うまものがたり(Horse Stories et al)



2017-06-29 19:16:20 | シャル君


Today I am happy because I was able to let Charle roam for more than one hour this morning before a lesson. As it is rainy season now, most of the days are cloudy and rainy. The riding ground has been wet most of the time.
Today the ground was moist but was tolerable. My horse Charle was overjoyed and laid down and rolled in the ground. I love days like today. It gives my horse a wonderful time to be free and playful. Watching him was like watching a son. After playing Charle would come near me and nuzzle me asking for carrot or apple. He is such a loving horse.
I needed to gave him a whole body shower because he became muddy rolling around the ground. I cleaned his hooves thoroughly with brush and water. Last but not least I dry him using a bath towel. It is not finished yet until I have brushed his whole body. Taking care of my horse is really done with loving care and I enjoy every moment of it.

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