Australia's hasty nuclear submarine plan to be outpaced by China's development: experts
Published: Feb 08, 2022 10:56 PM
By Liu Xuanzun
Defense reporter at the Global Times covering weapons and military development.
Liu Xuanzun
Liu Xuanzun and Leng Shumei
Liu Xuanzun
Reporter, Beijing
Defense reporter at the Global Times covering weapons and military development.
Liu Xuanzun
The Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine USS Tennessee returns to Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Georgia, US. File Photo: Xinhua
オハイオ級弾道ミサイル潜水艦USSテネシーが米国ジョージア州キングスベイ海軍潜水艦基地に戻る。 ファイル写真:新華社
In an attempt to contain China, Australian Defense Minister recently said that Australia could get the first nuclear submarine under the framework of AUKUS before 2038. However, Chinese military experts said on Tuesday that this delivery schedule is too hasty and China's rapid development during this period will outpace the Australian one.
オーストラリア国防相は最近、中国を封じ込めようとして、オーストラリアは2038年までにAUKUSの枠組みの下で最初の原子力潜水艦を入手できると述べた。しかし、中国の軍事専門家は火曜日、この配達スケジュールは早すぎ、この期間中の中国の急速な発展は オーストラリアのものを上回ります。
Australian Defense Minister, Peter Dutton, recently said that he was extremely confident that Australia would have its first nuclear-powered submarine before 2038, adding that recent discussions with the US and UK officials under the AUKUS agreement had reassured him that the submarines would be built years earlier than many defense experts expected, the Sydney Morning Herald reported on Monday .
オーストラリア国防相のピーター・ダットンは最近、オーストラリアが2038年までに最初の原子力潜水艦を保有することを非常に確信していると述べ、AUKUS協定に基づく米国と英国の当局者との最近の話し合いにより、潜水艦が建造されることを確信したと付け加えた。 多くの防衛専門家が予想したよりも何年も早く、シドニーモーニングヘラルドは月曜日に報告しました。
One of the key projects of AUKUS, a new alliance by Australia, the UK and the US announced in September 2021, is to equip Australia with nuclear submarines in an attempt to contain China.
When the AUKUS agreement was announced, an 18-month process was launched by all members to figure out the best way to deliver Australia nuclear submarines, according to the report by the Sydney Morning Herald.
"From a technological perspective, it is possible that Australia could get its first nuclear submarine by 2038 since the US and the UK are indeed capable of building this kind of submarine," Zhang Junshe, a senior research fellow at the Naval Research Academy of the People's Liberation Army, told the Global Times on Tuesday.
「技術的な観点から、米国と英国は確かにこの種の潜水艦を建造できるので、オーストラリアは2038年までに最初の原子力潜水艦を手に入れることができる可能性があります」と海軍研究アカデミーの上級研究員であるZhangJunsheは述べています。 人民解放軍は火曜日にグローバルタイムズに語った。
However, the question remains on exactly what kind of nuclear submarine Australia will get.
If, for example, the US is willing to sell its off-the-rack Virginia-class submarine or transfer its technology and production lines to Australia, then, 2038 is possible. But, if the three countries are thinking about a customized or a completely new submarine, which is more likely in this case due to the high sensitivity of this kind of military hardware, it will likely take longer, analysts said.
たとえば、米国がその既製のバージニア級原子力潜水艦を売却したり、その技術と生産ラインをオーストラリアに移転したりすることをいとわない場合、2038年が可能です。 しかし、3か国がカスタマイズされた潜水艦または完全に新しい潜水艦について考えている場合、この種の軍事用ハードウェアの感度が高いため、この場合はより可能性が高いとアナリストは述べています。
"2038 sounds hasty to design and build a new nuclear submarine for a country with no experience, even with technology transfer," a Chinese military expert who requested to remain anonymous told the Global Times on Tuesday.
Australia is not a nuclear power and the plan by the US and the UK to grant Australia nuclear-powered submarines increases the risks of nuclear proliferation and an arms race, experts said.
"From a political point of view, the three countries would also have to face the pressure from the international community to meet that schedule," Zhang said, adding that "even if Australia does get the nuclear submarine, it will not be such a big threat to China, since war cannot be won with just one or two types of weapons."
張氏は、「政治的な観点から、三国はそのスケジュールを満たすために国際社会からの圧力に直面しなければならないだろう」と述べ、「オーストラリアが原子力潜水艦を入手したとしても、それほど大きくはないだろう」と付け加えた。 たった1、2種類の兵器で戦争に勝つことはできないので、中国への脅威。」
"China's national defense development has been on a fast track and is expected to continue advancing. By 2038, China will likely have sufficient means to safeguard its security interests from Australia's nuclear submarine," the anonymous source told the Global Times.
China did not militarize the South China Sea, as all Chinese presence in the region serves only to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, the expert said, noting that countries from outside of the region like the US, which have been sending warships and warplanes, are the real ones responsible for the militarization in the South China Sea.
専門家は、この地域におけるすべての中国の存在は国家主権と領土の完全性を保護するためだけに役立つため、中国は南シナ海を軍事化しなかった、と専門家は述べた。 南シナ海の軍事化に責任がある本当のものです。