

【Papitus】How to join 'Papitus' of KimJongKook's official fancafe.

2012-01-30 17:12:47 | JKのファンクラブファンサイトに入りたい

I'll told you how to join ’Papitus’ of KJK's official fanbase.

 I tell you that KJK's official fanbase in the world is only one, that is 'Papitus' fancafe.

 Papitus is in Daum, it's Korean portal site. So you want to join 'Papitus', you must read Korean language and join the Daum. but if you love him so much:) and regrettable you can't read Korean,  I'll help you pleasurely;). but I'm not good at English, help me of my English, please.


* Firstly you must open the Daum top page. 



 * It's top page.  next you must 'join button'.



* It's join button. push the button, plese.



*you found join select page. Select 'for foreigner' button. 


*Agree button of stipulation for Daum user, please. (check the buttons,pls)


*Next, you must get the number for a indification of you.

Write ID( that you want) , PW (that you want) , PW again, name, sex, and E-mail adress,please.

but don't forget to confirm pushing a confirm button. 


*Yes, your ID can use.

*Sorry, your ID can't use.


*Don't forget this ID & PW. never!

*push blue button after all writing, check your E-mail box.

                if there is no mail from Daum,  do the same work again, please.

*It mean 'Daum posted your number to your e-mail.'



  *You got the number by e-mail, so write your nuber and push the confirm button, please.

but you must observe the number valid time is 5minutes.


*Read the letters,write the letters and push the confirm button,please.

if your letters were right, you can join Daum site member.


Then, you must be the member of 'papitus'.

Cheer up;)!!!

*Go to 'Papitus', please



*It's ’Papitus’ of KJK official fanbace.

What do you think? Don't you think it is so nice;)?

He is sooooo handsome!!

Let's join this 'Papitus'!


*firstly you have Daum ID and Password now, login in Daum, please.

if you don't logout,  you don't need to log-in again. do that next time.


*Push log-in button, please


*Write ID and Password correctly,  and push the login button. 

*Then, you must start to proceed to join the 'Papitus' cafe.

Firstly push the 'Join' button, please.

*Write all of the form,  and then push the join button,please.

Congratulation! you succeeded to be a semi-member of Papitus!

but you don't use a very small part of Papitus

so now..

Let's join to formal menber of Papitus;)! 

*Push the grade-up button and go to grade-up room.

**Caution!  you can see grade up room every day, but you can use it only on Saturday & Sunday.

*Write 운영진공개/Real name/country/Daum ID, check the secret box, and push the apply button, please.

you can this work only on Saturday and Sunday.



Finally you fineshed your all work.


if your work is right, Papitus cafe will admit you official member of Papitus cafe soon.

You can read writings about KJK, see KJK's special pictures.

Let's enjoy Papitus!!


Listen. I hope you promise me only one thing.


Don't upload the all of things that you read and see in Papitus to the other place without permission, please.


Promise with me;D.


