的观点。














Paper代写:The influence of shadow banking on economic and financial development

2019-10-18 17:38:23 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The influence of shadow banking on economic and financial development,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了影子银行对经济金融发展的影响。影子银行发展的过程中,经常有负载、资金搭配不合理的状况出现。以负载者角度分析,由于各个商业银行间存在着极度激烈的资金竞争,在监管结构影响下,会使其发展受到较大限制,因此,影子商品表现出了下滑的态势。以资产方角度分析,要想让企业得到更多经济利益,通常影子银行会向融资平台或是房地产中投入资金,该项目存在长期性的特点。在此状况下,一旦遭受特定限制,那么其风险性会进一步放大。现阶段的商业银行普遍使用资金池的模式。要想让资金池稳定运行得到保证,就要强化监督工作,防止由于流动性下降引发的风险。

In recent years, shadow banking in China has developed rapidly, which has affected economic and financial development to some extent. At present, there is no clear standard, regulation and definition of shadow banking, which makes the number and scale of shadow banking unable to be effectively determined and the risk is difficult to control. Because shadow banking is quite controversial, it has received extensive attention from various sectors. Therefore, it is of practical significance to study the influence of shadow banking on economic finance.

There is no accurate definition of the concept of shadow banking in China. According to the definition of the institute of finance of cass, shadow banking is the business between off-balance sheet business and lending of all Banks. China's banking regulatory commission estimated in 2018 that shadow banking had reached 16 trillion yuan, or about 2.6 trillion U.S. dollars. But a number of economic and financial experts say the true figure is much higher. Domestic shadow banking consists of two parts, one is not regulated banking securities activities, is the main representative collections, including financial leasing companies, financial companies, trust companies, such as guarantee of savings to investment business, the second is the folk not regulated financial, is the main representative pawnshops, folk lending, underground Banks, etc. On the whole, shadow banking has a great influence on economy and finance.

In the process of the development of shadow banking in China, there are often situations of unreasonable load and capital allocation. From the perspective of payers, due to the extremely fierce capital competition among commercial Banks, their development will be greatly restricted under the influence of regulatory structure, so shadow commodities show a downward trend. From the perspective of asset side, in order to let enterprises get more economic benefits, shadow Banks usually invest capital into financing platforms or real estate, which has long-term characteristics. In this case, the risk is amplified by a specific restriction. At present, commercial Banks generally use the model of capital pool. In other words, they concentrate different types of financial products together, and then put the funds in financial assets with different risks and different time into a capital pool. If the stable operation of the capital pool is to be guaranteed, supervision should be strengthened to prevent risks caused by the decline in liquidity.

At present, most of the funds of shadow banking in China are developing towards small and medium-sized enterprises with high returns and real estate, so as to effectively improve their economic benefits. Generally speaking, in the relevant economic system dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises, the capital obtained from shadow finance is first used to help the enterprise to obtain a large amount of economic profits, and then to help the enterprise to pay off a large amount of debt, so that it can get fast and good development. At the same time, shadow banking is the provider of funds and can get corresponding economic benefits from it. On this basis, the funds in shadow banking will show normal operation and stable development, with high benefits in each link. , however, some of the real economy enterprises exist many problems, because each are not identical, the problem of different enterprises and existing economy entered the stage of decline, if the enterprise operation is not flexible, the product cannot be sold in time, the consequences will be very serious, these companies can't within the prescribed time will pay high debt, which can lead to capital chain rupture.

Economists have carried out a large number of studies and found that shadow banking is one of the effective supplements in China's financial system, and there are a large number of shadow Banks, which have different degrees of influence on economic and financial development. In the current domestic financial system is not perfect, it is necessary to actively manage shadow banking. To achieve this, the following measures should be taken.

First, a shadow banking regulatory system should be established. By formulating and implementing the supervision and management system of shadow banking, the shadow development in China can be effectively standardized to reduce and avoid the appearance of various illegal operations, so that private finance can develop more reasonably and healthily. Second, the management of shadow banking should be strengthened. Relevant departments should carry out comprehensive and systematic management of shadow banking, have a dynamic and real-time grasp of the development status of shadow banking in China, implement statistics of various contents, and effectively record the number and scale of shadow banking, so that shadow banking can be fully managed. Finally, the development of shadow banking should be guided. Through the analysis of economic and financial development, it is not difficult to see that shadow banking has both positive and negative effects on economic and financial development. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out correct guidance to promote its development. Province, for example, in 2018 the shadow banking showed the problem of uneven development, relevant departments have been analyzed, found that the development of local shadow Banks too fast, and its internal structure and lack of rationality, financial product ratio is too big, make the development of venture capital is not enough, the reason of the problem in a clear, after the province actively guide the shadow banking development towards the direction of the health, prevent the occurrence due to shadow banking internal structure and the risk of shadow banking function get maximum play.

Conclusion: in a word, it is of great significance to study the influence of shadow banking on economy and finance. Relevant personnel to deal with an overview of the current domestic shadow Banks have a comprehensive understanding, recognize the term is not reasonable collocation cause liquidity risk, credit to reduce the economic and financial development, such as shortage of funds is affected by the shadow banking, and through the establishment of the shadow banking supervision system, strengthening the management of the shadow banking, to lead the way such as shadow banking development, to ensure stable, long-term development of domestic shadow Banks.


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2019-10-18 17:36:47 | 日記







否定的前缀: NON-, UN-, IN-, IM-, MIS-, DE-和DIS-经常给形容词和动词一个否定的意思:nonsense, unclear, incapable, impossible, mishear, decrease, disagree.

各种前缀定义了意义,例如PRE-通常意味着“前”,因此prefer, prehistory,当然还有prefix!




(a) 一些后缀,如-ION, -IVE或-LY读者找到词类(如名词,动词或形容词)。

(b) 其他后缀加在意义上,例如,形容词-FUL或-LESS的作用(thoughtful/careless)。


Nouns -ER often indicates a person: teacher, gardener

-EE can show a person who is the subject: employee, trainee

-ISM and -IST are often used with belief systems and their supporters: socialism/socialist

-NESS converts an adjective into a noun: sad/sadness

-ION changes a verb to a noun: convert/conversion

Adjectives -IVE effective, constructive

-AL commercial, agricultural

-IOUS precious, serious

Verbs -ISE/-IZE to form verbs from adjectives: private/privatise

NB: In the USA, only -ize spelling is used, but both forms are accepted in the UK

Adverbs -LY most (but not all) adverbs have this suffix: happily



Paper代写:Animation color design

2019-10-18 17:35:16 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Animation color design讨论了动画色彩设计。色彩是动画视觉设计中的一个重要因素,是一种视觉语言、绘画语言和灵魂语言。它是动画师在创作过程中表达思想、情感、观点和表述创作意图的手段,也是观众感知动画作品的载体和动画创作者之间思想交流的桥梁。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the creation process of animation, color cannot be separated from the use of color. Color is an indispensable visual expression element in the creation process of animation. It plays a very important role in shaping character modeling, rendering animation scenes and even the development of animation plot. If colors are properly used in animation creation, they can not only enrich the characters, but also arouse the emotional resonance of the audience, so as to obtain more pleasant visual viewing experience. Strengthening the study of animation color design is beneficial to guide the practice of animation creation in the future.

Animation is a new technical discipline that develops rapidly in recent years. It is also a new art form integrating technicality and artistry. Therefore, it has attracted more and more people's attention. In order to obtain more professional animation design talents, no matter the country, or some enterprises have actively taken the corresponding funding measures.

Color is all art forms of expression can most affect the heart, attract people's emotions, stimulate the perception of the factors. Animation color design is also called animation color set, is an exclusive title in animation creation. In animation works, the emotional expression of characters, the reflection of psychological characteristics, the presentation of the environment and atmosphere, and even the determination of the overall tone of the style, are shown through the rational use of color. By endowing emotional tone with colors and fully arousing the audience's appreciation mood, it can not only create a good and vivid character image, but also create a better scene atmosphere and strengthen the ups and downs of the plot, so as to help the audience better understand the theme of the work. In other words, the application of color in animation works is directly related to the appreciation and appeal of animation works, and even affects the expression of the content and meaning of animation works.

Color is an important factor in animation visual design, which is a kind of visual language, painting language and soul language. It is the means for animators to express their thoughts, feelings, opinions and intentions in the process of creation. It is also the carrier of the audience's perception of animation works and the bridge of communication between animation creators.

When designing animated characters, animators should fully consider that the characters must have attractive modeling design, so they should properly use colors to shape the image of animated characters. The use of color plays a decisive role in the shaping of animation characters and affects the audience's visual experience. In animation design, character modeling is indispensable. Many animation designers attach great importance to character modeling, especially the integration of color elements, which greatly enriches the visual effect of the audience and improves the appreciation of animation works. In addition, colors also have certain emotional characteristics, and different colors also contain different emotions. Animation designers also use this feature to stimulate and arouse the audience's emotional experience, which greatly affects the audience's cognition of the character image. In animation creation, the emotional characteristics of color can strengthen the character, hint and guide the audience to form a specific attitude towards the character, so that the overall image of the character to be shaped by the creator can be quickly and conveniently perceived by the audience.

In the design of animation scene, the use of color can not only build a rich and colorful animation world, but also enhance the visual experience of the audience, so that the audience can better understand the inner world that the creator wants to express in the animation and realize emotional resonance. Although the design of animation scenes is not as important as the shaping of characters in the creation process of animation, no group of animations can exist independently of the animation scenes. The animation scenes created by using colors not only have a sense of space, but also have a certain sense of hierarchy, thus attracting the attention of the audience. In addition, the constant change of colors in the animation scenes serves the plot and character modeling, and the use of colors in the animation scenes can also reflect and hint the plot to be displayed in the animation works. The emotions of the audience naturally follow the atmosphere created by the colorful animated scenes into the plot.

The success of an animated work requires not only perfect character modeling and colorful scene design, but also a complete plot. The development of the plot can not be bland, otherwise the animation will be boring. Therefore, it is necessary to attract the eyeballs of the audience with the help of color foil, thus leaving a deep impression on the audience. Color can promote the development of animation plot. In the process of animation creation, if the designer reasonably USES colors, the animation works will have unexpected effects. In animation works, designers can take advantage of the constant change of colors: sometimes bright and sometimes dark, sometimes warm and sometimes cold, so the development of the plot will be more dramatic and fascinating.

Through the above analysis, we can know that in animation design, the rational use of color is particularly important. To strengthen the application of color in animation design research, not only can let us realize the importance of color in animation design, but also will encourage animation designers to continue to explore how to make animation design under the color rendering more aesthetic, unique feeling.


Essay代写:The artistic conception of sound in the film

2019-10-18 17:29:16 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The artistic conception of sound in the film,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了电影中音响的意境特性。声音的传播比视觉造型的传播更具无限广阔和深远的空间范围。音响元素相对于视觉造型而言是虚的,相对于它所表达的物质而言又是实的。这种虚实一体的特性与电影画面垂直组合而构成一种特殊的时空结构,成为一种另外产生联想与思考、生发电影意境的机制。

Sound in a broad sense refers to all sound forms in films, television or radio. The acoustics referred to in this paper use a narrow sense of the concept of acoustics to be defined: in the art of film and television, in addition to audio language and music, all the sound forms produced by nature and human activities are collectively referred to as "acoustics". We live in an environment full of all kinds of sound, which is one of the necessary conditions to make the material reality and, of course, the picture of the movie realistic. The transmission of sound is omni-directional. We can hear the sound in any direction, but we can still perceive it by hearing when our eyes can't see it. "Chang 'an a piece of month, ten thousand households pound clothing sound" "gusu outside hanshan temple, midnight bell to passenger ship" embodies this truth. Therefore, compared with the transmission of visual modeling, the transmission of sound has an infinite and far-reaching space. With the in-depth development of film audiovisual art, people gradually find that the role of sound in films is not only to increase the sense of reality of the picture or let the audience find the multifaceted sense of the image, but also to create more artistic effects. For example, sound is contributing to the creation of artistic conception in the film. These acoustics element are opposite visual modelling character is empty, opposite the material that expresses at it place character is real. This feature of the integration of the virtual and the real with the picture of the film constitutes a special space-time structure, which becomes a mechanism to generate associations and thoughts and generate the artistic conception of the film.

The way that acoustics builds artistic conception and music differ somewhat. Music for the creation of artistic conception is mainly through the way of lyric rendering to promote the creation of artistic conception. If music is mainly to create "the environment with me", then audio is more to create "the environment without me". We can find from ancient Chinese poetry that the ancients always liked to use natural sound to create artistic conception. For example, ruoye river is an ancient poem of five words created by wang ji, a poet in the southern dynasty. The poem has clear and beautiful prose, harmonious tone, and a quiet and tranquil artistic realm. The essence of the poem is the five or six lines, "cicada noise forest more quiet, birds singing mountain more quiet", the beauty of this sentence is to use "cicada noise" and "birdsong" to background and rendering the quiet forest. This technique of moving and showing quietness gives people a feeling of quiet, quiet and full of vitality, which makes readers feel the poetic and painting meaning and life philosophy from the deep of their hearts. Therefore, it is praised as the swan song by later generations.

This kind of natural sound is reflected in the film works of famous Korean director xu qinhao, which plays a significant role in constructing the artistic conception of his film works. Xu qinhao's film works have been called an Oriental expression by some domestic scholars, and the Oriental charm expressed by this expression is closely related to the director's emphasis on artistic conception. The film death of spring is a typical example of making full use of natural environment sound to create artistic conception. The hero and heroine of this film are set as the staff of the radio station. Collecting all kinds of natural sounds takes up a large proportion of their work tasks. This innate advantage makes the film have many natural sounds to express the artistic conception. For example, in the passage where the hero shang you records the rustle of the wind through the bamboo forest, the natural sound is particularly beautifully handled, and this section presents a gradually stronger state of artistic conception.

at the beginning of listening to the wind blowing bamboo section, shang you and en xiu where the sound of the bamboo forest is still very weak, although two people close their eyes to listen hard, but still did not hear the ideal sound. In the camera picture changes and music background, they finally heard the bamboo forest with the wind swaying issued "shua shua shua" sound. At this time in the picture, the sunny and genial sunshine through the bamboo leaves sparse slit place illuminate down, enxiu enjoy to close their eyes, the audience and the hero and heroine together immersed in this intoxicating mood. The sound produced by the wind blowing the bamboo forest should be said to be the soul part of this paragraph, because the hero and heroine came to collect this wonderful natural sound, and this wonderful natural sound played the effect of creating artistic conception. The paragraph that behind ancient temple listens to snow likewise very well reflected the artistic conception effect that natural acoustics builds. The snow, the temple and the night are all concrete images that can create an artistic conception, but the three together still lack some appeal. The sound of ancient bells jingling in the eaves of the temple perfectly makes up for the lack of image. The ancient bell here is just like the midnight bell of hanshan temple outside gusu city in "maple bridge night park", which not only floats into the ears of the male and female protagonists in the film, but also floats into the hearts of audiences outside the screen. The unique sound image and the beautiful picture of the film create a kind of ethereal and distant artistic conception.

In the world of jia zhangke's films, sound is an art element that cannot be ignored, and the unique treatment of sound elements is one of the most recognizable artistic features of jia zhangke's films. When we appreciate the jia zhangke's film can found him on the living environment of the various sound is particularly interested in, he designed for character lines "precious little word" can be used to describe, cars and motorcycles and horn, loud voices, all kinds of industrial machines roar, cries of street market, the nature of the wind and water, from the loudspeakers broadcast announcement, pop music on the radio and television programs in sound and take turns to bombard the audience's ears. Mr. Jia's approach to ambient sound is unique because few directors fill a movie with ambient noise. Jia zhangke separated these daily ambient sounds and formed another narrative thread parallel to the film image, which can be felt by careful experience. Maybe jia to sound processing has formed a kind of voice in the film aesthetics, it is through this kind of aesthetic he strongly stressed his build tension in the real world, the tension throughout each scene in the movie or in every detail, the formation of jia zhangke "artistic conception" of the beauty of a striking feature. The most typical example is "the good man from the three gorges", in which the ambient sound, or various noises, never stops. These sounds vividly express the rhythm of life in the drastic changes of the city with irregular beats, and are also very important traces of The Times left by the changes of the city, which can be said to be the "rhyme" of the changing times of China.

