

Essay代写:The influence of Christianity on western culture

2019-10-31 17:39:11 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The influence of Christianity on western culture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了基督教对西方文化的影响。许多学者认为,如果没有基督教,整个西方文化都会没落,而这意味着基督教在他们的社会生活中起着重要的作用。基督教主张所有的人都是自由的。西方国家重视个人主义,认为它是他们的权利和信仰。同时,基督教致力于帮助穷人,因此它的信徒总是愿意献身于慈善事业。世界上最著名的科基督教改变了西方人民的社会生活,并将在日常生活的各个方面影响着他们。

Christianity, Buddhism and Islam are the three major religions in the world. As the source of western culture, Christianity has the largest number of believers in the world. Since the birth of Christianity, it has affected all aspects of western society. This paper analyzes the influence of Christianity on western culture from politics, literature and social life, so as to help us understand western culture better and more comprehensively.

Christianity originated from Judaism in Palestine in the first century AD. In 3 AD, the Romans conquered Palestine and brutally suppressed the jews. As a result, the jews revolted many times. However, they never succeeded. Therefore, the jews put their hope in their religious belief, and they prayed for the savior to help them out of their pain. It was said that there was a secret religion among the lower jews, and that its adherents, the messiah, would come to save them. This is the origin of Christianity.

Early Christians were almost all slaves and believed that Jesus was the savior of all. According to Christians, Jesus suffered, died, and rose from the dead to save people from sin. In 313, Constantinople issued the famous "pardon of milan", which made Christianity a legal religion. In 392, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman empire and gradually became the spiritual pillar of the feudal society dominated by Europe in the middle ages.

Like Judaism and Islam, Christianity is the abrahamic religion. It is well known that Christianity originated from a jewish sect in the eastern Mediterranean. In a matter of decades, its adherents and influence have grown rapidly. During the middle ages, much of Europe was christianized, with Christians mainly in the Middle East, north Africa and India. With the passage of time, Christianity spread to the Americas and the world through preaching and colonization.

"Bible" is the most important classic of Christianity, in the minds of Christians, "bible" has the supreme authority, is the only principle of their faith and life. The bible includes the old testament and the new testament, and Christians call the old testament the covenant. Christianity is taught as follows. Genesis says that god created the universe and everything on earth. He was omnipotent, omnipotent, kind, intelligent, and loving. "Original sin" says that people are sinful at birth because their ancestors Adam and eve disobeyed god's command and ate the forbidden fruit of the garden of Eden. Therefore, humans must believe on Jesus in order to achieve immortality after death. Heaven and hell say that if a man believes in god after his birth, his soul can go to heaven after his death, otherwise, he will go to hell.

Religion and politics influence and depend on each other. Religion is a social ideology and a part of the superstructure. As the mainstream ideology of western civilization, Christianity leads the development and process of western civilization and has a special influence on the politics of western countries. As the main thought of Christianity, the bible is the source of power and belief, which influences the human rights and democracy, national outlook, dual political outlook and dual power system in western countries.

The important Christian creed that all men are equal before the law has been at the beginning of the constitution. In 1848, the French constitution wrote that everyone was free, equal and charitable. In the United States, the Christian concept is even more evident in the declaration of independence: "all men are created equal, and they receive some divine power from god, including life, liberty, and happiness." The influence of Christianity on western countries has contributed to the strong political and economic strength of western countries.

Literary creation is a consciousness activity controlled and restricted by the world view. The old and new testaments are the most important works of Christianity, and they have long influenced western literature. Many outstanding writers have created their masterpieces according to the bible.

When Christianity prevailed in the middle ages, people worshipped god and Jesus, which was a popular trend and craze. Under the worship of warriors, a typical warrior not only advocates truth, reputation and freedom, but also advocates pure love. Thus, samurai love became the most popular subject in medieval literature. For example, Geoffrey Chaucer's poem "the young man." What's more, many writers have produced excellent works by directly quoting biblical materials. For example, the famous English poet Milton in the 17th century created the famous epic paradise lost based on the book of genesis. Milton's other popular works, such as Samson lux and paradise regained, are full of Christian overtones.

Engels called Dante the last poet of the middle ages and the first poet of the new century, because his masterpiece the divine comedy has always been the spiritual food of people in western countries. On the surface, the poem describes Dante's journey through hell, purgatory and heaven; But on a deeper level, it symbolizes the conversion of the soul to god. On this deeper level, Dante draws upon medieval Christian theology and philosophy, particularly the philosophy of Thomas and the supreme theology of Thomas Aquinas.

Thus, early literary works are full of Christian color. In addition to the above works, we can also see glimpses of Christianity in augustine's city of god, Tolstoy's resurrection, Nathaniel hawthorne's scarlet letter and Thomas Eliot's wasteland.

Many scholars believe that without Christianity, the whole western culture would decline, which means that Christianity plays an important role in their social life. When they were born, they had to go to church to be baptized, because after baptism they became the sons of god. After death, their SINS could be forgiven by god and sent to heaven. So they went to church every weekend to hear a sermon.

As we all know, Christianity holds that all men are free. Western countries value individualism as their right and belief. At the same time, Christianity is dedicated to helping the poor, so its followers are always willing to devote themselves to charity. The bible says you should love people like yourself, which shows the spirit of universal love. Einstein, the most famous scientist in the world, said that religion without science is aimless, and science with religion cannot go on. It can be said that Christianity is the mainstream of western countries.

The first school in the west was built to train religious clergy and to work for the church. In 1200, most of the schools were religious institutions with special privileges granted by the Pope. Even professors who teach in schools are ministers. For example, Oxford and Cambridge in the UK, the university of valencia in Spain and Heidelberg in Germany. In addition, many western festivals are associated with Christianity, such as Christmas. In the west, people celebrate Christmas as their New Year, and they go to church and sing like the virgin Mary and the messiah. In western countries, Easter is also an important holiday to commemorate the resurrection of Christ from the dead. According to the old testament, Jesus Christ was betrayed by his disciple judas and then crucified by Roman soldiers. Before he died, he said he would come back to life in three days. Jesus Christ rose after three days as expected. Therefore, Easter represents rebirth and hope.

In short, Christianity has changed the social life of people in the west and will affect them in every aspect of their daily life.

Christian culture is an important part of western culture. As a form of culture, it is full of brilliant ideas. An understanding of Christianity and its role in the world is necessary to help us fully understand Christian culture and its influence. In addition, Christian culture can help us have a deeper understanding of western countries. To sum up, Christianity was rooted in western countries and had a profound influence on western politics, literature, language and social life.


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Assignment代写:Art deco movement

2019-10-31 17:37:54 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Art deco movement,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了装饰艺术运动。20世纪初,第一次世界大战在西方社会的影响逐渐消散,整个社会的氛围都处于乐观的状态。社会发展到了一个富足的阶段,让人们对未来又重新充满了希望。此时,法国巴黎举行的一场名为“国际现代装饰和工业艺术展”的世界博览会,引起了一次全新的、影响范围极广的装饰艺术运动,装饰艺术运动也因这场展览而得名。从法国巴黎到全世界,将设计界的重点从古典引导至现代,为现代设计的到来做了非常重要的铺垫。

At the beginning of the 20th century, the influence of the World War I in western society gradually dissipated, and the atmosphere of the whole society was in a state of optimism. The development of society has reached a stage of abundance, which makes people full of hope for the future again. At this time, in 1925, a world's fair called "international modern decoration and industrial art exhibition" was held in Paris, France, which gave rise to a new and wide-ranging art deco movement. The art deco movement also got its name from this exhibition. From Paris, France to the world, the focus of the design industry from classical guide to modern, for the arrival of modern design has done a very important foreshadowing.

The western society in the early 20th century recovered from the influence of the World War I to a stable state, the European society's economy showed a general trend of prosperity, and the American economy was in a state of rapid development. Under such social conditions, the new artistic style has gained a space for development. Under the influence of the new era, artists and designers no longer oppose the mechanical form, but gradually accept some new materials. The 1925 exposition in Paris, France, gave birth to the "art deco" movement. The movement of "industrial art" and the movement of "new art" have been treated by artists and designers with critical eyes and introspection, and the defects of the two art movements have been found out: they treat the forms and production modes of modernization and industrialization with negative eyes. The improvement of people's quality of life led artists and designers to acknowledge the arrival of a new era and accept the form of industrialization. Different times, people's requirements for the quality of life has improved, designers are faced with a difficult task: looking for a new design that is different from the past era. Designers will be the mechanical form and modern characteristics through decoration to explore a new way, and at the same time, the mechanical form of characteristics become more natural, more elegant.

Previous design movements mostly extracted decoration from organic nature. The "art deco" movement was closely related to industrialization, regardless of the size of the designed products, from architecture to clocks. Use concise rectangular block structure extremely much, undertake connection of every structure with geometrical means again, use curve to undertake adornment will make the product more vivid. "Art deco" style design, whether for buildings or products, is usually very smooth and concise surface lines, edges are very clear.

Design in the period of "art deco" focused on decoration, not function. The details of decoration can be found in both architecture and product design. As a stage that admits industrialization, accept new era, "adornment art" the design style of adornment avoided natural element intentionally, and this also is with "new art" movement USES the element of nature in great quantities to undertake design distinction.

"Adornment art" the design in motion gave up the color that paid attention to elegance and reservation in previous design, cream color and earthy color are waited by stylist people the primary color that USES a product and metallic color place to replace. Designers boldly used many previously unused colors, bold use of black and white contrast, as well as previously rare coral powder and other colors, formed the "art deco" movement unique color system. At the same time, the two colors of soot and black are often seen as symbols of the new era and modernization, and are very common in the design at that time.

At that time, the social economy was generally prosperous. Ebony, leather, silk, bronze and other materials were the first choice of designers, while ivory, gold and other more valuable materials were used by designers to decorate and enhance the rich and luxurious atmosphere. But in 1929 after the outbreak of the great depression, formerly rich costly and difficult to continue, the designers began to find some new material, they will be many never use a material to carry on the design, such as plywood, black bakelite material, such as the applicability of these new materials was stronger than the previous traditional materials, at the same time also can use mechanized mass production, so the new material of more widely used by designers.

The Egyptian period was full of a special fascination for designers and artists. In tutankhamun's tomb unearthed before the period of "art deco", the lotus flower, dung beetle, pyramid and tower bridge are common cultural relics in Egypt, which provide new inspiration for designers.

The world of design has been influenced by primitive tribal art in Africa and South America. The exaggerated and concise lines of tribal masks have inspired artists and designers. The influx of foreign cultures also gave designers many inspirations, such as the shapes of ancient Chinese bronzes and early porcelains and the concise lines of furniture, the tongling towers in central and South America, African textiles, masks, folk sculptures and many other foreign cultures.

There were many different genres of early art, but they all had unique visual language, bold allegories, and rich colors. Designers get a lot of inspiration from it, and use geometric, abstract, cut and other elements to inject life into the design.

At the beginning of the 20th century, people were looking for an optimistic and joyful theme. At this time, many images in classical culture were extracted and designed by designers, which were deeply loved by people.

The design in the period of "art nouveaux" was too much in favor of handwork, while the period of "art deco" recognized industrialization. In the past, the complicated curves and twining patterns were criticized by designers, but this did not affect the extraction of essence from them.

In the early 20th century, dance began to produce significant reforms, which were reflected in costume design, music, choreographer, stage and other aspects. Music and dance also have an impact on designers.

At that time, the car in the market has been as an important means of transportation exists, by many people as a symbol of the future. Designers boldly adopt the achievements of industrial civilization and extract the elements as design ideas.

At that time, many large international exhibitions were held to promote the development of the design field. The exhibition in Paris in 1925 brought the art deco movement to a climax. The luxurious decoration, rich color and elegant pattern in the exhibition are a new direction for artists and designers.

The "art deco" movement was, to some extent, the beginning of modern design. It promoted handicraft industry from the advocation to the recognition of industrialization. But from the point of view of the object of design service, it is still a traditional art movement. Influenced by the class rule in France, design is mostly designed for the bourgeoisie, dignitaries and elites, and is an art movement serving the upper class, while modernist design should serve the public. "Art deco" movement is the continuation of "new art" movement. It opposes the delicacy of "new art" movement, but designers extract the essence of "new art" movement and apply it. The "art deco" movement combined eastern and western cultures once, seeking inspiration from different regional cultures and laying a foundation for modern design.

"Art deco" movement, as a transition to modern art design, combines the classical with the modern. The design in the period of "art deco" movement is full of humanization and industrialization. "art deco" is not a general term of style, but a term of period design. It is the imperfection of "art deco" movement that leads to modern art design. It is reasonable that many elements and ideas of "art deco" movement have been used by designers up to now.


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2019-10-31 17:36:52 | 日記




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Paper代写:The complexity of the state of play

2019-10-31 17:34:38 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The complexity of the state of play讨论了竞技状态的复杂性。在竞技极值化和多赛制的背景下,传统的竞技状态理论为所规定的线性、确定和有序的行为逻辑,在不断涌现出的复杂性面前逐渐失去解释力和预言力。竞技状态复杂性可以看成竞技状态系统所包含的信息量,这个信息量实际上又反映了竞技状态系统差异的多少。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Under the background of extreme competitive value and multi-competition system, the traditional competitive state theory is the linear, definite and orderly behavioral logic prescribed by high-level athletes for successful competition, which gradually loses its explanatory power and predictive power in the face of the constantly emerging "complexity". Complexity impacts the traditional scientific view of certainty. To reveal the complexity of the state of competition and to clear up its complexity requires not only the rational cognition, but also the practical problem that the practice has to deal with. Based on the perspective of complexity science, this paper intends to analyze the complexity of competitive state, explain the complexity characteristics of competitive state, and on this basis, give the complexity paradigm of the theory and practice of competitive state research.

Under the background of extreme value and multi-competition system of modern competitive sports, the problem of athletes' competing state is becoming more and more prominent. Why is it difficult to maintain or improve the sports performance in accordance with the track and mode of success in the past to reproduce the best competitive state that athletes have ever displayed? Why do athletes win the world series in a row and lose unexpectedly at the Olympics? Why did the construction of such a "stable" state of play in the entire Olympic cycle suddenly collapse? These seemingly "simple" but extremely "complex" problems have far exceeded the original competitive state theory territory, and constantly shake and weaken our rational dogmatic paradigm. The linear, deterministic and orderly behavioral logic that the theory of competitive state provides for the successful participation of high-level athletes has gradually lost its explanatory power and predictive power in the face of the constantly emerging nonlinear, uncertain and disordered complexity factors.

Complexity impacts the traditional scientific view of deterministic state of competition. To reveal the complexity of the state of competition and to clarify its complexity requires not only the rational cognition, but also the practical problem that the practice has to deal with. Based on the perspective of complexity science, this paper intends to analyze the complexity of competitive state, explain the complexity characteristics of competitive state, and on this basis, give the complexity paradigm of theoretical and practical research on competitive state.

The complexity of competitive state can be regarded as the amount of information contained in the system of competitive state. The amount of information actually reflects the difference of competitive state system. And system difference mainly refers to the difference between the elements of competitive state system, or the difference of system structure. Therefore, we can define the complexity of competitive state as: the complexity of competitive state refers to the sum of the differences in the system structure of competitive state.

What phenomenon is called the complexity of competitive state? To borrow the definition of scientific phenomena, we can regard the complex phenomenon of competitive state as the complex phenomenon of competitive state. Such as, athletes in the world series repeated "clark" or "Choking" phenomenon. The phenomenon satisfies the repeatability, that is, the phenomenon discovered must be reappeared, the phenomenon that cannot be reappeared is unprovable, we cannot prove either its existence or its nonexistence, therefore, it cannot be called the complex phenomenon of competitive state. The repeatability of phenomena indicates that there is a certain identity between two or more phenomena.

Under the premise of complex identity, any phenomenon generated in the competitive state system, as long as it contains such an identity condition as "reproducibility", should be a complex phenomenon of the competitive state, and thus can be a pair of images for the study of competitive state. However, if some complex phenomena of competitive state contain some identity, there may be some regularity among them. Due to the complexity of the identity of competitive state system, the research object of competitive state becomes complex, thus making the phenomena and laws of competitive state become complex. For example, there are hundreds of factors that have been found to influence the state of competition. They share a common essence -- they exist according to the characteristics of sports and specific performance, which is their fundamental identity. However, each factor has its own special form, which contains special identity different from other factors. This special identity determines that each factor form can be the object of the study of competitive state. In this way, we can show that the object of study of competitive state is extremely complex, and therefore, the phenomena and laws of competitive state are extremely complex.

Matviev's theory of competitive state is to reduce the complex process of acquiring athletic performance into three periodic stages of "gaining", "keeping" and "disappearing", and corresponds to the three periods of "preparation", "competition" and "transition" in the training process. In the three training periods, through different combinations of load capacity and load intensity to develop a variety of training and special training in different proportions, it promotes the orderly and periodic development of competitive state and improves with the spiral of athletic performance. Although the scientific nature of the hypothesis of the state of competition still lacks precise evidence, in the decades of successful application of the theory in practice, people always regard it as the "universal law" and guide and restrict the development of the theory and practice of the training cycle.

In the 90 s, almost all the competitive events format, profound changes have taken place in the high level athletes must participate in games and for the whole year showed a higher frequency of competitive state is beyond the stipulation of the theory of competitive state, original is in the world within the scope of the training cycle theory to extensive and profound discussions, the focus of the discussion focused on supporting the core of competitive state theory, namely the general training and specific training proportion and strength of the relationship between the load and load. Although the discussion and the dispute are still going on, the discussion and the dispute do not get rid of the simple paradigm that people are used to pursuing certainty and causal necessity from the perspective of methodology. Isolated view of the central role of local capacity, or machinery to determine the proportion of the general training and specific training, attempt to grasp of the existence of competitive state macro and micro foundation, apparently, has violated the system property with the work Can not depend on the specific local factors and some local relations, but the overall relationship between all elements, elements combination as a way for the system as a whole system of thought.

The competitive state theory meets the challenge of complexity, which forces us to change the scientific paradigm of the research of competitive state theory. What is the complexity feature of competitive state? What are the complex features of competitive state? These are the two most fundamental problems in the study of the state of competition. When we study the complexity of competitive state with complex scientific paradigm, we need to answer what is the complexity of competitive state? This is a self-extroverted and internal limited convergence process, which requires us to examine the similarity problem of the complexity of the competitive state of different sports, extract the universality rule with cross-sectional significance, and give the scientific nature and regulation of the theoretical study of competitive state. When we think about the complexity of competitive state in a philosophical way, we need to answer what is the complexity of competitive state? This is a process of infinite divergence from the inside to the outside, which interprets the connotation of complex features of competitive state and endows the theoretical study of competitive state with richness and depth. It can be said that the theoretical basis of the complexity characteristics of competitive state can only be clearly revealed in the perspective of complexity. If this point is not recognized, the research on competitive state theory will repeat its past deviation.

In exploring complex systems, complexity science usually starts with the characteristics of complex systems. Based on the characteristics of the competitive sports itself and competitive state differences in system structure, surrounding the integrity of the competitive state, the correlation between the elements and parts After the emergent properties of a whole, we will focus on competitive state of the complexity of the system structure, system function of complex form, competitive state of the complexity of the system network and the complexity of the system evolution of form.

The emergence of the whole behavior of competitive state is actually the result of the synchronicity of the function of each system element and the consistency of the function state of the system element. When the environmental rules are applied in practice to meet the development conditions of the competitive state itself, the functional state of the subsystem elements of the competitive state will gradually reach a consistent feature. At the same time, the output of the functional state of the competitive state system will gradually converge and then achieve a synergistic consistency, that is, the system functions have reached synchronization. For example, in developing muscle strength, fast muscle fiber units and slow muscle fiber units are recruited differently, depending on the strength and load. Under the condition of submaximum and maximum load, the slow muscle fiber movement unit could not get effective training. However, if the number of exercises is not up to the maximum weight, some of the fast muscle fiber exercise units will not be trained as well. This indicates that the nerve-muscle system has a selective adaptation to the training load. If it fails to meet the requirements of the target state of the system, the behavioral function of the system cannot be effectively developed and the functional structure of the system cannot be effectively amplified and converged.

Network is an important concept for us to understand the state of competition. It is a kind of imitation of the overall structure of the state of competition. The purpose is to describe and explain the complex characteristics of the prototype of the state of competition, such as its nature, structure, function and evolution. The state of competition is a complex system. Only through the form of "network" can the multi-level, multi-variable and multi-objective elements be organically linked together and can be expressed more accurately. Because the state of play is an abstract concept, and the "network" is the micro-foundation on which the abstract concept can exist. The formation and development of the state of competition depends on the network formed by linking each other with specific relations among the elements of the system. Whether the elements of the state of competition and even elements of the system can form effective links with other elements of the network depends on whether they comply with the common rules, namely, project characteristics, special achievements and adaptive requirements. The network of the state of competition system is linked together by the characteristics of competitive events. The basic operation mechanism of the state of competition network is the improvement of special performance and special ability. Only those elements that fit the characteristics of the project and operate in a way that enhances performance and competence can be linked together. Those elements that do not conform to the characteristics of the project or are not conducive to the improvement of special performance and ability, even if the link with other elements will not only not improve the function of the behavior of the state system of competition, but even undermine the formation of the state network of the state system of competition. Therefore, the performance frequency, stability and height of competitive state are affected by the nature of the link of competitive state network elements.

The complexity of competitive state system network refers to the uncertainty of network elements and their number of links, link mode and link behavior. The competitive state is the result of the continuous evolution of the system network. With the continuous replacement and update of the competitive state network, the function of the network is amplified in the evolution, and at the same time, the networkability of the elements is increasingly strengthened. The various elements of the competitive state network are in different states in the link, which can be divided into two states in general: link and break. In link state, there are two kinds of normal link and non-normal link. Within normal links, the degree of linking varies. In the normal link network state, the key elements and secondary elements of the link can be divided into core elements and marginal elements according to the effect and degree of factors on the support of special sports performance. Those elements that play a central role in the specific competitive ability and have a leading and guiding role for other elements are key elements, and they are at the center of the competitive status network. Those who play the supporting factors for the specific performance of sports belong to the secondary factors and are at the edge of the competitive state network.

In the process of competitive state network evolution and under the constraints of the rules of the network, the various elements of an orderly flow and optimized allocation of at the same time, will emerge to form network formation inhibition, weaken, block effect factors, once the contact normal links on these factors, becomes a kind of abnormal links, or pathological links. This abnormal link is destructive or subversive to the normal link of competitive state, which leads to the loss of competitive state. The difference between high level and low level of competition is largely due to the break of the original elements linked to the competitive status network. Link and break are the inherent logic of the specialized integration of competitive events in the state of competition network, as well as the inevitable result of deepening understanding of special features and selection of special training methods. In the networking process of competitive state, the space and time positioning requirements of special features are more precise than ever. Only those elements that meet the requirements of specialized integration and are conducive to improving and stabilizing the performance of special sports can become the elements of the network of competitive state. Some factors that are not conducive to the improvement of special performance may be gradually marginalized and break with the network of competitive state.

The study and thinking of the complexity of the state of competition is just like what Lao zi said: "tao gives birth to one, life to two, two to three, and three to all things..." Is full of contradictions and confusion, we can neither to follow the traditional competitive state theory and may lead to simplicity, also cannot expect richness and possible in ambiguity, but we cannot therefore let form complexity research, simplicity, again because it does not help explain and solve many important we face competitive state theory and the practice question.

The profound reflection on the traditional competitive state theory lies in clarifying the core of our thoughts rather than creating more theories. To view the rationality of competitive state from the perspective of complexity, it must be rooted in scientific methodology and rigorous philosophical thinking, as well as to capture the sparks of uncertain thoughts and sort out the complexity issues emerging from training practice. The more we think about the state of play, the more firmly we will believe that "there is no simple thing in nature, only simplified things".


Essay代写:Dollar liquidity

2019-10-31 17:29:33 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Dollar liquidity,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美元的流动性。美元的流动性指标具有一定的科学性,其周期性变化与美国经济增长的周期性特征具有很强的相关性。美联储降息或者加息并不是决定流动性释放的绝对因素。美元流动性周期对世界经济的影响具有增长性属性、通货膨胀属性和汇率政策溢出属性。

It is well known that fluctuations in U.S. economic growth have a significant impact on world economic growth. It is generally believed that the us recession and growth affect other economies mainly through two channels, one is trade channel, the other is financial market channel. In terms of trade channels, the expansion of the us foreign trade deficit has become a major force affecting other countries' economies. Therefore, the dependence on the us trade is an important factor to determine the extent to which the country is affected by the us recession. As far as financial market channels are concerned, with the increasing financial correlation among countries, the price correlation of similar assets in each country is also increasing. Therefore, the more open a country's financial system is, the stronger the synchronous volatility between the country's financial market and the United States will be. Ayhan Kose and Christopher Otrok in order to quantify the global business cycle itself and its scope, set up two different dynamic factor model, one is annual model of 93 countries, one is the group of seven quarterly model, analysis shows that the United States and the European Union economic growth margin of spillover effects of trade partners completely correlation is consistent with its trade, and financial correlation is higher and the United States through spillover effect is bigger. Spillover effects in order to further study in the United States, the international monetary fund, the researchers will a country to trade volume share of American GDP ratio to measure the depth of the country's trade with the United States, through the analysis of the panel that the United States economic growth impact on economic growth in Latin American countries is quite significant, for new industrial countries and asean countries have obvious short-term impact. Alberto chon used the combined share of a country's foreign exchange assets and foreign exchange liabilities as a share of GDP, as well as the ratio of U.S. assets held to U.S. residents' debt and GDP to measure the depth of the country's financial ties to the United States, and analyzed the impact of U.S. GDP fluctuations on the country.

It can be found from the literature summarizing some event studies that, first of all, the impact of recession or growth in the United States on other economies is non-uniform, and different periods and countries will show great differences due to the initial conditions of economic growth, economic vulnerability and policy response at that time. In the 1980s, the us trade deficit was mainly reflected in the trade surplus with Japan and Germany. In the 1990s, the us trade deficit was mainly reflected in the trade surplus with emerging market countries. Since the 21st century, the us trade deficit is mainly reflected in the trade surplus with Asian countries, including China. The resulting trade deficit and surplus structure resulted in the corresponding country being affected by the us recession and growth much more than other countries and regions. Second, the spillover effect of us economic fluctuations is not only the trade channel and the financial channel, but also the cross channel between them. More importantly, it directly leads to the drastic fluctuations of global asset prices. Among them, the change of dollar liquidity plays a crucial role, which has mutual influence and self-enhancement mechanism with global economic cycle and global asset price cycle.

In this essay, the us dollar liquidity cycle as a basic analysis framework to analyze its spillover path to the global economy. The reason why this essay takes the dollar liquidity cycle as the breakthrough of the research is directly based on the logical evaluation of the inherent limitations of the existing research results, the analysis of the American economic structure marked by the high development of virtual economy and the functional absence of the arrangement of the contemporary international monetary system. First, the dollar liquidity cycle is the core and key to connect the global economic cycle and the global asset price cycle. Only by clarifying the characteristics of the dollar liquidity cycle can we better grasp the power source of the contemporary American economic cycle and the context of the global economic cycle. Secondly, the cyclical change of us dollar liquidity not only brings about significant adjustment of global capital flow pattern, but also brings about exchange rate instability, changes the world's price system of strategic commodity resources, and causes the volatility of equity asset prices.

As we all know, money has five functions: value measure, circulation means, storage means, payment means and world currency. Among them, the value measure and circulation means are the basic functions of money, the other three functions are successively appeared in the development of commodity economy. With the evolution of commodity economy, market economy and financial economy, many financial assets have monetary functions. As for which assets are so functional,James Tobin notes that this is determined by the underlying nature of such assets and the markets in which they are traded. To this end, he attributes these assets to liquidity, reversibility, separability, predictability of value, and return and return attributes. In particular, he emphasized that liquidity refers to the degree and speed of the realization of asset value. Whether an asset has a part of the function of money depends not only on the liquidity itself in this sense, but also on the combined performance of the above five characteristics. Only to a certain extent can the asset be "quasi-currency". It is precisely because there is no accurate measure of this composite performance that it is impossible to tell which assets belong to "quasi-currencies", so these "quasi-currencies" and currencies are collectively referred to as liquidity.

Based on the above liquidity meanings, liquidity can be divided into three levels, namely monetary liquidity, banking system liquidity and financial market liquidity, according to the entity creating liquidity, such as central bank, commercial bank and financial market. These three levels of liquidity are related to each other, forming a causal chain of monetary and financial influence on economic activities. Due to different research perspectives, the liquidity vectors selected by various literatures are quite different. The purpose of this study determines that the liquidity vector selected in this essay must satisfy three conditions. Second, the carrier has a strong influence on the financial market and even the macro economy or should have a good explanatory power in line with economics. Third, the data is available and quantifiable.

The us financial system has undergone profound changes since the 1990s. The continuous emergence of innovative financial instruments has greatly accelerated the liquidity of various financial assets, and the mutual substitutability between financial assets has increased. On the basis of monetary liquidity, the expansion of credit instruments has generated a larger amount of market liquidity, and the direct effect of money on the economy has given way to credit instruments. Homogeneity trend at the same time, financial business integration and financial institutions for the business between commercial Banks and non-bank financial institutions, boundaries become blurred, commercial bank lending more depend on the basis of the interbank market, the commercial essay market, and asset-backed securities, of various non-banking financial institutions also have traditionally only the function of the commercial Banks to create unique currency. Non-bank financial institutions, like commercial Banks, have become the most important financial institutions operating credit business in the United States. The total credit size of the two represents the overall credit level of the American credit market. Therefore, the connotation of the liquidity of the banking system and the channels affecting the liquidity of the financial market have also changed.

Based on the above understanding, the research institute of citic securities took the velocity of money circulation as the carrier to measure the liquidity of us dollar, and set the velocity of money circulation = the growth rate of production in 32 industries + the inflation rate - the growth rate of money. Tobis Adrian and Hyun song sbin used the cumulative growth rate of financial institutions' balance sheets as a measure of dollar liquidity. Most literatures take M2 as the measure carrier of liquidity. The M3, which has been recommended in some literature, was excluded because the fed stopped publishing the data from March 2006 and lacked the availability of the data.

The indicators such as M2 and the sum of the total credit level of commercial Banks and financial institutions can meet the first and third conditions as liquidity carriers. This essay adopts the quarterly data of M2 growth rate and GDP growth rate published by the fed website database. The sample interval is from the first quarter of 1984 to the fourth quarter of 2009. After the single-root test, co-integration test and granger causality test, it is found that there is no obvious granger causality between M2 growth rate and GDP growth rate. It can be seen that the use of M2 as a us dollar liquidity carrier does not meet the second condition.

In order to investigate the granger causality between the total credit level of the us credit market and GDP, this essay selects 93 quarterly data of the growth rate of total credit size of American commercial Banks and financial companies and the growth rate of GDP. The sample range is from the second quarter of 1986 to the fourth quarter of 2009.

Compared with the change of federal interest rate of one of the monetary policy instruments of the federal reserve, it can be found that liquidity release has no obvious correlation with the reduction of the federal funds rate. Others are periods of higher interest rates and holding rates steady. From the comparison in figure 3, it can be seen that the fed's interest rate cut or interest rate hike is not the absolute factor determining the release of liquidity.

According to the traditional macroeconomic framework, the spillover effect of us economic growth is to affect other countries' economy through trade channels, financial channels and foreign investment. When we go deep into the level of us dollar liquidity, these three channels are only the manifestation of the spillover of us dollar liquidity cycle at the level of international economy and macro. Its overflow has the following properties:

In the cycle of dollar liquidity release, the price of us financial assets rises, resulting in a wealth effect that boosts private consumption spending, which in turn increases us demand for traded goods. Growth channels reflect the role of U.S. economic growth in the real economy of the rest of the world. During the period of inflation of financial asset prices caused by the release of dollar liquidity cycle, the foreign financial investment in the United States also showed cyclical changes. Figure 4 is a comparison between the total amount of us dollar liquidity, total amount of us import and total amount of foreign financial investment.

For further investigation of dollar liquidity and imports of U.S. trade and services as well as the relations between the United States foreign financial investment, about 1983 to 2009 dollar liquidity, imports of U.S. trade and services, and the United States foreign financial investment of co-integration analysis and granger causality analysis, to determine whether there is a long-term and stable relationship and the relationship between the before and after. The data use the first quarter of 1983 to the fourth quarter of 2009 for the three indicators published on the federal reserve website.

In the dollar liquidity cycle changes, international commodity futures trading prices also showed cyclical changes. To further clarify the relationship between us dollar liquidity and international commodity prices, we use CRB index as an indicator to observe international commodity prices. The CRB index has been adjusted ten times, and the weight of energy and precious metal prices has been relatively increased, which generally reflects the dynamic information of the world's major commodity prices.

The total credit size of commercial Banks and financial institutions in the United States as a measure of the liquidity performance of the dollar accurately and comprehensively reflect the tightness of the dollar liquidity. This index has the following characteristics. Firstly, it has a strong influence on the us financial market and even the macro economy and has a good explanatory power in line with economics. Secondly, the index data is available and quantifiable. Its periodic change and the periodic change of American economic growth have very strong phase; Fed rate cuts or rate hikes are not the absolute determinant of liquidity release.

The impact of us dollar liquidity spillover on international economy has growth property and inflation property. Therefore, the spillover effect of us economic growth can be better understood by grasping the dynamic changes of us dollar liquidity.

